magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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“  yeah, get it done quick and easy — i’d rather shoot myself in the face than suffer. ” isabel admits, a small nod of her head as she barely needs to think about it. “ but it’s good she kicks his ass in the end anyways, like, they do it in a way that you’re rooting for her instead the whole ‘ no. don’t do that ! ’ thing, like, she’s not dumb. ” she confirms, which is part of the reason she liked it so much. “ but next time.. you ARE watching with me and then we’ll just cuddle together and we’ll be fine… i’ll choose something easy. ”
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"i wouldn’t go that far. you know you can live from that, right?” she’s almost certain that’s a real thing and not just a comic book gimmick. “that’s shocking. i guess it’s sort of the same thing with scream? like you want her to fight them and not just run for the hills. plus by the thousandth movie it’s clear she physically cannot be killed, so she may as well.” being a final girl seems stressful. says the girl sitting in a spy school, but she isn’t a spy yet and that makes a difference. “i shudder, probably literally, to think what you find easy but fine! for you, i’ll let the nightmares roll.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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“legacy perks, maybe?” although she knew that was not the case, but whichever way anyone looks at it, it was unusual. mags just saw it as motivation to do even better, to repay the kindness the school had given her when it came to letting her leave for a bit. lena’s comment stops her in the middle of the sentence, and she was willing to admit that it really wasn’t the year she expected to have. “ s’okay i guess. i mean, i like some of the blackthorne people. and having the georgetown kids kind of help with training? ‘cause you have to be sneaky and stuff.” mags looks up at her again for a second. “say when and I will. but in the summer, obviously. i don’t think big sutt would love it if i ask to leave again. she’ll probably think i stole the sword and was trying to take it home or somethin’.”
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"okay, rude,” she says with a smile, because she kind of likes not being a legacy, even if she feels dazed and confused about 85% of the time because of it. it’s probably better this way, not to feel like she has much of anything to live up to, even though she’s always hoped to make her parents proud and she can’t even tell them about this. some parents probably know all about the murders, she’s kind of content to keep her parents in the dark. “which is such a wild thing to say or think, but you’re right. i thought they were gonna stroll in here looking like the movie version of durmstrang student.” not, like, northern european, but sketchy and scary. “yeah...especially since i know one of them. but i think i’m so anti-spy seeming he’d never suspect.” and atty isn’t exactly the most suspicious guy to begin with. she snorts a laugh at the nickname. “i’m def not trying to risk it. can you imagine trying to check that thing? you’d be sent right to jail.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
“i never thought of it that way, but i think you’re right,” elliot didn’t like thinking about people being able to influence her decisions, but what lena said made sense. “yeah, let’s definitely try to not die. i don’t trust anyone to watch my dog. and i don’t feel like getting my stomach pumped” she laughed. ” “thank god. it’ll be a real bummer if we get hired by government agencies and they expect us to be, like, law abiding citizens.” maybe that would be a benefit of working for the feds - being above the law. 
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"i’m inclined to believe that i am.” lena likes hearing that she’s right, though she isn’t someone with an obsessive need to be correct all the time. only with certain people, elliot not being one of them. “i also don’t want to die, but i’m just saying, mags would be a great dog sitter. she knows tons about animals.” and then elliot’s dog could keep lena’s bed warm for her. while she’s in the hospital and not just truly dead, hopefully, in this hypothetical situation. “if you ask me, any decent spy or government official has bent if not completely broken the rules more than once.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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isabel laughs at lena’s confession, her guilt fading as quickly as it arrived and was replaced by pure jealously that she couldn’t sleep so easily herself. “ i’m glad i didn’t keep you up at least. ” she offered a smile before sighing at the thought of a murderer in any case. “ well, her neighbour gets murdered literally against her front door but she has no idea ‘cause she can’t hear it. so.. in reality i bet you’d die pretty quick and probably unknowingly, you know ? but yeah, she ends up killing him in the end. it’s SO good, though ! but, i promise no more horrors for a couple weeks. ”
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"i couldn’t see the screen. therefore, no harm done.” that’d be kind of funny, though, to watch the movie without being able to hear it? she has seen neither and yet she feels like hush walked so a quiet place could run. “but honestly that sounds like the kind of thing i wouldn’t want to hear. i’d rather not know. it’d be way better to be done in by a psycho murderer without seeing it coming than to know and be in suspense and fight back and still die anyways.” again, she doesn’t watch horror movies, but...it’s an interesting thought experiment. “that’s very thoughtful of you, is, thank you.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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         “ why do you say that ?   you certainly look like you have your shit together from my eyes. “   his eyes are taking all of her in, since she’s still talking to him and hasn’t stormed away yet.  caden offers her another smile.   “ LENA.  nice to meet you.  i’m caden, “  he offers, holding his hand out.   “ you’re friends with elliot, you said ?   i hope she didn’t sully my name too much. “
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"i can’t, like, flip you onto the table and break it clean in half.” it’s possible she still has semi-unrealistic expectations of classes, mainly because she still hasn’t taken the bulk of the combat classes required. “do i wear a uniform well? yes.” seems like just about everyone at gallagher does, which is good, if she’s forced to look at it all the time. she shakes his hand, though it feels oddly formal from where she’s sitting. “yes. uh...to be honest, she was still a little drunk when i saw her so she didn’t say a lot. don’t worry, i still don’t know any of your secret little bedroom moves.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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she tilts her head up, one hand already covering part of her journal ( a small blurb that just says ‘stop scaring dr wright w/ outbursts’ ) and she smiled up at lena. “too short, if you ask me. i was there for less than a week. it must be how celebrities feel like when they jetset all over the place and all that.” mags grinned as she continued to write down her to-do list for the week. “her name’s sisa. and i’m more than happy to take you. my lola keeps asking me if i really have friends and bringing one is more than enough evidence.” 
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lena completely overlooks the fact that mags is clearly in the middle of something (her observational skills need a lot of work) and nods as her roommate speaks. “yeah, but at least they let you leave! i was shocked. in a good way, for once.” this year, it’s not often gallagher surprises her positively. “i’m sorry your first year at gallagher has been so sucky,” she says, a little offhandedly. “i would love to meet her -- i meant your lola, but sisa too. the whole gang.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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           oh, oops.   “ i know who elliot is, “   his eyes roll, because there’s literally nobody else that he’s slept with in the past few weeks for it to be anyone but the girl from the sakura event.  even if she hadn’t said her name, caden would’ve remembered it to be elliot… EVENTUALLY.  “ that wasn’t an age comment, damn. “   he walks over and takes a seat next to her on the couch, mostly because he has nothing better to do than bother her.   “ what’s your name ? “ 
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“color me impressed,” she says in a tone of voice that makes it clear that she’s not. but at least she smiles. “i’m just saying, i could be a first year. i know i don’t exactly seem like i have my shit together.” it’s too late to take on another specialization at this point but it feels like she’s made a crucial error in judgement, mostly out of fear. to her credit, she doesn’t scoot farther away from him. “lena.” just one of the two magdalenas who live in her room, it’s not confusing at all.
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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“ i gave up around four and just meditated for a bit but i just couldn’t settle. ” is explains, feeling slightly apologetic for her roommate noticing. “ i might have to take you up on that next time. but no, not buffy ! ” she laughs,  shaking her head. “ it’s a horror film. this guy hunts a deaf girl in her own home, it’s freaky stuff. ”
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“okay, you got me: by all night i meant 2am because my ass passed out approximately ten seconds after waking up.” she wouldn’t say is woke her up, just simply...that she was awakened. thankfully, lena is great at falling right back to sleep. “that sounds...awful. isn’t some crazy trying to murder you bad enough already when equipped with all of the senses? at least tell me she survived. no offense, but i’m never watching that. i like my sleep.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
“technically it wasn’t a dare. a guy i did karate with said he could eat one and i couldn’t, so obviously i had to prove him wrong.” it was a little embarrassing just how easy it was to goad elliot into doing stupid things. “what kind of help?” lena’s suggestion made her grin - doing something because it was gross was a surefire way into her heart. “i don’t know what you did, but it must have been something really bad,” elliot quipped, a devilish smirk on her face. “want to steal ingredients from the kitchen? amazon doesn’t deliver tequila. trust me, i checked.”
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"ohhh, okay, it was reverse psychology.” is that how it works? say someone can’t or shouldn’t do something so they do it? “just recipes with actual measurements because i can see myself putting way too much alcohol and i wanna have a good time not a last time because i died from alcohol poisoning.” it still feels weird to make any reference to death on campus, but, well! “then it double sucks that i can’t seem to remember! yes, elliot, i will always say yes to thievery.” especially since this was a victimless crime...probably.
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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lena leans over the railing of her bed to peer out at mags...nah, she doesn’t seem busy. “hey, how was your trip home?” she asks, leaning her elbows across the railing and resting her head on folded hands. “and next time, please take me with you. i’ve never even seen a real farm before.” lena is far from a farm girl but she’d kill for some real ass fresh country air right about now. and to escape this murder zoo. “what’s your cow’s name again?” / @magsrome​
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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“ i watched hush last night and i just could not sleep afterwards.  ” isabel exhales deeply, feeling she had to explain after her extremely long yawn cause a couple stares from people nearby. “ i thought since i’d seen it before i’d be okay but ugh that guy in the mask just freaks me out. ”
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“so that’s why i heard you tossing and turning all night. if you want to pop a sleeping pill next time, you should let me know. and yeah that ep is super creepy,” lena agrees as she plops down on the common room couch. “wait...we’re talking about buffy the vampire slayer, right?”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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        “ you’re friends with kat too ? “   jesus christ, he needs to start staying away from her friends.  his eyebrows raise at her question – ALL of them.   “ um, cuz you’re a gallagher girl ?   and you don’t look like a first year, which means you’ve been here longer than me.  why are you so DEFENSIVE ? “   caden wants to add that he highly doubts they’re both studying seduction and flirtation, because there’s nothing particularly CHARMING about her, but he keeps it to himself.
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"um, no, i’m friends with elliot and if you say ‘who?’ i’m gonna do a very good job of convincing you i’m a hand to hand combat major.” her technique is still lacking but she’d beat a man’s ass for a friend any day. that was true long before she’d ever heard of gallagher. “well, you should know that some people start school when they’re nice and old.” he doesn’t exactly look like a first year, either -- he could have at least gone to blackthorne or whatever before this year. she rolls her eyes, then winces. “for one thing, you gave me a hangover.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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She had to admit, she sort of love Lena’s outright brazenness, something she hoped one day to have. “That checks out,” Ruby nodded, giving her a good-natured laugh. “I guess I should just hope it falls in that sweet spot of fun and reckless, but not totally life-destroying, huh?”
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It wasn’t much to brag about, considering Ruby was extremely easy to read. Besides, Lena had a vague sense of who she was, she didn’t live under a rock. Political children seemed to either always act right or constantly act out. “Somehow I don’t think you’re in danger of doing anything too extreme. But if you want any suggestions, I’d be happy to help.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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            CADEN FROWNS ;   he doesn’t like being ignored.  and while she’s answering him, it’s clear she has no interest in indulging him.   “ it’s not me hitting on you, “   he says, a little offended.  but… maybe he HAD been hitting on her, at least a little.   “ — are we in a class together ? “   he only remembers her from the sakura event.
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she raises an eyebrow at him. “right...well, that’s a relief, seeing as you hooked up with my friend like two seconds ago.” (sorry elliot.) “why do you think i’d know about it?” does she seem easy? or like she gets around? it’s sad that they even need a secret place to make out around here. "i don’t know, are we?” magdalena does know and it’s a no, but there’s something about the post-party hangovers and regretful hook-ups that makes her testy. “i just meant, pretty sure we’re studying the same thing.” namely, it should be clear whether or not he’s being seductive and flirtatious.
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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             “ SO I KEEP HEARING ABOUT THIS SECRET PASSAGEWAY. “   he leans in closer to her as he speaks, arms folded over the top of the couch that she sits on, so his face is close to her ear.  his excuse ?  the witness protection kids could be anywhere.   “ apparently it’s used for… ALONE TIME. “   a small pause.   “ do you know where it is ? “   //   @magdalenaojeda
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“that’s interesting,” she says, in a tone that implies it really isn’t. “you keep hearing about it yet you still don’t know where it is? maybe that’s for a reason.” magdalena tilts her head slightly to look at him, aware that it’s only putting her face closer to his, and exhales a laugh of disbelief. “i can’t tell if you’re trying to hit on me or not, but either way you might wanna pay a little more attention in class.”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
“whatever you say. honestly, i might be brave, but i would argue that eating that was stupid more than anything else.” it was hard to feel proud of herself for eating a ghost pepper when it was immediately followed by half a gallon of milk. “i didn’t even think of the internet but that’s a good idea. i can’t actually think of any flavor other than lime.” elliot grabbed her phone, hoping for some inspiration. “okay, so there’s hot cheeto and lime tequila shots, hot cheeto bloody mary’s, and hot cheeto infused tequila.” she shrugged, slightly disappointed there wasn’t more variety and yet relieved that there weren’t enough options to give them alcohol poisoning. “maybe we could do one or two of those, plus hot cheeto margaritas? i wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”
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"was it a dare or what?” maybe a self dare, if anything. in perfect honesty, lena would do the same thing. how many chances does a person get to try a ghost pepper? “please, elliot, i’m not a bartender...yet. we’re gonna need a little help.” when it comes to drinks, she’d rather just drink liquor straight. it’s more effective. but she’s looking forward to this excuse to try something new and probably make a mess in the process. she perks up, looking over elliot’s shoulder to watch her scroll past drink recipes. “the bloody mary sounds gross, let’s make that one first,” she says with a grin. “aw! what did i do to deserve such a thoughtful friend?”
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magdalenaojeda · 4 years
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“it  was  not  -  you  just  changed  your  answer  to  make  mine  seem  WRONG,”  it’s  the  only  logical  theory,  really,  and  she’s  smart  enough  to  do  that.  atty  doesn’t  know  much  about  dogs  beyond  the  basic  care  taking  rules,  but  they’re  still  cute  fuckers.  “oh  please  —  the  weekends  are  MADE  for  sleeping  in.  why  do  you  think  most  jobs  don’t  have  them  go  in?  it’s  like,  practically  what  they’re  made  for  anyways.”  sounds  logic  for  him,  really,  and  mostly  coherent.  a  big  win.  “are  you  calling  me  extremely  adequate?  what  a  compliment,  y’know.”
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“that only proves my point, ‘cause i didn’t.” lena loves terriers, not that she’s ever had one. or a dog in general, or even a pet, unless you count the frogs she used to catch and name before releasing them again. “they’re made for relaxing, i’ll give you that. if you sleep in it’s supposed to only be by an hour or two.” she’s just stating the facts, what a healthy person might do, not what she does. “only if you made up that expression. shut up, you’re better than that.”
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