jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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Hey hey hey, Summer is in full motion, yet the life as a Jewelligan never stops. This summer, as I've mentioned in earlier posts, I am working and doing research in our physics department on campus through a program called Pillsbury Scholars. So far I've built a new model of a solar phone charger for developing countries, created a small scale model of our curtain drop collaboration with the theater department, developed a new design for a cheap and efficient solar lantern, and gone to Flagstaff, AZ to study the periods of stars at Lowell Observatory. Above is a picture of me and three of the other Pillsbury scholars who got out full trip to Arizona funded by the department (which included my first ever plane ride!!). We are in front of the 31" telescope that we used over consecutive 6pm-to-4am, astronomy filled nights. As well as seeing the most beautiful sky full of stars and getting to take photos of hand picked Messier Objects (nebulas, galaxies, etc.) on our last night, we got to hike in the Grand Canyon, walk the paths in Walnut Canyon, play many fun-filled games of monopoly, and even had our own Physics Family taco night! Overall, this trip was absolutely phenomenal and I will always remember it. I never would've expected going on this trip, but this is just one of the many crazy opportunities that Jewell has to offer. Get out there and take advantage of as many as you can, and if you're affiliated with physics, be a Pillsbury Scholar! Dalton
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
The absolute best a worst week of the year.
+ Being in track this is our conference championships (see picture of our team below).
+This is the last week of school!
- Finals. (Need I say more?)
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With the rush at the end of the semester it can seem overwhelming for many people (me included) but the thing to remember is that everyone is going through the same thing and understand your struggles. Everyone on campus is here to help you out in any way; whether it be staying up way past your bed time studying or going for an ice cream run at midnight. My apologies for making this post so short but I must get back to the grindstone and finish my paper before running tonight. Follow our results by searching for GLVC Outdoor Track and Field Championships.
-Gretchen Mayes
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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To my fellow and future Jewelligans: 
The end of my first year of college is quickly approaching (approximately at 3.00*10^8 m/s for a rough estimate). 
There are just two weeks of classes left before finals, I just finished my last labs for the semester, and the seniors I have bonded with are finalizing their plans after they graduate. I have set up my classes for next semester, found out where I will be living (I am officially an RA for first years, so I may see the aspiring Jewell students soon), and planned out my summer. 
All of these end of the year activities put me in a hyper-reflective state, yet one thing has stood out above all others: how my Jewell journey began.
I was in my interview to become a Cardinal Host the other day and the question was posed: what is your story of coming to Jewell? It's been in my mind since. 
I always knew higher education was for me. It had been a part of my life plan since I began elementary school. When I reached my junior year of high school, however, my desire to reach higher in education exponentially flourished. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding clarified itself as my purpose in this time -- a purpose rekindled from my youthful days of being the only six year old watching Discovery Channel rather than Disney in my free time. Often, college is perceived as a necessary step to secure a quality job or career, and it is. 
To me, higher education is more than a prerequisite for a job; to view it simply as that is an injustice. 
Higher education, when undertaken appropriately, provides another level of understanding and overall happiness in our every day lives. With this, it offers subjective, intrinsic value to each and every one of its participants. 
As I searched for my collegiate home, I accounted for my view of education. That being said, Jewell felt like home. Sure, the numbers are great, 97.9% student placement into graduate programs or jobs, yet the college's desire to enforce knowledge and understanding rather than simply provide a job was what made it home for me. 
William Jewell College offers undergraduate research (of which I will participate in this summer), provides the Journey Grant, and enforces a core curriculum that promotes knowledge for all disciplines and a better understanding of the world around us. This is just the surface of the things Jewell bestows to its students in beautiful pursuit of an intrinsically valuable higher education. 
It is because of that pursuit, alike my own, that I am now at Jewell. And I absolutely love it. For this reason, I would urge all to find a college or university that will provide this, if you have not already. And for those who might be future contemporary Jewelligans, take advantage of this amazing provision. 
I am excited to finish my first year of college, and as the new class of Jewell students arrive we, hand in hand, should all reach higher and support others around us to reach higher for this odyssey of knowledge and understanding. 
From the heart as well as the mind, 
Your (almost no longer) first year buddy, 
Dalton Nelson
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
The Busiest Time of the Year
April. Wait, WHAT?!? Where did my semester go?
I find myself asking this question at the end of April every year. I really think the closer you get to being done the faster time flies. However, April is one of my busiest months on campus with school winding down, track almost complete, graduation around the corner, and sorority finalizing everything for next school year.
In regards to school work, Duke Colloquium is at the end of April. This is a day where many students present research they have done during the semester. It is a great way to see what everyone else has been doing while you have been buried to your ears with homework, paper, and books.
I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with track (we have 3 meets left). It has been another successful season but sports in college have much longer seasons, with pre-seasons in addition to regular season. So it is nice that I will soon have a break and be able to relax without worrying about making it to practice on time. A side note is that we have a hurdler that is currently ranked 3rd in the nation! That means he should be going to nationals this May and hopefully gain All-American status again.
The best part about graduation is that the campus looks gorgeous, not that it doesn’t 99% of the time, but they are starting to replant new flowers and wake up from the winter. Grass is being mowed everyday again (yes, they mow the grass everyday) and all of the buildings are being spruced up for the big celebration. The worst part about graduation is that you can no longer walk across the grass because they have signs up and I for one am not going to be caught stepping on Jewell’s precious grass!
Last, sororities are in full event mode with formals, senior sendoffs, and new members. It has been a busy couple of months but the warm weather has brought everyone out to celebrate sisterhood and Greek life.
It is hard to believe that I will be embarking on my senior year but I can tell you Jewell was the absolute best choice for me and I could not imagine making my home anywhere else. I hope Jewell can be that home for you too.
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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Hey! Matt Crawford here again. I haven't posted in awhile, so I just want to give you all an update on my life. As I have mentioned before, I am on the baseball team here at Jewell, and we are having a pretty solid season! Our record right now is 22-16, and we are on pace to make the GLVC Conference Tournament. This is a really special team, and we are all really close. We do everything together from eat, study, and the majority of us even live in the same dorm. It's great! I love being a part of this team. It really is a family. This picture above is from when we were in St. Louis playing a conference series. (I'm the one in the front) Coach surprised us and took us all to a Cardinals game! It was a blast, and is just another great memory that I have made in my four years here. Until next time! Matt Crawford #33
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
A Funny Little Story
So there is an amazing breakfast restaurant here in Liberty called Ginger Sues’ (if you haven’t been there you need to go ASAP). Anyways, I was having breakfast there around 6:30am the other morning before leaving for track and Dr.Sallee, our current president, was also eating breakfast. After he was finished and paid he came up and talked to me about recent track accomplishments and how the season was going.
This is why I chose William Jewell. It is not about knowing thousands and thousands of people. It is about having faculty and staff, whether it is the cooks in the dining hall or the President of the college, come up and know your name and your life story. People here at Jewell care about you and your life and want to watch you success and grow.
-Gretchen Mayes
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
Keeping Up With Jewell Students
April is one of the busiest times on The Hill (for me at least). Greek organizations are holding initiations and events, spring sports are in full gear, tests and papers are hitting right and left, and the campus is waking up from the winter slumber realizing that graduation is soon approaching (so no more walking on the grass).
My schedule just got 5 times busier! I have a presentation today, homework due Tuesday, advising day Tuesday and our philanthropy Egg Toss. Wednesday I have a meeting with our communication society to put the final touches on our annual career day. Thursday I have review for a huge test. And Friday and Saturday I am gone for a track meet. Leaving me Sunday morning/afternoon free because I have a sorority banquet Sunday night.
However, my schedule is not like everyone else’s schedule, because everyone at Jewell is involved in so many different activities that, sure we may overlap, but for the most part you personalize how you want to be involved. If you wanted to, you could be busy everyday for hours on end, or you could take a step back and just pick and choose a few of your most valuable options. The greatest part of Jewell is that no matter how much you are or are not involved, you still meet and know hundreds of people who would be glad to help out in any way they can.
-Gretchen Mayes
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
Quick Update
Hey guys,
It’s Hilli just checking in. Firstly, I got into Oxford University. In England. The prestigious one. I almost can’t believe it, but I have literally hundreds of pages of hard work to show for it. I’m just so proud of the Oxbridge Program for getting me, as well as the other students in the program, to the place where we need to be to get into one of the world’s oldest and most elite academic institutions. Makes me want to start a Grammy-style acceptance speech thanking all of my professors and peers. But I won’t. So yeah, that’s happening!
In other news, Jewellstock is coming to campus in less than a month! This is one of the events that CUA puts on, so as a Codirector, I have been able to plan it this year. We usually have inflatables, carnival food, and some other type of interactive acticity- like a zipline, ropes course, or mechanical bull. THIS YEAR we are adding to all of this and bringing a power jump (the bungee trampoline type contraption), A FOOD TRUCK, and other new carnival games with prizes. I am so excited for April 27th!
Till next time!
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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What's up, Jewelligans?! Yes, that picture is me. Yes, that picture is recent. Yes, I am posting this in February. No, I am not crazy. The weather has been rather amazing this year. Maybe that global climate change that half of the presidential candidates deny is actually real. Who'd of thought? Not only does this photo represent a beautiful February, but it depicts a eye of relaxation with friends in a storm of constant work that this semester has become. In between my 18 credit hours, Cardinal Blazing, countless applications, a Harvard CS50 class online, and joining a fraternity on campus (I am now a member of Phi Gamma Delta), I found just enough time to go out and enjoy the city we love to brag about being so close -- Kansas City. As the sun beat down on my unprotected skin (due to that killer bro tank), I got in touch with myself through a lovely session of yoga at the KC Museum. Namaste, yah feel? It's hard to find a better way to let loose and find ultimate relaxation in life. But in the crazy life all of us Jewell students live, it is important to find the little moments like these to help us live the highest quality of life that we can. After all, spring semester is a wild ride for everyone. Do your best to enjoy every minute of it though. Before you know it, it'll be your last spring semester ever (if it's not already). Much love from your favorite first year, Dalton Nelson 💕
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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Hello! Something really cool happened to me a few days ago that I would like to share with you all. A little known fact about myself is that I am not only a member of the baseball team here at Jewell, but I am also a member of the Liberty Symphony Orchestra. This is an orchestra that is based here at school and is made up of Jewell student musicians and local professionals from the Liberty area. I have been a member of this orchestra for four years now, and I have had a blast playing the upright bass. Carrying around that big instrument is a pain sometimes, but it is all worth it whenever a little kid sees me with my instrument and their faces lights up. There really is nothing like it. So back to my big news that I want to talk about. Just a few days ago the Liberty Symphony Orchestra got the opportunity to play at the legendary Helzberg Hall at the Kauffman Center in downtown Kansas City. I have been to Helzberg Hall before for the free Harriman-Jewell concerts, but never have I ever had a chance to be on the stage. Looking up to an almost sold out concert hall is definitely an experience I will never forget! Until next time, Matt
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
Sorority Life
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“Oh you’re in a sorority?” That is a typical question I get asked from people who are not involved in Greek life on campus. However, Greek life at Jewell is different than Greek life on other campuses. First, sororities do not have houses; instead, we live in a complex and each sorority has their own wing which allows us to each have separate spaces but all work and live together. Second, we hold some of the highest GPAs on campus because we compete for awards and want to see each other succeed. Last, we do not haze new members or make them feel like they must earn their way to being a member. We are open and loving and immediately integrate them into our sisterhood.
This last week we had our “mom-dot” week where a sophomore is pair ed with a new member to help her learn the ropes and be a support figure whether is be helping her study or someone to watch movies with on a Friday night. The friendship I, along with others, have gained through being a part of Greek life in invaluable. You not only meet many people who think very differently than you but you learn to work together as a team and treat others with respect.
Being apart of Greek life at Jewell is an unforgettable experience that helps you gain friendships and find you purpose in life.
-Gretchen Mayes
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
Balancing Act
A majority of students on Jewell’s campus are student athletes (I am not exception). However, being a student athlete in college does not follow the norms that most people associate with athletes.
Myth 1: Student Athletes have a lower GPA. FALSE! Many student athletes at Jewell hold some of the highest GPAs on campus. This is not because we get special tutors or access to other things that normal students do not have. This is because coaches and other teammates at Jewell want to see you succeed and they help you find the resources you need like tutors and meeting with professors to boost your GPA.
Myth 2: Your life is dedicated to your sport. FALSE! Sure, your sport is like a full time job (I mean you are getting paid to be there). But you still have time to be involved, hang out with friends, and work on your homework. I am apart of many clubs on campus along with being in a sorority and I still have time for outside projects. Coaches at Jewell are great at understanding that you are a person and they understand that things come up and help to work around your schedule.
If you are thinking about doing a sport in college I highly recommend it as it has been extremely beneficial to me. You make lifelong friends and you really learn how to balance your life between sports, homework, and friends. Some days and weeks can be harder and longer than others but it’s all a matter of balance.
- Gretchen 
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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Let’s start with the most fun stuff. A couple weeks ago, my chapter got seventeen amazing new members! They are such intriguing and impressive individuals that I cannot wait to know better! Recruitment is a really exciting time here. Every chapter puts in so much work, and the Greek community is strong and vibrant- it’s like Christmas for all of the sororities. I have found that Greek life at Jewell is inclusive and empowering, so I highly suggest going through recruitment to any woman who may feel even slightly inclined to test out the type of opportunity Greek life affords.
Also fun, but mostly scary/big-eyed emoji, I just officially sent in my application to Oxford University. The Oxbridge Program is incredibly unique in the way it challenges its students, but its structure has made me a better writer and learner. In the first day of Oxbridge open seminar, our Head Tutor, Dr. Alpern, told us that he would meet us where we are and take us where we need to be. That could not be more true. I daydream about getting an acceptance letter from Mansfield College, and I can’t believe that this time in my Jewell Journey has arrived! 
I hope all of your lives are filled with wonderful anticipation!
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
Let The Year Begin
Gretchen here.
Let me tell you that spring is the busiest time of the year for me. Being a spring athlete our season is in full swing with morning weights and afternoon practice along with fitting in classes during the day. I won’t lie and tell you being a college athlete is not hard but it is absolutely worth it. Not only do you get to stay in shape but you get to meet great friends along the way.
So how easy is it to balance school and athletics? Not too hard as long as you make a list and make sure you are doing what needs to be done ahead of time. The professors here are wonderful and are willing to work with your schedule as long as you communicate with them.
Being a college athlete is one of the best experiences you can have as long as your willing to put in the hard work on and off the field.
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
The Start of my Jewell Journey
Hello! My name is Matt Crawford and I have called William Jewell College my home for the past eight semesters now. It's ironic that I'm writing this post today because it is the four year anniversary of my National Signing Day for baseball. Today I reflect on all the experiences I've had and all the lifelong friendships I've made, and how it all started when I signed my name on that National Letter of Intent all the way back in 2012. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought I was just committing to a college where I would go to class and play baseball. Of course, I have done these two things in my four years here, but I had no idea that I was committing to so much more. I did not know that when I was signing my name to that paper, I was also committing to climbing up hundreds upon hundreds of flights of stairs behind my freshman dorm, Eaton Hall. I had no idea that I was promising to walk to class uphill both ways in the snow (yes, this actually happens). I also had no clue that I was committing to late nights studying and early morning weight lifting sessions. Now with all that being said, my college career has been fantastic. Because not only did I commit to all of these things I've mentioned, but I also committed to friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. Walking up all those flights of stairs after a three hour practice is not so bad whenever you are walking with a teammate as you talk about how your day was or how you almost talked to the cute blonde girl in your responsible self class. Walking to class in a snowstorm isn’t so bad whenever you know that you get to sled down Browning Bowl later that night with your friends. All those early mornings of getting up and walking down to the Mabee Center to workout are not that hard whenever you know that your whole team of brothers is working together to win a National Championship. Four years ago, I only thought I was committing to go to college; but little did I know that I was promising myself to something much more valuable. I was committing myself to the Jewell Journey, and for that I am forever thankful. -Matt
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 8 years
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The last day of class before finals is here.
Being a co-director of CUA, the past two weeks have been chalked full of activity. Between meetings for group project finals and class, I’ve been working with my two co-directors to organize Lighting of the Quad, The Sallee’s Christmas Party, and CUA winter formal. 
Lighting of the Quad went well, only one glitch in the whole evening, and it went unnoticed by the crowd! Today during Jewell Time was the Sallee’s final Christmas party. (Picture above of just one of the delicious foods the Mary Sallee had chosen for her hors d’oeuvres spread ) The musical groups had great carols and everyone was in good spirits. 
I just got out of my last Math CTI class and am taking the next 20 minutes to paint my toenails before CUA formal tonight. I cannot overstate how excited I am for a night dressed up, downtown, dancing, and gorging myself on amazing food.... For free. 
For those of you in the thick of your finals, good luck. And for those of you who are done with them, don’t brag. 
Till next time,
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jewelljournals-blog ¡ 9 years
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Hey hey hey, So this is my first time experiencing all of the Jewell's Holiday festivities, and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. I mean, who doesn't love free eggnog from Icing of the Cookies?! When hearing about the festivities, I got overly anxious so as soon as I got asked to help with Lighting of the Quad, I jumped on it. I thought maybe I'd help give out hot chocolate or something while getting to watch the Quad light up. However, this was not the case. Above is the picture of my view of the event -- taken from a little hole under Jewell Hall where the switch lies. At first, I was pretty disappointed to miss the lights for the first time in my Jewell career, however, this makes for a pretty decent story. Also, not to toot my own horn or anything, but Jewell Hall is the only lit building that can be seen across Liberty -- and I caused that. I understand it's not a big deal, but let me have my moment. Anyways, my first college finals are coming up soon, and, to much surprise from a freshman, I am not really concerned. The only real thing I am upset about with finals is that it marks the last week of 2015 that I get to be at Jewell. I know it'll only be a month before I come back, but Jewell has turned into my home and I hate to be apart for so long. With the conclusion of the semester coming soon, I wish you all a happy holiday season. 💕 Dalton
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