germundrussstuff · 4 years
Артисты: Pussy Riot ft. Mara 37
Выпущен: 2019
Жанры: панк, ПРОТЕСТ
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
Nazwa piosenki: Chwytaj ten stan
Piosenkarz: Karolina Czarnecka
Rok wydania: 2015
Gatunki: dubstep, jungle
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
Nazwa piosenki: Sauté
Piosenkarz: Monika Brodka
Gatunek: pop
Rok wydania: 2010
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
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“Birthday Of Our Country” by Yakov Akim, artists G. Nikitina and E. Rapoport (USSR, 1977)
Latvia - Estonia - Moldavia - Georgia - Turkmenia - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan
(part 1 | part 2 | part 3)
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
mieć oczy i uszy otwarte = być bardzo czujnym (alert, vigilant), doskonale orientować się w daniej sytuacji
“miej oczy i uszy otwarte na wszelkie plotki, może nawet ich zobaczesz!” - keep your eyes and ears open for any gossip, you may even see them (some criminals or something)
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
ściany mają uszy - walls have ears
trzeba uważać, co się mówi, bo ktoś niepożądany może nas podsłuchać...
co on miał na myśli mówiąc: cicho, ściany mają uszy?
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
powyżej uszu - fed up of, sick and tired of (literally: above the ears)
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Już za pierwszym razem miałam tego powyżej uszu. 
Mam powyżej uszu słuchania, że za bardzo się martwię.
Mam go powyżej uszu. 
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
(wysyłac/wysłać) do rąk własnych = (deliver) by hand/in person
wysyłam ten list do rąk własnych z nadzieją, że go dostaniesz - I am sending this letter personally with the hope that he will receive it
przesyłka musi wyslać do rąk własnych - the delivery must be sent to him by hand
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
mieć dwie lewe ręce = być człowiekiem leniwym (lazy), niezdarnym (clumsy)
To ona utrzymuje rodzinę, bo jej mąż ma dwie lewe ręce.
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jeśli ktoś robi coś niezręcznie, niezdarnie, to często mówimy, że ma dwie lewe ręce
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi - (literally: a lie has short legs) lies have nothing to support them and are easily recognised. they are also hard to keep up with...
Matka powiedziała synowi, że kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi.
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
do góry nogami - upside down
To jest karykatura człowieka do góry nogami - this is a caricature of an upside-down man  
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dziś jest na to dzień, kiedy będę odwrócić moje życie do góry nogami. - today is the day I will turn my life around
w trzy miesiące Koronawirus przewrócił świat do góry nogami - in three months Coronavirus has turned the world upside down
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
бегун vs беглец vs беженец
Russian word formation is meaningful. A suffix alone can change the meaning of the word. 
Бег + ун: бегун, runner, an athlete. 
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Бег +л + ец: беглец, fugitive, escapee. 
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бег, бежать + енец: беженец, refugee, asylum seeker
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
(Listen up, Americans)
German Words of the Day — Montagsdemonstrationen & Mauerfall
Montagsdemonstration, die. Noun, femininum, plural: Montagsdemonstrationen. Pronunciation: [ˈmoːntaːksdemɔnstratsi̯oːn]. Composition of the two nouns Montag, monday, and Demonstration, demonstration (as in: mass gathering/marching to protest against something) > Montagsdemonstrationen literally: 'mondaysdemonstrations'.
Mauerfall, der. Noun, maskulinum, no plural. Pronunciation: [ˈmaʊ̯ɐfal]. Composition of the two nouns Mauer, wall, and Fall, fall (as in: downfall, destruction) > Mauerfall literally: 'wallfall'.
Most of you have probably never heard of the city I live in - Leipzig in Saxony, one hour south of Berlin - but there's something very special about it: It's right here where only 30 years ago, during my lifetime already, the so called Friedliche Revolution, the 'peaceful revolution', started, that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and in its aftermath took the whole Sovietunion with it. What happened here in 1989, in the streets that I walk every day, is truly an inspiring story about the power of the people and of peaceful resistance against a government that has turnt against its own people:
First, to get a "feeling" for what this is about, watch this short video. Ignore the German voice talking from the off, but just absorb the pictures. I'll tell you what exactly is happening there in a moment...
What you see here is Leipzig on October 9th 1989, one of the most important days in modern German history, because it was this day when the "critical mass" was reached and the revolution couldn't be stopped anymore. From right here and right this day it spread over the whole country and only four weeks later, the Wall was history. What the people are screaming there in the very beginning of the video is the most famous historic "protest battle cry" in Germany, everybody knows it and where it comes from, and what it achieved eventually: Wir sind das Volk! We are the people! In a democracy all sovereignty, all power, lies with the people and "the people" reminded the government of this fact by screaming it out with literally thousands of voices.
Okay, now how did it come to this and why was it happening?
It was also here, in Leipzig, where the whole movement started in the first place... with the Montagsdemonstrationen, the monday demonstrations. It was a church in the centre of Leipzig where the community one day decided to march through the city in order to protest against the government - with lit candles in their hands as a symbol for hope, and for peace, to show everybody that this is a peaceful gathering with no intention to start any riots or cause violence. It became a thing, and they repeated this march every Monday, with more and more people participating each week, until on Oct 9th a third of the adult population was out in the streets, which is, if you consider too old and too sick people and mothers/fathers who have to keep their kids safe at home, almost everyone.
To understand and appreciate how brave these people were, you need to know how life was in the DDR: The government was so hostile towards their own people, that they arrested, locked up or killed everybody who wanted to leave the country or spoke up against the system. The Wall was partially equipped with mines and spring guns, and literally everywhere guarded by soldiers who had order to shoot at everyone who comes too close, the Mauerschützen, wallsnipers. The government had built a massive inland intelligence apparatus, the Stasi (Staatssicherheit, national security agency), incl thousands of civil agents (some voluntary, many forced into collaboration) who spied on their own families and friends. You couldn't even speak your mind in your own living room, and everyone who showed any sign of disloyalty to the system got punished. That could mean in the worst case to end up in prison for years, or to have your children taken away from you (very common practice, as punishment and as a threat to force people to cooperate), or in the "best" case that you lose your job or are forbidden to attend university, or anything else, the Stasi basically had total control over everybody's life. With a "law enforcement" like this around, to demonstrate against the government was an incredibly brave thing to do.
But they did it anyway, and only four weeks after Oct 9th in Leipzig, this happened in Berlin...
The Mauerfall happened, the fall of the Berlin Wall.
[Keep yourselves and each other safe. Not all forms of protest work equally well at all times, in all places, under all circumstances, but there's more than just one way to raise your voice. The simple point here is, "the people" are not powerless! And the people, that's us.]
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
ręce do góry! = hands in the air!
odłóż to i podnieś ręce do góry! - drop it, and get your hands up!
wyjdź do światła i podnieś ręce do góry - step into the light and put your hands up
wypuść dziewczynę i podnieś ręce do góry - let go of the girl and get your hands in the air
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
bez kogoś/czegoś jak bez ręki = ktoś lub coś jest komuś nieodzowne (indispensible/essential)
bez niego jestem jak bez ręki!
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bez telefonu jak bez ręki
bez poezji, on jest jak bez ręki
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
Ten German Time Expressions
A myriad of ways to express some time-related concepts. Hope you all enjoy!
1. vor Urzeiten
Bedeutung: aeons ago, ages and ages ago
Beispielsatz: Vor Urzeiten hab ich mal Zimmermann gelernt. Übersetzung: Ages ago I started working as a carpenter. Sich besser erinnern: Ur- means ancient/primative.
2. neueren Datums
Bedeutung: of a recent date
Beispielsatz: Studien neueren Datums haben das zwar angefochten. Übersetzung: Recent studies have challenged such claims. Sich besser erinnern: Think of it as a genitive phrase: “of a new date”.
3. seit Menschengedenken
Bedeutung: from time immemorial, within living memory
Beispielsatz: Die aktuelle Krise ist ja die schlimmste seit Menschengedenken. Übersetzung: The current crisis is the worst within living memory. Sich besser erinnern: Literally translate it, i.e. ‘since humans could think’.
4. zeitlebens
Bedeutung: all of one’s life
Beispielsatz: Meine Familie lebte zeitlebens am Existenzminimum. Übersetzung: My family lived their entire life on the poverty line. Sich besser erinnern: Imagine “die Zeit eines Lebens” without articles.
5. die Nacht zum Tag machen
Bedeutung: to stay awake all night; to party all night
Beispielsatz: Man kann hier herrlich auf der Promenade flanieren und die Nacht zum Tag machen.. Übersetzung: You can stroll the promenade and stay out all night.  Sich besser erinnern: Literally translate it, i.e. ‘to make the night into day’.
6. in absehbarer Zeit
Bedeutung: in the foreseeable future, any time soon
Beispielsatz: Jens Spahn hält Krebsleiden in absehbarer Zeit für besiegbar. Übersetzung: Jens Spahn thinks that suffering from cancer can be overcome in the foreseeable future. Sich besser erinnern: Don’t have a tip for this one, sorry!
7. in einem/im gleichen, selben Atemzug
Bedeutung: in the same breath
Beispielsatz: Demokratieförderung wird vielfach in einem Atemzug genannt. Übersetzung: Promoting democracy is mentioned frequently in the same breath. Sich besser erinnern: Don’t have a tip for this one, sorry!
8. X Zeiten entgegensehen
Bedeutung: to face/expect/look forward to X (e.g. difficult) times
Beispielsatz: Europäer können nun jedoch stabileren und erfolgreicheren Zeiten entgegensehen. Übersetzung: Europeans can look forward to more stable and prosperous times. Sich besser erinnern: Entgegen can mean ‘in the face of’, so you ‘look into the face of’ X times.
9. ins Land gehen/ziehen
Bedeutung: to elapse, pass
Beispielsatz: Bis es so weit ist, dürften noch etliche Jahre ins Land gehen. Übersetzung: Many years are set to pass until that stage is reached. Sich besser erinnern: Imagine calendars sinking into the ground.
10. ein für alle Mal
Bedeutung: for once and for all, for the last time
Beispielsatz: Ich bin nicht dein Diener - merk Dir das, ein für alle Mal! Übersetzung: I am not ‘Yours’ — get that in your head, for once and for all! Sich besser erinnern: You say it once for every possible time (Mal).
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germundrussstuff · 4 years
A few words about the pronunciation of the acronyms
In Polish it is not homogeneous. While there are languages that translate all of the acronyms and others avoid doing it, in Polish acronyms are either translated or not and there is no rule.
Examples: North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Organizacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego in Polish people are referring to it as “NATO” - it’s unlikely that someone will say “OTP”. On the other hand United Nations - Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych is usually called “ONZ”.
The pronunciation is not any easier. Sometimes people will pronounce the acronym using foreign letters. For example DVD is pronounced /di‿vi‿di/ (di-wi-di) and not /dɛ‿faw‿dɛ/ (de-fał-de). The acronyms can be also pronounced using polish letters. For example DNA is pronounced /dɛ‿ɛn‿a/ or /dɛ‿ ɛ̃n‿a/ (de-en-a) and not /diɛnɛɪ/ (di-en-ej). Some are pronounced as normal words and the letters are not separated. For example NATO is pronounced /natɔ/ (nato). There are even acronyms that use mixed pronunciation. For example CBOS (Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej - Centre for Public Opinion Research) is pronounced /tsɛbɔs/ (cebos).
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