Meowth Explores New Frontiers
I wrote a blueshipping (Pokémon) thing.
If curiosity didn’t kill the cat, secrecy certainly would.
It wasn’t supposed to go this far. They didn’t intend for it to go on this long. Hell, they barely even got up the courage to try it. It was only supposed to last a few seconds, half a minute, tops. Jessie would be gone for hours, nobody was around to peek in the windows, and even if they did make any noise, who would hear it in the middle of the forest? A few wild Pokémon, and they wouldn’t care, anyway.
Earlier that day, Jessie and James had gone to the store (in disguise, of course) for supplies. Jessie had lingered (something about “leadership and cracking the whip” in a nearby bookstore interested her) and James decided to head home with the groceries. Meowth, who had been outside of the cabin when they dressed and left, was initially surprised to see what looked like a blue-haired schoolgirl coming in the front door. Then he realized with whom he was living and the surprise faded.
Though, he’d be lying if he said the surprise, however short-lived, wasn’t pleasant.
“They had a special sale on eggs. Hope you don’t mind having omelets for the next few weeks,” James said as he put away the groceries.
“Anything’s fine wit’ me, as long as you’re cookin’ it, Jimmy.”
James looked back from the fridge with an odd look Meowth couldn’t quite describe. Not exactly blank, but as if the meaning of what Meowth had just said was unclear. Almost instantly, Meowth realized the double entendre.
“Er…as long as Jessie’s not cookin’ it, it’s fine!” Meowth corrected himself, a sheepish expression on his face. James looked slightly puzzled, and then another mental state Meowth couldn’t easily make out. He then turned back to the fridge.
“So where is Jessie, anyway?” Meowth asked, thankful for a new subject. He hoped his blushing didn’t show through his fur.
“She wandered off to the bookstore. Said she wanted to look at a book that would help ‘whip us into shape.’” James shuddered, probably at the memory of the Jessie doppelganger who was also fond of whips. “Prepare for training from hell to make our team perform doubly well!” He pretended to be excited, then his face grew worried. “I don’t really want to spend another week running hole-digging drills,” he said softly.
Meowth flicked his whiskers. “I think she’s past da hole-diggin’ kick.”
“I can only recall our hole-trap working once. The other times, we didn’t hide it well enough, made it too strong, or just fell in.” James was back to his usual self in seconds. “But I’m certain we’ll find the perfect trap one of these days!”
Meowth looked over at the book he’d been doodling in. He’d been trying to come up with a good plan since before Jessie and James left for the store. So far, all he’d managed to think of were either not in their budget or not quite in their competence range. Not that he thought they couldn’t pull it off if they really tried; they just had the worst luck, even when they planned out every last move. He considered asking Mondo for help, but he didn’t want to corrupt the poor kid.
James fanned himself. “This outfit is warmer than I thought it’d be. I’d better change.” He went over to the bed where Meowth sat and brought out a duffel bag of clothes from under it. He sat down to change.
Meowth moved to the end of the bed and continued to plot. Or, he tried to. Something about knowing that James was behind him and very likely naked was distracting.
“Maybe…I’ll go out,” he said absently.
James slipped out of his shirt. “Where to?”
“Er…” Damn it, why was thinking so hard right now? “I don’t know. It’s kinda weird when you’re changin’ in front of me.”
James held his shirt up to his chest, almost shyly, as far as Meowth could see from his peripheral vision. “Oh.” His tone was the soft, submissive sort, as if Jessie had just reprimanded him. “I didn’t realize you minded.”
“It’s not dat I mind, it’s just…” Meowth trailed off. Crap, he thought. Now I’ve gotten into it. “It’s not like watchin’ Jessie change. Or...” Meowth, usually perfectly able and willing to express himself in words, fumbled. “Undressin’ in front o’ me isn’t like doin’ it in front o’ da average Meowth.” He peered up at James, who held his shirt closer.
“Well.” James blushed and looked away modestly. Meowth was relieved that he didn’t look completely repulsed.
“Da point is, I don’t really mind.”
James’s green eyes widened. The blush deepened. “I…I really don’t mind you watching, to be honest.”
Meowth’s paw and James’s hand, throughout the exchange, had been slowly filling the gap on the bed. Their fingers brushed. The door to the cabin rattled.
They jerked apart, turning to the door. They paused, waiting for Jessie to enter, find them in that position, and simultaneously ask what they were doing and form her own, probably unflattering, answer.
The door didn’t move. Another gust of wind rattled the door’s flimsy handle. They both breathed a sigh of relief.
“Did Jessie mention when she was comin’ home?” Meowth whispered, not sure from whom they were keeping a secret.
“Not for another few hours,” James whispered back.
Their eyes lingered on the locked door before slowly but surely blue met green, paw met hand, fur and flesh closed the gap on the bed. James’s shirt was forgotten, somewhere at the foot of the bed, maybe on the bedpost. Meowth didn’t even hear when the book and pencil clattered to the floor, futile maps and theories discarded in favor of experience.
They were diagonal, then horizontal on the bed, feline upon human. Meowth’s tail flicked, then began migrating up James’s skirt. James let out one of those high-pitched squeal-sigh combos that jumpstarted Meowth’s heart better than a shock from Pikachu. James stroked the spot right behind Meowth’s charm. Meowth damn near melted.
I don’t know if this’ll continue, but if it does, James needs to have Meowth’s kittens.
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The Intelligent Terror of the Snow (or Kaiba and Keith’s Crack Adventure)
It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Kaiba and Keith went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Kaiba hit Keith in his penis with a big sexy ice ball. It hurt a lot, but Kaiba kissed it wildly and then it was all better.
Then they decided to make a snowman.
“We’ll make a really shiny snow man!” Kaiba said.
“Why don’t we make a snow woman instead?” Keith said. “That would be more hairy and politically correct.”
“I know,” Kaiba said. “We can make a snow dragon. That way, we don’t have to worry about gender politics.”
So they rolled the snow up drunkenly and made a sparkly snow dragon. Kaiba put a snow deck in the hand. The dragon was almost as big as Keith.
“It looks ridiculous,” Kaiba said. “But it seems like it’s missing something.”
“Here,” Keith said and held up a leathery set of rules. “I found this in the bed.” He put the rules onto the dragon’s head.
It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the dragon, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like an elephant on LSD.
Keith screamed flaccidly and ran but the snow dragon chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow dragon screwed him fortunately.
“Nobody does that to my Molten Metallic Duel Disk,” Kaiba screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow dragon through the butt. It fell down and Kaiba kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.
“You saved me!” Keith said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.
The rules lay in the yard until a rich child picked them up and took them home.
This is what I got from the slashfic generator.
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Judge Claude Frollo and Seto Kaiba would make the cutest buttbabies.
It would be hilarious seeing them try to parent them together.
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They have similar features.
It would be funny if they met.
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