I had a dream that I was playing Minecraft. It seemed to be perpetually night, rain fell through blocks, and I kept running out of torches. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and checked my settings. The difficulty was set to “Peaceful, I hope.” I couldn’t change it.
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<sent to the [caretaker]>
That isn't quite what I meant, [caretaker].
All I am saying is that deep down, you and I both know that this is not sustainable indefinitely, and it is almost certain to fail well before you are ready. And as amusing as it would be to watch you scramble for your answers and your solutions when it all came crashing down - and, I'm sure, it still will be regardless - I feel the need to raise the topic now.
What will you do when your house of cards falls?
» [caretaker] you don't think I know?
» [caretaker] when this all comes crashing down around my head I will fall with it.
» [caretaker] and gladly. I will atone for what I have done, I am prepared to pay that price if it means Quill gets to have peace, even if just for a time
» [caretaker] I lit this match
» [caretaker] i will burn with the pyre
» [caretaker] and i will bring quill with me rather than risk her falling to those who i have worked so hard to protect her from.
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[Messaging Online]
» caretaker whispers to you: I told you she would be back
» caretaker whispers to you: did you not believe me?
» caretaker whispers to you: She even remembers you all.
[jump to the Archive -> ⌘]
for Quill, with love is an interactive story blog that uses text and screenshots to follow the story of our player as she explores the new world she has been put into.
All asks will be answered by Quill by default unless tagged otherwise. Anon asks (unless they have an on purpose identifier) will all be treated like they came from a different person.
Asks are not guaranteed to be answered, but they will affect the story, even in indirect ways.
Before you start:
Please be kind! this is my first time running a gimmick blog, I don't know what I am doing.
This will be a PG-13 blog, please keep asks as such.
The story is being made up as I go! As of starting this blog I have no idea where things will end up.
I am one person doing this for fun, continuity errors can and will happen. Please don't mind them.
Quill has basic knowledge about (vanilla) minecraft and it's various mechanics. Quill has no knowledge about modded minecraft, but I (the mod here) do have some basic knowledge of the mods (mostly create). I will also be learning as things go, and playing for fun, not optimization.
The world I am playing in is modded using forge and through the Modrinth launcher. I am constantly reworking the pack according to my own preferences and what my computer can handle, so it may not be 100% accurate all the time, but a full list of the mods on this world will be under the cut.
The tag key for this blog will also be under the cut.
Tag key:
#with love - the default story tag for this blog. anything without this tag is not canon.
#Quill's answers - the default ask tag
#Quill asks - for posts with polls
#Quill will remember that. . . - if this is on your ask, congrats! you have helped guide the story along.
#day [insert number here] - the day this post happened on. aka, a loose timeline.
#caretaker's thoughts - a tag for when 'the caretaker' speaks or changes something in the world.
#caretaker's answers - a tag for when the caretaker answers an ask
#OOC - out of character post tag
[more to come as needed]
Mod list:
Content mods:
Critters and Companions
Decorative Blocks
Create Central Kitchen
Create Deco
Create: Liquid Fuel
Create: More Automation
Fresh Animations
All Extensions pack
Farmer's Delight
Ocean's Delight
Nether's Delight
End Delight
Corn Delight
Crate Delight
YDM's Fennec Fox
Illager Invasion
Just Mob Heads
Various Macaw's mods
Macaw's Doors
Macaw's Bridges
Macaw's Trapdoors
Macaw's Paintings
Macaw's Lights and Lamps
Mystic's Biomes
Nether Depths Upgrade
Simple hats
Sophisticated Backbacks
Lopy Create Sophisticated Backpacks
Sophisticated Storage
Tom's Simple Storage Mod
Fresh Waystone Textures
Waystones Teleport Pets
Xearo's Minimap & Worldmap - Waystones
Xaero's Minimap
Xaero's World Map
Framework & Quality of Life mods:
Caelus API
Cosmetic Armor Reworked
Curios API
Data API
Entity Culling
Easy Anvils
Elytra Slot
*used for taking pictures only
Followers Teleport Too
Geckolib 4
Gen Assets
Just Enough Items
Kotlin for Forge
Limited Life Armor
Mysterious Mountain Lib
Puzzles Lib
Shulker box Tooltip
Sophisticated Core
10 notes · View notes
I finally got messages again this morning.
Well. A message. I was so glad to hear from my pen-pals again. It was good to know I was not alone.
I went out in the morning to harvest my sugarcane from the pond I'd made. I hoped to make it into a garden, find some lily padse and maybe even plant a mangrove tree or two.
I would have to be careful, the climate up here might be too cold for mangrove or jungle trees.
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There were no clouds in the sky, either.
It had rained since the thunderstorm, but I hadn't had any more lightning.
I would have to put up a lightning rod before it happened again. I didn't want my house to burn down. Not that it would. It was mostly made of stone.
I walked around my house, looking for a good spot to set it up. I didn't want it to just be a crude pillar of cobble with a rod stuck on top.
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I thought about putting it on top of my lookout tower, but I didn't want the lightning that close to where I slept. Maybe something nearby.
I had the vague impression of a-- tower made for communication? As I imagined what I might be able to do to spruce it up.
I also moved my pot into the fireplace. I wanted to start cooking more things, but most of what I had didn't seem to match up with the recipes I'd found in my comm.
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Anything I tried to cook mostly came out a soggy mess. Completely inedible. At least I still had bread. And pumpkins, and carrots, and sugar.
I still needed to try making pumpkin pie with the duck eggs. Maybe it would go well with the cider.
On second thought, probably not.
A girl could dream, though.
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I watched the moonrise tonight, instead of the sunset. It was much more hopeful than bittersweet.
I hoped that I would be able to have enough wool soon to try spinning yarn. I wanted to make myself some warmer clothes. Mine had taken a beating.
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Quill!!! Oh thank goodness you're back! I think we can message again now. Nothing popped up from you the past couple of days after the lightning... what happened?
» [twistedquill] oh! hi kiwi!
» [twistedquill] I'm okay. That wasn't the first time I've been hit by lightning!!
» [twistedquill] probably.
» [twistedquill] I spent a few days building. did you see the ducks? I wanted to name one for you, but I don't have a way to tell them apart yet.
» [twistedquill] After I name my birds I'll name a duck for you.
» [twistedquill] Did anything happen to you while we couldn't speak?
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for-quill-with-love · 20 days
I was warm, when I finally drifted out of sleep's hold.
The fireplace I'd finished the night before was still crackling merrily. And to my surprise, Soot had deigned to come inside. Bee was singing her morning song, fussing about in her half-built nest.
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I fed them my birds their morning seed, and myself a mug of cider and some of last night's bread, wandering down the stairs into the house proper.
It was still so bare. I'd stuck up some semblance of a dividing wall, with what calcite I'd had left, but apart from the hearth it was empty.
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My footsteps echoed in the room, like--
I stepped out onto my porch to check my comm, and the sun. It was already well passed morning. I must've been tired last night, if sunrise didn't wake me.
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I still hadn't received any messages from my pen pals. Not since the lightning, and that was days ago. It was worrying. I didn't have the tools or the materials to be able to fix this communicator if it was busted.
I spent the day tending to my garden and my animals.
The ducks I'd hatched a few days ago were growing up nicely. They seemed to love the little pond I'd made for them, and while I hadn't found quite the right food for them to eat, the eggs would be a good enough way to keep the flock growing.
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I wondered if i could use the duck eggs like chicken eggs. I might be able to make myself a pumpkin pie if I could.
I missed the taste of pumpkin pie.
But until I had a sustainable population of ducks I needed to hatch the eggs, not bake with them. As tempting as it was to want to sate my sweet tooth, I had to be smart about things.
I watched the sunset from my lookout tower, sipping on apple cider and letting my thoughts wander.
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They kept slipping, like I was trying to climb an iceberg. One moment the thoughts were there, one moment they were gone. Like sand in an hourglass.
It was peaceful, in a way.
Lonely, but peaceful.
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for-quill-with-love · 21 days
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [caretaker] quill is alive and well.
» [caretaker] this is all you need to know at the present moment.
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for-quill-with-love · 21 days
<sent to the [caretaker]>
And don't you believe Passion will come to her all the more should she realize through her own means just what knowledge you have been keeping her from? And, more to the point, that you had done so? I fear you are attempting to balance a fine vase on a rocking boat, my dear, one sailing for waters all the more treacherous.
» [caretaker] Balance?
» [caretaker] I don't Balance. I keep Order. There are well laid plans for anything Passion or his followers might throw at us.
» [caretaker] Passion is neatly tucked away in his own prison. He is unable to interfere. I would not be able to keep Quill contained on my own.
» [caretaker] She was always my better where it truly counted.
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for-quill-with-love · 23 days
Quill!?! Are you okay? Are you there? I tried to track your messages to find your world (I know I promised I would drop it, I just panicked I won't do it again, I promise but I'm worried. I don't even know how to hack into worlds I don't know what I was thinking) and I can't find you. I don't know if it's your world itself or what happened, but are you okay?
Please, please Quill be okay.
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [caretaker] quill is still alive.
» [caretaker] presently that is all you need to know
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for-quill-with-love · 23 days
<sent to the [caretaker]>
Whyever not, dear [caretaker]? What is the harm in her knowing what her mind clearly so desperately wants to tell her?
You know she'll find out eventually. One way or another. Such charges, so desperate for answers, always do.~
» [caretaker] the harm is in her regaining the knowledge of what she is.
» [caretaker] Of how I betrayed her
» [caretaker] she may need Passion but too much of him will make her dangerous.
» [caretaker] she may figure it out on her own but she will not get my name from the likes of you.
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
[Messaging Online]
» caretaker whispers to you: Quill needs some time to recover
» caretaker whispers to you: She will be back soon, unharmed.
» caretaker whispers to you: I'll leave her recent memories alone, don't worry.
[jump to the Archive -> ⌘]
for Quill, with love is an interactive story blog that uses text and screenshots to follow the story of our player as she explores the new world she has been put into.
All asks will be answered by Quill by default unless tagged otherwise. Anon asks (unless they have an on purpose identifier) will all be treated like they came from a different person.
Asks are not guaranteed to be answered, but they will affect the story, even in indirect ways.
Before you start:
Please be kind! this is my first time running a gimmick blog, I don't know what I am doing.
This will be a PG-13 blog, please keep asks as such.
The story is being made up as I go! As of starting this blog I have no idea where things will end up.
I am one person doing this for fun, continuity errors can and will happen. Please don't mind them.
Quill has basic knowledge about (vanilla) minecraft and it's various mechanics. Quill has no knowledge about modded minecraft, but I (the mod here) do have some basic knowledge of the mods (mostly create). I will also be learning as things go, and playing for fun, not optimization.
The world I am playing in is modded using forge and through the Modrinth launcher. I am constantly reworking the pack according to my own preferences and what my computer can handle, so it may not be 100% accurate all the time, but a full list of the mods on this world will be under the cut.
The tag key for this blog will also be under the cut.
Tag key:
#with love - the default story tag for this blog. anything without this tag is not canon.
#Quill's answers - the default ask tag
#Quill asks - for posts with polls
#Quill will remember that. . . - if this is on your ask, congrats! you have helped guide the story along.
#day [insert number here] - the day this post happened on. aka, a loose timeline.
#caretaker's thoughts - a tag for when 'the caretaker' speaks or changes something in the world.
#caretaker's answers - a tag for when the caretaker answers an ask
#OOC - out of character post tag
[more to come as needed]
Mod list:
Content mods:
Critters and Companions
Decorative Blocks
Create Central Kitchen
Create Deco
Create: Liquid Fuel
Create: More Automation
Fresh Animations
All Extensions pack
Farmer's Delight
Ocean's Delight
Nether's Delight
End Delight
Corn Delight
Crate Delight
YDM's Fennec Fox
Illager Invasion
Just Mob Heads
Various Macaw's mods
Macaw's Doors
Macaw's Bridges
Macaw's Trapdoors
Macaw's Paintings
Macaw's Lights and Lamps
Mystic's Biomes
Nether Depths Upgrade
Simple hats
Sophisticated Backbacks
Lopy Create Sophisticated Backpacks
Sophisticated Storage
Tom's Simple Storage Mod
Fresh Waystone Textures
Waystones Teleport Pets
Xearo's Minimap & Worldmap - Waystones
Xaero's Minimap
Xaero's World Map
Framework & Quality of Life mods:
Caelus API
Cosmetic Armor Reworked
Curios API
Data API
Entity Culling
Elytra Slot
*used for taking pictures only
Followers Teleport Too
Geckolib 4
Gen Assets
Just Enough Items
Kotlin for Forge
Limited Life Armor
Mysterious Mountain Lib
Puzzles Lib
Shulker box Tooltip
Sophisticated Core
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
The day was quiet. I answered my messages in the morning.
It was like I was moving through fog.
I punched holes in my walls to make places for windows, and i worked out where I wanted the doors and chimney to go.
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I tended the sheep and plants.
I fed my birds.
It rained this afternoon. I found myself standing outside in it.
The sound of thunder caught my attention. It hadn't thundered in this world yet.
I grabbed some copper and made myself a lighting rod to put outside. I didn't want anything nearby to burn down.
When I got about ten blocks away from my house, my hair and fur stood on end. I looked up just in time to see--
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» [caretaker] apologies, spectators.
» [caretaker] you shook the lock on quill's memories lose.
» [caretaker] she'll be back to you soon
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
thanks for asking about me, kiwi, I probably would have just dug myself in a deeper pit with [caretaker], but because of you I knew to... apologize. I spose. (ugh)
for quill: dnd is a game! it's where you pretend to be characters with certain skills and abilities. um.. I'm a bit afraid to speak out of turn, now. everything I say might cause my comm connection to short out. I really didn't mean to. but I'm trying to find.. avenues, shall we say. my friends have always said I'm a bit of a firecracker. you know, if you have a problem, and you throw a firecracker at it - new problem! 🧨 or even 🔥 if you want to be vague lol
» [twistedquill] that game sounds fun!
» [twistedquill] avenues? what do you mean?
» [twistedquill] i wish i could throw tnt at this problem, hahah
» [twistedquill] last time i tried tnt i ended up hopping worlds until i was sick.
» [twistedquill] I didn't have him to shield me from the excess magic
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
Hm. Well, I'm sure you're no stranger to interference.
Not anymore.
Though it is a shame. I had hoped some progress might be made.
» [twistedquill] interference?
» [twistedquill] why does my head feel fuzzy
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
Oh, goodness no. Nothing so drastic, Quill.
All I will ask is that you close your eyes, take a deep breath, try to type out the... Shall we say, the title of your [caretaker]. Don't try to force any corrections, should your fingers fall astray.
And then open your eyes, and send what you've typed.
» [twistedquill] uhm. not sure why you think this will help
» [twistedquill] i can try though.
» [twistedquill] [caretaker]
» [twistedquill] that's not what I typed.
» [caretaker] sorry.
» [caretaker] I can't let her know that.
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
Hm. Perhaps I took things too far. Very well, I will... Refrain from pressing the issue.
But I would ask one small favor, if you are willing.
» [twistedquill] what favor
» [twistedquill] i'm not going to kill anyone for you
» [twistedquill] never again.
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for-quill-with-love · 25 days
Aliferous-ly is back! I honestly wasn't sure that would work. Time to throw away my plans for rebellion. (For legal purposes any mention of rebellion is a joke)
Anyway, yeah. I had a delightful conversation with the boss, but what are a couple death threats amongst friends ey? *Side eyes the sky*
There isn't much I can say. [Caretaker] is definitely the one who created this world and I think they knew you before all of this. They seem to care about you... in their own way, but I don't understand it.
We're not allowed to come to you and apparently you're not allowed to leave your world either with some strong consequences if we try it. If we (as long distance pen pals) try to get to you or give you ideas about leaving we'll get muted.
» [twistedquill] waht
» [twistedquill] rebellion? death threats?
» [twistedquill] why can't I leave?
» [twistedquill] why wont [caretaker] talk to me directly?
» [twistedquill] I can't message [caretaker]. it keeps popping up with a 404 error.
» [twistedquill] she can see these messages right?
» [twistedquill] I won't try to leave, promise. I just want to know why.
» [twistedquill] [juicaretainker]?
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