jaidynh000 · 3 months
I absolutely NEEEEED to get skinny before summer. Like theres so many outfit I have plans for. BUT, I cant only wear them if Im skinny. Take this as motivation not being scared to swim in front of others is the dream honestly. Looking cute and having fun at the same time?? Who wouldn’t want that.👙👙
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jaidynh000 · 3 months
1. Water, coke zero, tea
2. Stay busy
3. Have regular meal times 3 times a day (sometimes 1 snacktime)
4. Include at least 1 high volume, filling food in every meal (e.g. protein powder, konjac, salad, other veggies, high in fiber stuff... you know them)
♡ you know yourself and what you crave often. Buy it, separate in small portions and freeze all except one. If you crave, you crave, it's hard to fight it
♡ if you can't resist your craving, eat the small portion. Especially if the time point is close to your next meal
♡ I usually plan all my meals for the next day the evening before. If you have eaten a crave portion, reschedule the next meal afterwards to tomorrow and use this as the current meal
♡ set weekly calorie goals, not daily. I have a calorie amount for each week also with variation over the month. This keeps your metabolism tuned.
♡ if you have overeaten one day, lower the calories for the other days in the week, but not the 1-2 days after. Overall you should stay in your weekly limit
♡ don't weigh yourself after you've eaten a crave portion. We hate ourselves enough already 😶‍🌫️ breaking down over weight and getting emotional makes it even harder to control your appetite.
6. Little cheats
I do it like this: I take 5 % of my weekly calorie limit (yes, I calculate it for each individual week). Then I take different snacks I feel I'm going to like and put them in the 'cheat box' in the fridge. I don't eat them immediately but log them in my tracker on the 1st day of the week.
Whenever I feel like it during the week, I can take out a small piece and eat it, without feeling guilty or shamefully logging it in the tracker.
7. If you are up to binge, stand in front of the mirror looong on the way to the kitchen. You will turn around often. If thats not enough, sit down and stare at your thighs. As long as it takes to make you just get water.
8. Imagine everything you would binge and count the calories and calculate how much weight gain it would cause. (1 kg is ~7000-7500 kcal, for me I think its less like 6000 but idk if thats in my head)
Yes, I have cravings and thoughts of binging. But you really just need discipline. To make it a bit easier, I have the above little cheats to trick myself.
Bc 100 % discipline and staying under your calorie limit every. single. day. is really hard. Hope this helps ❤️ xoxo
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jaidynh000 · 3 months
They need to come out with more foods that have low calories with less obvious names. Fat free, sugar free, keto friendly, weight loss, 5 cals brownies. Girl, I cant ask my mom to buy those. Like oh my goodness are you trying to get me caught?🎀🎀
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