magicrpg Ā· 2 years
filler post.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
i would literally be so happy to see kiki layne, medalion rahimi, nikki perkins, brenda song, dichen lachman, gong yoo, forrest goodluck, daniel padilla, and duckie thot here ! but those are just fc suggestions. there are so many beautiful fcoc that you can take up !
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hey. this is so our promo posts show up in the tag.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
would jacob batalon work as a talisik cousin?
hey, anon. probably not. jacob is filipino, yes, but from what i can tell the only thing we know about his specific ethnic group is that his family is most likely ilocano. he joked that his familyĀ ā€œspoke every language in the philippinesā€ in a no way home interview, but i take that to mean that his family speaks multiple -- obviously not all 170+ languages. but we donā€™t know if bisaya is part of that heritage, so iā€™ll have to say no on that ! he would work as a jones-lee child, though. or a muse who isnā€™t part of any of the preset families. we wouldnā€™t want to erase his ilocano heritage.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
oooh u want to show up in the tags so bad ...
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
just saw a gifset of jacob batalon on the dash. iā€™d freaking LOVE to see him here, and many other beautiful fcoc ! iā€™m here to answer any questions you may have.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
just got home from school ! come check us out. weā€™re halfway to our opening goal.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hi, is there an admin online?
yeah, there is now !
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
iā€™m watching a live stream and itā€™s just so comforting to hear someone speaking my native language, bisaya. i know that many writers of color, like myself, crave a space to bring in characters from their culture. i hope youā€™ll consider giving us a look !
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hey it's the malay anon again, i want to say no worries and thank you for changing it. and again best of luck with your rp!
thank you, both for informing me about it and the kind words ! <3
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hello ! weā€™re pretty close to our opening goal. come check us out ?
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
( just so the promo posts appear )
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
weā€™re halfway to our opening goal, so getting more apps tonight would be cool ! but iā€™m also here to answer questions and whatnot.
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hey i really like what you're doing here, both discord rps and supernatural/magic type rps aren't my scene but i really hope the rp goes well. did want to send in a correction though because i've seen you twice now call malays indigenous. i'm malay myself, born in the us but my dad is malaysian malay and my mom is singaporean malay and i visit both singapore and malaysia reguarly. we are considered a native people to these areas, but it is an important distinction that we are not indigenous in the same way that, for example, the ibaloi are an indigenous people of the philippines. the indigenous people of singapore are pretty much just the orang asli, and the indigenous people of malaysia are the orang asli, orang ulu, and orang asal. i do hope to see more malay fcs used in the rpc, and malay fcs in this rp would be great and a start, but please stop calling us indigenous. it hurts the actual recognized indigenous peoples of malaysia and singapore as they are already treated much worse than malays and treated as second-class citizens. thanks.
hey, iā€™m really sorry for my error. this is BY NO MEANS an excuse and i will 100% stop doing that + change the wording on my posts ! but i just wanted to explain why i made this error. growing up, i learned that we filipinos are classified as malays in terms of race. but i heard a lot in the news that filipino workers in places like singapore were discouraged from calling themselves malay while living there because malay peoples are the indigenous peoples in singapore and malaysia. iā€™m very sorry for my mistake, though, and i WILL change it !
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
hello ! iā€™m here to answer any more questions you may have, and maybe even accept some apps. weā€™re halfway to our opening goal !
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magicrpg Ā· 2 years
should cousins have the same surname?
nope, itā€™s definitely not necessary.Ā maristela in the talisik family has the surname pomeda and zigmund in the mistry family has the surnameĀ karavadra. of course they donā€™t have to have the same surname; theyā€™re cousins. even a few of the kids -- like child a and child b in yang, bc they were abandoned by their wizard dad -- donā€™t have to have the same surname.
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