itsmyuniversesposts · 3 years
Sending hugs, Cage - hope you're feeling better. I'd love a College AU - Peter's arranged to meet his Senior Daddies out in the summerhouse of where the party is at. Flash overheard them making their plans and cornered Pete, calling him a slut and wanting his turn. Pete got away but arrived with his new clothes torn and he's distraught. He loves only his Daddies and wanted to look so pretty for them. Tony and Bucky treasure their sweet boy, and teach Flash a lesson he won't forget. BAMF anon 😍
“He’s late,” Bucky mutters, looking out the window of the Tony’s summer house into the chaos of the backyard. There are three separate beer pongs table set up and a tournament underway, the likes of which are getting more heated by the moment. Music thrums from the large speakers the DJ set up, bodies writhing against each other in the semblance of sex and dance. Fairy lights are strung up in tree branches giving everything a very romantic glow. If Bucky (or Tony) were the type who didn’t mind letting strangers catch a glimpse of their beautiful boy, they might be tempted to spread out a blanket in a secluded corner and fuck him under the lights and stars.
“It’s a party, I’m sure something distracted him,” Tony says, flipping through the channels on the television. “You know how easily distracted he can be—remember the parade of dogs in Central Park that one day? He didn’t get to pet a single one because the next one kept distracting him.”
“Maybe,” Bucky says, but even as the word comes out, he sees a figure staggering across the grass and he knows, he was wrong. They were both wrong.
Peter comes through the door stinking of beer that drips from his wet curls. His mascara has run, eyes rimmed red from tears. His cheekbones are glittering, but not even his foundation can hide the blooming bruise on his cheek. He’s dressed so pretty it hurts in jeans that hug his long lean legs nicely, and a summery, white tank-top overlaid with lace and frills. It sticks to his skin from the beer that has been poured on him.
“S-S-S-orry I’m l-late—” Peter chatters, shaking even though it’s summertime.
“Jesus,” Tony murmurs while Bucky clutches the younger man to his chest. Tony wipes the curls from his forehead and examines the swelling cheek. “What the fuck happened, Petey? Talk to us.”
“F-Flash,” Peter says. He’s crying steadily. “Wanted to look so nice for you and he—he—”
“You look beautiful,” Bucky mutters into his damp curls. “So beautiful, we’re gonna strip you right here and get you into a shower. How’s that sound?”
Peter nods, lips quivering. “Bucky—I dropped my purse when he—he—”
“I’ll get it.”
“Don’t,” Peter says. “Or, wait a minute at least. Until we know he’s gone.”
“You think he’d be dumb enough to stick around?” Bucky says. He passes Peter’s tiny body over into Tony’s arms, and the solemn, serious expression on the older man’s face promises that he’ll take good care of their boy while Bucky is away. Because it’d be foolish for Flash to have stuck around the scene of a crime—but that’s what Bucky is betting on.
“Come on, baby,” he hears Tony murmur, ushering Peter towards the bathroom. “God, look at you. Beautiful. Is this new? Did you get it with that birthday money I gave you? Tell me yes, so that I can take some of the credit, because God, Pete, it fits you like the eighth deadly sin—”
Bucky disappears into the summer night to find and deal with Flash Thompson.
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
I wanna write some sugat daddy! starker. Anyone interest?
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
you know me,,,, what about little Peter developing a fever at daycare so one of his Daddies (up to you) has to pick him up from the nurse’s office? Like Peter’s sniffling softly while laying on the little cot in the office and he makes the softest and saddest whimper when he sees his Daddy coming to get him🥺🥺💓💓 - rafni🐇
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It was playtime.
All around the room, littles were squealing with delight as they skipped around. Some were colouring, while others were playing with the dollhouse in the corner. Playtime was always fun. 
But Peter felt absolutely miserable.
His throat was all scratchy and his body felt ick and achey in general, but the worst part of all was how cold he was one second, and then burning hot the next. 
He would pull up some blankets in the daycare’s centre close to his chest, shivering underneath them, until he felt like he was sitting in a pool of lava. Then, he’d fling them off again, panting. Repeat, over and over again.
He was sure he’d been doing that for years until Mr. Thor finally caught sight of him. Making a noise of alarm, he drew closer and gently tugged the blankets from him, making him whine, which, oh no, made his throat feel even worse.
“Are you not feeling so good, Petey?” he asked sympathetically. He crooned when Peter shook his head with a small, pathetic whimper. “Come here, darling. Do you want a warm bottle, maybe?”
Peter shook his head. “Wan’ Daddy.” He tried to stick a finger into his mouth but Thor stopped him, gently pulling his hand away.
“We don’t want more icky germs going into your mouth,” Thor murmured to him as he stood up, still holding Peter in his arms. Peter didn’t mind; he didn’t really feel like walking anyways.
“’m gonna hafta go to the scary doctor?” he asked, gulping.
Thor hummed. “I think your daddy will tell you,” he said gently, trying to sound reassuring. “Maybe your Daddy will check you over, hm? Don’t you like your Daddy?”
Peter thought hard at that question, then nodded slowly. He did like Stephen, even when he was being a meanie doctor. But he let Peter sit in Tony’s lap as he did the checkup, and the best part was that he’d get a lollipop and cuddles from both of his Daddies afterwards! 
“Daddies come now,” he said as firmly as he could, deciding that he wanted to go home right now without a second to be wasted.
Thor laughed. “Alright, alright, mister. You just wait here and one of your Daddies will come pick you up, hm?”
Peter wriggled into the small cot in the nurse’s office, trying to get comfortable but failing with a scowl. The bed his Daddies had for him was much more softer and had more blankets! 
It felt like he was waiting for forever. Thor had returned and informed him that Tony was going to pick him up soon, but it was soon now and Daddy still wasn’t here! Peter curled up in a little ball on his side, pulling the blanket up to his chin, shivering.
He’d almost fallen asleep when he heard faint voices and the sound of footsteps drawing near. The door opened, along with Peter’s eyes.
And there stood Peter’s saviour. Daddy had finally arrived! He tried to sit up but felt too weak and tired to do so, so he just flopped over onto his back and made a small, miserable noise. “Daaaa.”
His Daddy’s eyes softened, filling with both love and pity, and he hurried forward to take Peter into his arms. Peter snuggled tightly up to him, burying his face in his neck and breathing in the sweet, familiar scent. He didn’t lift his head until they got in the car.
“Come on, lovely,” Tony was murmuring as he tried to get Peter settled in the carseat. “We’re gonna go home and Daddy’s gonna check you over.”
It didn’t take long for Peter to fall asleep, peaceful with the knowledge that everything would be okay now that he was with his Daddies. 
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
Makan Siang
Bright sudah menunggu di salah satu meja kantin sendirian.
Kebetulan juga Win lagi sendiri soalnya dua temennya makan siang sama pacar mereka.
Memang ya temen yg tega 😤
Win segera nyamperin Bright, soalnya dia ga enak liat Bright munggu dia.
"Hai kak, maaf ya nunggu lama." Win duduk di depan Bright.
"Gapapa, aku juga baru sampe kok." Kata Bright, ditambah senyum yang bisa bikin jantung Win berdetak nggak karuan.
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"Ah, em. Kak Bright mau pesen apa? Aku pesenin." Kata Win gugup
“Aku udah pesen kok Win, sama punya kamu juga. Kamu suka tom yum kan?” Pertakaatn Bright membuat Win kaget.
“Kak Bright tau dari mana?!” Win memang pada dasarnya impulsif, Dia sering langsung mengeluarkan apa yang ada di dalam pikirannya. 
Bright hanya menjawab pertanyaan Win dengan senyum penuh arti. Yang sumpah bikin jantung Wind deg-degan parah. 
Beruntung makan siang mereka sudah datang, jadi Win punya pengalih rasa groginya. 
Mereka berakhir menghabiskan makan siang dalam diam, karena ke bawelan Win, kalah oleh rasa groginya di depan Kak Bright. 
Siapa yang nggak grogi kalo tiba-tiba, makan bareng sama crush mu sejak jaman maba?
Yang jelas Win grogi parah. 
“Win? Kamu nggak papa?” 
“UHUK!!” Pertanyaan Bright membuat Win tersedak kuah Tom Yum yang pedas. 
Bright dengan sigap memberikan minumannya pada Win dan tangannya tanpa sadar menepuk-nepuk punggung Win. 
Tindakan Bright itu membuat Win yang sedang minum air jadi tersedak lagi. 
Tolong siapapun, selamatkan Win dari rasa malu ini!!!
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
Bright's Side
Bright melihat chatroom nya dab Win dengan senyum dibibirnya.
Akhirnya setelah beberapa bulan hanya membaca dm Win dan Adik nya dia bisa mengobrol dengan Win setiap hari.
Meskipun hanya lewat chat, karna Win masih malu.
Tapi Bright bertekad kalo dia akan membuat Win menjadi pacarnya.
Karna dia sudah jatuh cinta pada kepolosan dan kebaikan Win.
Bilang saja Bright creepy, tapi Bright memang sering membututi Win, apalagi kalau Win jalan sendirian.
Dia memperhatikan Win dan semakin lama semakib tertarik, kemudian entah kapan dia sudah jatuh pada pesona Win.
Dan percayalah, apa yang Bright mau pasti dia dapatkan.
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itsmyuniversesposts · 4 years
Win Side's
Win baru bangun dan dia langsung ngecek hp nya. Seperti biasa ada beberapa pesan dari tema-teman nya dan dari Kak Bright.
Inget Kak Bright, sebenernya dia masih malu kalo tau Kak Bright bacain dm nya sama Frank.
Secara isinya bucinan dia ke Kak Bright. Rasanya Win nggak punya muka lagi mau ketemu Kak Bright. Untung beda fakultas sama angkatan.
Malu bangeet ☹☹
Tapi dia seneng ternyata Kak Bright tertarik sama Win dan mau PDKT sama Win.
Itu tandanya perasaannya nggak bertepuk sebelah tangan kan?
Boleh kan Win berharap ke Kak Bright?
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