friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
Mom- You do nothing but lay down in the bed with your phone
Me gets up holds a knife
Mom- No no no nononooooo.. Not like that!! Go away I'll do it.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
When Bro is an emotion..
Brother- Bro
Sister- Bro
Friends- Bro
Anxiety/depression/panic attacks- Broooooo
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
God: You just have to be more patient cuz good things are coming after all of this is over.
Me: messes up friendship, relationship, family bondings, running, sprinting, killing emotions and miserably begging for all the good things.
God: You just had one task Linda, just madafaking one!
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
Some people are seriously waiting for colleges to reopen even it means appearing for exams and risking their lives because they need to escape the toxic environment at home!
(Note: I am some people)
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
Greek Gods as Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quotes
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
I miss being missed by someone I'm missing right now.
Makes sense?
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
Is it just me?
I Hyperventilate whenever I can't find the real-life-situation meme in 0.55 seconds after it actually happened.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
I save memes for tomorrow, day after tomorrow, two days after tomorrow, a week after that and it goes on for eternity.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
I have got so many screenshots of so many memes that I get confused what to post. So they remain in my gallery, forever.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
I'm gonna Avada Kedavra on me.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
A picture of me doing nothing and staring into space...
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
This exactly looks like a place where the next Narnia portal would be.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
Thats what we need. Not #Riverdale. Read that again.
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Ready to see all those gods and goddesses being messy as hell and to ship Persephone and Hades as the superior couple they’ve always been.
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
i. when i am overlooked it is persephone who straightens my spine. i know her as ruler. she who was stolen and stole back. sunkissed and sweet like a pomegranate. her body ripped from the softness of her world and thrown into the dark. yet thrived in it. girl turned queen. a woman who commanded power and knew how to nurture it. for she is one who has learnt of cruelty and still makes a home out of spring. she who never shrunk herself and who fought back. when i raise my voice her laugh echoes with delight. 
ii. when i am easily dismissed it is athena who seethes on my tongue. who claws at my throat. who smiles with bared teeth. and bites. she demands and erupts and triumphs. and i think. how clever the woman of battle. for she has learnt the language of men. her wisdom echoes in my bones. it guides me when to wait and when to strike. so divine yet vicious. i taste athena in my victory, the victory i deserve. when i claim it as my own she grins and it is beautiful. 
iii. when i am worshipped it is aphrodite who hisses my response. a woman of beauty so unbeautiful in her venom. so undone. i feel her in the touch of a lover. her voice is gentle when she whispers in my ear love is not a treasure to be unearthed on your lips. i think. how wise a woman so adored by men. with eyes that are witness to monsters of legend. and monsters of another kind. at night she shows me my reflection and points. this. this is the love you should devote yourself to. for it is endless and pure. woman of my dreams, so loving and bright. when i wear the clothes i want her eyes shine. 
iv. when i am grabbed it is artemis who speaks up. huntress. warrior. protector. she howls from my mouth and it is violent. both a protest and a statement. she brings a storm, a reckoning. sister of mine and many. men rail against the wrath of my defender. when i see her i know the rage of my mother and my mother’s mother. and oh how it burns. how it roars and consumes. and yet how sweet the love of artemis when it is earned. slowly. when it is not taken but given freely. and cherished. she is both fierce and tender. when i say no her face is warm and encouraging. 
when his grip is tight like a possession. when monsters lurk behind the stares of men. when the voices of my mother and my mother’s mother is swallowed by the noise of their husband’s and son’s. i can hear the gods stir. taste their rage filling my lungs. sense the hum of their bodies awaken under my skin. 
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
i. when i am overlooked it is persephone who straightens my spine. i know her as ruler. she who was stolen and stole back. sunkissed and sweet like a pomegranate. her body ripped from the softness of her world and thrown into the dark. yet thrived in it. girl turned queen. a woman who commanded power and knew how to nurture it. for she is one who has learnt of cruelty and still makes a home out of spring. she who never shrunk herself and who fought back. when i raise my voice her laugh echoes with delight. 
ii. when i am easily dismissed it is athena who seethes on my tongue. who claws at my throat. who smiles with bared teeth. and bites. she demands and erupts and triumphs. and i think. how clever the woman of battle. for she has learnt the language of men. her wisdom echoes in my bones. it guides me when to wait and when to strike. so divine yet vicious. i taste athena in my victory, the victory i deserve. when i claim it as my own she grins and it is beautiful. 
iii. when i am worshipped it is aphrodite who hisses my response. a woman of beauty so unbeautiful in her venom. so undone. i feel her in the touch of a lover. her voice is gentle when she whispers in my ear love is not a treasure to be unearthed on your lips. i think. how wise a woman so adored by men. with eyes that are witness to monsters of legend. and monsters of another kind. at night she shows me my reflection and points. this. this is the love you should devote yourself to. for it is endless and pure. woman of my dreams, so loving and bright. when i wear the clothes i want her eyes shine. 
iv. when i am grabbed it is artemis who speaks up. huntress. warrior. protector. she howls from my mouth and it is violent. both a protest and a statement. she brings a storm, a reckoning. sister of mine and many. men rail against the wrath of my defender. when i see her i know the rage of my mother and my mother’s mother. and oh how it burns. how it roars and consumes. and yet how sweet the love of artemis when it is earned. slowly. when it is not taken but given freely. and cherished. she is both fierce and tender. when i say no her face is warm and encouraging. 
when his grip is tight like a possession. when monsters lurk behind the stares of men. when the voices of my mother and my mother’s mother is swallowed by the noise of their husband’s and son’s. i can hear the gods stir. taste their rage filling my lungs. sense the hum of their bodies awaken under my skin. 
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friendscallmephoebe · 4 years
This is literally me. I am Hades!
Hades is the type of person to act all energetic/positive/outgoing/extravagant in front of people but when he’s alone he’s actually depressed and quiet and tired
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