katzreptilez · 2 years
Waiting for paychecks to buy stuff got me like:
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katzreptilez · 2 years
I would like to introduce myself and my Cuban Knight Anole, Jeffrey. Jeffrey is the first reptile that I've owned as an adult and also the first reptile that I've had the financial ability to really set them up with a truly epic tank.
Jeffrey is currently in a small 8-10 gallon arboreal tank. The objects in her (yes, her. Jeff was named prior to sexing) are plastic and it's a pretty "sterile" environment. Because it is a "sterile" terrarium I do need to take everything out and clean the tank and all her decorations. I got her set up in the "sterile" tank for just the first year cause she was a baby and I knew that she would outgrow the tank that she is currently in within a couple of years.
Last weekend, I purchased her adult tank:
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This is where the adventure begins. I will be chronicling the adventures in setting up my first ever bioactive terrarium. I am currently researching which plants would be best, lights to grow them, and what type of soil and cleanup crew is going to be best.
We have the lizard, and we have the tank. Next is the misting system.
In the next 2-3 weeks I’m going to be getting the MistKing system then comes the lighting then the actual parts of biome (dirt, plants, etc.)
I apologize that this page will be slow going for now but I’m excited to share this journey of taking this sterile glass box and turning it into a beautiful piece of nature for my darling Jeff.
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