mama-angel-blog ¡ 8 years
Read ANGELA's message
OTg4c25haWRldEB0dW1ibHIuY29t Hi 988snaidet, ANGELA left you a private message ANGELA ANGELA left you a message. Click on the button below to view it: View Message Other Zorpians waiting to meet you... Cynthia, 25 Chicago, Illinois, United States Nichelle, 27 Columbus, Ohio, United States andrew, 24 New Jersey, United States Freecs, 26 San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States This email is sent to [email protected] on behalf of ANGELA ANDREWS. If you do not wish to receive email communications from Zorpia, please click here to opt out. Zorpia Co. Ltd. P.O. Boxce, Hong Kong
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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Birds of a feather
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
As I sit inside my warm home I am enjoying the opportunity to browse the INTERNET to chat with people and I am ignoring the things that are causing chaos in my home at the moment. The girls are insisting on watching “NetFlix” instead of doing chores. I am really not complaining about it,...
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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One day at a women’s bible study, one of my dear Christian friends came in and stated, “I was praying to the Lord and I asked him to show me how he sees me. He sees me as a Prancing Horse, with grace and charm.” She proclaimed that her grace and charm was good in the sight of the Lord. It was true. She is the most hospitable woman I know.
The next week, another of the ladies came into the bible study and she shared, “I went home and I asked God to show me what he sees in me. And God said that I was a Bull Dog.” She was ecstatic because she is one of the most determined prayer warriors I know. Like a Bull Dog that women would pray till she got answers and she never let it rest until God spoke.
Yes, I was enticed to ask God what he thought of me. The answer: An OX! Yes, that is correct. After I got over my crying spell, shock, disappointment, anger and total despair; I mustered up the nerve to ask God, “Why would you call me an ugly, fat, beast of an ox?”
Here is what God showed me:
Oxen are valuable, Gen. 12: 16; Gen. 20:14.
Oxen will kill if not tended too properly, Ex. 21:28-29.
Oxen were used for making covenants, Gen. 21:27.
The hand of the Lord is upon His Cattle (oxen), Ex. 9:2-4.
One would have to pay back 5 times what one ox’s value Ex 22:1.
Oxen were used as peace offerings unto the Lord, EX 24:5.
Oxen were given as precious gifts, Number 7:6-8.
Oxen can carry a heavy load, Number 7: 6-8.
Oxen are used for plowing new and old ground, Job 1:14.
Oxen are strong to labor, Palms 144:14.
Oxen are hard to keep, but they bring much increase, Proverb 14:4.
You are told not to covet another man’s ox, Duet. 5:21.
NEVER plow with an ox and an ass together, Duet. 22:10.
Do not muzzle the mouth of the oxen that treads out corn, 1 Cor. 9:9.
God’s Ox is a valuable beast to be feared. It is used for making covenants with man and God. They are 5 times the value than other cattle and used as precious gifts to others. They require a lot of work to keep, but they bring much increase to the fold. They are coveted by others but cannot work with asses. But God still provides for Oxen when they are working in the field.
written by: Angel Andrews 2010
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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Jeremiah 5:22
`Do you not fear Me?' declares the LORD. `Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it."
 I am reminded that even in Roar of the ocean, my God protects me. 
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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Isaiah 54:10
"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My loving kindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you.
Just knowing that while the earth may tremble and utterly move, my God will always be there for me and that brings joy and peace to my heart. 
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" Mathew 6:26
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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Someone posted this picture on Facebook this morning and it reminded me of the many hours we spent together with our kids when they were small. It seems like a very long time ago. We made time to play with our children. Sometimes it was alittle too much. But the memories are priceless.
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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2013 might’ve been one of the best years I’ve had so far. This is probably the happiest I’ve been in a very long time, and I can’t wait to see what 2014 will bring me and everyone I love!
Have a very Happy New Year, everyone!
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 10 years
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One day I was sitting on my front porch watching the children play in the front yard. We were living in Florida at the time and our family had endured some long trials. As I watched my children play, I asked God to show me that his presence was with me because I was terrified of what might happen. To my surprise, I looked up and two white doves landed on my yard in the middle of my children playing. Gentle and secure they perched on the edge of the flower bed beside my noisy children as they played. My kids never stopped playing and I don’t even think they noticed the gentle doves at peace nearby.
Peace came over me like I have never experienced in my life. I knew at that moment that God sent those doves to show me he was in the midst of our situation. And I believe that God sent two doves to show me that he was pouring out a double blessing instead of just one.
Ever since, when I feel insecure and overtaken by the world’s trials; I look up and God has a dove nearby. I have even seen doves in the strangest and unexpected places. My God is personal, like that. He loves and cares for me in the gentlest way and He lets me know that I am precious to Him. He comforts me. 
I hope, today, that you ask God to be personal to you in a special way that only you and God share. 
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
I absolutely LOVE fall!! 
And this is why I love Fall...
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
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 If you are looking at the previous generation thinking..."they are outdated" just remember that God has been around since the beginning of Time and he thought it proper in His Time. So, instead of disregarding the foundations.... Try building on it. Why re-invent the wheel? 
The message is the same... But experience and wisdom from Generation to Generation is PRICELESS! When one disregards its elders...one looses a vital part of TRUTH.
Like wise: When one disregards its youth; the church is sure to die.... and the future becomes very DIM.. Lets try working together...
I believe that it was God's intention that we pass it from generation to generation. But, it would appear that we have some how claimed ownership of our generation as though it belongs to US.  We have to reach the generations and flow with God's plan. But we have to consider that God's plans included the previous generation and the generations to come. 
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
Omgggggggee super cute!
I’m totally having one of these hats for my kid. Someday.
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
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mama-angel-blog ¡ 13 years
You're still God,Kathy Troccoli (by amgunnes)
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