jzed74 · 5 years
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He, Javert, personified justice, light, and truth in their celestial function of crushing out evil. Behind him and around him, at an infinite distance, he had authority, reason, the case judged, the legal conscience, the public prosecution, all the stars; he was protecting order, he was causing the law to yield up its thunders, he was avenging society, he was lending a helping hand to the absolute, he was standing erect in the midst of a glory. There existed in his victory a remnant of defiance and of combat. Erect, haughty, brilliant, he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel. The terrible shadow of the action which he was accomplishing caused the vague flash of the social sword to be visible in his clenched fist; happy and indignant, he held his heel upon crime, vice, rebellion, perdition, hell; he was radiant, he exterminated, he smiled, and there was an incontestable grandeur in this monstrous Saint Michael - Victor Hugo (Les Misérables).
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jzed74 · 6 years
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The Riddler and his villainous wife are dismayed that they’ve raised a child who is absolutely enamored with Batman, their most vexing enemy. Could it be the bad influence of Jim Gordon’s daughter? The two best friends did decide to dress up as that menacing bat one Halloween. Hmmm…
Once upon a time in Gotham, many years ago on All Hallow’s Eve, there was a girl named –
“Edina Lee Thompkins! Put that bat down and come over here and sit quietly with us!”
The girl’s parents, two of the most notorious villains in Gotham, were utterly perplexed by her fascination with Gotham’s legendary hero who had seemingly risen from nowhere in recent years and made for quite the vexing enemy.
“But I LOVE the bat!” Edina said, pouting. The squishy plastic bat she had brought home from her best friend’s Halloween party earlier that afternoon now hung limply in her hand. She had gotten excited upon seeing the news break that Batman had once again saved Gotham mere hours before it was time for trick or treating and had jumped in front of the set to fly her new bat around in appreciation.
Her mother shook her head and patted the seat beside her, indicating were Edina should come and sit down before turning to her father. “How did we of all people raise a hero worshipping –”
“Hey, I don’t want to hear it,” her father counters. “You’re the one that lets her play with Barbara.”
“Jim’s daughter?’ Her mother waves her hand dismissively. "She’s harmless.”
“Oh yeah? Well they’ve become best friends.” Edina’s father shakes his head. “Our daughter and the Commissioner’s daughter? What could possibly go wrong?”
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jzed74 · 6 years
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Just in time for Halloween!
Vampire Lee Thompkins doesn’t care to share her bloodbag with the trespassing spirit of Oswald Cobblepot’s dead lover. Nygmakins & Nygmobblepot with a little Jim/Lee and Sofia Falcone thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!
“I was afraid that you’d go back to who you were before. The Riddler. And I like who you’ve become,” she tells him.
“Who’s that?”
“Ed Nygma. The Ed that you were before.” Before The Riddler started hijacking your body. “My friend.”
My bloodbag.
And now she had lost him once again. That cocky asshole with a penchant for possessing her sweet Ed’s body came sauntering into her office one night, his seemingly ever-present disco vampire companion, Oswald, in tow.
And no, she was having none of it.
Before she could take care of her little Riddler problem however, she had a bitch to kill and reluctantly joined forces with Oswald briefly in order to accomplish this. What happened to The Riddler while she and Oswald were out and about? Fuck if she cared.
The bitch in question - Sofia Falcone - was easily found shooting holes into Lee’s previous bloodbag so that she could more easily drain him of his life force. Damn, she was lazy. And cruel. Sofia had barely even attempted seduction - or anything - to ease Jim’s pain while he was being forced to provide her with sustenance.
Lee staked her in the back before she could even turn around, cold as death herself.
And just as Sophia withered and crumpled beside him, Lee crouched down and took Jim into her arms. She had to forcibly turn his head away from Sofia’s husk - it was the only way she could get the look of utter terror to disappear from his face.
“Lee?” he asked, feebly reaching up to touch her cheek.
She stilled his hand.
“No, Jim. You’re not mine to feed on anymore.”
He looked sad, devastated. “So this is it, then?”
Lee realized that he thought he would perish. Like she’d ever let that happen. “No, Jim.”
She cradled his head, stroked his hair gently, and gave him the aftercare he was used to following a feeding. And Jim was content - if only for the few fleeting moments it took for her to restore his life.
And then she found The Riddler.
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jzed74 · 6 years
Oh my gosh do I have a story for you!
This weekend is going to be quite a ride for those of you reading my Personalities fic (some of my favorite stuff is coming up). Poor Ed & Lee. Yes, it IS but it is also NOT what you think it is if you’ve been reading it. Just be sure to bring Kleenex for Sunday’s chapter!
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- Yes, that’s your resident Queen of Tragedy speaking. The faint of heart should stop reading on Friday. (can you hear me cackling?)
Me to hubby: Am I overselling it? I’m overselling it, right?
Hubby: No, that shit is sad. You’re good.
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jzed74 · 6 years
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Reposting for Summer of Gotham’s Season Four Prompt. I wrote this before I had even finshed all of Season Four because I was so enamored with these two! This fic is NSFW.
It can be found at AO3 | FF.net
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jzed74 · 6 years
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Reposting for Summer of Gotham’s Season Four Prompt. I wrote this before I had even finshed all of Season Four because I was so enamored with these two! This fic is NSFW.
It can be found at AO3 | FF.net
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jzed74 · 6 years
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requested by anonymous. | Jim Gordon about to cry because of the love of his life.
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jzed74 · 6 years
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OH YEAH!!! GET IT NYGMA! HAha! he’s my favorite character, and to see him in this scene, and the power he carried, it was amazing. He’s come so far from the awkward lab nerd. I mean, he’s still a serial killer but that doesn’t make it any less awesome! And the green and purple lighting! GODDAMN! That was awesome! I love how they did that! In this moment, he’s become the Riddler, after he spent the entire episode lost and mourning the loss of his best friend and thinking that maybe it wasn’t the right decision to kill him, because what is he without Oswald? But he became himself, and who knows what’ll happen now! He’s finally come into his own. Also, the way that they gradually changed his wardrobe from greys to greens as he became more and more like his future self, the Riddler. I could go on and on, honestly, I’ve so friggin excited, but I really love how this was done. It’s been so cool watching all these people become who they are in the time of Batman.
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jzed74 · 6 years
…should be, and is every day. If you’re feeling unworthy, unwanted, unworthy, and afraid, know that it’ll be okay. Take a breath. The words you are currently reading are coming from someone who has been in that darkness. Trust me. There is light.
Friends, family members— if you’re worried about someone, reach out to them. If you love them, tell them. You never know what someone is going through in their mind. & if you do, there are many ways to help them. 
Sometimes he or she just wants someone to listen. 
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jzed74 · 6 years
…should be, and is every day. If you’re feeling unworthy, unwanted, unworthy, and afraid, know that it’ll be okay. Take a breath. The words you are currently reading are coming from someone who has been in that darkness. Trust me. There is light.
Friends, family members— if you’re worried about someone, reach out to them. If you love them, tell them. You never know what someone is going through in their mind. & if you do, there are many ways to help them. 
Sometimes he or she just wants someone to listen. 
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jzed74 · 6 years
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This week in Personalities … LOL
Ed Nygma and Lee Thompkins are resurrected by Professor Strange after having slain each other in The Narrows. They wake up to find that they now have three personalities each and that they’ve lost something precious that they didn’t even know they had.
I’ve got FOURTEEN chapters of this fic released now. :-)
With plenty more to go  … 
Please note: I update this fic daily
Notes/Links (and more crazy unofficial titles) for Chapters 1-7 Here
Chapter Eight (aka The return of early puberty - Yikes!) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Nine (aka Yes, Ed does know how to sew) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Ten (aka Pokey WHAT now?) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Eleven (aka Jealousy) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Twelve (aka A visceral reaction) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Thirteen (aka What was missing is now found) AO3 | FF.net
Chapter Fourteen (aka A connection (sex!) and a promise) AO3 | FF.net
And stay tuned for Chapter Fifteen, coming tomorrow (aka Baby naming) — Most of this chapter was posted here already as a preview for this fic to whet your appetite. Now you can read it in its final form (and in context)!
Be sure to read the warning below before proceeding with this fic:
Note: This fic is DARK and I’m choosing NOT to use trigger warnings as they
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jzed74 · 6 years
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jzed74 · 6 years
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Kate had the opportunity to speak with Robin about the future of Gotham. He told her he’s aware of the #SaveGotham efforts on Twitter, expressed his appreciation, and encouraged us to keep going! There’s a letter writing campaign that I’ll post about on this blog tomorrow, and he thought that was a great idea also. The cast of Gotham appreciates fan support and wish the series could continue.
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jzed74 · 6 years
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Two little Nymakins stories for you, one from Lee’s POV, the other from Ed’s.
Enjoy! :-)
In Preparation at AO3 | FF.net
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jzed74 · 6 years
The struggle is real, kids. 😆
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jzed74 · 6 years
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO AMAZING....this just made me smile a mile wide. Love you, Avenue, you’re the best!!!!!!!
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I made him just for you @jzed74 !
For your birthday … your own personal Peridot (aka Evening Emerald). My favorite stone, actually.
Hope he’s hot enough for you … and I hope you had a wonderful day! :-)
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jzed74 · 6 years
SO adorably skeptic. I love him.
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Benjamin McKenzie as James Gordon in Gotham s04e11
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