impastas-png · 6 years
We need a list of who/what all of the creepypasta boyos are gay for
Each other and this is tea.
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impastas-png · 6 years
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hey look, it’s the creepypasta squad 
since there are no matching icons, I decided to make them myself lmao. i’ll upload some more later
commissions are open ! | redbubble | instagram | deviantart
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impastas-png · 6 years
Don't mind me, just showing off my Creepypasta / Happypasta Proxy
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Meet my Happypasta OC,Brad ! You can read about them here cause i’m too lazy to copy paste and edit all their info - Have this doodle instead
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 instagram | redbubble |  Creepypasta RP Discord Server  | commissions are open
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impastas-png · 6 years
whats the cp's fave animals
Slenderman : oddly enough, deer.Jeff the Killer : he does like dogs, but his fave are opposums.BEN Drowned : jellyfish.Eyeless Jack : anything with a liver.Jane the Killer : it’s a tie between dogs or spiders.Sally : either d i n o s a u r s or bunnies.Clockwork : snakes, all of them.
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impastas-png · 6 years
How about some hc for Slenderman, Jeff,EJ,Ben and LJ(if you do him) with a introverted wallflower s/o
// Hope this is what you hoped for ! 
As another introvert, Slenderman would be completely okay with his S/O's behaviour. He's the type of introvert who constantly craves solitude and quiet environments due to all the things he has to put up with on a constant basis, so they miiiight not get to see him often. But don't worry, he's always watching. The guy is pretty much omnipotent, if anything were to happen to his S/O, he'd know.
The whole lone wolf attitude doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy his S/O's company, of course he does. Slenderman loves to take walks with them through the forest at any time of the day (or night, he's not picky), whether they both talk about countless of things or simply stroll around in a comfortable silence.
If his S/O ever came to him for help or advice in how to be more open, outgoing and less shy, Slenderman would remind them that they don't have to work hard in becoming something they're not just to fit with the rest. Nonetheless, he'd still aid them with small exercises to slowly build confidence. Definitely the best teacher anyone could have.
The more aggressive Pastas know how to keep their temper in check around Slenderman’s S/O and to not mess with them or push them around. A subtle static sound is the first and last warning they’ll hear before Slenderman himself arrive to d e a l with the situation.
Jeff the Killer
Jeff, being as abrasive and stubborn as he is, would most likely confuse his S/O's introverted nature for fear and weakness, so you can expect him to push them around. A lot. That's his way of trying to get them to come out of their shell and “toughen” them up. It worked with him so it should work with them too, right?
Let's be honest, that could easily cause a fallout in the relationship. If his S/O is more of the meek type to avoid arguments and confrontation, someone else would have to step in to tell Jeff to calm down - cause he'll gladly have a one-sided argument, screaming at the top of his lungs. Making sure everyone knows his opinion is a top priority in his book.
If they haven't broken up with him by now, Jeff would slowly pick up on this S/O's habits and behavior (“Oh, so they'd rather chill alone than be in a room full of people.”) and would regret everything he said in the heat of the moment. Expect a lot of awkward tries to apologize that'll most likely end up in him changing the subject or lowkey insulting his S/O.
He never outright apologizes in the end. Instead, he mellows down and offers to give them special classes (mostly him giving up halfway and showing off his knife skills cause he’s a terrible teacher) so that they can at least fight back if needed. Either way, his S/O wouldn’t have to do much - Jeff is like a guard dog with zero patience.
Eyeless Jack
EJ couldn’t care less. He’s dating them, right ? That means he likes them just the way they are. His S/O wouldn’t have to worry about hearing complaints, jokes or any comments from him about their personality, since he really doesn’t mind. They would naturally relax and open up more around him, thanks to his calming presence.
Since both are also naturally quiet people, they’d probably enjoy communicating through other means, such as sign language, notes, doodles, etc. EJ’s workplace is filled with colorful post-it notes and paper planes with messages written on them.
…He’d love to keep them all but there’s just s o m a n y o f t h e m. Following that, both also tend to shit talk the more annoying Pastas in their presence, all while using sign language. So far, they haven’t been caught.
EJ trusts his S/O’s ability to deal with all the madness that goes around, so he’s definitely not as protective as the rest - he doesn’t want to be overbearing. Buuut he does teach them the magic spots to put someone out cold, you know, just in case they ever need it.
BEN Drowned
Ben wouldn't mind at all. He's an outgoing introvert, he also needs his own time alone. If his S/O was more of the quiet type, he'll gladly do all the talking - just name a topic and he'll ramble for hours. Of course, this doesn't mean he'll talk over his S/O - quite the contrary, they're one of the very few people he actually listens to.
While he understands that people just have their own traits and personalities, Ben would make sure that his S/O knows how to at least stand their ground if they were ever in trouble and he weren't there for them.
...So his S/O, quiet or not, would be an absolute sass machine when pushed. He's so proud of them. Not many would mess with his S/O though, since Ben has dirt on absolutely everyone and he's not afraid to pull a few strings to ruin a few lives, should they look at his S/O the wrong way.
But he's still lowkey worried, so he'll most likely give them a phone to exclusively call him if they ever needed help or if any social situation became too much for them. “Emergencies only” he said, but he and his S/O would probably just use it to chat all the time. Ben is always online, so they can always use him an excuse to y e e t any social event.
Laughing Jack
LJ would be a bit confused. This is mostly because he's used to interacting with extremely flashy and peculiar Pastas ( Candy Pop, Jeff, Ben … ) that having such a… docile S/O would just leave him speechless. Don't get him wrong, he finds it adorable but since they don't voice their feelings as often as the rest, he'll struggle to find the right words or the right course of action.
Are they sad ? They look sad. LJ would immediately pull one of his tricks to make them smile. Are they mad at him ? Looks like it. He'll just loom and hug them from behind until they tell him they're fine. And even so he probably won't fully believe them. Who knows what they're feeling ? Certainly not LJ.
His S/O is in for a ride if they wish to avoid being on the spotlight, considering that LJ is a noticeable figure, pretty much glued to them too. He can't help it, they're way smaller and fragile than him so he just feels like he has to keep an eye on them  - If his S/O showed him that they could take care of themself just fine, he'd be ecstatic.
...Buuut he'd still hang around them pretty often. LJ is clingy, so the concepts of personal space and alone time would just go right over his head. His S/O will probably have to sit him down and explain that, sometimes, they just wanna chill alone. He'll get it. Eventually.
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impastas-png · 6 years
uuuuuuuhhhhh who's a b e a r
You, you are the bear now.
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impastas-png · 6 years
Uhhh can I have some head cannons about Jane the killer with a gf? Idk I just want some love and appreciation for Jane
Jane the Killer 
It’s common knowledge that Jane is one of the most calm and level headed Pastas, as well as one of the very few who has her life and shit together. This puts her in a perfect Mom Friend position, so you can expect that behaviour will carry on into her relationship with her S/O.
She’ll definitely check up on her S/O quite often - but not to the point of being overbearing. Jane will pop in to remind her S/O about the things she could’ve forgotten, to tell her to take a break, to just chat about something cute she saw on some show or just to give her a kiss on the top of her head and disappear again. 
Jane loves hand holding. Her hands, despite being still aesthetically pleasing, are somewhat calloused and covered in scars, so she just loves the feeling and warmth she gets form her girlfriend’s much softer hands.
She’s literally the Big Tiddy Goth Gilfriend everyone should have in their lives. Jane treats her girlfriend like an absolute queen. Her girlfriend is interested in buying something ? Jane’s got it before her S/O even knew they wanted it. Feel like going somewhere ? Jane’s already planning all the things they could do together ! Having a bad day ? Don’t worry, here’s all the pillows and blankets in the house, a cup of your favorite drink and heres Jane, ready to listen and make her favorite person in the world feel better.
Let’s face it. Jane, like anyone else, has at some point felt self-conscious about her body and specially, her new appearance. White sickly skin, pitch black eyes... It took her a while to learn how to love herself. Which is why she’s so damn powerful now. If her girlfriend ever felt bad about her body, Jane would list all the traits she liked about her, which would end up being absolutely everything. Maybe she’ll end with a joke - (“You know, the only thing I don’t like is when you leave your dirty socks everywhere.”). 
...Her S/O has no choice but to believe her, since Jane - despite how sweet she is with her girlfriend - isn’t one to sugarcoat things. 
Speaking of bad days, Jane is ready to go to the end of the world for her girlfriend - but if Jane is the one having a bad day or a panick attack / breakown, she’ll just distance herself from her S/O, only coming back when she was feeling better. Jane knows she can trust her, but absolutely despises being seen as weak. 
Jane has an incredible sense of fashion, so if her S/O ever let her do her make-up, hair and dress her up, she’d be ECSTATIC. Of course, the two would wear matching clothes or accesories.
Jane can also be a bit of a stubborn mule sometimes, which might be the origin of most of their arguments. Her replies turn cold and condescending, but in the end, she’ll always try to make up with her girlfriend.
If her girlfriend lead a normal civilian life, Jane would do her absolute best to keep her separate from her line of work. No Pasta would even know Jane is in a relationship and her girlfriend wouldn’t even know what Jane does in her spare time (huntjeff’sass) Her S/O’s happiness means a lot to Jane, but her safety is even more important. Lying to her girlfriend and leading a double life would break Jane’s heart, but she wouldn’t be ready to tell her S/O about ...All the weird shit in her life until their relationship turned more serious.
Someone stop me, I could go on and on forever about heR 
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impastas-png · 6 years
One of you needs to take one for the team and send an ask cause we’re currently at 68 questions.
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impastas-png · 6 years
Ooh thoughts on the new Slender man movie ?? -Dani anon
I haven’t seen it yet and i’m not even sure if I want to cause o o f, movies based on online myths usually end up being filled with cheap jumpscares and weak repetitive plots - but ehhhhhhh 
I can’t reaaaally criticize cause again, I haven’t seen it - but from what I read on the wikipedia and other reviews, I can only figure out that the movie is just...Bad. Like, something young kids without any knowledge of Slenderman would enjoy.
shrugs, I dunno, I might watch it on Halloween just for fun.
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impastas-png · 6 years
can we hear some good hc's about ur faves
BEN Drowned
Ben is able to age - but very much like other ghosts or virtual Pastas, time affects him differently. Ghosts ( like Sally ) age depending on their own personal growth, some stay the same due trauma or resent, others move on and age. Game-bound Pastas ( like Tails.exe, Sonic.exe or Lost Silver ) do not age at all due to their connection to their respective games, while viral viruses ( such as Smile Dog ) age and change at will. Ben's status as these three things at once puts him in a different category all together.
I'm sorry but he fucking vapes and dabs.
Blood comes out of his eyes only when he's scaring the living shit out of someone. The rest of the time, it's a black gooey substance that mostly sticks to his face. He claims it tastes like licorice, but there's people who have seen said goo melt through steel.
Good friends with Eyeless Jack and Toby, since they're pretty chill and fun to hang out with. Ben does spend most of the time with either Jeff or Sally, but while it can be fun to mess with Jeff's short-temper, it can also backfire. As for Sally, she's more of a little sister to babysit.
Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't interact much with other virtual Pastas. They all have a silent agreement to never mess with another's game. He keeps the Majora's Mask cartridge he was trapped in, but barely visits these days since the 3DS remake. It's turned into a safe haven for him to retreat whenever he needs some time alone.
Has always wanted a pet, but he knows he's not responsible enough to have one. He's  ghost and forgets that living beings have necessities, can you blame him ? He settled with a tamagotchi named Mozzarella.
Ben does play Fortnite, Minecraft and PUBG, but he enjoys all types of games. Talking about them always cheers him up and it's one of the very few times he smiles genuinely, instead of always smirking mischievously. From playing dress-up games with Sally or playing COD with Jeff to having emotional breakdowns with Valiant Hearts and having over 150+ hours on Stardew Valley, BOTW and Slime Rancher.
Very much like Skull Kid, Ben is constantly followed by two fairies that resemble Tatl and Tael. Whenever someone confronts him about them, he always refers to them as “useless leftover code that didn't fit in anywhere else”, but he can be seen talking to them and feeding them.
Jane the Killer
The title “Jane the Killer” refers to both Jane Richardson and Jane Arkansaw. While they're completely different people, they have one thing in common : both had their lives ruined by Jeff. Due to Richardson's involvement with Liquid Hate, she has been kept in the dark, effectively letting Arkensaw take the spotlight as the masked vigilante. Both Janes are aware of each other - in the beginning, they were considered enemies and often argued about who deserved to claim the title and kill Jeff. Now, they're allies and work together as one to keep their status as an urban legend alive, since not many are aware of the truth.
The most notable difference between these two is that Jane Richardson is around her late twenties, while Jane Arkensaw must be around 19-20.
Both Janes don’t get along with Nina for obvious reasons. They do try to be polite and set their...diferences apart during Sally’s sleepovers.
Jane Richardson is the Ultimate Lesbian Icon. She's by far the most sane of the Pastas, always keeping her cool and reacting logically to everything that comes her way. Basically the mom friend you don't want to disappoint and that one friend who just seems to be naturally good at everything. Of course, she has her moments and all of her talents come from experience, extensive training and diligence.
... She also keeps a photo of her sister Jessie and her wife Mary in her wallet. The other Pastas don't know about their existence and Jane intends to keep it that way.
Jane Arkensaw is way more hot-heated and impulsive than Richardson. You know those typical moments in fanfics where Jane and Jeff just keep trying to stab or constantly throwing knives to each other ? Yeah, this is that Jane. She doesn’t reach Clockwork’s levels of impulsiveness and recklesness, but she does get angry and irritable way more often.
...She adopted one of those hairless cats (sphynx cat ? ? ?) and named it Ruby, but most of the time she just affectionately refers to it as “wrinkly skinbag”
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impastas-png · 6 years
list of b a r a's, hunks, twunks and twinks
Twinks : 
Bloody Painter
Ticci Toby
Lost Silver
Twunks : 
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Glitch Red
Hunks :
Candy Pop
Jason the Toymaker
Bara : 
Fuckinnnn Offenderman, idk man
I seriously don’t know where to put this guy because he’s lanky like a twink but he’s also kind of a hunk but putting him as a twunk feels wrong so : 
Laughing Jack
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impastas-png · 6 years
What types of blogs would they have?
BEN Drowned
Ben has zero interest in blogging or putting any actual effort into his tumblr - so his blog is pretty much default with a randomly generated username, the type that gets confused for a pornbot more often than not. He saves posts by liking them, never reblogs and follows exactly 0 people.
Not many expect this since he's the most tech savvy individual in the whole house, but social media is just another tool of stalking and spying his targets. He has no use for it, personally.
When Ben browses tumblr, it's to scroll into hell itself, looking for anything that might entertain him. If coerced into making a decent blog, it would be an aesthetic one - he'd reblog what you'd expect : retro and videogame aesthetics, neon signs, cryptic messages and, of course, dumb memes. He wouldn't get many followers due to his inactivity but he would often stalk the rest of Pastas, sometimes even pranking them by acting as an actual pornblog.
Jeff the Killer
Hands down, Jeff is definitely a tumblr addict. It's way more interesting and more anonymous than both Facebook & Twitter. He has a lot of side blogs for different things, all of them quite organized which contrasts his usually messy lifestyle. There's a personal one for complaining, venting and reblogging whatever he finds funny, another exclusively for aesthetics (lots of red/black or monochromatic palettes, weapons, blood and bruises, typically edgy things), a porn sideblog, a selfie blog and a blog to research on crimes and killing methods under the pretense of being a writer/journalist.
Because he's mostly outside and has to use the godforsaken app, Jeff is that type of person who'd keep reblogging the wrong things in the wrong blog, which is the reason of all of his constant angry posts ( “fUFCK, DID IT AGAIN” ). He'd have a decent amount of followers, but gets 0 asks cause his whole blog aura intimidates people. His porn/kink blog though, is full of thirsty anons. Blocked by Jane.
Eyeless Jack
He's the type of person who had an idea of what tumblr was, but never got around to making a blog until much later. EJ's blog would be extremely basic and he'd only use it as a journal, to talk about his day, methods of killing, medicine etc. Of course, people wouldn't take it seriously because well, it's Tumblr and everyone would most likely confuse him for either a hardcore RPer, an actual doctor or a writer. He does partake in the scientific side of tumblr and sometimes gets curious anons, but he's not interested in answering them at all.
Only uses Tumblr for like 20 minutes a day, but unlike Ben, he’s constant. EJ tries to avoid the memey side of Tumblr, though. All the bass boosted songs, eye-straining shitposts and other fandom related memes just hurt his head. Mutuals with Jeff and Jane, has a pretty decent tagging system.
Jane the killer
Similar to Jeff, she also has multiple blogs but not as many as him. Her main is by far the most popular, since she's in touch with her followers, she's active in the LGTB+ community and gives extremely good fashion and make up advice. Has to constantly close her ask box because of all the anons she gets (mostly good anons, sometimes horrible ones). Jane ignores anon hate and she's the only one who tags common triggers. She might be nice, but Jane can also be extremely savage if needed. Her witty remarks are part of why she's so popular. That or her posts about her girlfriend.
Her secondary blog is a venting one and is kept separate from her main, so it's not known. There she complains about her day and sometimes reminisces about her life. Her posts are either three, two phrases or extensive essays of just rambling, all under a cut, there is no inbetween. She vagues about her fellow Pastas a lot. Has all of Jeff's blogs blocked.
Natalie would blog like any other teenager, reblogging 50 things in the span of 5 minutes before disappearing for hours and maybe days. She'd choose Instagram over Tumblr anyday, but keeps her blog just in case and posts some of her own art (mostly doodles) every once in a blue moon.
You know those people who start to question their heterosexuality once they learn more about orientations on the internet ? That's Clockwork, currently questioning being bisexual - she would never admit it, but she has reached out to Jane's blog anonymously for some advice in this matter.
Clockwork is the type to send anon hate, but freak out and lash out if she ever got any hate herself. This is why anon is off in her ask. If you got something to say to her, do it on public you coward. Mutuals with Jane, Toby and Sally, she often tags them in things that remind her of them.
Sally got a tumblr blog because Ben had one, but it was Jane who taught her the basics of using the site while Jeff, the self-proclaimed aesthetic king, helped her choose a theme. Needless to say, Sally's interest in having her own blog lasted for a day or so. As the youngest, she really has no interest or reason to lurk on social media in general.
The rest, however, show her all the cute animal videos they find.
If she were to take time on fixing her blog, it would be without doubt the cutest safe space and she'd try to imitate Jane. Sally would be extremely happy, finding out about Gudetama, Kumamon, Aggretsuko and etc through Tumblr. The rest would ask her many questions on anon just to see what she'd answer (“Who is your favorite Creepypasta?”, “What do you think of X?”, “What's the powerhouse of the cell?” etc)
Tumblr whomst ? ? ? 
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impastas-png · 6 years
Sorry fellas, this is canon - Jane is the iconic lesbian
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impastas-png · 6 years
Helloooo !
Hi everyoneeeee, welcome to the monster fucker factory, the blog I will most certainly regret creating in a few months !  For now, it’s only me - Mod BEN - but if this hellhole ever starts to get busy, i’ll take in mod applications and stuff. Here we take requests for short scenarios, headcanons and confessions about and for any of the Pastas. And since i’m too lazy to make another post, here are the rules and other additional info under the cut ! 
Please, specify what characters you want in your ask, otherwise i’ll do the main ones (BEN, Jeff, Slenderman, Jane, Sally, Clockwork, EJ). There’s a max of 8 characters per ask.
...That also applies to scenarios, but the more characters you ask for, the shorter their scenarios will be cause ya boy only has 2 functioning braincells.
NSFW asks are allowed, but I won’t answer anything that involves Sally or extreme kinks (you know the stuff. body fluids and whatnot).
We don’t do match-ups as for now !
I don’t consider Masky or Hoodie to be Creepypastas, but you’re more than welcome to include them in your ask. You may also ask for less known Pastas I just can’t guarantee that i’ll know them, soz
And that’s it for now ! I’ll update this list if necessary.
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impastas-png · 6 years
papi to not a papi list pls
Papi list : 
Jane. Not a papi but an ABSOLUTE M A M I.
Slenderman, except that he’s An Actual Dad.
Candy Pop.
Jason the Toymaker
According to the server, Hoodie is also a papi so by popular vote he’s gonna be here. 
Same thing for Laughing Jack.
Not Papi : 
Literally everyone else. 
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impastas-png · 6 years
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impastas-png · 6 years
is slender man a bara?
TECHNICALLY he’s a twink - You know. White, hairless, smooth skin ( debatable but HM ) and slim.
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