Request Form:
1. Your OC ( you choose )
2. My OC ( you choose )
3. Triggers
4. Plot/Setting/starters( We can think of something together-but I'd like both of us to use our brain )
5. How many lines you can type? ( maximum; Minimum )
6. An example of your writing
7. Did you read my rules? ( If you didn't I'll already get to know. So kindly read my rules FIRST-CAREFULLY each and every point )
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Roleplay Rules:
1. Literacy: I do literate/advanced literate. Therefore, I do roleplays in 3rd person pov and I would prefer you do the same, i.e., use he/she/they. Aside from that use (..), /.../, [...], or {..} for chats out of roleplay..like for casual talking, or simply informing about your activity or plotting further plot for the rp. Lastly, a reminder- use quotations, i.e., "..." For speech while your actions should be outside of the quotation marks. And also for expressing thoughts, I'd prefer using apostrophe, i.e., '...'
2.Length: I tend to do myself around 2-8 big text bubbles ( or instagram bubbles ). Since I like roleplays to be like writing stories-with the description of one's emotions, thoughts, actions, words and actions with a description of the surrounding/atmosphere. Therefore it's a request to try and write 2 bubbles ( especially for starters) or at least 1.5 bubble. Though usually I'll try to keep the rp within 3-4 bubbles ( I'll try not to do more than that as it sometimes takes really long to reply ).If I notice you lacking in response lengths, I'll slowly start to lose up my motivation from the roleplay as it'll no more seem fun to me. Resulting in me ending the roleplay.
3.Replies/Responses: Responses from my part will be a bit slow. I might take maximum a week or two to reply to the roleplay. So I might leave you on seen for hours/days to think of a perfect reply. As everyone has a life out of roleplay, we at times might not want to reply to the rp at the moment, so it'll be really kind of you to not spam me instead send me a reminder after a week. Even if I'm active, that doesn't mean I'll respond to the rp any sooner. Aside from that, I can wait for your response upto a month, mostly I'll send a reminded after a week or two. If you'r going on a hiatus or will be offline for a brief while ( due to some personal or say in real life issues ) please do inform me once and I'll do the same.
4. God modding: Please no god modding. To be honest, it's rather annoying and demotivating. Don't control my characters instead just control yours and I'll do the same. Aside from that, don't make your character that unstoppable and divinely/demonic one! It's unreal and pointless--> hence it's just dissuading
5. For god's sake, don't use racial slurs.
6. If I use this '❄️' it means I'm ending the roleplay. If I use this '⛈️' it's a reminder for leaving me on seen for upto a week or two.
Use '🥪' or '🍭' to send me a reminder after a week or two of leaving your reply on seen.
7. Please no gross kinks!
8. No sending or asking for nudes or any irl picture- even if we're close, it's a NO. I'll block you rightaway.
9. Please respect my choice if I'm uncomfortable with something, I'll do the same for you.
10. Have fun while role-playing, I don't want my roleplay partners to feel tensed up or anything like that. So just stay calm and relaxed while trying to enjoy the roleplay.
11. Also please let me know if the roleplay seems boring to you or there's something troubling about the roleplay or simply me. Don't just stop responding or block me without giving me a reason.
12. I do drp but it shouldn't be the always smutt, or say let's not make the rp only about smutt!please-it makes the roleplay boring at some point, hence resulting with me ending the roleplay. Let's not rush into sex. First let's make our characters develop a good bond. As I do mix of both clean and dirty, if you only wish to do clean roleplay just tell me once.
13. My triggers are pedophilia, racism and homophobia. If you're a homophobic or racist person then kindly get your ass out of this page.
14. We can always do more than one roleplays. If I ever end a roleplay, it doesn't mean I hate you or anything personal but simply I have lost motivation for it. Aside from that, we can always start a new one.
15. I'd like both of us to carry the roleplay together-not only one. You can always add/create add on characters to keep the story interesting and going since we always need something interesting for the characters to do. I hate those foggy moments where our characters don't have much things to do.
16. We can always discuss the next step of the roleplay or you can just give me a cardiac arrest with an unexpected twist.
17. One of my triggers is CHEATING on my character as well. But I don't mind if it's just some kind of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
18. I'd like to work with horror, dark, action, fantasy, survival alongside of just romance. Also it's not important for my character to accept your character's proposal or agree with your character all the time. Infact it's not important for my character to blush all the times at small things done by your character. Same goes for your character as well. There can be disagreements, fights, quarrels infact even seperation!Besides it's not necessary for my character to already start liking or having feelings for your character from the start.
19. If you wish to pause the rp and talk, I don't mind.
20. If you want to rp with me then you'll start it, if I want to rp with you then I'll start it. ( Unless we figure out something or you prefer going with the plot I've under my post)
21. Please Don't make me do everything or carry the roleplay-we both need to use our brain and imagination.
22. If you don't feel comfortable doing certain activities, words or etc. Please do inform me, I don't want any of us to get uncomfortable.
23. Now to see if you've read my rules carefully, when you'll fill up the request form instead of sending me MY OC'S name, send me the letters/initials written on the circle logo next to their 'character #XXX'. Like for Snow it's S2. While for Leticia it's AL3 and for Augustine it's AKJ.
24. I don't mind if you're not having a perfect English/grammar as because I don't speak English since it's not my first language but I'll try my best to make the rp interesting for both of us. And I expect the same from you to give it your best.
25. Respect me and I'll respect you. Don't go around being all rude or spread hatred towards me!Especially if I end our roleplay or don't give a fast reply!
26. All my characters are 21+ so I'd like you to try to match up the same group as my OCs. At least not below 20.
27. I don't use human models/real humans as face claims since it makes me kinda uncomfortable since it's an actual person. Aside from that, no gacha characters either.
28. I'd like to only rp with roleplay accounts or any other anime fan/fanarts account. Just no personal account.
29. If you want to roleplay, just dm me. I'm not gonna eat you up as long as you respect my rules. If you wish to chat, You're always welcomed in my dm-just a small reminder!I'm not good with keeping up conversations.
30. Please don't give me dry responses. It's harder to keep up with the rp. Besides I like long terms roleplay.
31. Stopping a rp to start a new one is welcomed or we can always have more than one roleplays.
32. Lastly if you read all my rules, send me your favourite food/fruit/drink emoji. Mine is- 🧁
If you're still here, thanks for reading the rules!I hope to looking out for role-playing or simply chatting with you.
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