levermage · 7 years
Well, it didn’t start with that job
It started with a much simpler beginning. Mine.
My name is Nathaniel, and I (for lack of a better term) am an arcanist. An arcanist is one who has little to no affinity to spontaneous magic, instead relaying on complicated spells and rituals.
My job, before it devolved into a string of near suicidal missions, was to steal and/or recover mundane or magical goods from non magical ( or magically unaffiliated with the 2 powerful groups)  people.
To that end I created a crew of people with...interesting capabilities and backgrounds. 
Saph- a partially reformed Succubus. Technically only half succubus, who no longer uses sex suck the life force out of people, and instead uses her magic to blend in and convince others to do what we want them to.
 Alex- a man who specializes in creating artifacts imbued with magical abilities, yet can do little to no magic beyond the tinkering.
Parks- a half ghost (don’t ask) who specializes in recon, scouting, stealing, etc.
Elijah- technically a zombie who, aside from the variety of fighting skills he picked up when alive, can literally punch through a wall.
I suppose you are wondering how such varied souls came to meet, well each meeting will be its own chapter in the story.  
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levermage · 7 years
All stories must have a beginning, and this is mine. 
There are two groups...
…That everyone in the not-entirely-successfully hidden magical underground (called variously the Arcane World, The Occulture, or just “The society”) hates:
The Old Magic families, who, like old money families in the world without magic, concentrate as much power into as few hands as possible, hoarding wealth, magical treasures, and spellbooks.
and the Elves, who steal children to twist around and turn into more Elves, murderous predators who vaguely resemble human beings.
There’s also two groups nobody ever robs:
The Old Magic Families, because with all their power and wealth, they can afford top-flight mundane -and- magical security, so robbing one of their vaults is a death trap.
…And the elves, because they have no money, and their nests are full of murderous predators who vaguely resemble human beings, some of whom may be the children they stole last night.
Only an idiot with a death wish would try to rob either group, or so  they say.
So the question becomes, what sort of person would try to rob both? On the same night, with the aim of using the stockpile of magical arms swiped from the former to break into the chambers of the latter and maybe free a few of the kids before they’re fully indoctrinated into the elf way of murder and obligate pseudo-cannibalism?
That’s us, that’s our crew. We’re exactly those idiots, and the only reason we can’t all get killed on this job is that at least two of us are technically already dead.
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