lunarkyx · 6 months
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minami maito in fashionable empire (2022)
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lunarkyx · 6 months
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SEWATCH (95th Class) – 2016 Archives
From 2010, Takarazuka GRAPH has a corner for introducing classmates (douki) in our colour pages. 95th class is the 6th edition and we now disclose excerpts of writer Seo Yuria (Seocchi) and her classmates.
~ Taken from August 2021 GRAPH.
JANUARY – Seo Yuria X Manaki Reika
To celebrate our first issue, the guest is...Manaki Reika of Moon Troupe ☽ It's Chapi~♡ Ah, she's an angel ♡ She's full of clarity....Let'Sewatch the mystery of this angel descending to earth!!!!
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: Everyone already knows about the beauty and cuteness of Chapi, so I thought what if we showed a different side of Chapi~
Chapi: No, not at all. But because it's the New Year issue, aren't we wearing these for the New Year?
Seocchi: We thought, "Year of the...Monkey, right? OH!" (laughs) What do you think about becoming a monkey (laughs)?
Chapi: Since I was born, I've been told that I look like a monkey, so it's an honour to be a monkey [for this corner].
Both: (exploding in laughter).
Chapi: My mother used to say, "I thought I gave birth to a monkey" (laughs).
Seocchi: Well, you could say you returned to your roots. What a new feeling (laughs).
Chapi: Yes, that's right. My ears are also "far away from each other" (and while saying that, Chapi flapped her hands beside her ears).
Seocchi: That's cute (laughs).
FEBRUARY – Seo Yuria X Rei Makoto
The guest for this month is the Super Boy, our Rei Makoto of Star Troupe ☆ It's Coto-chan~ (Coto)☆
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: I thought would it be possible to show a side of Co-chan that everyone hasn't seen before~ and the result of constant frustration and thinking, I've decided that we should wear the Takarazuka Music School uniforms!!
Coto: First, I need to find my uniform~
Seocchi: Yeah (laughs). How do you feel? Actually.
Coto: No I mean, it's nostalgic.
Seocchi: I remembered that the two of us used to sit side by side whle having lessons.
Coto: That's when both of us were fighting the urge to sleep away.
Seocchi: A time that we were scolded almost every day, but the days where we were very determined.
MARCH – Seo Yuria X Reimi Urara
Now, the guest this time is Reimi Urara-sama of Cosmos Troupe, it's Yuuri!! Let'Sewatch at the mystery of this flawless beautiful girl!!!
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: While both of us are thinking a lot about what to do, we heard Zun-chan (Sakuragi Minato) having her interview nearby on "What is your dream if you didn't enter Takarazuka!?".
Urara: We heard her answer, "I'm not sure if this is what I really want to do, but maybe the admirable flight attendants?"...
Seocchi: That's why everyone can see this wonderful Reimi Urara-sama!! (Thanks Zun-chan~♡)
Urara: I hope we can show that relationship between the pilot and the flight attendant (laughs).
Seocchi: There's some story between us... (laughs)
Urara: (laughs). That's fun!
APRIL – Seo Yuria X Tsukishiro Kanato
The guest this month is – remarkable! Tsukishiro Kanato of Snow Troupe!! It's Usshi (Reiko)✨ Wow~ So pretty...She's already beautiful, so let'Sewatch if we could show a mysteriously different look of Tsukishiro Kanato-sama.
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: After much thinking...
Reiko: We revived as the anime of "Shonen Ashibe"!! Well, I like Goma-chan. No, not just that, I like seals (laughs).
Seocchi: That's why, Usshi wore a seal costume and searched for various pictures, and found this really cute seal costume, and asked me "how do you think"?
Reiko: No, it's because I said, I want to be a more real seal!!
Seocchi: She seriously ordered this full costume (laughs). How do you feel wearing it?
Reiko: When I actually wear the costume, I can feel it looks fluffier than how Goma-chan was like, (laughs), but I'm really satisfied!!
Seocchi: That's great~ It's a great success that it made Usshi satisfied!
MAY – Seo Yuria X Minami Maito
The fifth guest is Flower Trouope otokoyaku Minami Maito (Maiti) ❀ I wanto see~!! Let'Sewatch the stunning muscles of this girl!!!
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: If we talk about Minami, it's muscles!! That's why I immediately think of the muscleman Superman, and we had a meeting over this photoshoot [concept] (laughs).
Maiti: What!? Is my image really like that? I thought (laughs).
Seocchi: No, when we first met, you were skinny!! Then after the summer of being a primary course student (yokasei), I was so shocked (laughs).
Maiti: Right, right, when I came back my uniform seems stiff [from the muscles] (laughs).
Seocchi: I thought, what did Minami do in the summer!!!!! I remember everyone being crazy over it (laughs). That image is too strong, you definitely need to be Superman this time!
Maiti: But, this costume seems too buff (laughs). This is too exaggerated!! Look at the texture of these muscles (laughs)!!!!
Seocchi: How do you feel actually wearing it?
Maiti: No, but it seems easy to turn on the switch to get into character with this kind of costume (laughs).
Seocchi: (laughs). That's great!!
Maiti: Like that "I'm a hero!" kind of vibe. (laughs)
Seocchi: If you feel good about it, you should wear this under your rehearsal clothes next time, and when something happens, you can remove those clothes to reveal yourself as Superman!! Then it would be great!! (laughs)
Maiti: I got it!! If that's necessary, I'll give Seocchi (Seo) a call! Believe in me!!
Both: (exploding in laughter).
JUNE – Seo Yuria X Misaki Rion
This month we have our princess from Cosmos Troupe 💕 Let'Sewatch at Misaki Rion (Mirion)~ 👀
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: We decided easily this time.
Mirion: Yes, yes, I asked Seocchi "Can I be a nurse?"
Seocchi: Surely, I also wish to see how Kumi-chan (Misaki) is as a nurse I(laughs).
Mirion: Since I was young', I've admired nurse so I thought, "Nurses are good!!" and decided on the theme quickly.
Seocchi: How does it feel? To be a nurse.
Mirion: I'm very satisfied because it feels my wish is fulfilled! Holding onto the syringe, I felt it was fun to feel how it is for a nurse (laughs). (I also enjoyed seeing Kumi-chan's look as a nurse!!)
Seocchi: I'm also excited because I want to play as a doctor!!!!
Mirion: You seem to really like the stethoscope (laughs).
Seocchi: Yes (laughs). This feels like "The Dangerous Love of the Doctor and the Nurse" (laughs). I hope everyone could feel happy seeing this photo and imagining various situations!
JULY – Seo Yuria X Kizuki Yuuma
This month, let'Sewatch at the mysterious Mayupon, or Kizuki Yuuma of Moon Troupe, who is so inclusive and gentle towards others~✨
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: This time, I hope it'd be great to do a concept of boys' friendship that I could do only with Myaupon.
Mayupon: Right!! We talked about, let's make this look manly as possible!
Seocchi: So, we told the edtors we wanted to do something like [the movie] "Umizaru", and we didn't think we'd have these costumes handmade!!
Both: Thank you so much!!!!!!
Seocchi: How does it feel wearing these?
Mayupon: Yes, this is so fun ♪ Of course, we wear various kinds of costumes on stage, but this feels totally different!!!
Seocchi: That's right. This feel like "Real Men's" kind of feeling (laughs)! And with that, we'd be happy if this lets everyone realise Mayupon's new charms!!
AUGUST – Seo Yuria X Hinami Fuu
This month, we have our princess from Star Troupe✨✨✨ Let'Sewatch the mysterious Fuu-chan, or Hinami Fuu!
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: We always talk about tropical countries ☼✨
Fuu-chan: Right! We never knew we would love tropical countries so much ✨
Seocchi: If there's a chance, I always thought I should go to the Sebu in Philippines with Fuu-chan and Matsuko (Renju Kouki) ☼
Fuu-chan: Right!!! My first overseas vacation was at Sebu, and it was really exciting✨✨✨
Seocchi: Every day would be so fun✨ So we decided to wear something we would in these tropical countries! How does the photoshoot feel for Fuu-chan?
Fuu-chan: Well, fun✨ Wearing the aloha shirts, holding on to the ukuleles immediately!!!
Seocchi: Yes✨✨ It's as if we could see the sun in front of us ☼
SEPTEMBER – Seo Yuria X Sakuragi Minato
This month, let'Sewatch the mysterious Zun-chan, or Sakuragi Minato of Cosmos Troupe, who always flashes the wonderful child smile ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Zun: About sommelier, it's just a Style we simply want to do!!!
Seocchi: No, no matter how we say it, this look great.
Zun: Yes (laughs). It's just black, so it may look plain~ Which is why we also used wine bottles and glasses.
Seocchi: I think this makes it look really stylish!!
Zun: I hope to wear this costume one day on stage.
Seocchi: It was fun to feel like a sommelier even for a short while~♫
OCTOBER – Seo Yuria X Asami Jun
This month, let'Sewatch the mysterious Asami Jun of Moon Troupe or Aasa✨✨ Truly from her name, she is beautiful from the morning~ (*Asa 朝 = morning; Mi 美 = beauty)
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: I asked you, what do we want to do?
Aasa: We thought about our similarities...
Both: We have a strong visual!!!!
Aasa: Then, we decided on doing [the manga series] "Thermae Romae" and on the day when we wore the costumes, and tried the first photo, and we chekced to find out??????????????
Both: We have a weak visual!!!! (laughs)
Aasa: This is an emergency situation 💦 She quickly came to the dressing room of Moon Troupe since we were performing (laughs).
Seocchi: Yes, I went to Aasa's makeup table and both of us desperately wanted to make up for it.
Aasa: We started putting more makeup! (laughs)
Seocchi: How did you feel wearing this?
Aasa: It feels comfortable and it makes me feel really good! As if, this was how I would be like in my past life (laughs).
Seocchi: You're not wrong! Have you worn this type of costume on stage before?
Aasa: Nope, this is my first time! Also it was fun to use different small props for the photoshoot✨
NOVEMBER – Seo Yuria X Hoshino Anri
This month let'Sewatch the mysterious Hoshino Anri of Snow Troupe, or Hiroko ❅
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: This time, both of us thought over quite a lot. Then Hiroko suggested, "Should we do baseball [concept]?"
Hiroko: Yes! If you turn on the television, you can see the rankings of Se Ring or Pa Ring, [Hiroshima Toyo] Carp and [Fukuoka] Softbank [Hawks] would be the top positions respectively, and they are baseball leagues of our hometown, so we wore their jerseys✨
Seocchi: Well, I believe when this [October] issue, Carp would definitely win by then!
Hiroko: Softbank too! Because they are so powerful!! If Carp wins, wouldn't that be since then 25 years since their last win?
Seocchi: Amazing! Hiroko knows so much! *laughs) When both teams win, let's celebrate together!
Both: Let's do this!!!
Seocchi: How does it feel wearing this uniform?
Hiroko: No, before wearing it I was already thrilled. I was even more excited to wear it! I was jumping around just thinking of it before Seocchi came! (laughs)
Seocchi: Ahaha (laughs). So cute.... 💦but I missed your moment💦
Hiroko: (laughs)
Seocchi: As expected, won't seeing these uniforms make your heart race? Because we've always seen these uniforms!!
Hiroko: Yes! We saw them before, and now we're wearing them ✨
Seocchi: The photoshoot was fun. But for our hats....
Hiroko: Instead of holding onto them, we were holding on the baseball bats instead (laughs).
Seocchi: Because we felt it would be awkward with our hands empty.
Hiroko: We're not used to that (laughs).
DECEMBER – Seo Yuria X Yuzuka Rei
This month we have Yuzuka Rei of Flower Troupe to grace the last edition✨ Let'Sewatch the mysterious Rei-chan 👀✨
~About the theme of our cosplay~
Seocchi: The costumes for today are really surreal! (laughs)
Rei: Really! When I wore it, this was more surreal than I imagined (laughs). It's Christmas when we talk about December, which is why we dressed up like that.
Seocchi: Right! I was thinking if I should do Santa or the reindeer, but she said, "But Santa Claus won't look as funny, right?" (laughs) As expected✨
Rei: (laughs). So we featured supporting characters! But I was surprised because I was surprised because I couldn't do many poses with these costumes (laughs).
Seocchi: Right! That's something we missed out💦 Because [trees and snowman] give off inanimate vibes (Iaughs).
Rei: Even if we act a lot into it, our faces...
Seocchi: Becomes emotionless (laughs).
Rei: It's rare that it was difficult to smile [in this costume] (laughs). Which by the way, I read this corner every month! But I thought, "She doesn't call me a lot....will this end without me...." (laughs).
Seocchi: Really.... (erupts into laughter). So you felt anxious over it, I'm sorry!
Rei: Nah, but this was great fun–♪
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lunarkyx · 8 months
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Dear Yuzuka-san, On July 11 2019, it was announced you would be the next Flower Troupe Top Star. On November 25 2019, you embraced your debut as the Flower Troupe Top Star. And with a vibrant career of 2 years of Takarazuka Music School, 16 years in the Revue, 14 lead performances (musical, revue, concert) as a Top Star, today on August 15 2023, your retirement announcement was released. Yuzuka-san, many of us are saddened by the news. We knew that the inevitable pandemic was harsh on Flower Troupe; we hoped for more performances, and more promising expectations. And we also know, that it would be sad to see you come down the staircase wearing the hakama. But we also want to tell you Yuzuka-san: thank you for all your hard work. We want to let you know your performance in dancing, singing motivated us with energy. Your commitment in acting moves us to tears in sorrow and joy. Your leadership in Flower Troupe interests us to learn more about every member as they shine in their unique qualities apart from knowing about you. Your natural presence of being you makes us fall for your charms. The “Be Shining” concert and “Arc~en~Ciel” are your last performances. Through this time, it will be difficult to adjust and reality hits us every time countdown happens as each day passes by. We will support you till the end and pray that you are doing well, your are performing without regrets and that you shine your brightest in the remaining days to come. From, your fans ♥
My thoughts on Yuzuka Rei's retirement
So… about how I felt the taidan news. I wasn’t surprised. I was anticipating the news to come yesterday, or some day this week.
The obvious change for me was definitely the concert and the national tour announcement. When it’s said that Rei would reprise as Fie, I knew it was a journey looking back her days in Takarazuka, to which sounds very reminiscently beautiful. It’s also an indicator, to which the reason why I did write differently in my captions than I did before.
Then comes the announcement of Mikaze Maira introducing Rei as the Flower Troupe Top Star very rarely before she gives her speech. Rei’s always the one that doesn’t want to be in the sole spotlight and wants to be considered as a member of Flower Troupe rather than titled Top Star (as so may be suggested by her to ask Aoi-san not to say that)
Looking back at the thread I wrote, surely I was less sad to see her go than I thought I would. The decision must be one she thought over so long regards to timing especially how the pandemic affected her Top Star run. I do think it’s cruel to have Bluray announcement and Taidan announcements together hand in hand. But not because I moved on from how I felt about her- it’s because I felt it was fulfilling for her. I don’t want to think how the Arc en Ciel play would have a weird plot, I want to think how fruitful her Takarazuka career has been. Rei in Takarazuka has showed us so much and I’m content with all the performances and roles she’s showed thus far. But with Rei having a positive and forward-looking mindset, I must say, that she has not been lacking in any delivery. Each performance she committed her endeavours to the point of also leading the troupe. Rei has made me feel so proud and enligtened to have known her, that I am looking forward to paths she pursue in the future.
Of course for now, we cherish the remaining days not with sadness, but with pride. Every time seeing her radiate on stage, you want to compliment her, “well done!” “omg!” those are the praises that I’ll give for the rest of her Zuka days to come.
Thank you to those who have reached out to me, knowing that Rei is dear to me and I care for her. This page will continue to update the latest news that follow tomorrow and the upcoming weeks. Let us all stay strong and show support, love and more anticipations to her upcoming shows “Singing Lovebirds”/“Grand Mirage”, “Be Shining” and “Arc~en~Ciel”.
Signing off, Hibiscus.
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lunarkyx · 9 months
Study of Asaji Saki as Nero! Love this photo so much 😭 Was mostly trying to play with how to use colours in the painting.
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Reference and an old attempt when I was completely new to procreate and wasn’t used to how to paint in it two years ago lol I’ve been using the same brushes since then actually.
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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Sir Percy! I’ve been reading some of the Scarlet Pimpernel Novels, though specifically the ones centered to Sir Percy and Lady Marguerite’s relationship. I wanted to visualize him, because I only know two main things, he is big and built lmao
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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Long time, I forgot to dump this Takarazuka Sketches from last year! I kinda wing it with no references on some of those lmao. Anyways, yes Idk why but I was at the Haikara-san phase but then Franz Lizst dropped, then more shows keep comin so I’m just screaming- 
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lunarkyx · 1 year
Avi Roque: “Raine is always trying to flirt”
Me: …are they now?
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yup that adds up.
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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I’ve been designing ticket envelopes for a few actresses for a couple of years, and I want to share a few of my favorites (with permission of course!).
(The Mozart envelope was a rejected design but I still like it).
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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Another small selection of my personal favorites out of the ticket envelopes I've designed for various Takarazuka actresses over the past couple of years (part one here!)
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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Beauty – Understanding Minami Maito’s beauty 美~瞭解水美舞斗之美
Taken from KAGEKI November Issue 2022. 來自11月歌劇號。
(This was kindly scanned by my good mutual BJ! This is for her, and all the other Flower Troupe fans! 特別鳴謝BJ的圖片,獻給她還有其他喜歡花組的朋友們!)
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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Weenie husband and wife 💙🍰🧡
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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So what if Salmonids mutated into something... fresher?
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lunarkyx · 1 year
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art of my splatoon idols
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lunarkyx · 2 years
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Marie’s habit.
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lunarkyx · 2 years
So You’re New to Takarazuka
Recently it seems that a lot of new people have found their way to Takarazuka, which I remember as being kind of overwhelming. So first of all: Hi! Welcome! Hope you enjoy the musicals and like the glitter!
Second of all, I know this fandom can be very different, a little bit (sometimes a lot) confusing, and definitely overwhelming, so I thought it might be helpful to make a bit of an introduction post, for if you’ve mostly seen memes or clips. So with that, here we are!
So You’re New to Takarazuka, what do you need to know?
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lunarkyx · 2 years
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So… @pastelypunky and I have been in a rabbit hole by the name of The Scarlet Pimpernel for like…. half a year. So we decided to use the time in this rabbit hole to draw some things!!
I sketched out the designs while @pastelypunky did the line art and colors (and shading!!!)
So Have Sir Percy Blakeney, Citizen Chauvelin, and Marguerite Blakeney designs!!
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