jessicaarwen · 11 years
replying to opens is the scariest thing because im always so horrified someone will be like “ew why are you replying to me” 
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Has anyone seen a cat around?” The time traveler asked, raising her eyebrow as she looked at her surroundings. “Orange, furry, small and very temperamental? Which may or may not be planning on taking over the universe?”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"It's very nice to meet you, Clara-I-think. And yes, I am a Time Traveler. Not a good one at that, though." The blonde girl chucked. "Well, it's too warm to be London, so I'm guessing we're in Maine. I could be wrong, though. You live around these parts?"
"Name’s Clara, I think…" Clara grinned, waving back. "And we’re either in London or Maine. It’s a little hard to tell which. Sorry, I’m rambling on a bit." she scrunched her nose up and chuckled. "Year’s 2013. Time traveller, I’m guessing?"
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Hello. How are you doing this afternoon?” Arwen asked politely, as she quickly glanced around the streets. “Say, I accidentally got into the wrong plane. Where exactly am I?”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Good afternoon, miss!” Arwen greeted politely, with a smile. “How lovely is the day, don't you think? Warm, for a change. I never thought earth could be this cold... Anyway, my name is Jessica Arwen. Could you tell me what day is it?”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Hello! How do you do? My name is Arwen!” The time traveler introduced herself, waving her hand before quickly glancing around. “And I'm lost. Do you know where exactly I am at the moment?”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Well, hello!” Arwen greeted happily, waving her hand. “Lovely day today, isn't it? The sun is shining and look at how blue the sky is. Wonderful, don't you think? Wait – I'm rambling. I'm sorry. My name is Jessica Arwen. It's very nice to meet you.”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“Bloody hell.” The time traveler instinctively wrapped her arms around herself and took a few steps back when she heard the word Dothraki. She felt frozen in place, unable to think or move, but there was no way to be sure whether it was by shock or fear. Those news were not good. Not good at all.
Arwen had seen how they worked before. It happened during one of her travels, before she met Matthew and Branson. She accidentally ended up in one of the Dothraki spaceships and thankfully, they had been too busy to notice she was there. She kept herself hidden in the shadows and did her best to stay silent and out of trouble. But curiosity had gotten the best of her at the time and she found herself in something that resembled a torture chamber – the things she saw and the screams of agony she heard that day had never once left her memory.
Perhaps, Arwen feared the Dothraki more than she feared the Alliance. It was a fact that she would probably never admit. But imagining Branson screaming in pain while being torture by those bastards was enough to make her shiver, the panic she felt growing stronger than ever. She wanted to run away – to not get herself involved with this matter and leave to the safety of New New York, far away in the future.
But she wouldn't do that. How could she even think about doing that? Branson and Matthew were her friends. She would never let any of them down – not even if she was scared to death. “Maybe... Maybe blood is not the best idea.”
As far as she was aware, the Alliance and the Dothraki were opposite forces – what one lacked, the other had. The Dothraki were not the best when it came to planning or thinking – even their technology was stolen from other planets – but they were masters in the art of torture and killing. In the other hand, the Alliance was a government of sorts. It was one of the best intelligence forces in the universe – responsible for many planets, but lacking the military force to protect all of them.
But she was getting ahead of herself – the Alliance and the Dothraki being involved was one possibility. Maybe they were lucky enough to have stumbled in a peaceful situation for once, in which their ship had simply been randomly chosen to one of those surprisingly dangerous McDonald's events.
“Let's find out what happened first.” She advised, her tone of voice coming out more weak than she expected. Arwen cleared her throat, before speaking again. “Then we think of something. It could have been a million things... Well, five things. Well, four things and an event... Perhaps they are all safe, somewhere. Perhaps... Perhaps they're not with the Dothraki. Perhaps this is not a dangerous mission at all!”
Keep your calm, she thought to herself, taking a few deep breaths. Fretting would only make things worse.
You Can't Take The Sky From Me || {Closed AU}
Matthew’s mind was far more often wrapped up in other affairs. The welfare of the ship or the crew, the current job they were on, or how to stay flying when coin ran tight. But the passengers? They were always Matthew’s last resort for finance’s sake. When the time between jobs ran too long for comfort, he’d offer the ship as transport for the galaxy’s many hitchikers — at a price, of course. The recruitment was left to either Arwen or Branson while Matthew went off to put out feelers for jobs in local black markets.
He’d completely that one of their pick-ups was with child. A better man might’ve felt shame, but Matthew just felt frustration. If she were to suffer from any complications, they’d have to veer off course for an emergency med-stop. We need to be at Whitefall by tomorrow morning, he thought in a gloomy fashion, all the while following behind the second in command. 
Apart from their impending job upon arrival, Matthew wanted to get to Whitefall for more personal reasons. Branson might have been a stubborn fool or an obnoxious flirt on any given occasion, but he was a damn ace pilot and a loyal man. There was a silent brotherhood of sorts between them, and his absence did not sit well with the captain whatsoever. The sooner they docked at Whitefall, the sooner he could start prying information out of locals to see if anything similar’s been happening in their quadrant lately.
He’d allowed himself to get carried away in thought, only to be jerked back into reality by the tremble in Arwen’s voice. That was always a precursor for doom. The unsettling look on her face provoked a mirror of panic from Matthew. 
"Dear God…" The blonde male swallowed hard before walking further into the vast, empty room where a small gathering should’ve been.
The conspiracy theory wheels in his head began turning, as they had many times before. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, Matthew’s inherent disdain for The Alliance and all governmental entities — when combined with his lack of trust in most biological lifeforms — made for a scarily brilliant imagination.
"Abduction." Whipping around, he stared down his right-hand woman with a ferocity in his bright blue eyes. "We’re skimming along the Boarder Planets, this close to Dothraki space. If those goddamn Alliance troops stirred up trouble around here…”
His anger grew with the thought. Sure, the Bygar-Fellow Treaty was forged some months ago at the supposed end of the war. With it, tensions between the Humans and Dothraki had leveled out. But Matthew had been reluctant to believe it was so easy as all that. 'Diplomatic rubbish' he had called it when The Alliance broke the news.
"I swear, if one of my best men is a Dothraki hostage because The Alliance can’t keep it’s greedy claws out of their sky!" The typically composed captain threw a tight fist into the wall, courting an eerie metallic echo to resonate about the room. “There will be blood, Arwen. Mark my words, there will be blood.”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
our of character: Sorry for my absence. My internet has been down for the past few days. Going to do some replies now.
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"I'm sure!" The time traveler reassured her. "It is an adventure after al-" she made a pause when she heard a strange noise, her eyes going wide. "Wha-What was that?"
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
“I think I just accidentally got married.”
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"No, it's fine." Arwen took a deep breath, biting her lower lip. "I'm just being a little scared cat today! Let's keep going."
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"Let's hope for something fun, then!" Arwen laughed, trying to hide the fact that she was getting slightly uneasy.
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"That's a very curious story indeed!" Arwen repeated, blinking her eyes and smiling. "Maybe he met you in the future and knows that you would probably need it? Time streams. Who knows?"
"Maybe it is something to do with second hand, then." Ruby beamed. "Apparently, I received mine from a tine agent. Never met him, he just… gave it to me on my 19th birthday." laughing lightly, she shrugged and bit her lip to stop the laughter.
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
out of character: I'll be back later.
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
So Martha was not mad at her for her enormous delay – that was a relief. “All right, then. I'll just catch my breath...” Apparently, she was way out of form – a simple fifteen minutes run had left her tired and out of breath. Stretching her back, Arwen couldn't help but feel excited. Road tripping with one of her best mates seemed like a great idea for a vacation, and after a long time of planning and choosing different routes, it was finally happening.
Martha had been ready for a while before Arwen knocked, and until she checked her watch she thought it was just because she'd gotten ready to early. Upon seeing the time, however, she noticed that her friend was just late. Shaking her head with an amused smile on her face, she opened the door to greet Arwen.
"Hello," she chuckled, "I'll just get my stuff, and we can go."
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jessicaarwen · 11 years
"It is, probably!" She agreed, nodding her head. "He just gave it to you? Now, that's a curious story!"
"Maybe it is something to do with second hand, then." Ruby beamed. "Apparently, I received mine from a tine agent. Never met him, he just... gave it to me on my 19th birthday." laughing lightly, she shrugged and bit her lip to stop the laughter.
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