We are now open for requests! Please read the rules before submitting a request! Other than that, have a great day/night! 
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Hello! really like the head canons about the ikemen revolution guys getting jealous can we have one of loki getting jealous ?
Loki’s jealousy is easily noticeable. His lips are drawn into a constant pout, and he’s much more touchy and clingy than usual. 
If you’re talking to someone for far too long, and you’re getting far too comfortable with them. He’ll casually wrap his arm around your waist and give the other person a smug grin. He won’t be rude or crass towards the other person, but judging from the way he smirks and looks at the other person, it’s quite clear that Loki’s making sure they know you’re taken.
Should you purposely tease him on purpose, Loki will never let you hear the end of it. Once he finally has you alone with him, he’ll whisper how upsetting and frustrating it was seeing you with another person, seeing you smile at them the way you’d smile at him. He’ll admit how jealous he is, how he wants you to only look at him and him only. He may nip at your earlobe or tease at your skin with butterfly kisses, but all he really wants is to shower you with affection so that the only thing that’s on your mind is him and him alone.
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Hello. Can I get some jealousy headcanons for Edgar please?:)
Edgar is rather honest about his jealousy. He doesn’t hide it, and he definitely doesn’t beat around the bush when he’s jealous. 
The moment anyone is clearly making an attempt to steal you away from him, he’s rather upfront and direct about claiming you as his. He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders or your waist, gently pulling you closer to him so he could gently place a kiss on your cheek. He makes it very obvious that you already have someone and that no one else can have you. 
Though Edgar knows that the other officers of the Red Army, and the Black Army, are fond of you, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous around them. He can’t help but feel slightly jealous that they make you smile so brightly and laugh so loudly. He wants to be the only one who does that to you, but he also understands that you just enjoy being with all of them, and that they’re all important to you. But should you spend too much time with them, he’ll immediately waltz over to your side to hold you close and nuzzle his cheeks against yours.
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Can you do some headcanons for Ieyasu as a father to girl?
Ieyasu dotes on his baby girl quite a lot. He doesn’t spoil her rotten, but he’s super sweet to her. He’ll play dress up with her, and let her play with his hair. Even if he gets caught in the midst of it by his vassals, he doesn’t care since it brings out the bright, bubbly laughter in his daughter. 
He does his best to be honest with himself and with her by saying what he’s thinking, but he’s still not quite used to it even after years of being with you. Sometimes he does hurt her feelings, and sometimes, she does cry or run away shouting that he hates her, but by the end of the day, he apologizes to her and she apologizes to him. She gets comforted by you quite often that your daughter has grown to understand Ieyasu as best as she could. She knows her father loves her, and she loves him too, so she forgives him time and time again.
Ieyasu has been flustered the one time he overheard her gushing over a boy. He wasn’t too sure how to deal with the protectiveness that suddenly took over his emotions. He wasn’t too sure about how to feel about ever handing his daughter over, and he tends to judge the potential suitors harshly. It amuses you to no end, but your daughter does get somewhat exasperated by it. But she’s glad that Ieyasu cares so much about her.
Ieyasu teaches her a lot of things, from swordsmanship to medicine, she learns it all. Of course, Ieyasu is somewhat against the idea of her learning self defense, but there’s something graceful and powerful at seeing his daughter do so well. 
Whenever his little girl gets emotional or choked up, he’s always there to give her a hug. He’ll console her and comfort her until she’s ready to talk about what’s on her mind. If he can help her through her problems, he will. After all, as her father, he just wants her to be happy.
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May I please have supportive Edgar HCs? Thanks!
Edgar is really good at noticing when you’re faking your smiles or whenever you’re not feeling at your best. He doesn’t know what it is that brings you down or discourages you, but he’ll do as much as he can to bring a smile to your face.
Edgar takes you out for walks around the courtyard areas, purposely taking the more scenic routes to make sure that you get to relax and destress from the entire situation. He’ll take you out to see the Creek family, after all, those cute adorable ducks always bring a smile to your face as they waddle around you in circles.
You’ve been by his side and supported him every time he needs someone by his side, so he does the same for you. If a walk around the courtyard doesn’t cheer you up, he’ll just spoil you with affection. A kiss always brings a smile to your face, and a hug always makes you feel safer. 
He tends to wait until you want to talk about whatever it is that’s on your mind. But if he notices that you’re keeping quiet, he’ll do his best to coax it out of you. He’ll sit you down and let you talk through your thoughts. Even if you don’t know what it is that’s worrying you, he’ll help you walk your way through it. 
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Hi! I haven't been seeing much of the other admins lately, and this blog is a bit slower than usual... Is everything alright?
This is Admin Ying here. On my end, I’m actually not writing at the moment due to personal circumstances - I have people dear to me in the hospital and I’m personally in a very bad emotional state as a result, so I’ll be taking a break.
Admin Akari is sick atm, and last time I checked, Admin Maddie has also been busy with family circumstances. 
Sorry we haven’t been able to write as often as usual, we’ll try to get back as soon as we can. We’ll be closing off the ask box temporarily just so we can finish up what’s left in the inbox.
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Hi!~ May I request for a romantic date with Ray on White Day (with flowers included, if you can)? Thank you >
White Day gift? What’s that? Ray absolutely loved the chocolates you gave him for Valentine’s Day and knows that any kind of material gift he might get you will pale in comparison since you deserve much more than just another piece of jewelry or chocolate. So, he decides to take you out on a date instead on White Day, and goes all out with everyone’s help.
In the morning, Ray tells you to meet him at the Black Army Headquarters gates. While you wait there for him, you’re suddenly engulfed with the scent of roses as Ray sneaks up on you from behind. He gives you a quick kiss as a greeting and hands you a bouquet of red roses in full bloom, freshly picked from Sirius’ garden. They’ve been preserved with magic for the day, and you happily hold on to them.
With Seth’s advice on the best sweets shops, Ray takes you on a sweets tour of Cradle in the day. Most of the shops have special events or treats for couples to celebrate White Day, and you two try out all of them. Some of them involve feeding your partner, and Ray does so with a gentle smile (and a teasing light in his eyes) as he sees your blushing face. He’ll steal a kiss or two as well, but he’s more content seeing you smile.
In the late afternoon, you two take a long walk in a flowering meadow near the Forbidden Forest, and eventually stop to take a break. Ray picks a nearby bloom and tucks it behind your ear, admiring how nice you look with it.
Your date ends with a candlelit dinner that Luka prepared (with Ray’s help) and a romantic walk near the beach to gaze at the stars. There, you thank Ray for the wonderful date, but Ray simply smiles gently and says he’d do it all over again just for you.
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do you write modern au?
Hello! We can write modern AUs for the boys, but don’t forget to adhere to our rules and guidelines, as posted here.
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Hi! Might I request headcanons regarding a blind date with Ray?
Note: I’ve never been on a blind date, never planned one, and don’t have any experience writing them, so I did my best. Set in a modern world-ish. If you want anything else, don’t hesitate to send in another ask!
One of the few thoughts that you two have in common when you two meet is: “I’m going to have words with Seth about this.” After all, who else knew you both and set you up? Ray doesn’t know how Seth managed to get you out on this setup, but the secretly scheming ladies’ man (with Fenrir and Sirius’ help) had told him someone important was going to meet him and he fell for it.
Ray may seem completely cool and collected on the outside, but internally, he’s panicking slightly. He knows how to deal with people that confess to him, but going out on a blind date with someone he’s met for the first time? He doesn’t know how to act. What should he say? What happens if he messes up?
“So….you know Seth Hyde?”
Ray, pull yourself together. This isn’t your normal self.
Thankfully, though, your eyes light up and you tell him how you two met and how he put you up to this. Ray exchanges with his own experiences with Seth, and you two somehow start bonding over that.
You two find that you actually do have some things in common: A love of cats, being snarky to friends, a desire to strangle Seth at times, among other things.
Ray’s interested in you being a confectioner at a bakery he knows Seth, Edgar and even Jonah visit at times, and asks about your job. When he sees the smile on your face when you talk about the job you love, his heart may or may not flutter just the tiniest bit.
When the date ends, Ray pushes down any second thoughts and asks for your number. Surprise flits across your face for a split second before you smile sweetly at him, and internally, Ray wonders if he should actually thank Seth.
In the end, Ray gets sweet, sweet revenge on Seth and Fenrir.
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Helloooo, can i request some fluffy headcanons of ray taking mc out on a hot summer day?Thank you so much for all of your hard work! Your writings are absolutely amazing!! :D
Thanks for the compliments!! Hope you enjoy!
Ray doesn’t really enjoy the hot weather that comes with summer, but he does like going to the beach to cool down. On one of his break days, he gets Luka to help him prepare a picnic, tells you to dress for the beach, and takes you there on a summer date.
He’s not the biggest fan of the ocean, but even he can’t resist when he sees you in your swimsuit coaxing him into the water. Cue a massive water fight with him winning in the end, because he’s faster and stronger than you. In the end, the two of you just end up sitting in the shallow waves, laughing and enjoying the cool water.
Usually, though, Ray prefers sitting under an umbrella to read a good book or eat some ice cream while he’s at the beach. He’ll help you build a sand castle if you ask him, though. It caves in once or twice, but with patience, you two make a mini replica of the Black Army Headquarters. In celebration of the successful masterpiece, he’ll buy any summer treat you want–and then steal a bite or two under the guise of a kiss to see your blushing face.
If the day gets too hot, Ray will take you back home and you two spend the time playing with Belle or making your own cold treats with whatever you find in the kitchen.
At nighttime, Ray will take you back out to the beach for fireworks and some nighttime swimming~
He doesn’t like the heat summer brings with it, but with you at his side, he’ll take you anywhere.
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How about some Luka jealousy headcanons too? >:3
Luka isn’t the type to openly get jealous in public. Sure there may be a pout on his face and he may sulk a little, but he wouldn’t want to outwardly show it too much that it would be noticed by you - he doesn’t want to worry you, nor does he want to cause you to feel bad.
But he knows that you know from how he sees your constant glances. He’s busy and so are you, but knowing that you know eases the jealousy that he feels in his heart. It makes it not as ugly knowing that you understand the situation and that you’re reassuring him that there’s no reason for him to be jealous of some stranger.
Though when it’s one of the other officers purposely teasing Luka to make him jealous, he won’t stand for it. He’ll immediately walk over and take you away from them. Just because it’s entertaining to see you flustered and see Luka jealous doesn’t mean he’ll let them to have their fun.
In the privacy of his room, he’ll embarrassingly admit that he was jealous. He’s a bit ashamed that he would have those feelings, but you don’t really mind. It just shows how important you are to him, and with some hugs and kisses, his jealousy is easily ridded of.
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Hi! I just read your last headcanon!! I didn't know you write for MidCin!! Could you do some fluffly HC's for Leo please?
Hey there! It’s me (Admin Maddie) that does the MidCin requests and I actually haven’t played Leo’s route yet so I don’t think I can write for him! I write for Alyn, Louis, Byron, Sid, and maybe Nico. Thanks for putting in a request though! Good to see more MidCin fans!
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I had forgotten I had sent in that ask about Jonah and Sirius - thank you very much! It must have been a lot of work because I see that two admins worked on it together! I really enjoyed it!
I’m glad you liked it! 
When it comes to reqs that have two characters. if one admin doesn’t know both of them, we normally choose 1 character each and then we write for that respective character on our own. It’s just easier since I (I wrote Sirius’) don’t have any experience with Jonah while Admin Akari does. o: 
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Alyn | General Fluffy Headcanons
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Oooh! You gave me so much freedom on this one I just kind of wrote down some ideas of how Alyn acts! Hope you enjoy!
Anytime there’s a large ball or event Alyn always accompanies you, even when he doesn’t need to. He likes people to know that you’re his and he shows this by making sure to stay connected to you throughout the night. Whether this is just resting a hand on the small of your back or holding your hand or dragging you out onto a secluded balcony for a kiss, he wants everyone to know that he will always be there to protect you.
Alyn is damn good at giving massages. After a long day of signing things, talking to visiting dignitaries, and governing the country, you often have to drag yourself back to your room at night. Even if you don’t say anything his rough hands always find a way to your shoulders to rub the pain of the day out. Sometimes you try and return the favour but he always says you never push hard enough...it doesn’t take long for you to find other ways to help him relax!
He LOVES it when you wear your hair down! He likes to thread his fingers through your hair and play with it absentmindedly whenever you’re near. One time, you two are cuddling and you unknowingly start scratching his head and playing with his hair! He immediately goes red and asks what you’re doing! “Well it’s only fair!” you try and tell him but he just mumbles and says something about how if you like to do it he’ll “put up with it.” He not so secretly loves it and is always guiding your hands to his head from then on!
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Hi again~ Could I request morning fluffs with Jonah and morning fluffs with Sirius?
While Jonah enjoys watching your sleeping face, he’d much rather wake you up so you two can start the day off together. He’ll gently brush away the hair from your face before peppering your cheeks and forehead with soft kisses to wake you up. Sometimes you complain sleepily to him to let you sleep longer, but he’ll only laugh softly and plant a kiss on your lips.
Jonah’s an absolute perfectionist when it comes to his morning routine. He’s insistent on looking absolutely flawless before taking even one step out of his bedroom. He sometimes takes even longer than you in the bathroom, so you have to nag at him to get out so you can wash up.
On lazy days, Jonah sometimes brushes your hair for you. He likes to run his fingers through the strands and braid them, and you two decide together on your hairstyle for the day. He also enjoys coordinating your outfits, so you two spend some time deliberating over colours and styles. 
Feeding Pineapple is also part of your morning routine. You two alternate between playing with her and preparing her food every day, and she always greets the two of you with tiny squeaks. She enjoys scampering up Jonah’s arms and into his hair, which causes him to pout over his ruined hairstyle. He fixes it without complaining, though.
Before you two go out and start another day with the Red Army, Jonah always catches you in a hug and gives you a sweet kiss, declaring that he’ll have an excellent day with you by his side. 
The mornings are quiet and filled with peace between the two of you. It’s not often that Sirius is actually in bed with you when you wake up, as he gets up as early as possible so that he can get as much done so that he has time with you at the end of the day. But on the days that he sleeps in, you can’t help but appreciate how peaceful he looks. It was one of the few moments you could admire Sirius’ handsome features without his intense gaze making you flustered. Yet just admiring this flawless man has your cheeks hot from the mere thought that he’s yours, and you are his.
Though on those days, if he wakes up to find you lovingly gazing at him, you may be lucky enough to see a rare blush on the Queen of Spade’s cheeks. His lips will slowly curve into a soft smile before he lovingly calls your name in a husky voice, just a few octaves lower than normal as he’s trying to wake up. It brings a shiver to your skin and he relishes the flush on your cheeks as you’re flustered from that alone. 
On the usual days where he wakes up before you, he tends to come back to the room right around the time you generally wake up. It’s become normal for him to gently sit by you as you’re starting to stretch in place. You’ll cutely call his name and he’ll gently pat your head before cupping your cheek. You don’t have to act any cuter than you already are, nor do you have to coo his name for him to come to you - he’ll gladly give you your usual good morning kiss before helping you get ready for the day.
He already has an outfit laid out for you, but in the case you want to change it up, he’ll be more than happy to be your judge as you model different outfits. Each one fits your personality, some of them bring out your cheerfulness and your smile, and some of them bring out your strong-willed personality. Though when you end up picking an outfit that resembles his, he can’t help but be stunned momentarily before walking up to you and pulling you into his arms. You’re far too good to him.
Breakfast with Sirius is always fun, but it does worry you. Did he eat before this? Did he wait for you? You hope he ate before he ate with you again. But whenever he gently wipes at the crumbs that somehow end up everywhere but your mouth, you can’t help but feel touched by how attentive he is to you. Though it is unfair when he takes your lips for himself, claiming that he wanted something to re-energize him.
Starting the day with you by his side gives him reason to do better than he normally does, plus it puts a smile on his face and a small spring in his step. You were radiant, and exuding positive energy whenever you were with him, and he couldn’t help but take that in for himself. With you by his side, he knew he could take on anything the world threw at him.
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Can you do some Fenrir x MC in IkeRev please? A dip of jealousy if you could xD
Fenrir’s jealousy is quite easy to notice. There’s a pout on his face, and no matter how many times someone else that isn’t you calls him out for it, he’ll just refute the claim and feign innocence. But when his eyes meet yours, you can see that he wants nothing more than to pull you to his side, but his current position doesn’t let him.
He’s very good at masking it when he’s around others, but the closest of his friends see it. They see the way he fidgets with his guns a bit more than usual, or how he unbuttons and rebuttons the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeves repeatedly - Fenrir’s clearly itching to be your side. He casts glances at the door or the clock, just waiting for the time to be up so that he could be by your side, so that he can remind you the only one allowed to make you smile like that is him.
But he does feel a bit bad for feeling so jealous over something that may seem trivial. But he couldn’t help it. You were too cute sometimes, and he just didn’t really want others to see you the way he did. 
He acts out his jealousy rather adorably. Fenrir openly admits to you that he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like how others freely touch you - especially those damn headpats and hugs from Seth, could he maybe stop? But whenever Fenrir sees your bright smile hidden by your hands, he feels it fade away almost as quickly as it came. 
Fenrir’s extra affectionate with you when he’s around the person that caused the bout of jealousy. He’ll wrap his arms around your waist and gently rest his head against yours or on your shoulder while talking to them. He purposely keeps you close, all the while smugly smirking at the other person.
Fenrir’s bouts of jealousy often result in him holding you close at the end of the day and whispering admittance to your ears about how jealous he was. How all he wanted to do was pull you to his side, kiss you senseless and mark you as his. But in the end, even if you tell him all of that is okay, he’s content with holding you close in his arms while gently teasing you peppering kisses over your jawline.
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Hey! Can i get some Harr silver's relationship headcanons? Thank you!
Harr is an absolute sweetheart towards you, but at times may seem a bit distant because he still doubts the happiness that he feels. He hasn’t quite fully come to terms that he’s allowed to be this happy, and especially with you.
His reputation wasn’t the best, and though he was able to bring a smile on your face now, would he be able to in the future? He worried about this a lot, but whenever you gently held his hand and called his name - you reassured him over and over again that things would be okay. 
There are times where he’d take you through the forest with him. It was on rare occasions, but those small walks through the worn out trail from his daily path were filled with soft laughter and smiles shared between the two of you. His hand would gently hold yours as he lead you through the forest, every now and then making detours to visit the flowers that dotted the greenery with colorful bursts of colors. 
As much as Harr would like to make you a flower crown or gently tuck one behind your ear, he knows how much you enjoy seeing them in their natural state. Though if there’s a flower that’s already beginning to break off from its bush, he’ll gently take it and braid it into your hair later. 
The two of you make your meals together, no matter how busy Harr may be. He can’t go grocery shopping with you due to his status, but he knows that you’ll be safe. The closest village with a grocery market wasn’t too far from where he resided, and you normally went during the day, and at least with Loki for insurance.
Harr is protective of you, but that’s mostly because he knows of the dark secrets that others would not want the public to know. He can’t help but fear that one day something will happen to you when he’s not around. But the gentle hugs and kisses you give him reminds him that things will be alright as long as the two of you stay together. 
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