madweekay · 28 days
I’ve known this for a while, but another article pointing out the mortality rate isn’t rising. I’m legit puzzled as to why CDC and the media are not correcting the narrative. Am I missing something? Perhaps even without the redefinition of a pregnancy related death, the numbers would have gone up??
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madweekay · 2 months
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heavy post with light as an answer.
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madweekay · 5 months
Inappropriate dark thoughts, #1
“The floor was lava”
- My daughter’s epitaph
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madweekay · 5 months
Playing Uno with my then-four year old. She drops a wild card.
Child: can I pick two colors?
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madweekay · 6 months
Picky eater plus future negotiator.
Me: Ok you’ve got two more pieces left!
Kid cuts one piece into three. Eats two.
Kid: I’m done!
Me: Whaat? No you’re not!
Kid: Yea I am! You said two pieces left!
Me: Nice try. I meant finishing everything on the plate!
Kid tosses remaining pieces off her plate.
Kid: Ok now I’m done!
How could I not let her be done after all that effort??
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madweekay · 8 months
Ok I have decided peak nostalgia for me is working part time at the pharmacy section of Livingston’s CVS while 106.7 FM blared nonstop Springsteen/John Mellencamp.
Speaking of Jersey, the best encapsulation of Jersey living was the Telemarketers documentary. I knew versions of everyone on that show. It made me nostalgic while further complicating my wish to move back to NJ.
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madweekay · 9 months
This was regular cartoon viewing for me growing up, singalong included. I'm quite impressed I'm not a raging drunk.
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madweekay · 1 year
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Happy Mother’s Day
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madweekay · 1 year
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my id.
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madweekay · 1 year
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New Yorker Cartoons that I like
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madweekay · 2 years
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s too late, #1:
2001, a Space Odyssey*
*more importantly, it’s 2022.
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madweekay · 2 years
Postsecret still exists??
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madweekay · 2 years
Things said by my child that can make me both proud and ashamed, #1:
“uh, who’s God?”
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madweekay · 2 years
Husband: <enters the room> Did you buy the thing?
Me: Yes.
Husband: Wait, you know what I’m talking about?
Me: OMG. Do you know what this means??
Husband: Yes. Our marriage has become sentient.
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madweekay · 2 years
THAT is the loophole abortion rights lawyers need to latch on to and never let go of. Oklahoma just passed the strictest anti-abortion law out there, and defines fertilization as “the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum." This language impacts IVF. Can some smart lawyers challenge these psychotic laws by asking how infertility treatments - which aim to create life but can discard embryos as part of the process - cannot be spared by these laws? Also, I hope to the heavens that there are anti abortion people out there who are pro IVF and are forced to explain this inconsistency.
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madweekay · 2 years
“I basically had carrots for dinner.”
- husband. basically married to a non-typical nigerian woman.
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madweekay · 2 years
Nobody knows Dolly Dots, but I do, and when I noticed my favorite song of theirs was no longer on my Apple Music downloads or Spotify, I had to look into why. How come we never get notifications when songs disappear??
But seriously, this is legit the best song ever, and should be LA people’s anthem.
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