raita’s countdown comics for aizawa’s birthday. this translation was requested by @cuddlepuddlezz.
note: my translations are loose
i’ve already translated the first comic here
comic 2
あと6日! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 6 more days! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[Musical chairs. Used in hero training to foster split-second decision making and use of short term, high powered force.]
Aizawa: Who would have thought I would end up in one-on-one combat with you...
Mic: Yeah... but I definitely won’t lose...!
[music stops]
Both: !!
[final result!!]
Teacher: Winner, Aizawa!
Aizawa: Yes!
Mic: You dummy! I won’t lose next time!
[the end]
comic 3
あと5日! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 5 more days! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[magazine shoot]
[camera shutter sounds]
Aizawa: ... hey. Why am I being photographed too?
Mic: Well, the theme of this special feature is heroes from the same generation.
Aizawa: But...
Mic: By the way, the last photo shoot is with cats...
Aizawa: !! Aizawa: ... I’ll go along with it just this once.
Mic: [thinking] He’s so easy to read! It’s too cute!
Photographer: Mic-san, is everything okay?
comic 4
あと4日! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 4 more days! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
Mic: ..... Mic: Shōta, you should sleep in bed.
Aizawa: Mm... I fell asleep?
Mic: Come on, let’s go to bed...
Aizawa: ... just a little more and then I’ll be finished...
Mic: It’ll be fine. Just go to bed, Shōta. Mic: ... please.
Aizawa: ... alright.
comic 5
あと3日! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 3 more days! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[frivolous conversation]
Mic: ... ah.
Aizawa: Hm? What is it?
Mic: Shōta, those close look like they’d really look good on you.
Aizawa: Hah? Aizawa: What do you mean?
Mic: They just feel like they’d look good on you.
Aizawa: ... I think they’d look better on you.
Mic: Eh? Really? Mic: Hmmm... ah! Mic: How about we try coordinated outfits? (T/N: lit. “pair look”)
Aizawa: Hah? Aizawa: [small text] Don’t tug on my face.
[matching outfits erasermic]
Mic: ... thirty’s probably too old for couple coordinated outfits.
Aizawa: ... I haven’t really thought about it...
comic 6
あと2日! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 2 more days! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[arm wrestling]
Mic: I fully intend to take this seriously... are you prepared?
Aizawa: ... hah, I wouldn’t expect any less.
Cementoss: Ready..... Cementoss: Fight!!
Cementoss: Winner, Eraserhead!
All Might: M-mic, it’s alright...
Mic: Thank you, All Might... Mic: [thinking] You better be ready for tonight, Shōta!
comic 7
あと1日!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
caption 1 more day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[the night before Aizawa’s birthday]
Mic: Alright!
Aizawa: I’m home.
Mic: Welcome home, Shōta!!
Aizawa: ?! Aizawa: ... what is it? Aizawa: [small text] You surprised me...
Mic: Hmm? Good work today, Shōta.
Aizawa: Ah?
this last comic is then continued, which i have already translated here
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hey, here’s a little reminder that tumblr likes to eat asks with urls in them! so if you send me a translation request and i never give you any sort of reply (after like a week or so), that means i didn’t get it. if that happens, don’t hesitate to try to send it again.
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 お誕生日おめでとうございます!!!うおーん!おめでとう!相澤先生!!好きです!! マイ相DE相澤誕生日漫画① #1日1マイ相
note: my translations are loose
caption Happy birthday!!! Yaaay! Congratulations! Aizawa-sensei!! I love you!! Erasermic Aizawa’s birthday comic, part 1 #1day1erasermic
part 1
page 1 Mic: Shōtaaaa!
Aizawa: Hm?
Mic: Once you’re done changing, do you want to go to the beach?
Aizawa: ..... hah? Aizawa: It’s so cold.
Mic: [in English] So cold...
Aizawa: There’s nothing here.
Mic: Yeah, I suppose there isn’t.
page 2 Aizawa: Why did you want to come to --
Mic: Here! It’s a scarf.
Aizawa: ... you’re not cold...?
Mic: Ta-da! Actually, two scarves were too heavy.
Aizawa: [thinking] It’s really fluffy and... it’s so warm... Aizawa: And?
Mic: Hm?
Aizawa: Why did you suddenly want to go to the beach? Aizawa: You specifically rented a car to come out here and risked our lives doing so...
(T/N: Aizawa uses a term for Mic which means Mic “has a driver’s license but has very little experience actually driving”)
Mic: I wasn’t risking our lives! Mic: I mean... hm, how do I put this? There are just times when I want to go see the ocean, you know...
Aizawa: No, I don’t. Or at least not at night.
Mic: Never? That can’t be true!
page 3 Mic: Well... do you not remember the time when we came here during our second year of high school?
Young!Mic and Aizawa: It’s a promise! Young!Mic and Aizawa: We’ll definitely become heroes!
Aizawa: I... remember it. Aizawa: ... so this is that beach?
Mic: A long time ago, we made a promise here.
page 4 Mic: We said we’d definitely become heroes.
Young!Mic: I’ll become the pirate king! Young!Aizawa: Heroes, not pirates.
Aizawa: Ahh.
Mic: We became heroes together and we even became teachers together, too... So? What do you think now?
Aizawa: I mean, it’s not really... all we did was fulfill our promise. Aizawa: [small text] What sort of question is that?
Mic: I guess you’re right. We did clear our initial goal. And in addition to that --
[beeping noise]
Aizawa: [thinking] ... hm? What’s that sound?
Mic: Since that day, the two of us have always spent time together. For years and years the two of us have been together.
part 2
page 5 Mic: Shōta, from now on... let’s always be together. Mic: Next year, and beyond that, forever and ever. Mic: [in English] Happy birthday, Shōta. Mic: [in Japanese] Happy birthday.
page 6 Aizawa: ..... so that’s what this is about.
Mic: Romantic, isn’t it? Mic: [small text] Surprise! Mic: !
Aizawa: ... I suppose it was.
Mic: Also, that scarf is a present for you!
Aizawa: Ahh... thank you.
Mic: ... so, do you like having this sort of birthday?
page 7 Aizawa: Yeah.
[on the way home]
Aizawa: [thinking] Well, it would be better without this part... Aizawa: [small text] Are you sure you’re okay?
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 マイ相『バレちゃいけない関係だから』in 街中
note: my translations are loose
caption erasermic “can’t expose their relationship” in public
page 1 All Might: It’s been so long since I had an off day...! All Might: [small text] The couple in front of me is really flirty...
Mic: We really should go into that shop we just passed, shouldn’t we?
[Mic and Aizawa turn around]
All Might: !!! All Might: Eh? You two... eh?!
Mic: [small text] All Might-san?! Mic: Ah, no --
All Might: Could it be...? You two are...?! Eeeeeh?!
Mic: That’s not...! Uh! The two of us -- ! Mic: We --
page 2 Mic: We’re not dating yet!!!
[★Are you trying to misrepresent our relationship -- !]
[The misrepresented state of affairs became heavier.]
Aizawa: I thought we were already going out...
All Might: You thought the two of you weren’t dating, but you still held his hand? All Might: [small text] What sort of hero are you? (T/N: or possibly “you sure are a hero” but the phrasing is confusing;;)
Mic: Ahhhh
page 3 [clearing up the misunderstanding]
Aizawa: So to begin with, in public places...
Mic: I’m sorry.
[*As you probably know, they’re going out now.]
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~わーい!ようやくはじめます!相澤誕生日まで、あと7日!! #マイ相DE相澤誕生日カウントダウン
note: my translations are loose
caption Wooow! I’m finally starting! There are 7 days left until Aizawa’s birthday!! #ErasermicAizawa’sBirthdayCountdown
[7 days until Aizawa’s birthday!]
Mic: [yawning sound]
Aizawa: .....
Mic: [small text] Wow, I’m tired.
Aizawa: [yawning sound]
Mic: !! Mic: Hey, hey.
Aizawa: Hm?
Mic: My yawn just transferred to you, didn’t it?
Aizawa: Ah... I guess so.
Mic: They say that yawns transfer quickly for people who are really close. Like, for example... romantic partners, and such?
Aizawa: Wha --
Mic: !! Shōta, you’re so cute!
Aizawa: ... shut up.
Mic: I love you!
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生徒をヒーロー名で呼ぶ練習をする相澤先生と、それに付き合わされるマイク 本誌で「デク」と呼んでるのを見るたび胸がギュッてします
note: my translations are loose
caption Aizawa practicing calling his students by their hero names and Mic helping him. I was so happy when I saw Aizawa call Izuku “Deku” in the manga. (T/N: lit. “my chest got tight”)
page 1 Aizawa: I want to practice so that I’m able to call the students by their hero names in the spur of the moment. Please present these flashcards to me randomly.
Mic: You’re really passionate about this. Mic: Alright! Mic: [small text] Start!
Aizawa: Froppy.
Mic: Next!
Aizawa: Red Riot.
Mic: In kanji!
Aizawa: Fierce-Anger-Trust-Hero.
Mic: Wow.
(T/N: The first time Kirishima’s name is written in katakana with the pseudo-English pronunciation but the second time it’s written in kanji characters, although they’re pronounced the same way.)
Mic: What color is this?
Aizawa: ? Green. (T/N: “midori-da”)
Mic: And this is?
Aizawa: Midoriya.
Mic: YOU FEEL FOR IT! You have to call them by their hero names outside of school, Eraser!
page 2 [Aizawa’s writing the kanji for “Red Riot” ten times so he remembers it]
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note: my translations are loose
caption I’ve drawn it plenty of times, but here’s friends Erasermic (in their mid 20′s). I always want to read them having hundreds of disagreements, but then having hundreds of happy endings.
page 1 Mic: Shōta! Mic: I told you to wait for me! You jerk, give me a reason! Mic: Why have you been avoiding me?!
page 2 Aizawa: ... is that a satisfactory answer?
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note: my translations are loose
caption young!erasermic are having a bad fight but they still eat lunch together
[they’re fighting but they still get lunch together!!]
[Mic is steaming with anger]
Aizawa: [thinking] Oh, I found a pickle.
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マイ相というか高1ひざしょ? プレゼントマイクにも初期ダサい時期があったのかな…って妄想です※かっこ良くてスタイリッシュなマイクしか見たくない方は閲覧気を付けて下さい
note: my translations are loose
caption Erasermic, or more precisely, young!Erasermic? “Even Present Mic probably had a time where his fashion sense was really lame...” sort of headcanon. *If you’re just looking for cool, stylish Mic, you should probably be careful about reading this.
page 1 Mic: Shōta! I made my prototype costume~! Mic: What do you think?
Aizawa: [thinking] So lame!!!
[Mic’s belt is chirping like a baby chick]
Aizawa: ... ah... I... don’t know much about clothes, so I’m indifferent, but isn’t it a little bit too much...? Maybe...?
Mic: Eh?! Mic: Really? I guess I did go a little overboard... It’s 60′s vintage...
Aizawa: [thinking] That’s not what I mean!!!
page 2 [after school]
[arrow pointing to Mic’s desk]
[over a series of days, Aizawa’s putting popular fashion magazines such as “Men’s Non-No” and “Leon” in Mic’s desk]
Mic: Shōta, recently this shop has been...
Aizawa: [small text] Ah... I’m not really interested in that sort of stuff...
[before long, Mic became fashion-conscious]
page 3 Girl 1: Look at Present Mic’s special edition! He’s so sexy! His civilian clothes are great~
Girl 2: He’s such a fashionista.
Girl 1: [small text] And he can cook too, so he’s perfect, isn’t he?
[self-satisfied Aizawa] (T/N: lit. “I raised him” Aizawa)
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マイ相描いた!!!断片的に描きたいなって思ったシーン。肉付け出来ないから落書き漫画で供養(°▽°) #1日1マイ相
note: my translations are loose
caption I drew Erasermic!!! I wanted to draw this scene in a sort of fragmented way. In the end I wasn’t able to really flesh it out, so I’m mourning this scribbled comic  (°▽°) #1day1erasermic
page 1 Aizawa: ... forever, over and over again, please tell me you love me.
Mic: ... eh?
Aizawa: Please let me indulge in your voice.
Mic: ... I love you.
page 2 Mic: I love you. I love you, Shōta.
Aizawa: [narration] Hizashi’s kind voice...
Mic: I really love you. I love you. Mic: I’m in love with you, Shōta. I’ll always love you.
Aizawa: [narration] His breathing, his body temperature, all of it...
Mic: Shōta. I love you, Shōta. I love you.
Aizawa: [thinking] They make me feel safe.
Mic: I love you so much. I love you.
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note: my translations are loose
caption young!erasermic who formed a rock band for the school cultural festival
Classmate A: Yamada, you were so cool yesterday!
Mic: I know, right? Thank you, listener!
Classmate A: Unexpectedly cool.
Mic: What’s that supposed to mean?!
Classmate A: Ah, Aizawa! Classmate A: Aizawa, you were so cool!
Classmate B: Yesterday was awesome!
Classmate C: You can really play the guitar!
Aizawa: Ah, no, that was just...
[Aizawa is secretly pleased and Mic is annoyed]
Mic: Stop! Please don’t touch my guitarist!!
Aizawa: Get off of me!
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note: my translations are loose
caption Erasermic drinking. I love when the teachers are noisy. Midnight-san really is resilient.
page 1 Midnight: A get-together to comfort me after breaking up with my boyfriend! 
Mic: Yeah!!
Midnight: Ahh, I’m so sick of men! From now on I’m going to live for my work!
Mic: Yeah, exactly! For us heroes, our work is our significant other!
[1 hour later]
Mic: Eh? You’re getting rid of all the stuff he gave you? Hm, well I’ve never been dumped, so I don’t really get it. Mic: Eraser, don’t mix alcohol! (T/N: not literally “mix together,” but drink more than one type of alcohol in one evening) Mic: [small text] You’re going to get really drunk.
[3 hours later]
Midnight: And so... are you two even listening to me?!
Mic: Sorry, shōchū​ makes him really sleepy... (T/N: shōchū​ is a type of japanese alcohol)
Aizawa: [small text] Hah? You do, not me...
page 2 [end of the party]
All Might: You want a boyfriend?! But yesterday you were saying you were going to live for your work...?
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note: my translations are loose
caption cough drop aficionado Yamada (erasermic)
Aizawa: What’s wrong, Kaminari? Do you have a cold?
Kaminari: I don’t know, but for some reason my throat’s been hurting lately.
Jirō: [thinking] He’s an idiot but he managed to catch a cold...
Aizawa: ..... Aizawa: Wait a moment.
Kaminari and Jirō: !!
Kaminari: Isn’t that Mic-sensei’s desk...?
Aizawa: Because of his quirk, he knows a lot about these sorts of things. Aizawa: Take them. Aizawa: [small text] They’ll probably work.
[the packaging says “cough drops”]
Jirō: Is that really okay? For you to just...
Aizawa: Yeah. Aizawa: His things are my things.
Kaminari and Jirō: Thanks!
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マイ相三十路ごはん ※食べ物を美味しそうに描けないのは仕様です
note: my translations are loose
caption 30 year old erasermic making a meal *I couldn’t draw the food very delicious looking.
Mic: Shōta! I’m doing a TV program, so you should appear as a guest!
[the script Mic is holding is titled “cooking at age 30 with Present Mic”]
Aizawa: Hah?
Mic: Don’t worry, it’ll be easy!!
Aizawa: Don’t just decide on your own to give me more work, you little --
Mic: Once this is over, I’ll take you to a cat cafe! Mic: Anyway, let’s practice. Uuuh sweet potato salad and pumpkin soup, huh? How about we start with the salad. Hey, don’t complain. Mic: Peel the potatoes and then dice them, Shōta-kun.
Aizawa: Hah? Dice?
Mic: Could you please not point the kitchen knife in this direction? Mic: You’re supposed to dice it, not carve the potato into a 20 sided polygon sculpture! Mic: Just cut them into small squares! Once you’ve done that, soak them in water for five minutes and then boil them in hot water for seven minutes!
Aizawa: Roasting the potatoes would be quicker.
Mic: Please just do as I say. Mic: Drain the potatoes in a colander, put them in a bowl with mayo and sugar, add a little salt and then mix. It’s complete! See? Easy, isn’t it?
Aizawa: It was very troublesome.
Mic: Did you really have to say that?!
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プラ○を着た悪魔を見てたら相マイ変換してたただのパロです。 増えろ相マイ
note: my translations are loose
(this comic isn’t explicit, but it is suggestive)
title Mic wearing Prada
caption I was watching The Devil Wears Prada and wanted to make an Erasermic parody. More Erasermic! (T/N: I just translated it as “Erasermic” but the artist specifically means Eraser/Mic instead of Mic/Eraser)
page 1 Aizawa: I’m home... What is that? Didn’t you quit that job?
Mic: Well, a lot of things happened, so...
[sparkling “Prada” caption]
Mic: I was crying about how I wanted to give up while calling you but then...
Aizawa: Your resolve weakened and afterwards you reconsidered.
Mic: Well, Shōta... Mic: More importantly, what do you think of these clothes? They’re new.
Aizawa: They’re nice, I suppose.
Mic: This belt is from the new autumn collection.
Aizawa: Oh, really?
page 2 Mic: And there’s one more new piece...
Aizawa: Okay, I get it. I’ve said I’m not interested in fashion, but it’s managed to catch my attention because it’s you.
Mic: Of course! Don’t wear yourself out, darling.
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note: my translations are loose
caption logical summer young!erasermic
Aizawa: Please don’t leave my side. Aizawa: [thinking] It’s so hot out.
Mic: Anything for you!
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この診断ネタをすまネタで!釣りしながらのんびりマイ相…(о´∀`о) #1日1マイ相
note: my translations are loose
caption This shindanmaker joke was stuck in my head! Erasermic relaxing while fishing... (о´∀`о) #1day1erasermic
[while fishing together, eventually...]
Mic: Oh! Shōta! Pull, pull!
Aizawa: Pull it towards yourself in a way that won’t break the line.
Mic: [whistling] The first fish I’ve caught!
Aizawa: Alright, put it in this net...
[line breaks]
Mic: SHIIIIIIIIT! My first fish...!
Aizawa: The fish that got away was really big, wasn’t it?
Mic: Mean!
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