mamun692351 · 2 years
Landscape Design
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mamun692351 · 2 years
Olive Tree
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mamun692351 · 2 years
Reasons Why Landscaping Matters
The value of landscaping lies deeper than the surface of your lawn. Many people may think that simply mowing their grass is all they should do for their landscaping and that going beyond that by investing time, energy, and money into a well thought out design is too luxurious.
So why do we urge our clients to invest in good landscaping? Here are five examples that will make you realize the value of landscaping.
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Nature Preservation: As more and more people across the globe are realizing the importance of environmental preservation, traditional landscaping designs that left trees and plants out of your yard are disappearing, and instead families are looking to incorporate more natural surroundings. While you can also include hardscaping (i.e. pathways and patio flooring) it is easy to surround those areas with plants so you can enjoy your own personal nature preserve. Together, hardscaping and plants strike up a healthy balance that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.  
Higher Quality of Living: Many studies show that being surrounded by plants improves mental health by enhancing concentration and memory, promotes educational performance in children, generates a sense of happiness, and increases health by accelerating healing and reducing stress.
Conserve Natural Resources: Not only does landscaping help preserve nature, having proper landscaping also helps conserve natural resources such as the soil quality, air, and even water.
Stop Eroding: Let’s say you live on a steep hill (like many of us do in the Duluth, MN area), building a retaining wall can help avoid soil erosion and stop rocks from falling down. This helps secure not only your landscaping investment but also your home while giving a safe space for your kids to run around.
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Functionality: With landscaping, you can create the perfect outdoor living space that is comfortable and functional. A great landscape design can incorporate a patio, deck, fire council, and other attractive elements to make your outdoor living space even more relaxing. You may never want to go inside again.
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mamun692351 · 2 years
Clear Reasons Why You Need Digital Marketing
1. Affordability
Digital marketing is considerably less expensive than other marketing methods. Specific prices vary based on what you’re doing but ad spend tends to be lower than other forms of marketing.
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2. Mobile Access
You may not know this but  77 percent of American adults own a smartphone and are likely to use that smartphone or another mobile device for news, social networking, and countless other activities. Digital marketing helps you reach them while they’re doing this. With remarketing ads, email and text marketing, and social media – you can be in front of your audience while they use many different apps on their mobile phones.
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3. Flexibility
There are many forms and uses of high quality digital marketing, including banner ads, email marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. Thus by learning how to creatively market yourself digitally, you open up a wide range of possibilities for future publicity strategies. With digital marketing, you also have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly performing campaigns in real time.
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4. Expansion
Many consumers do almost all of their shopping online. Digital marketing lets you appeal to these people and thus expand the reach of your company. Between Google Shopping Ads and brand awareness campaigns, you can expand your brand recognition and boost sales.
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5. Multimedia
Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine multiple types of content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It is far easier to incorporate all these content types into digital marketing than any other type of publicity – and it is very important.
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6. Interactivity
Digital marketing lets you communicate directly with the customers who see your content, notably through website comments, messages, reviews, and social media posts. This shows those customers that you care about what they say and think, leading them to feel respected and part of the community you’re building. It also allows you to gather invaluable information on customers’ reactions and preferences.
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7. Tracking
Besides communicating with customers, digital marketing lets you track their activities. You can monitor which ads and types of content they have seen shortly before they make a purchase. This tells you which marketing methods are most effective, allowing you to refine and improve your strategy.
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8. Authority
Digital marketing makes it easy to comment on issues and controversies that relate to your product or your industry. In this way, you can establish yourself as an authority on such topics, leading readers to trust you, come back for more information, and eventually make a purchase. Digital marketing allows you to come off as the industry expert that you are and will instill trust in your business.
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9. Influencer Engagement
Many of the most influential figures in modern culture promote themselves online or through social media. Digital marketing allows you to engage with these influencers and gain their respect. If you play your cards right, you can get them to endorse you, leading their followers to become customers and spread brand awareness.
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10. Print Enhancement
Digital marketing lets you expand on your print marketing efforts. By writing online content that explains claims you make in your print ads, you can go into greater detail, maximizing the effectiveness of all forms of publicity and integrating your campaigns.
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mamun692351 · 2 years
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