leaderofsouls · 4 months
Princeps severed his ties to Death, and began anew…
“For you, I’d do anything. Thank you. From now until forever I devote myself to you,” Angelus said, tears of joy welling in her eyes.
With this declaration, Princeps felt his power grow. He wasn’t supposed to be able to do the things he did for Angelus. But it had been so easy, as if he was made for it. He tucked Angelus away in a hidden part of the universe and went to Death and demanded to know why he hadn’t known of his true strength. Death demanded to know what Princeps had done, but Princeps severed his ties to Death, and began anew.
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leaderofsouls · 4 months
"I can feel my skin burning!" she cried...
Princeps approached the wailing girl. She couldn’t have been older than nineteen. “My love…” he said, trying to soothe her. “What ails you?”
“I’m dead!” she screamed, clawing her arms as she sobbed. “My lover he… He burned me alive, he killed me, I’m dead! I can feel my skin burning!” she cried. “Make it stop, please make it stop!” And so Princeps willed it to be. Immediately she calmed.  Her sobbing stopped.
“Thank you…” she whimpered. “Please. Make me forget,” And so Princeps willed it to be. She asked her name, and he named her Angelus, for she looked like an angel with peace smoothing her features.
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leaderofsouls · 4 months
He was made of stardust and other lost things...
Too many souls expired before their time. So they remained lost at the edge of the universe, no one to guide them to Death’s realm. Until Death crafted a Guide. He was made of stardust and other lost things. Death named him Princeps, and for centuries he guided the lost souls, following all the rules that were set in place. Not a single soul he guided knew they were dead. All were brought calmly to Death’s realm and put to rest. That was until Princeps encountered a soul who was wailing when he found her. He had never seen such a thing…
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