Yo! Your girl is back and willing to do match ups should anyone want them!! Im emptying my inbox but feel free to message me if you still want yours!
Refresher on the rules!
- Send me an ask with some info in what you like to do and what you act like around people!
- Give me a little info on how you react to crushes and relationships if you can!
- Physical traits also help with whos aesthetic youd line up with but arent inportant!
- I'm free and bored so id be really happy to do these as quickly as possible!
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Don't worry Hal, I'll like that post for you (I may or may not be their friend and pushed them to try out this). Anyways, good to know your doing good. The only person you need to please is yourself. I would like to give it a go! I'm about 5'3, with short dark hair. I often wear jeans, and a jacket. I also wear a bandanna to hide my neck (for personal reasons). In my free time i bike, read, and play video games. Personality wise, I always look out for others, I'm not the most open, but I'm also not really closed off just kind of chill, I'm not extremely optimistic, but I try my best to be a good person. I also try to be a good older sibling, and want my younger ones to look up to me more(sadly they don't, but good thing they're independent). Any game is fine by me and any gender, but I do sway more toward V3. Around my crush or s/o I am a little more open minded to them, and fluster a little easier (though I hate to admit it). Nothing else I can think of, I hope this is alright.
Thank you for doing that for them and thank you for the compliment! You did great as well ^.^
I match you with….
.look this boy's life has been chaotic and the fact that that you are relaxing to be around, and chill, is very refreshing to him. Also he's not the type to pry for personal issues because he has some himself that he’d rather not disclose right away.
.He also likes to read! Sure it's mostly about different countries, but he can also get behind fiction and just generally relaxing together with you! You are one of the few people that actually make him comfortable. He even actually starts talking to you about the books he’s reading and where he’s traveling next! You slowly start revealing more as it becomes relevant. You tell him about your siblings and how you want to be a good role model and he admires you for that! He honestly feels the same way. He encourages you and kind of reminds you that even if they are independent it doesn't mean they don't respect you. They just may not outwardly express it!
.One day when he tells you that he is traveling soon and you kind of start to feel a little sad about him leaving. You feel bad and try to push back the feeling because you don't really want to be a clingy friend or anything, but you can't deny there is part of you that wishes you were close enough to go together. Or even close enough for him to also feel the same so that at least you weren't the only one in the friendship who had feeling that were more than just friends.
.You gather the courage to tell him how you feel when you send him off. That way you both have time to think everything over afterwards. At least that was the plan. You didn't mean to get flustered but it was hard not to. Everything came out small bursts with pauses in between so you could think everything through as you told him you had feelings for him. You had gotten to the part about it being ok if he didnt feel the same and that he could at least think it over, but before you could completely finish he grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it before letting you know he’d felt the same. He had to go so he slipped into the taxi taking him to the airport, but waved goodbye as he pulled out of view! Rest assured you are his first stop when he gets back and he brought back many books for you.
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Hey just letting you guys know im in an area thats going to be hit. It luckily wont be as hard as some others (aka where my family lives) but just please understand thungs might come up and stay safe everyone ok! You guys are precious and I hope this turns out ok for everyone!
For those who don’t know, Hurricane Florence is barreling towards the East Coast right now, directly towards The Carolinas and Virginia. If it hits as a Category 4, it will be only the second Category 4 to hit in North Carolina history, the first being Hurricane Hazel in 1954. Needless to say, we aren’t prepared. As far inland as Raleigh, my hometown, could see up to a foot of rain and just shy of 100mph winds for several days. Some people have gotten out, but others, such as myself, cannot, and are having to ride this out on our own.
If you know anyone who lives in this area, or know someone with family in this area, call them, talk to them, see if they’re okay and if there is anything that you can do.
If you live in this area and cannot get out, stock up and hunker down. Personally, I’m going to be riding it out alone. My roommates are heading home, but I can’t, as the building I am in now is safer than at home, and my home is still in the path of this storm. My roommates are leaving me their food, water, and any supplies they have that I could use. Some people aren’t so lucky. Here’s some things to consider when preparing:
There’s already a shortage on gas, bottled water, bread, soup, etc. so go out TODAY and get what you can if you haven’t already.
Make sure you know the evacuation routes and have a bag packed. Pack medications, important documents, food and water, and anything else you will need.
If you stock up today, DO NOT BUY MILK OR EGGS. These items are refrigerated and will spoil if the power goes out, so go for non-perishable food. There are supposed to be widespread power outages over half the state, so keep this in mind when stocking up.
If you live on the first floor of a building like I do, try to get as much off the floor and up off the ground as possible. That way if water does get in, your personal belongings have a better chance of surviving. THIS INCLUDES POWER STRIPS!!!
If you are in an evacuation zone and have not gotten out yet, PLEASE TRY TO NOW. Even if you don’t know where to go, just come inland as much as you can. Shelters are already set to open here in the Triangle as soon as tomorrow, I believe, but the coast is the worst place to be. You need to get out while you can.
If you have a bathtub, clean it well and fill it with water tomorrow. This will give you another source of water even if you are unable to find any at the store.
MAKE PLANS FOR PETS! My dad is worried about our dogs because they hate storms and are older, and he has no clue what to do about their bathroom habits, so try to plan for this if you can!! Make sure they will have plenty of food and water for this storm, and take into account any anxieties they may have about the storm. Don’t leave them behind.
If you have a porch, deck, or patio, clear off and put away any furniture you have to minimize what the wind can pick up.
This isn’t a full list, I’m sure, but these are things that my family and I are thinking about. Just know that this is a serious storm, possibly the worst in Carolina history, and it will be deadly. Take every precaution you can.
Lastly, please reblog this. Even if it isn’t your type of blog. Even if you don’t think anyone that follows you in from this area. Please reblog this. It could save someone’s life, and it’ll help a friend somewhere.
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Dear @glitterkinnie
Im so so so so so sorry this is late! I’ve been so busy with school and got really caught up in everything I had to do! ;; it's no excuse but i just wanted to explain! Either way here is your matchup!
I match you with!
.He really like your hair ok! He’s obviously one for dying his hair too and thinks the color you chose is so cool! And you seem cool! Like dang you two need to hang out!
.When you do get the chance to hang out he's really happy with how you both are able to do your own things! He also really loves how creative you are! He also has his own creative side, but the way you are able to just put whatever you want down on paper just makes him super interested!
.He also likes how relaxed you are around him and your soft smile when relaxing or drawing! (Also that he can just be himself and not have to do things he hates) He’ll start subconsciously making stuff for you! Like alarm clocks that look like your favorite characters.
.It takes it a while for him to realize he’s doing this because he likes you. But when he does he wastes no time! He doesn't want to lose you to someone else. You are hesitant at first but ultimately decide you can’t deny you have feelings for him too!
.He’s very happy and decides following your lead is best! He respects and loves you and so it's your decision what happens unless that starts to feel too much!
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omg ok i’m super nervous about doing this, i’ve never done this before so i hope im doing this right! ok i’m very short and pale, with black hair although i’m a natural blonde. i’d say my style is a soft grunge, it’s pretty dark and edgy but i’ll throw in a vintage “80s” look lol. i’d say i’m pretty hot headed, sarcastic, and a little intimidating, but once you get to know me i’m a really awkward softie. i’m really affectionate with people who are close to me although i suck at communicating. i have a hard time with trust, and once i do trust someone fully i tend to cling to them,, i try to put others before me, though. around my crush i’d probably get all awkward, and i’d probably just come off as dorky or weird because i ?? get all giggly when nervous. if it helps i’m an infp scorpio, and i love animals for preferences i’d like a male from dr2 or dr1, whatever comes to u first babe!!! thank you so much zjznnz!! 💕
.Hello fellow Infp!!! No worries love! You did perfect!!! 💖💖
I Hope i can make this good for you!!!
I match you with....!
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.He's really into your aesthetic! And the fact that you seem so natural in it just sells him even more! Also your commanding presense is perfect to match his! But lets get real though, he's also a softie who loves animals and is prone to getting flustered! So its no surprise that you warm up to the idea of having him as a friend when returns your quips. He really enjoys getting to know all aspects of you and the same can be said for you about him. He's super excited to share with you all his knowledge of animals and loves how natural and calm you seem around them!
.You find yourselves always meeting up some how, but neither of you really minds! Just more time to talk and share interests! But you eventually catch on to yourself wanting to hug him or grab his hand and wonder if maybe?? Just maybe you like him?? You kind of worry about him reciprocating touch so you kind of lay your feelings out once you get comfortable enough with him. Luckily he feels the same way and is happy to recieve affection from you!
.While dating you'll both defend eachother from anyone who attempts to mess with you, which luckily isnt often, but you both appreciate the little eccenteic and delicate things about eachother, and no one can deny you two are a good fit !
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I would like a matchup!!
I am 4’11 in height with light brown colored hair and eyes. I love to draw, play video games, and sometimes watch movies from the TV. I am a quiet, calm, and serious type most of the time but when I’m around my friends I get a little energetic and crazy sometimes. I would like a male matchup with someone from the NDRV3 cast. When I’m around my crush I would look at him while they’re doing something else but if he sees me looking at him I would look away and hide my face with my hair. I would also purposely walk pass my crush just to see him and I would be a little bit contented. I am also short-tempered and indecisive so I would probably need someone who can cope with that issue of mine.
Hello love! I match you with!
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.I know i say this about all the characters (because its true) but this boy needs some love! He needs someone as grounded as you to help build him up. He'd respect your short temper without being afraid to help you calm down because im sure he's dealt with his own issues with that in the past.
.you'd probably meet him while going to see a movie you've been waiting for and from there you start talking. Eventually you invite him over to hang out much to his surprise. He honestly enjoys it! Its nice to chill and once you start to get comfortable he starts the notice the way you kind of change when your around him. And he finds it kind of cute? And you start to notice that he's happier around you and you find it kind of cute??
. Well now both of you realize your feelings and frequently catch eachother staring at the other. Eventually he gathers the courage ask you if you have feeling for him and is very relieved when you say yes, but instead of confirming his feelings he accidentally says "why?" And when he tries to explain that he didnt mean to say that you both kind of laugh? Its an inside joke for a while but there are many reasons he loves you and you love him !
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Gosh darn it guys! Sorry there are so many of these blogs to deal with :/
ANOTHER warning to the Danganronpa fandom
I can’t believe I have to do this AGAIN
Anyway, block @/oumaluv, @/ryomaluv, and @/korekiyoluv
They’re all posting untagged triggers in the tags as well as awful character hate
@danganronpaconfessionsblog @shsl-textposts @dangangoogles
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hi there uh,, idk how to start these kinda things so ill just start. idc abt the gender btw, although i lean more towards girls. i have super pale skin with rosy cheeks, very blue eyes and very shaky hands! im 5’2 and i have super short, blonde hair. i mostly wear sweaters bc im insecure abt skin and scars nd stuff. i like playing video games and drawing, and i love playing the piano too!! my other interests include ocean biology, palaeontology and wildlife!! i often go off on tangents in conversations or i talk way too much about my hyperfixations ;; i’m super shy and anxious in general and it takes a rly long time for me to open up to others bc of trust issues. but once you get past that barrier im very affectionate! im v cuddly but also Extremely Ticklish and will probably try and hide it (that never works) but i always find tickle fights to be a fun way to bond hdjndg;; i also love cuddles and movies, and i never like over-the-top dates. i think my ideal date would just be spending the evening on the beach and looking for seashells,, uH sorry if this was long thanks
Hello!! Thanks for requesting!! And you did great no worries ^.^! The longer, the better I can match you up!! Ok here we go! I hope you enjoy!
I match you with....
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Gonta !!
.Both of you are super sweet and kind of awkward around others! Its kind of refreshing to know you have someone who also gets nervous in conversations! Plus while Gonta is very nice he is also very ready to protect the people he loves, even if its just from the heavy thoughts that can affect them.
.Of course Gonta also likes nature and is very interested in helping you research all kind of interesting wildlife!! And of course he'd be super excited to introduce you to his bugs! Thats why you two become friends! It seems almost easy for you to talk to eachother, and its fun to experience eachothers interests!
. Soon you begin to start gaining feelings for him and it starts to feel awkward to be around him. Gonta starts to notice and when he asks if there is anything he can do to make you more comfortable you decide to tell him what exactly is going on and he admits he also has fun being around you! Hes very happy to be with you, but because he's never been in a relationship like this, he takes things at the pace you lead him at!
.One day he surprises you by asking if you'd like to go with him on a beach trip! You both have so much fun picking up seashells, listening to the calming sound of the rushing waves, and pointing out every cute/ funny looking crab that scurries accross the sand!
.Hes happy to have someone as sweet as you by his side, and loves how many interests you have and is happy to be there as someone solid and caring to raise you up along the way!
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Guess who didnt do matchups this weekend?
This mod! So sorry for the hold up! Ive been sick and needed time to rest. Today is a busy day for classes so none will probably get done today, but tomorrow I will try to do as many as possible! I already have everyone matched up, I just need to write! Thank you in advamce for the patience!
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Please spread this!
@danganronpaconfessionsblog I don’t know many popular Danganronpa blogs, can you tag some for me?
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Hello, it's Hal again, from your most recent post. I don't have a Tumblr account (since I wouldn't ever use one enough), so I would like to send my regards through this, and tell you that I enjoyed reading the matchup. I was curious on who you would pair me with, and I found the results interesting (in a good way), and overall excellent. You don't have to post this, but I just wanted to let you know I was pleased with the matchup, due to the fact this is my only form of Tumblr communication to you.
Ahhh i know you said i didnt have to post this, but i appreciate this so much love!!! Thank younso much for going out of your way for the sweet message ^.^ Im so glad you liked my choice!! I really just want to make this a good experience !!! 💖💖
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I hope I'm doing this right. I have short black hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and wear prescription glasses. I'm about 5'1, and have a decently fit body. I really enjoy reading, and have always been interested in anything mystery themed since I was young. I also enjoy going on walks to explore and see new areas. I'm not shy, but i am a little antisocial, with many self esteem and trust issues. It also takes me a long time to be comfortable to allow someone to physically touch me in any small way, and open up enough to tell someone how I feel. I'm fine with any of the games, but I would like a male character. Around my crush, I would treat them like all of my friends, just trying to be a good friend, and would push my feelings aside (and probably never admit to having them). With a s/o I would try to be more open, and try to be a good partner. I am also kind of a closet emo. Also, if anyone makes any attempt to get to know me I will willingly talk to them about mostly anything, and even crack a few jokes.
Keep up the good work!
You did this right friend!! And thank you!!!
Now without further ado! I match you with!
Byakuya Togami!
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.Dont let his hardened exterior fool you! This guy has some issues he's facing and needs someone like you who understands the kind of time needed to open up to someone!
.Both of you are also fans of both novels and mysteries! He'd most likely start talking with you because he notices you reading his favorite book and cant help but ask your opinion which just happens to be the same!! You'll both recomend books and shows to eachother and eventually you'll get used to seeing each other!
.When you start to notice your feelings but brush them off at first because you know of some of the less favorable things about his personality. Little by little you'll both unravel eachothers defences until you understand just why his is the way he is.
.One day while telling him about the paths you like to explore he may start to seem a protective of you. He admits he just wants you to be safe and eventually he'll ask you out when you decide to take him with you.
.as the relationship progresses you'll both admit its hard to be comfortable with physical contact and both be relieved about the understanding. Eventually you'll accidentally put your hand on his and surprisingly he'll let you (not without blushing though)
.He's happy to finally have someone to open up to and someone who has such a similar mindset!
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Hi! Could I get a matchup for the 1st or 2nd game please? I'm nb and don't have a preference for guys/girls! Also could you make this anonymous? If you need something to identify it from others like the strawberry emoji 🍓 or just the name Strawberry works gasjdk;
Of course friend!!! I hope you dont mind me not including this is the post! It saves you time scrolling to get your match up!  And thank you for the sweet comment at the end!!! don't worry about the length! It just helps me match you up better!!! ✨🍓
I match you with…….
. This girl needs some love! She's been through a lot in her life and has a hard time opening up to people about the way she feels! She needs someone as kind and patient  as you to help her through! Also because of this she'd be able to help stop you from only thinking about others and make sure you care about yourself!
. Also shed be amazed at your interests and love to listen to you play Viola, create music or tell her a story! Everything you inspires her to find her own dream! For now though shes content smiling while you light up around your friends!
. When you start to have feelings she can be kind of oblivious to the fact that you do like her, but after you’ve calmed down a found your courage she's also happy to be special to someone she looks up to!
. She's not super touchy, but after a little while she’ll let her guard down and allow you and surprise you one day by initiating the hand holding and telling you she loves you!
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Hi, hewwo, how are yall doin? | I have dark brown layered hair that's short in the front but long in the back, tan skin, dark brown eyes, and im 4'10. I really like roleplaying w friends, and im a bit awkward at first sight but im really crazy when people get to know me. I dont care if my matchup is male or female, really. The game I prefer is NDRV3. Around my crush im probably still a clumsy bitch but im also an outgoing friend. One last thing: im a clumsy ass bitch. | Thanks! uwu
Hello love!!! I match you with…..
.Look we all know shes up for crazy, but she also has her insecure side and would find your awkwardness kind of funny/ endearing.
.Would definitely like to sit and laugh with you about everything that happens in your role plays, and even discuss what would be cool to add in plot wise!
.Also lets be honest, she's probably hurt herself before while messing with her inventions and would know how to take care of you if you get hurt while being clumsy!
.She likes how outgoing you are and is happy to have someone with the same energy as her! Also thinks most of the things you do are hella cute and endearing!
.But also is down to get serious. This girl gets how tough life can be and needs someone to talk to, and would feel like reciprocating would be the least she could do
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Welcome to this matchup blog!
I've been wanting to do matchups for people for a long time so here we go!
What I need to know
. A little about your appearence for aesthetic reasons
. The type of things you like to do in your free time and your general personality
. Preferences, would you like a male or female matchup! Also what game you want a matchup from!
. How you would act around your crush or s/o
. Anything else you want me to take into
Feel free to make it a submission if you need more room! Thank you for listening!
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