lcstnfcund · 4 years
“Let me see.” Allison frowned trying to get a good look at the injury. The scent of blood could attract all manner of creature, it wasn’t smart to let this go untreated. On top of that, Irene risked infection. “Irene.”
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“What!?” She asked, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean I’m fine.” She was not fine, but she wasn’t going to admit it to the girl no matter what. “What’s the worst that’s going to happen? I get an infection? I can go to the hospital and get an antibiotic if that happens...”
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
Reblog this if it's okay for me to reply to something in your "open" tag no matter how long ago you posted it.
Bonus: state what your “open starter” tag is in your tags on this post!
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
get to know the mun- meg
bold - TRUE
bold & italics - SO TRUE IT HURTS
I am over / under 5‘5“ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have brown hair  / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have brown eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards / I prefer vintage to modern clothing / I wear certain articles of jewelry every day
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand / I know CPR and first-aid
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have a sister / I am the youngest child / I am the eldest child / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colours / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Spring is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBTQ
tagged by: @therecklessones
tagging: @brokexpieces1 @ostendesxtuum
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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❝ you look tense,  let me rub your shoulders. ❞ ❝ will you draw on my back? ❞ ❝ i love it when you sing to me ❞ ❝ i drew a bath for you,  let me make you some tea. ❞ ❝ do you want to just stay in bed today? ❞ ❝ come back to bed,  it’s barely sunrise. ❞ ❝ should i get out some candles? ❞ ❝ i picked up your favourite wine. ❞ ❝ will you play with my hair? ❞ ❝ i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. ❞ ❝ i think you look beautiful. ❞ ❝ i love you even when you have morning breath. ❞ ❝ i cooked dinner for you. ❞ ❝ i brought you dinner. ❞ ❝ can you just hold me for a while? ❞ ❝ i’m just gonna hold you for a while. ❞ ❝ sing me to sleep? ❞ ❝ i’m going to treat you like a  ( queen/king ). ❞ ❝ you’re my whole world. ❞ ❝ a foot rub would be nice. ❞ ❝ are you going to join me? ❞ ❝ may i have this dance? ❞ ❝ shut up and kiss me. ❞
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
@ostendesxtuum​ sent:  “ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ”
Irene looked at the girl with wide eyes, she cursed herself in her head. She should’ve patched herself up when she had the chance. “I...Uh..yeah?” She asked with a shrug of her shoulders.”It’s no big deal, I’m fine. I promise, alright? It’s just a tiny thing it’s hardly bleeding.” Lies. her arm was throbbing and she was sure she was going to have to throw her shirt away. Bummer, it was one of her favorites. 
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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Seth had shook her hand and smiled. “What are you drinking?” He had a beer in his other hand and took a sip of it.
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“I’m drinking the only drink that matters.” She started, raising her glass full of clear liquid as a smile played on her lips. “Vodka.” She finished, her faint Russian accent coming out with the word.
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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“Yeah?” He grinned at her taking his offer. “Cool.” Dexter nodded. “So what does this house look like..?” Making an offer and not knowing what he was buying.
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“It’s brick, old looking, four bed and three and a half bath.” She replied with a shrug. “There’s also a pool, a deck in the backyard, an enclosed patio. I mean theres a lot you could do it. Like make a game room, or a home theater, or something? I don’t know what single guys do with a big house...” she shrugged.
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
“Look, I don’t know who you think you’re going to find..but my name isn’t Zeus..yes I have a lightning bolt tattoo but that doesn’t mean anything…” Kayden said, Zeus was inhabiting this body and he took the name Kayden Johns he got so comfortable he forgot who he truly was. 
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Irene looked at him with frustration then rolled her eyes at him. “You’re either oddly obsessed with greek mythology, you’re really Zeus, or you’re also hella into Harry Potter...” She replied with snark. “Look, I wont tell anyone...just...don’t make me sound crazy please....” Irene begged.
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All Hail The King//Kayden&?
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
Im gonna do a couple of replies, and do a little bit of writing so write this for a reverse starter call!
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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Dexter breathed out slowly. “I know, okay..just do the asking price.” She was right, they’ve known each other for way too long to be giving that much just for a house.  “But you have to let me take you out or at least order take out.”
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Scarlet nodded, agreeing to him. She’ll setting for asking price. Scarlet laughed at his counter, and she looked away from him before shaking her head to look back at him. “Okay... we can do take out and a movie night.”
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
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“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t ruin your alone time here.” Seth apologized, “But I’m Seth…what’s your name?”
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“No, no it’s fine! I don’t mind. I don’t think I remember the last time I had someone sit with me.” She assured him with a smile. “I’m Natalia, it’s a pleasure.” She replied, holding out her hand for a shake. 
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
I love when people are genuinely excited about our plots/ships. I love when I’m not the only one who’s like “!!!” I love it. @ my partners you will literally never annoy me by being overly excited about our ships I love it so much.
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
misc prompts for your feels
“ unique just means alone. ” “ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ” “ i know i’m a monster, but you look at me like i’m a man. ” “ there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to keep you safe. ” “ we all have sins to pay penance for. ” “ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ” “ sometimes when you look at me it’s like…it’s like you’re staring straight past my flesh and into my soul. ” “ you make me want to live. ” “ i know i don’t deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might. ” “ i trust you with my life. ” “ you’re more like family to me than my own blood. ” “ i’ve never had any sort of family before. ” “ your life is far more precious than mine. ” “ i don’t care what happens to me. as long as you’re safe. ” “ i need you to live…cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” “ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” “ i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i’m okay with that. ” “ i couldn’t say no to you even if i wanted to. ” “ you’re worth more than this. ” “ why do you walk around as if you’re somehow less valuable than the rest of the world? ” “ please, let me help you. ” “ just let me do this for you. ” “ you do have something to live for. you have me. ” “ you’ll always have me. ” “ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ” “ it’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you. ” “ don’t you realize you deserve more than this? ” “ you’re not a machine or— or some thing. you’re a person, and i’m sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise. ” “ please, just hold on a little longer. i can’t lose you too. ” “ this scar..what happened? ” “ if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. ” “ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ” “ sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there’d be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself. ”  “ i’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ” “ my mind is so loud and i’m afraid it’ll never be quiet again. ” “ when i’m in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i’m alone it’s somehow worse. ” “ loneliness is a poison and i’ve been drinking it for so long, i don’t there there’s an anecdote to save my soul. ” “ i don’t care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me. ” “ you deserve more than i could ever give you. ” “ i love you. i know that’s not enough, but i do. ” “ you’re safe with me, you always will be. ” “ you make me feel safe. like i’m allowed to be anything i want. ” “ i’d do anything to be the person you love again. ” “ i’ve got you, you’re safe. ” “ just rest, i’m here. ” “ you can stay with me tonight. ”
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
hEy gimme a plot where there’s a single dad who lives alone with his kid in a cheap apartment and he’s reserved and keeps to himself and is pretty shy and there’s a girl who moves into the apartment across from his and they each have their windows open all the time and she just gets amused watching him interact with his kid and she’s so amazed by it and they communicate through their windows a lot, looking up every so often and waving or chuckling and making little faces at each other, but never actually talk until there’s a false fire alarm at three in the morning and they’re standing out in the cold and she offers his kid her jacket because they at the time thought there was a real fire and he was too worried about getting the two of them outside to think about jackets and it just kind of takes off from theRE !!
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lcstnfcund · 4 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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