Mummy, why is that girl a boy?
Child in a supermarket
A girl shouted this whilst I walked past recently. I didn't know how to respond as she kind of shouted at me rather than to me. I still am baffled by the strength of the hair length stereotypes in todays society. 
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Mummy, why does that girl have a willy
Unknown Child on the beach 
Children twisted stereotypes based on looks are so distorted that hair length outweighs genitals in trying to distinguish between female and male. I find this so annoying but also fascinating, how do they learn this? People are so focussed on what others should look like that we create this mass distortion of reality and pass it on to our children
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Wolf Whistling
Whistling or telling me i have a nice arse is also completely inappropriate. I look nice for myself and not for you, admire from a distance. 
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Catcalling - I don't care if you're attractive
It doesn't matter who is catcalling, attractive or not - you aren't paying me a compliment, saying good evening or hello or asking how my day was. You're shouting at me in a place I'm going about my daily life, commenting on things that aren't your place to mention about. 
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I do not care if you think I am beautiful. Your feedback or evaluation isn’t needed. I also do not care if you think I am not beautiful. Your feedback or evaluation isn’t needed there either. If you leave a comment on this column about how you don’t like my haircut, or don’t think I’m that pretty anyway so how did this story even happen, that tells me that you have a problem with control.
“You’re a good-looking girl… I want to attack you” · Who In The World Is Cameron Esposito? · The A.V. Club (via brutereason)
Please just don't feel that I care about your opinion, good or bad. When i'm walking home, I don't need to be evaluated.
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Not that I agree particularly with retaliation in this way, It's a great/ amusing way to show how it feels to be catcalled
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1) It makes anyone feel uncomfortable, especially in an environment were they aren't invited to talk to you. 
2) It isn't a compliment. It just leaves me feeling attacked and annoyed.
3) People think they have a right to make comments on the way you want to look, dress, behave and they don't.
4) The whole argument that happens between women about catcalling is completely ridiculous too, if you respond you're a hardcore/rude/feminist that should have shut up and if you don't, you're letting people walk all over you.
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So, I am always catcalled and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I get it a lot, especially with my newly shaved head. 
People feel they have a right to call out at me in the street, shouting things like 'Lesbian', 'Is that a boy or a girl', 'hey, what the hell's up with your hair', 'what the fuck does she look like'. 
I've also had experiences where I've walked past a catcaller in the park late at night, not responding to their comments only to have 'oh, not replying then bitch' yelled at me.
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"CATCALL When a guy gives the wert whirl whistle or yells at a babydoll for the purpose of getting attention and in hopes of a future hookup. This is usually done out of the window of a car. Typically a Pontiac Firebird, or Camaro.
99.9% a hookup never arises and it's just the thrill that keeps these going."
Defined by Urban Dictionary
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Initial Thoughts for FMP Blog
So I've been thinking about what I want to research for this blog, something that I'll have a lot to comment on and ponder for a while. Where best to start than with the things I dislike. 
I don't want this project to be completely negative because I don't think that will be productive. I want to think about why there are things that get under my skin so much and perhaps find a way to change peoples (or my own) perception to them. 
I find I have a lot of passion for things, wether i like them or not and can get really caught up n my opinions and morals. I'd love to have this time to reflect on what really winds me up.
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