lottiexrose-blog · 5 years
2019 Resolutions
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Experience New Things
There are about fifty things on my bucket list at the moment. Some of them are things that most people have already experienced. Some of them are things that sound exhilarating, but also scary. I really want to push myself this year. I want to do things I never thought I would do. I want to make memories of a wild life lived intensely. I will no longer hold myself back.
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Fall In Love - With Myself
Everyone wants to feel loved, to love someone else. I’m proud to say that I have experienced both. It may not have worked out in the end, but it taught me so much. Just because you love someone, it doesn’t mean you’re meant to be together forever. Leaving a relationship doesn’t mean you are no longer worthy of love. Everyone is deserving of love, in any form that it takes. I want to fall in love again, with myself, with who I truly am, and who I long to be.
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Travel More
There are so many places that I want to visit. I’ve never really given myself time to relax, but now that I have the ability, I want to take it by the horns. I want to go to Italy more than anything. I’ve already bought my ticket for that trip. Traveling is such an amazing experience, and I want to live it over and over again. I want that feeling of new beginnings in as many new places as possible. 
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Celebrate Life More
Everyone loves a good celebration. Birthdays, holidays, good news. I believe that every day I wake up is a reason to celebrate. I’m tired of letting the negative experiences in my past from feeling free and happy. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own life. Every breath should be celebrated, and I need to be better about living that kind of life.
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lottiexrose-blog · 5 years
Back to Reno
Lottie hadn’t been back home since she moved to New York. It was hard for her to even think of going back to the west coast. So many things happened to her there; things she’d rather just forget about. She couldn’t imagine her family knowing about what she’d gone through. For the past two years, she had kept everything locked up tight within herself. Struggling with her decision, she climbed out of her taxi, grabbed her bags, and headed into the airport.
As she waited for her plane to begin boarding, she paced in front of the large windows. She was chewing on her thumb nail as they called her flight number. Bracing herself with a deep breath, she made her way to the plane. Finally in her seat, she closed the shade and tried to settle in. Lottie knew there’d be no chance she’d get even a second of sleep. She wished she’d have brought something to help her calm down, but the in-flight drinks would have to do.
By the time her plane landed, she’d had quite the buzz. She drank a little too much on the trip, but a few hours before landing she switched to water and had something to eat. One last stiff drink was all she’d need to make it out of the airport. Setting her sights on the airport bar, she decided to pick up her bags last. Her father was meeting her at baggage claim, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to convince him to have a drink with her. He probably had a procedure later, and needed to stay clear-headed.
Lottie perched herself on one of the tall barstools, knocking on the top of the bar. It was a habit she’d developed over the years, unsure of where it came from or even how it really started. She waited for the bartender to make his way back in her direction before ordering a gin and tonic. While she wanted to gulp it down, she took her time, nursing the drink. Once she’d finished it, she still didn’t feel quite ready to go. Sighing, she ordered another. After her third, she paid her bill and left, heading to the baggage claim area.
Her eyes locked onto her father before he noticed her, and for that, she was glad. Lottie took a moment to let out a deep breath, pop a piece of gum in her mouth, and straighten herself up. She began to weave between the other travelers, making her way towards him. “Hi Daddy!” He grabbed her up in a hug, lifting her feet off the floor like he used to when she was a little girl. “Hi Pumpkin. How was your flight?” Telling him it was just fine, they collected her bags and made their way out into the warm Nevada air.
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lottiexrose-blog · 5 years
Lost Pet
No one loves losing a furry family member, but that is what happened to muse A. They don’t know how it happened, they just know that when they got home from being out all day their fur baby was gone! In a hurry muse A started making posters to put around the neighborhood. Weeks went by without a word, muse A was starting to lose hope when out of nowhere she gets a call from muse B. Muse B also happened to be an animal lover and had been trying their hardest to find the missing pet’s home. After getting lunch together muse A and muse B find that they have a lot in connection with each other and start a friendship.
Submitted by: Rosie Ashworth via Concrete Jungle Plots
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lottiexrose-blog · 5 years
Snowball Fight
“Did you really just throw that snowball at me?” Lottie scoffed, shaking the snow off her coat. Normally she loved everything about the winter season. Today had been a long day, and she was not in the mood to be pegged by snowballs. Grumbling to herself about teenagers having no respect for anyone, she resumed her walk through the park. She had made it maybe another twenty feet before she was hit in the back with another snowball.
“You have got to be kidding me!” Feeling the urge to growl and strike back, Lottie took a deep breath. She didn’t need to blow up on a bunch of kids. Flicking her wrist towards herself, she glanced at her watch. There was no way she would make her appointment on time as she was supposed to arrive in ten minutes. It was at least a fifteen minute walk from where she was currently. Nothing like her whole day being knocked off schedule to calm her down.
Lottie shuffled her feet in the snow, kicking up the white dust. She may as well give up on sticking to her timeline. It wouldn’t matter even if she did make it, honestly. What was one more day of therapy, especially feeling as pent up and angry as she was now? It could wait another week, give herself enough time make sense of what she was feeling. Maybe it was weird, but she always felt better and more like herself after a session if she knew what she was going to be tackling when she went in.
As she stood under a large oak tree, she looked up. She watched the clouds move across the sky through the branches of the tree. Suddenly, she felt another impact on her shoulder. Turning around she spotted the individual responsible for lobbing the snowball. “That’s it,” She muttered to herself. Kneeling down, she gathered up a clump of snow.
Standing, she looked around for the culprit in question. Locking eyes with the young teen, she threw the snowball as hard as she could. Obviously, she missed, as he was watching her. Quickly ducking behind a tree, she gathered up more snow. After making herself a nice stockpile of snowballs, she looked around the side of the tree. Surprising even herself, Lottie found herself laughing and having a good time with this little impromptu snowball fight. She threw her last snowball and watched as it sailed high over her target, nailing an unsuspecting young brunette woman in the back of the head.
“Oh, my god.” Lottie ran over to her, out of breath by the time she got there. “I am so, so sorry. I swear I wasn’t meaning to hit you!” She was apologizing profusely, sending the occasional glare at her battle partner as he laughed. “How can I make it up to you?” She asked the stranger.
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lottiexrose-blog · 5 years
Christmas Tunes
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1. Carrie Underwood - Do You Hear What I Hear 2. Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock 3. We The Kings - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 4. Kylie Minogue ft. Frank Sinatra - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 5. Sia - Underneath The Mistletoe 6. Gwen Stefani ft. Blake Shelton - You Make It Feel Like Christmas 7. Gene Autry - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer 8. Johnny Mathis - It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas  9. Straight No Chaser - Up On The Housetop 10. Colbie Caillat - Santa Baby 11. Idina Menzel ft. Michael Buble - Baby, It’s Cold Outside 12. Dean Martin - Let It Snow
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
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1. The Nutcracker Ballet
I have always wanted to see the Nutcracker, but I have yet to make it happen. This year, I’m finally making the time to go and enjoy the whole experience.
2. Volunteering at the Soup Kitchen
It has always been a tradition, even when I was younger, that I would go to the soup kitchen and volunteer every Saturday. I plan on keeping that tradition alive this year.
3. Dyker Heights Christmas Lights
I hear about these displays every year, and I always want to go. I have yet to make it happen, so this year I plan on dragging someone along with me so I actually make it through.
4. Host A Toy Drive
I’ve always loved kids, and I know that not all of them are able to have the Christmas of their dreams. This year, I’m hosting a toy drive through Lottie’s Place to give them what they have hoped for.
5. The Perfect Tree
I’m always so busy this time of year, that a lot of what I want to do doesn’t get done so I’m scheduling literally everything this year and syncing all of my calendars just so I can get it done. This includes finding the perfect tree, instead of one of the beat up leftovers, and this is doubly important since my whole family is coming to NY for Christmas.
6. The Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular
If you have never seen the Rockettes, then join the club. We can go together this year. I’ve always wanted to go and just have the experience, even if it turns out that it’s not all I’ve imagined.
7. Bryant Park Winter Village
ICE SKATING. It’s been on my bucket list for years, but I’ve never been able to go. Plus, the Winter Village is full of vendors and shops so I can ice skate, and shop. It’ll make for a happy day, in my book.
8. Cirque Dreams Holidaze
There are a lot of shows I want to see. I am fascinated with acrobats and how they can just fly through the air. I would absolutely love to see them live and in person.
9. Random Acts of Kindness
I’m a firm believer in paying it forward. That’s why this year I’ve given myself the Random Acts of Kindness Challenge. Every day, I will challenge myself to do at least three acts of kindness for strangers, whether it’s buying their coffee or helping them load their groceries in their car.
10. A Gingerbread House Display
Gingerbread houses are my absolute favorite Christmas activity. This year, I want to have a whole display of them in the front window at the bakery. I'm hoping to go bigger and better every year.
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
Lottie paced around the small bathroom. The patter of her bare feet along the cool tile echoed in the tiny space.  She couldn’t help herself and kept pausing to check the timer on her phone. Every second that passed made her even more anxious. She shut the lid on the toilet and sat down on it, chewing on her thumb nail. Taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm her nerves, she jumped when the timer went off.
Quickly pressing the stop button her phone, she sat, staring at the shower curtain. She couldn’t believe she was in this position right now. Taking in another deep inhale, she let it out slowly as she picked the stick up off the counter. The stick itself didn’t have much weight to it, but what was on the screen weighed on her chest, ready to cave it in. Lottie chewed on her bottom lip as she nervously flipped it over, looking at the results. It took a moment for her to realize what she was seeing.
Positive +.
She gasped, loudly. The stick fell from her hand, clattering against the floor. A choked sob escaped her, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, as she struggled to wrap her head around her new reality. Not only had he already taken everything away from her, this was just one more permanent mark that he’d leave on her. How was she supposed to be able to deal with any of this?
Getting frustrated, Lottie walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. She grabbed her pack of cigarettes off of her nightstand and sat on her window seat. Propping the window open, she grabbed a cigarette from her pack and perched it between her lips, ready to light it. As she raised her lighter, she remembered that pink line. “Fuck!” Angry at him, angry at the world, and frustrated with her situation, she threw the cigarette out the window. She released her frustrations all around her room.
She knocked the photo frames off of her dresser. The alarm clock by her bed was thrown across the room. Her clothes rack was kicked over, spilling it’s contents onto the floor. Lottie screamed as she continued to rampage, destroying everything she could get her hands on. The last of her rage left as she punched her hand through the wall. She collapsed in a fit of sobs, curling up in a ball on her floor.
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
Home Sweet Home
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My Home
Living on Staten Island has been amazing. I was lucky enough to find this beautiful piece of modern architectural genius. Everything is open and there’s an amazing amount of natural light. 
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Living Room
Most people who come over, tell me I’m crazy for not having a TV in my living room. Strictly for entertaining, I don’t spend much time in here when I’m alone. I like to keep it clean and tidy just in case of company.
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I absolutely love my kitchen. It’s honestly one of my favorite rooms. There’s so much space, and I probably spend more time in here cooking and baking than I spend in any other room. 
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Home Office
I adore built-in shelves, so my office absolutely had to have them. I’m not overly excited about the desk - it was supposed to be temporary, but I’ve been busy. It’s the perfect place to clear my head and work on new recipes and designs.
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Library/Reading Nook
I absolutely love to read, so it should be no surprise that the reading nook is another of my favorite spots at home. My obsession with young adult novels has never left me. And yes, I own all of Riley Quinn’s books.
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Master Bedroom
When I’m not eating, reading, or working, I often take naps. Lots of naps. My favorite thing in my bedroom is the tufted headboard. I’ve wanted one ever since I was a child, and definitely splurged on it quite a bit.
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Master Bathroom
Who doesn’t love a good bubble bath? One of my favorite places to read and drink wine will always, always, ALWAYS be a bubble bath. There’s nothing better than relaxing after a long day at work, and the best way to unwind is surrounded by bubbles.
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Walk-In Closet
A closet fit for royalty. Okay, probably not. But at least there’s plenty of room for clothes and accessories, even if I don’t always get to wear the ones I want. No shortage of cute shoes, either, if I do say so myself.
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Okay, so this is probably the room I spend the absolute most time in. If I’m not doing something specific, I’m most likely in the basement. Who hangs out in basements? People who have awesome theater setups and a really long Netflix queue.
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
Plots Galore
Dear Soldier. [male only]
Muse A picks up the address of a soldier, Muse B, stationed overseas in a local charity program. They send a care package and a letter, but don’t really expect to hear back from them. Weeks pass, they forget, and then in their mailbox they find an envelope from the soldier.
It goes from there, and sooner or later, that random soldier, becomes, to Muse A, their soldier. Letter writing leads to phone calls, phone calls lead to skype sessions, weeks folding into months. Muse B excitedly let’s Muse A know they’ll be coming home, and now they face the decision, will they meet?
Muse A or Muse B is in a relationship already. Muse B gets injured and is sent home, with Muse A deciding to help care for them.
The Artist and Their Muse. [male or female]
They sit across from you and you wonder how they exist. You want to break them down until they’re nothing but foundations, searching for cracks in their make-up to figure out the how, why, where. They are beautiful, elegant, so bold or timid, all soft curve or harsh angles. It’s the curve of their lips, the flutter of their eyelashes, the blush on their cheeks. It’s the paleness or the darkness of their skin, the folds, the bruises, the scars. It’s the warm hands, the cold hands, the soft hands, the calloused hands. It’s the stories on their skin.
They are beautiful. They are objects. You love them as one might fall in love with a painting. You can try to understand, but you’ll love them for what you see and what you imagine. Not them. You don’t even know them. But you love them all the same, so intensely and deeply and passionately, in ways that will never truly make sense.
[whoever takes this storyline will be the muse]
Be Wild and Beautiful. [male or female]
Muse A and Muse B have been together in life for many years, and life has come before romance. Muse A has begun to sink into a state of sadness, withdrawn and at times self-loathing. Muse B cannot stand to see the one they love in such a state and so they decide that a weekend away is in order. Not just any weekend away either, they will stay in a grand old mansion; there will be romance, there will be formal dress up, they will dance and know what it is to be in love, even if just for a night.
Twist: Muse A and B are friends. Muse B is in love with Muse A and this grand gesture is a declaration of their love.
Show Me Your Scars. [male or female]
Muse A is a paramedic. One night they are called to a house after a domestic disturbance call. Muse B is lying on the carpet in the living room in need of medical assistance.
Muse A does what they can for Muse B and when they arrive at the hospital feels unable to just leave them there alone.
Muse B’s recover takes some time and every single day when Muse A is not on shift they come to the hospital room to visit Muse B and help them however they can. They bring flowers and books, TV shows, board games, sneak in the food that Muse B likes.
The two become good friends over that time, and those feelings grow for Muse A, they begin to fall in love with Muse B.
The night before Muse B is to be released the above exchange happens and Muse B kisses Muse A.
Are the feelings reciprocated? Can Muse B open up about it all and let Muse A help them heal more than just their physical scars?
I Don’t Want to be Alone. [male or female]
Muse A is known to most as the weirdo on the beach. Muse A is seen most days sitting alone down the beach, often at sunset, journal in hand writing or painting or just staring at the waves.
Most people assume Muse A is an eccentric writer or artist and think little of it or of Muse A, leaving them to their own thing.
Muse A is in fact cursed with their loneliness, the water at the beach is the only thing that calms the storm in their soul and makes them feel part of the world. They watch day turn to night, writing about their dream for their own life to transform as each day does, to change as the tide does. But days go by and Muse A remains a lone, like a grain of sand on the beach that no one ever notices even though it makes up the greater picture.
Muse B works at a cafe near the beach and notices Muse A each day as they head for the beach and sit, barely moving. Muse B feels a strange affinity with Muse A and is trying to get beyond their own crippling shyness and approach Muse A, before the loneliness claims Muse A.
By Candlelight. [male only]
Muse A and Muse B have been friends for years and secretly in love with each other, though neither has ever had the courage to tell the other or cross the line that will take them from friends to lover. The fear of losing their friend has always been too strong. Muse A has opted instead to date while Muse B just pines away for Muse A.
One night they are watching movies together, it’s storming outside and the storm causes a power outage. They set up candles and cuddle up together under a mountain of blankets. In the candlelight they start talking about secrets they have and Muse B admits they are in love with Muse A and they hate Muse A’s partner for having them.
By the light of the candles they share their first kiss and as it finishes the power flicks back on as if the power went off just to get to them that moment. Muse A now has to decide where their heart truly lies and where they go from here.
Muse B knows they can’t go back now, it’s all or nothing. If Muse A won’t be with them, they will have to walk away and break their own heart to begin again.
Protect the Child. [male only]
Muse A is pregnant, the father of her child, a scientist at a local genetics firm,  is acting strange and she follows him to a hotel in town. Muse A knows what floor he has gone to but is unable to follow too closely due to being heavily pregnant and loses them not knowing what room they’ve gone to.
She starts door knocking expecting to find him having an affair. The second door she knocks on Muse B answers, for a moment they look at each other like they know each other and then Muse A keeps door knocking. Two doors down Muse A knocks and a man with a gun answers the door and tries to grab her.
Muse B appears  grabbing Muse A before getting her to safety.
Muse B is an agent in place monitoring a meeting that Muse A’s partner is attending. Muse A has been discussed, the child the subject of the meeting. Muse B must now protect Muse A and the unborn child and stop the child’s father, and the people he is doing business with, from getting hold of the child. The buyers planning to remove the child and smuggle it out of the country.
Muse B must get Muse A out of the hotel and somewhere safe before she falls into their hands.
Twist: Muse A goes into labor, and Muse B is there for her through it all, helping her give birth in a safe house. Muse A and B fall in love.
Forever & Always. [personal favorite | male only]
Muse A & Muse B have known each other since they were in the playpen. They have been everything to each other, no matter what it was the other needed. Since they grew up in the same circle, he also comes from a family with a lot of money.
When Muse A moved to the city for college, they mostly lost contact – until she went home for her father’s funeral. She was in a really bad place, and he came to the city and stayed with her for a few months or so, filling whatever role she needed at the time. It’s been 2 ½ years since he went back home, and they haven’t spoken since. Things happened between them while he was here, and Muse A regrets using him to fill the void in such a way, but can’t help herself when it comes to him.
His part to play now, is that he has a business opportunity in the city (or a different reason), so he relocates. He happens into her place of business, unknowingly of course. This is where they reconnect, awkwardly considering they know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets. They fall back into the relationship they had when they were younger, with the obvious stresses of adulthood, business, and actual romantic relationships.
Keep in mind: As they were growing up, he would be whatever she needed. He’d play the role of protective big brother at times, other times they would be lovers, etc.
The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time. [male or female]
Muse A works at a little book store, they love working there, it suits their quiet personality and books have always been their best friends. One night they forget their phone at work and head back in opening the door in time to get covered in blood as their boss murders someone. They discover that the business has always been a front for more illegal dealings and now that they know their boss wants them shut up. When Muse A runs off, their boss notifies the police and pins the murder on them.
Muse B is a bounty hunter and gets the call about Muse A and goes after them. Muse B is the first to track down Muse A. They easily capture Muse A and start to take them in. Muse A tells Muse B everything hoping that Muse B will believe them and help them. Muse B does believe the story and decides to protect Muse A. They go on the run from both law enforcement, other bounty hunters and Muse A’s boss and their associates.
I Dreamed A Dream. [male or female]
Every morning when muse a wakes up, they can always remember one aspect of their dream. within each dream, the same person keeps popping up. They’ll be working in a cafe which muse a goes to with their friends, or performing at a concert which muse a is watching, or starring in a tv show, even just a passer-by in the street. The freakiest part is that muse a doesn’t know this person. They’ve never seen them in real life - until one eventful day.
Muse b is introduced as the new barista at the coffee shop muse a works in, and muse a can’t help but recognise them from somewhere. Completely bemused by this mysterious person, muse a watches the new employee closely, staring at them and trying to figure out who they are.
One day, muse a figures out why it is that muse b seems so familiar, and confronts them about it.
muse b has also been seeing muse a in their dreams, and has been avoiding them because they are freaked out by them. once confronted about it, muse b fesses up, and the two need to figure out what to do with this newfound information.
Fairy-tales & Fatigues. [male only]
When a soldier returns home from active duty, he shares a joyful reunion with his significant other. Romance rekindles the moment the pair sets eyes on each other; for a time, it’s as if they never spent a minute apart, though it’s been several years since they’ve had more than a video chat to hold them over. The lovers are finally able to start building a life together and plan their fairy-tale wedding. Only, it doesn’t take but a few weeks for the soldier’s experiences abroad to start impeding their efforts. Gradually, he becomes listless and quiet. Sometimes, he’s eerily distant and angry without provocation, bordering on violent. Saying that the adjustment to civilian living is more challenging then he first assumed it would be is an understatement.
But the couple’s love is strong and neither is willing to give up just because there’s a few demons to fight. At their breaking point, the soldier’s love takes him to the spot where they first met. Then and there, they make a pact to stand together and never fall apart.  [Things could continue with a wedding, maybe kids, etc., and then something happens that takes him back to his PTSD. At this point he does become increasingly violent/abusive, though due to their pact, she vows to stay with him even if it means her life is on the line.]
RA to the Rescue [male or female]
Muse A is an RA (Resident Advisor) for a freshman dorm on campus. Muse B is a freshman in Muse A’s dorm who loves nothing more than to break the rules, which happens to irk Muse A’s by-the-book nerves. When Muse B’s parents drop by campus for an unexpected visit, Muse B is in no shape to see them because they were partying so hard last night. Seeing that Muse B is finally about to get busted for their bad behavior,Muse A quickly runs interference to give Muse B time to get themselves presentable. The visit goes well enough not to draw suspicion thanks to Muse A’s quick thinking. When Muse B’s parents leave, Muse B breathes a sigh of relief– until Muse A points out that Muse B now owes them.
Partners in Crime [male or female]
Muse A, a tenacious crime boss, is frustrated by yet another news headline about a big crime bust in the city which has ties to their own illicit operations. It seems that the mayor’s been making good on his promise to eradicate crime as of late (probably because he’s looking to run for Senator in the upcoming elections) and that ultimately spells trouble for Muse A. It’s only a matter of time before someone from the Mayor’s camp comes sniffing around Muse A’s nightclub, which operates as a front for their money laundering, but Muse Awants the Mayor dealt with before that happens. As fate would have it, Muse A isn’t the only one who wants the Mayor gone.
Muse B, the Mayor’s child, sees right through the tele-prompted speeches, contrived family photo ops, and the empty promises of a crime-free city. Muse B has seen and heard their father conducting his own illegal practices and knows firsthand that the Mayor is not a good man. Muse B has lost all respect for their corrupt father and only feels disdain and fear toward him. It’s by coincidence that Muse B enters Muse A’s nightclub after a volatile confrontation with their father, but it isn’t a coincidence when Muse A recognizes Muse B and invites them to the VIP area to talk. In this secluded area of the club, Muse B spills all of their concerns to Muse A and Muse A offers protection in exchange for information. Muse B agrees to spy on their father for Muse A with the understanding that, at the opportune moment, Muse A will get rid of the Mayor.
A Little Surprise. [male only]
Muse A is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex,Muse B. Muse B, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for Muse A’s help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by Muse B’s fault, Muse A is poised to slam the door shut in Muse B’s face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind Muse B’s legs and asks to use the bathroom. Muse A may loathe Muse B, but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also Muse B. While the child is in the bathroom, Muse A demands an explanation from their ex. Muse B breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. Muse B came to Muse A for help because they have no one else to turn to. Muse A is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does Muse A agree to help.  
A Parent Trap. [male or female]
Unable to afford a plane ticket home this year, Muse A resigns to grabbing a TV dinner for one at the local supermarket and flying solo. They don’t expect to bump into their ex’s (Muse B) parents in the frozen food section nor do they expect to receive an invitation to spend the holidays at their cabin in the mountains. Muse A honestly doesn’t think it’s a good idea to accept, but when Muse B’s parents insist that Muse B will be happy to see them, Muse A agrees to join. Muse A packs a bag and drives up the cabin the following afternoon, hopeful for a pleasant reunion with Muse B, whom they still have feelings for. Only when Muse B answers the door in stunned silence, it’s immediately clear that Muse A is the last person they expected to see on this family vacation. It doesn’t take long for Muse A and Muse B to realize that Muse B’s parents are scheming to get them back together. But will the parents’ efforts—paired with a romantic atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for cozying up by the fire—do the trick?  
Camp Do Over. [male or female]
Years after graduating college, Muse A feels stuck.  Working a nine to five desk job, every day seems the same and they can’t remember a time where they were actually happy with their career.  It’s time for a change, but they don’t know where to even begin as far as starting to make it goes.  When they overhear a conversation two coworkers are having in the break room about a summer camp for adults, however, their interest is piqued.  A quick google search and five hundred dollars later, they’ve signed up for a week in the mountains with complete strangers that promises to make them feel like they did years ago, when things were easier.
Camp is everything they hope it would be too.  From the moment they arrive, all the stress from work and life in general is completely forgotten.  Muse B is a counselor at the camp, roughly the same age as Muse A, who helps show them that they still have the ability to enjoy the simple things.  
Lean On. [male or female]
Muse A, who was diagnosed with seizure disorder in their early teens, has finally succeeded in convincing their parents that they’re ready to go away for college. The family is concerned about this decision since what started out as simple absence seizures (where Muse A merely appeared to be daydreaming for several moments/minutes) has progressed to include more serious symptoms, such as involuntarily muscle jerks and full-body convulsions. Muse A has been managing their condition responsibly for several months leading up to this change and wants to further prove to their family as well as themself that they’re not fragile and they can be independent. Being so distant from home, starting over in a new environment with no familiar faces and with unforeseeable stresses is going to be challenge, but Muse A is going to give it their best shot.
Muse B is a fellow student who shares an introductory course with Muse A; this is their first time being far from home as well. One day when Muse A begins to convulse in the middle of a lecture, Muse B is the only one to spring into action rather than stare in confusion/fear. When the episode is over and Muse A and Muse B are able to talk, Muse B shares that they have a relative who also has epilepsy and that’s how they knew how to help. Muse A is embarrassed at first, doubting if they made the right decision to move away from home, but Muse B provides encouragement and offers companionship. Muse B is happy to look out for Muse A when necessary, and Muse A is happy to have a friend who won’t treat them like a patient like others so often do.
Sea-side Secrets. [parental role | male or female]
It’s the final summer before Muse A and all of their friends move in separate directions, figuratively and literally, in pursuit of higher education, job opportunities, etc. So Muse A and friends pool all of their money together and rent a house in the nearest seaside town to have an unforgettable last hurrah. When the group arrives at their destination, they’re a bit underwhelmed by the house. The accommodations aren’t as pristine as the online ad claimed, but it’s on the beach and the boardwalk within walking distance offers plenty to do so it’s not a total loss. Restless and low on groceries well after midnight, Muse A and pals stroll to a 24 hour snack stand/diner at the start of the nearby pier. When someone at the table sends a dish back to the kitchen, the cook (Muse B) comes to the table with a re-fire and a sincere apology. Muse A can’t help but have a weird feeling wash over them as the friendly cook chats with their group and offers them advice on things to do while they’re in town. There’s an eerie resemblance and particular mannerisms that Muse A recognizes as similar to their own. It takes Muse A a few days and a little bit of lowkey stalking, but they ultimately come to a stunning realization. The kind cook is actually Muse A’s long-lost parent whom they thought had passed away because that’s what they were led to believe by the single parent who raised them.
Does Muse A spend the rest of their summer trying to avoid Muse B and failing or actively seeking answers and pushing to create a connection? Will Muse B want to get to know Muse A if/when the truth comes out? Have they known about Muse A’s existence this whole time?
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
The Christmas Tree Connection
Muse A and Muse B both found themselves at a Christmas tree farm searching for the perfect tree to cut down and take home when they both end up at the same tree. Surprisingly, Muse A shows up without a saw and even a vehicle to take it home in and Muse B is feeling generous enough to let the tree go with Muse A. Luckily Muse B is fully equipped and offers  to help Muse A out with cutting it down and getting it home if they promise to help Muse B decorate their own tree and home for a Christmas party they are hosting this year. This means not only decorating but shopping for the decorations and party supplies as well, something Muse B despises but with Muse A helping they are looking forward to Christmas time this year. Muse B has no decorating skills what so ever and needs all the help they can get.
Submitted by: Ryker Anders
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
*Credit: http://susierpt.tumblr.com/
Muse A is a player, preying on younger, vulnerable people, using them for sex before moving on to the next one, and Lottie is their karma. Lottie is fiercely independent, and actively seeks out muse a, because they know they can count of them for meaningless sex. However, muse a falls fast and hard for Lottie, and is now given a taste of their own medicine when they find themselves chasing a relationship with someone who doesn’t care for them at all.
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
Awkward Meeting
*Credit: http://sugcrr.tumblr.com/
Lottie and muse b match on tinder and they start talking and get on so well. They think they’re a perfect fit for each other. Lottie is smart, gorgeous and such a good girl. Muse b is handsome, funny and likes her a lot. They talk for weeks but never have time to meet until one day when Lottie comes back home to have a dinner with her parents and stay for the weekend and finds out that her older sister is staying too with her new boyfriend. Her boy from tinder is her sister’s boyfriend. 
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
Use Me
*This has been edited to fit any platonic relationship, but can be used for any other kind of relationship, as well. Credit: http://starsandcosmos.tumblr.com/
Muse A is this corrupted soul; always drinking too much, getting too high, and they can barely function. Lottie is their saving grace; always coming through in the middle of the night after a drunken phone call asking for a ride home. Lottie only does this because she is a good person at heart, but she can’t deny that muse a’s actions disgust them. They’ve known each other for too long and Lottie always promised she’d never let muse a down, because she knows she is the only thing that’s stable in their life. It has become their routine that muse a will call/text when something goes wrong, and Lottie will come to the rescue. One night, after a long while of this being their thing, Lottie is helping muse a to bed, when muse a, drunk out of their mind, mumbles something about how they really do care about Lottie. Lottie just wants to brush it off and leave, until muse a continues confessing how they feel about Lottie, how she’s the only one ever there for them, etc. Lottie is stuck, knowing muse a is so bad for her, but she is the only good thing in their life. So she stays. 
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lottiexrose-blog · 6 years
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Only music knows all of my secrets.
Lecrae - I’ll Find You
Zara Larsson - One Mississippi
Tove Lo - This Time Around
Lovelytheband - Broken
Bebe Rexha - Pray
Maren Morris - Space
Julia Michaels - Heaven
Ariana Grande - Almost Is Never Enough
Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly
Timeflies - Monsters
Jack & Jack - Beg
5 Seconds of Summer - Want You Back
Christina Grimmie - The Game
Benny Blanco - Eastside
Maggie Lindemann - Pretty Girl
Jaymes Young & Phoebe Ryan - We Won’t
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