mephinomaly · 5 months
[TL] Backdoor - an Original Scenario written by Akira
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Backdoor is a short original story written by Akira-sensei to accompany the release of the Crossroad animated series. I recommend watching it before reading this, especially if you haven't read the original Crossroads.
Please enjoy my translation below!
I break in from the backdoor. I feel like a super cool outlaw from one of those movies. Avoid the countless traps, blindly shoot the enemies like bang bang bang! Feast your eyes, idiots of the world!
I am the great Oogami Koga…!
By the back door is a guy with blond hair who’s sorting the trash out, probably works here part time. Since I came in and started acting like a weird middle schooler, he looks at me, surprised.
“Hey, you–” Part-time-kun (tentative name) puts his hand out with a totally bored expression. “One thousand yen. It’s the entrance fee.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
“Next time come in from the proper entrance, ‘kay?” Part-time-kun (tentative name) doesn’t lecture me any further and exchanges my 1000 yen bill for a sleek plastic card.  If I show this at the bar, I can get a drink and stuff. I thank him. “Enjoy your night~♪”
Part-time-kun (tentative name) is side-eyeing me, and at this point in time I’m so embarrassed all I want to do is go home but I pull myself together and head inside. 
I’m in a cheap underground livehouse in the downtown area, near Yumenosaki Private Academy, the school I’m going to attend. 
My sanctuary is here.
My god is here.
The livehouse I've been hanging around in lately is built a little weird. The entrance to the stairs is in a back alley. At the bottom of the stairs, there’s two corridors, one leading left, the other right. There’s a lot of soundproof doors, standing one after another. The majority of these small rooms are booths, meant to be hired out by amateur bands to practise in. If you look through the window of one, it’s normally empty since nobody really uses them.
Well, these days people don’t practise by actually picking up an instrument, playin’ until their fingers hurt.  I’ve been doin’ that too lately, sittin’ at home ‘n staring blankly at my computer screen. I dunno. 
At the end of the empty corridor, there’s the employees only room, the kitchen, and the back entrance which I found by accident when I was trespassing. 
I’ve been short on cash lately because I’ve been buyin’ like, introductory books to playin’ the guitar ‘n stuff so I’ve been sneakin’ in that way ‘cos then I don’t hafta pay the entrance fee. No-one’s ever around anyway. 
“I won’t be able to come in that way next time,” I complain as I walk down the corridor in low spirits, stopping when I find the soundproof room I’m looking for. 
The biggest, most extravagant door is in the middle of the corridor. At the back, at the heart of this place— is the livehouse, or I guess you could call it a music hall. 
I open the weighted door and my entire body is blasted by music. 
This is it. This electrifying feeling.  
At the back of this relatively wide space is a really nice stage, and that’s where bands that have signed up to perform do so. The entrance fee also covers one drink, but you can order more food and drink and enjoy the show at the same time. It’s your average livehouse. I dunno though. I’m underaged, so I stick to a non-alcoholic tomato juice whilst enjoying the show.
Since this place is close to Yumenosaki, a lot of the customers are scruffy-looking students. I never thought young me would come to a place like this. I’m just in ordinary clothes. This place pays attention to its customer base, so there's not a drop of alcohol or a single cloud of cigarette smoke to be seen. Only super cool music is playing. It’s echoing. 
My God is in the middle of the stage, singing enthusiastically. The lyrics are in English, and I understand almost none of them. The lyrics are probably about wishing for world peace, or religious sacrilege; something complicated but meaningful. When I asked what he was singing about later, he said something like “I’m so happy because my cute little brother has recovered from his cold!”
Is he stupid? Or am I the stupid one for being so entranced by him?
But. I didn’t know that sort of thing back then, so I was genuinely moved by him.
Illuminated by the dim stage lighting, his pale corpse-like skin stood out in the shadows— him.
Crimson eyes like hellfire. 
Black hair that melts into the darkness.
From between his seductive lips that are sexier than any girls’, comes a masculine, deep voice. 
He looked simultaneously like an angel that could rescue the world and a devil that could destroy it too. Whether angel or devil, his singing voice was powerful enough to completely change the very fabric of this world.
The name of the person I respect the most in this world is Sakuma Rei. 
My God.
I was born and raised in an unremarkable environment. 
We’re middle class. My dad’s an office worker and he earns a pretty decent wage, and my mum’s a housewife, which is rare nowadays. 
They bought a nice detached house in a nice place. Both of my parents like kids and like taking care of others, so I grew up pretty pampered. I’m aware that since I was spoiled, I grew up to be a selfish, cocky brat. I was given whatever I wanted. I didn’t know what I really wanted though since it would be handed to me before I could even think about it. When I got to an age where I didn’t need to be looked after, my parents got a dog to satisfy their overflowing need to help others (?). His name’s Leon. He’s the best dog ever. 
I fussed over him too, but not in the way my parents did. Everyday, they’d treat him like he was a baby, doting on him, probably the same way they treated me. It made me sulk a bit. 
I could tell that my parents’ interest had shifted from me to Leon. Leon isn’t bad. He was bought to be loved. He’s a pedigree, he was born for this, to be doted on. He’s a really good boy and whenever I felt sad he’d snuggle up close to me and put his face next to mine. So I wouldn’t be lonely. So I knew I wasn’t alone. 
But I felt that the amount of love I had received up until this point was steadily decreasing, and it made me anxious. 
—Alas! Miserable, spoiled Oogami Koga-kun!
But I wasn’t shameless enough of a person to say “pay attention to me instead of the dog!” Leon deserved to be loved as much as I did— I wandered around town, searching for someone other than my parents who could love me.
I was starved, yearning. I looked like a stray dog scavenging around for something to fill me up. My parents aren’t bad. Neither is Leon. I’m probably not bad either. 
I’ve already finished compulsory education. I had reached the age where I could fend for myself. So I should have. I’m sure other people are doing that. We leave the watchful eye of our parents, tackle teenagehood, and find out who we are. Find what we want to do with our lives. After countless trial and error, I found what I was looking for— Sakuma Rei. His music satisfied what my soul had been craving. 
The performance ends, and Sakuma Rei disappears behind the stage. 
I’ve never been on stage before, so I don’t know what it looks like back there. There’s probably a passageway that leads to a green room or something. The livehouse is weirdly dark and it’s hard to see much of anything, so it really looks like Sakuma Rei vanished like a ghost. 
The person who fills the gap in my heart, vanishes. 
So I grow anxious again and begin blindly searching for him everywhere. I make my way through the livehouse, pushing through the swathes of people who came here to see Sakuma Rei.
—Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei.
My soul wants him. 
Of course, I’m not part of his family. We’re not even acquaintances, let alone friends. He’s probably never even heard of me. But I didn’t mind either way. I found him, met him, fell in love with him, and had my yearning quenched. That alone made me thankful. Sakuma Rei, without a doubt, saved me. That’s all I wanted. I was just a sheep, one of hundreds who came here. To me, he was the night sky, something I thought I could never reach. I didn’t mind just watching from afar. That’s how I really feel. If I never got to see him closeup, I’d be fine with that.
And yet. 
“What you’re drinking looks good.”
Suddenly, the tomato juice I’d ordered, which I didn’t end up liking because it was weirdly sweet, is taken from my hand by someone next to me. 
—The hell, bastard? That’s mine. When I go to look up at whoever grabbed my drink with a belligerent expression, I realise it’s Sakuma Rei. 
“If you’re not drinking it, I’ll have it. Singing’s got me workin' up a sweat.”
Naturally, my body stiffens.
That’s Sakuma Rei.
If I reach out my hand, I could touch him.
I’m so surprised by what I originally thought was something that could never happen, I have nothing clever to say and instead, like an idiot, I freeze with my mouth ajar. 
“What’s up? Oh, you’re at that age where you think indirect kisses are embarrassing, right…?” Sakuma Rei says with a somewhat apologetic expression. Then he says something absurd.
“Oopsies, sorry~…Don’t worry, I take full responsibility for stealing your first time. Mhm.”
That was the first conversation we had, and it’s not exactly something I can brag about to anyone. 
Ever since then, ever since that moment, I’ve been at the mercy of this arrogant person.
I step through the backdoor.
The unmotivated-looking blond employee is slacking off on his phone again today– he’s a playboy called Hakaze and is actually the manager of this place. He’s also supposedly one of my senpai from Yumenosaki. He glances up from his phone at me with a gross expression.
“Look look. I just got another girl's number. I’m typing out my first message now.”
“Shut up, I don’t know you. Don’t talk to me, playboy.”
About two years have passed since I had my first conversation with Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei-senpai, a conversation I’d rather not remember. 
I’ve got a bit taller and a bit stronger. 
I practised intensely so my guitar and singing skills have somewhat improved. 
Whilst I was growing, Yumenosaki had gone to the dogs.
Yumenosaki Private Academy’s an idol school steeped in a rich history and tradition. But inside, it was rotting. 
I wanted to be like Sakuma-senpai, so I followed him without thinking and took Yumenosaki’s entrance exam like an idiot. I was blinded. I didn’t know anything. Every Yumenosaki student is shit. Naturally, I noticed that since I frequented the livehouse in order to see Sakuma-senpai. 
A rotted miniature garden where those with dead eyes spend their sad youth reeking of corpses. Sakuma-senpai was weirdly energetic despite the backdrop of death, so I got it wrong. No. I think I was just an immature, stupid brat, so I didn’t notice. 
Sakuma-senpai had those same dead eyes. 
In the mountain of dead bodies, he was clinging onto life. He was the only one who didn’t want to die, he was the only one praying for something to happen.
No-one could save him. 
A bespectacled monk boy from a temple came along and evoked anger in him, trying to make him into a human— into something more than human.  The stupid, lost dog just wagged his tail and followed the hand that fed him. 
We didn’t realise that the person that was always grinning like a fool, and living what appeared to be a happy life, was actually suffering more than anyone. He desperately needed help. You can see why we didn’t notice; he looked like he was having fun.
When he stood on stage with me and Shitty Glasses as Deadmanz, he lived each day like it was his last. He looked genuinely happy—he looked like he was alive. But that was only a short-lived dream. Once he steps off stage, the spell breaks, and he turns back into a corpse.
A revolution takes place at the rotted Yumenosaki.
Sakuma-senpai was seen as a cause of evil and exterminated by those who claimed to be on the side of justice. The evil monsters had been defeated, and everyone lived happily ever after. It’s creepy when a corpse moves. Yeah, nothing will change if you don’t exterminate all the gross monsters, right?
—Fuck you, you bastards!
“Wan-chan, will you be singing today too?” The bored-looking playboy asks, on his phone as usual. Guess he doesn’t really want to talk to me. “You should stop because you’re dampening the mood. People think you're one of Sakuma-san’s henchmen, so people think you’re evil too and will persecute you like he was.”
“I don’t care. I… I’m.” I growl, the shallow first person pronoun Sakuma-senpai sometimes used slips from my mouth [1]. I cling onto what I’ve got left of him. “I just wanna sing with all my energy. I don’t care what the rest of you do.”
“But you’re creating problems for the livehouse. A customer pokes fun at you or Sakuma-san, you get angry, and you start a fight—I really don’t want things like that happening.”
“I won't create any problems, I’ll be on my best behaviour.”
“Will you really? But you’re like the rest of the customers— You always look like you’re going to start arguing with other Yumenosaki students. You come in from the back entrance like, everytime, to avoid any trouble, right?”
“I still pay the entrance fee.”
“Why do you go out of your way to perform here even though you’ve got to jump over so many dangerous obstacles to get here? It’s super bothersome.” Playboy's grumbling as usual. He pulls out a key and throws it to me. “Here. I’ll give you a key to a room so you can change clothes and get ready. If you swear to not cause any more trouble, you can become our new breadwinner, Wan-chan. I actually want to cheer you on,” the playboy said and laughed insincerely. 
I hate his demeanour, so I snap back. 
“Don’t call me ‘Wan-chan’.”
“Sakuma-san calls you ‘Wanko’. I call you ‘Wan’ as in, ‘number one’. Honest, honest to god.” [2] Playboy’s face goes serious for a split second and he waved his hands around like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. “You can be my number one breadwinner, like Sakuma-san.”
“Don’t hafta tell me twice.”
Just like Sakuma-senpai, I’ll become the best guy in the world. My voice alone will excite the crowd. A flirtatious glance will have women swooning. With a single look, even the strongest of men will bow down to me. In an instant, their souls are gripped, I captivate everyone. I’ll become like Sakuma Rei too. But the journey is a long one. “Let’s go. I’m singin’ tonight.”
I reach my booth, key in hand, and change into my costume. I take out my guitar, who’s as important to me as my parents and Leon are. Once I’m ready, I head to the stage. To tackle this head on.
“Shake, you fools! Imma show you what real music is!”
I sing. My guitar does too.
Just like Sakuma-senpai did.
Right now I’m blindly copying him, but I pray that one day, I’ll be able to be just like him.
I hope this song reaches him, wherever he is. 
Once, I was starving, yearning. But when I found Sakuma Rei and his music, my soul was satisfied. 
—Now it’s my turn. 
“Rock ‘n’ roll…!”
Come on, idiots of the world. I’ll open your eyes with my music. I’ll become your God. 
Translation notes:
[1]  in the line above this one Koga says ‘俺...俺様は’ or ‘ore…ore sama wa’. Oresama being the first person pronoun rei sometimes used, and its very egotistical.
[2] number one is pronounced as, in this case, ‘nanbaa wan’
120 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
☆ thank you so much for translating flashback fully! its been worth it to read everything that was newly translated until its done. i have another question:
do you have any list of wanting to translate something? andd do you accept requests or not?
alsoo one mistake to point out is you didnt link BIOHARAZED chapter 7 in BIOHARAZED chapter 6 below..
i'm glad, thank you for reading!
i don't have a list, no, but i know i'll tl kaoru's fs2 whenever that comes out. i have backdoor translated too, which i'll post probably tomorrow? but other than that, i don't have any further plans atm!
i don't take requests, sorry! suggestions are okay but there's no guarantee i'll do them.
and thank you for pointing it out, i've fixed it now :)
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mephinomaly · 5 months
[TL] Flashback/UNDEAD Climax Directory
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(Visuals set to change)
Character(s): Rei Sakuma, Koga Oogami, Kaoru Hakaze, Adonis Otogari, Keito Hasumi, Tomoya Mashiro, 'Hajime Shino'
Description: Rei and the rest of UNDEAD are set to relive their past in a "certain experiment". Though, the events that lead to the formation of their unit seem to be different from what they can remember...
Read below!
BIOHAZARD/Chapter 10
BIOHAZARD/Chapter 11
BIOHAZARD/Chapter 12
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Completed :)
208 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[TL] Flashback/Epilogue 2
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Kaoru: Grandpa was throwing a bit of a tantrum, saying he “hates complicated things”, so for the time being, we’ll just be going by UNDEAD.
Koga: Not much point in usin’ two separate brands. Besides, that criminal came up with HELLSING so I don’t wanna use it. Pisses me off.
Adonis: The delinquent most likely had his own ideas for UNDEAD, which was HELLSING.
Kaoru: Yeah. He was probably like “I can make the best version of UNDEAD!”
But we don’t need his idealised version of UNDEAD, we just need to shine brighter and brighter, as the real us.
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Adonis: Easier said than done.
As Hakaze-senpai said earlier, both the radical immoral side and the variety programs side of us can be successful— It wouldn’t be superficial of us to do so.
Koga: It’s fine for us to get rid of one of them though. I, personally, think we should get rid of the variety programs.
Kaoru: You really hate those sorts of jobs, don’t you? …Like I said on stage yesterday, you can gain experience from anywhere.
You can’t grow big and strong if you’re a picky eater, you know?
Koga: Who do you think you are, my parents? Anyway, I get it, but I’m not gonna stop complainin’.
We need to eat everything, even if we don’t like it, so we can grow big and strong.
Kaoru: That’s the spirit ♪
Let’s do our best, ‘kay? The AIIE experiment was set up in order to trick us, nothing more to it—it almost felt like a dream.
We’ve seen real robots of ourselves and those kids from Ra*bits too.
The fakes were almost identical to the real us. At least, visually.
Technology and AI will only improve from here, and AI idols will become even more realistic.
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Rei: Umu. That is how it seems to be progressing.
Kaoru: Oh? I didn’t see you so I thought you’d had an early morning bath? But then I didn’t see you in the bathroom either…?
Rei: Nay, I was enjoying the peaceful bliss of the early morning by taking a stroll.
I spoke with some neighbours who were also awake at this time, and once I grew tired, I basked in the sun on a nearby bench…
Kaoru: You actually act so much like an old man. You get more and more senile as the years go because of some character you force yourself to play.
Rei: Rather, I used to force myself to act young. I feel more comfortable now than I did back then. I am showing my true colours.
Of course, those who caught a glimpse of the previous me will have seen the immaturity in me, befitting of my young age at the time.
Anyhow. I apologise for interrupting, but I do believe you should keep Kaoru-kun’s worries in the back of your minds.
Humanity continues to evolve, scientific capability is growing ever closer to the abilities of a god.
Robotics, AI, VR— artificial idols will be comprised of those parts.
Then when non-human creatures rise in strength, and become stronger than humans, when monsters arise, when they become the new normal—
What value do humans have, other than being authentic beings?
Will we become pieces of art, displayed in museums for all to see, rather than something a part of your everyday life?
I do not know what the future holds, but that future is fast approaching.
We stand at a crossroads.
If we give up, we die where we stand. We must explore and search for what it means to be human.
We must demonstrate time and time again the value of being loved.
Otherwise, we can easily fall into the position our criminal was in.
A foolish, pitiful creature that can only look into the distance and envy how bright others shine.
What happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow. But I am not so pessimistic.
We are alive.
If we continue to live and grow, we have no reason to fear this lifetime.
That is the strength and beauty of being human.
Let us drive away our abhorrent past, and our anxiety-inducing nightmares alongside it. Let us step into the day with a smile on our faces.
[ ☆ ]
Epilogue 1
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mephinomaly · 5 months
[TL] Flashback/Epilogue 1
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Koga: Zzzz…zzz… shake you…ignorant… fools–
Uwa~, undead…♪
…!? H-huh? Did I, fall asleep?
(What? That was all a dream!? Right?)
(But was it really all of it? Wait, seriously, when was that? What time is it?)
(Where am I!? That was all a dream?— so we’re still participatin’’ in that shady experiment…?)
(So was I only dreamin’ ‘cos of those sleeping pills I was forced t’take?)
(We discovered the culprit and stopped his plans, and then we performed the best live ever with our senpais and Adonis– all of that was a dream!?)
(No way. Literally no way? Has everythin’ been sorted out?)
(We destroyed those stupid fakes ‘n the criminal behind it all, ‘n then performed at our very best as UNDEAD—
(No! We've been the best, coolest version of us…!)
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Adonis: W’at ‘re yo ta (brushing his teeth)
What are you fussing about, Oogami?
You’re very sweaty… Did you have a bad dream or something?
Koga: Adonis— Um, uh, I um.
Adonis: ? What’s wrong?
This isn’t like you, Oogami. No matter what happens around you, you remain brave, proud, and the coolest of guys.
That worried expression does not suit you.
Koga: Adonis… Uh, what’s the date today?
Adonis: Is your memory failing you? It has been very hectic lately. Yesterday’s performance was tough so you must be completely exhausted.
You’ve slept for so long your sense of time has been altered.
Since those strange experiments, my sense of reality has been affected too. I imagine these symptoms will stay with us for some time.
Koga: The live yesterday— that was when our real senpais came runnin’ on stage, ‘n the four of us, the real versions of ourselves sang together, right?
And now we know who was behind everythin’—-
Adonis: Yes… But we are still on tour, so we have not returned to ES and are instead staying in a ryokan. Do you remember that?
Koga: Y-yeah, I think so. All the ryokans administered by ES have the same interior, so I got confused… This isn’t the AIIE experiment facilities, right?
Adonis: Mhm… This was tough on both our minds and bodies, so I guess it traumatised us. It’s okay, Oogami, this isn’t the experiment facility.
Nothing here can hurt you. If something ominous appears, I will protect you.
As UNDEAD. I would die to protect my friends.
Koga: Yeah… Don’t die, please. I get what you mean though.
Haha. My bad, Adonis, I’m bein’ pathetic.
Adonis: Don’t worry. I’m glad you are showing me that side of you.
It is proof of your trust in me. I am honoured.
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Kaoru: What are you two doing, flirting at this ungodly hour, hm?
Koga: W-we weren’t flirtin’!? I’ll kill you!
Kaoru: Don’t bark at me~. Me and Rei-kun have taken sleeping pills more times than you two.
I have some medication left over, but you’re giving me a migraine. Barking at me makes it worse, re~ally troublesome.
Adonis: Fufu. This situation is going to affect us for a while, it seems.
Kaoru: Yup. We’ve covered up our lies and now we have to continue working as HELLSING.
The fake versions of us have already been shut down—
So now the four of us will have to manage the polarising activities of both UNDEAD and HELLSING by ourselves.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 17
Epilogue 2
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mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: In actuality, during the battle to exterminate the delinquents, not a single one of them showed face. Therefore, UNDEAD won the DreFes by default.
That is how it was supposed to go. In the dream, I was able to identify one of the delinquents that was not originally there.
That boy was our culprit. In our dream, it was only possible to exist if we were close to our bodies.
Therefore, in order for him to rewrite history, he would need to be at least nearby.
He must have sensed we were trying to go back in time to do something, so he grew anxious and came to check on us. At that point I discovered who exactly it was and belayed him.
And that is why I did not immediately go on stage, as I was in the audience searching for the culprit. It wasn’t that I was unmotivated, really really.
Koga: Even in the real timeline you didn’t get on stage.
Kaoru: Right~, it was a once-in-a-lifetime debut live, how could you miss it? That’s what you told me since I used to skip class and stuff a lot.
Adonis: I agree. I felt like that too. I was uneasy and scared, I almost hated Sakuma-senpai for not showing up.
Rei: Eh? What are you all blaming me for everything lately!?
A-anyhow, once I had identified the culprit's face, the rest was quite simple. Once I had returned to the real timeline, all I had to do was find him.
Once we had done as such, he lost control of HELLSING and the bots stopped functioning, leading us to where we are now.
Adonis: So the culprit has been disposed of, and the situation has been fixed…?
Koga: That’s great ‘n all, but what about now? What about this current situation?
We’re in the middle of a live!? The culprit’s bound t’be pissed off, since we stopped his plan— it’ll be bad if HELLSING is stopped now!
Fans from all over the country have travelled here to see us perform!
We can’t stop jus’ ‘cos somethin’ came up!
Rei: Kukuku. You are surprisingly sharp, however on the other hand, you can be surprisingly dim-witted and silly too.
Koga: Haa!?
Rei: Look at them.
Koga: You mean HELLSING?
Rei: Umu. Let us become HELLSING’s representatives. I’m not exactly sure what representing our representatives entails but—
The public is unaware of the existence of these fakes, so to them, HELLSING is simple an offshoot of UNDEAD.
Let’s look at it from the public’s point of view. The real Kaoru-kun, Koga, Adonis-kun and I– us four, make up HELLSING.
Koga: …Yeah but, that’s not possible? Ya know, ‘cos you two wimpy senpais insist on doin’ those variety shows?
Kaoru: Ohh, don’t be silly. Variety shows are a lot of work, you know? Whilst it doesn’t tie directly into what we do on stage, it definitely helps.
There’s already a difference in ability between us, the two main attractions of UNDEAD, and you guys. So I guess it just widens the gap between us?
Don’t hold us back, ‘kay? ♪
Koga: HaA!? Bring it on playboy! Unlike you who slacks off all the time, I practise so hard everyday it could kill me!
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Watch out! I’ll have you beggin’ for mercy, screamin’ out like “noooo~I’ll never be able to beat Koga-sama and Adonis-sama!”
Rei: Kukuku. You’re rather good at lighting a fire beneath Koga, Kaoru-kun.
Kaoru: I was only copying you~?
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Adonis: Fufu. I’m happy. We’re starting to look like ourselves again.
If we have each other, we’ll be okay no matter what happens.
I believe that. Believe me, you can entrust everything to me.
Let us put our body and soul into our song and dance. That is what I can do, and that is my joy and happiness.
I won’t let those vampires, I won’t let anyone take the place where I belong from me!
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Kaoru: Woah, it’s rare to see Adonis-kun get this hyped up ♪
Rei: He’s always been a quiet but passionate boy.
Well then. We can’t let our kohai out shine us, can we? Let’s do our best too.
Kaoru: Yupyup. Don’t hurt your back though, old man ♪
I’m also pretty pissed at the culprit, so it’ll be a good stress reliever to sing and dance the best I can.
I have to let him know it’s impossible to replace any of us.
So today, I’ll show him how serious I can be.
Rei: (Kukuku. Bravo, bravo. I was worried how things would go but— in the end, everything ended rather amicably, as usual.)
(That world is nothing more. A happy, propitious ending.)
(Ah, it’s so bright…The stage always has been. The stage is filled with a radiance that could burn me alive.)
(I cannot laugh at the culprit. I too, once averted my gaze from this brightness and turned my back on the stage.)
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(However, I have no intention to do that now.)
(I will bask in its brilliancy. Even if it turns me to ash, this is my long-cherished ambition.)
(So what now? Are you watching, you foolish, pathetic criminal?)
(Back then, there was a pitiful​ adolescent Sakuma Rei who had lost all hope for the world.)
(―Aren’t you jealous of me ♪)
Tonight, we feast! Breath in HELLSING, and let us into your soul—Us, UNDEAD, will grow ever stronger!
We are UNDEAD!
No matter if an army a million men strong attacks us, even if we are consumed by hellfire, UNDEAD will be reborn from those flames again and again! We will be resurrected!
Until my last breath, nay, beyond that! We will burn brightly for eternity, even in the depths of hell! Join us, and allow this enjoyable feast to begin!
If that is what you desire, this radical, immoral, sweet night will never end!
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 16
Epilogue 1
19 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: However, we have never recruited new members like Ryuuseitai or Knights do.
If someone genuinely wanted to join UNDEAD, it would not be possible.
Even if they applied, they would be rejected. They wouldn’t have the ability to match us. I would hate to have to tell someone that admires me “you do not meet the requirements, we do not need you.”
I dislike doing unpleasant things such as that.
Knowing that, the culprit moved to foul play.
He chose the easy, shameless path that would hurt him the least.
Kaoru: To add to that– as you know, Yumenosaki has a lot of sons from influential families, especially from the area.
That’s what happened with our culprit. I think he was the son of a pharmaceutical company?
Rei: Umu. If he had taken over the family business, he could have led a comfortable life, but he must have disliked working as your average worker.
Or perhaps he did not possess the talent or smarts to take over.
Therefore once he had accumulated enough funds, he enrolled in Yumenosaki and lived the life of a slovenly aristocrat. Well, I cannot say that for certain but it doesn’t particularly matter.
He utilised said money and influence to trap us.
Kaoru: It’s giving an off-brand version of Tenshouin-kun.
Rei: Quite. A Tenshouin-kun with no ambition, no passion, no smarts, nor real ability.
Kaoru: Anything else?
Rei: Tenshouin-kun is a cutie but in this case, I don’t believe he would have done the same.
Have nots such as our culprit want to commit a crime whilst preserving their dream.
That is all there is to the situation.
Koga: So what did he do? I don’t get what you’re sayin’.
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Adonis: …I understand. If you look at the situation, the culprit’s true intentions are clear.
Firstly, he tried to frame me as the real culprit.
In the dream, I almost became the leader of the “vampires”.
The leader who’s delinquents caused trouble in the town and were eventually suppressed.
Perhaps the culprit was trying to force the position of “leader” on me, whilst he became a member of UNDEAD.
In other words, he was trying to replace me.
It wasn’t true, it was only a distorted dream. But that is what he wanted.
He wanted to join UNDEAD—that much is clear. Due to that, our senpais were able to correctly guess the identity of the culprit.
Koga: Stop it Adonis… This happens everytime, but you’re so smart ‘n perceptive you make me look like a fuckin’ moron in comparison t’you.
Adonis: Oh. I’m sorry. It’s okay, Oogami, your intuition is far better than mine.
Koga: I feel like everyone always says that I’m stupid but my intuition is sharp.
Rei: Fufu. Adonis-kun’s deductions are correct. You’re so smart. You’re such a good boy. Little cutie.
Adonis: Thank you.
Rei: As we know, the culprit's wishes did not come true, not even in our dreams.
Of course, it would never happen. I supposed he thought Adonis-kun was the easiest member of UNDEAD to replace—
Adonis: That’s most likely correct. If you look at it objectively, I am the most replaceable person in UNDEAD.
Of course, Sakuma-senpai is the leader, Oogami is the backbone of UNDEAD, and Hakaze-senpai is an extremely talented, influential person that cannot be replaced.
I am the member that UNDEAD needs the least.
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Koga: The hell you mean! I’m gonna fuckin’ kill that guy…!
Kaoru: Mhm. I’m kinda pissed too, but don’t worry– the culprit will be properly persecuted according to the law. Sometimes it’s useful to take advantage of my family's power.
Rei: We will leave it to you. We are not police officers nor judges, we do not have the right to judge others.
However, naturally, the culprit's thoughtless, foolish plan will be prevented.
In reality, he stood no chance in replacing Adonis-kun, and his plan disintegrated without us having to get involved.
This was partly because we manipulated him psychologically, and in the flashbacks, we accepted Adonis-kun as one of our own.
I never said he was an intelligent delinquent.
Adonis: I did not see how that flashback went, but I’m glad to hear it went well.
Thank you for believing me.
Koga: I’ll always believe you! Fuck, I’m still so pissed!
Rei: Fufu. But for the culprit, this was just a bit of fun. His true desires lay somewhere else.
Now, about HELLSING.
Koga: Oh yeah—
Rei: We accepted the AI idols, even if only temporarily, and began activities with them.
The rest of the explanation is easy to follow. At the moment, the AI operates independently, however from this point onwards, the culprit will be able to control them. Almost like a video game character.
He was planning on continuing his idol activities as one of our friends, by using HELLSING as his costume.
He had prepared everything. There was also the AIIE experiment. There were robots of both us and Ra*bits. What a fraud of a research centre.
Using money and influence, he tried to con us.
He forced us to participate in a suspicious experiment via fake messages, and then once we were asleep, he set HELLSING in motion and created a fait accompli​.
His plan began well.
Kaoru: I didn’t think there was anyone out there who’d go so far out of their way to copy us and try to become our friend.
Robots cost a hell of a lot of money, so he must have a lot.
Koga: But why… Did he really wanna be a part of UNDEAD?
Then jus’ fuckin’ say it! Say that you wanna be our friend! Even if we refuse, you shouldn’t give up! Ask again and again! If you tell us how you feel, we coulda accepted you!
Why’d he go through such a roundabout way instead of jus’ askin’ us like a normal person—
Rei: He believed he had chosen the quickest route however ended up taking a detour. That is the lesson he must learn.
We too participate in shady dealings whilst searching for an easy solution to our problems. We cannot make fun of him.
God gives us his toughest battles, whilst the Devil sweet talks foolish human beings who want to avoid said battles. One must be careful.
Anyhow. Once the culprit's identity was known, the rest was easy to understand.
Since he was trying to push out Adonis-kun and force him to take a different position, we could hypothesise that was the culprit's original position.
Koga: Like, as the leader of the “vampires”?
Rei: If he wasn’t the leader, he was at least part of them. With that in mind, we returned to the dream world in order to search for him.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
16 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Kaoru: Okay guys, calm down~♪
It’s not very attractive if you get all flustered, is it, you two?
Koga: …!? Hakaze-senpai!
Adonis: There’s two Hakaze-senpais? No, that's the real Hakaze-senpai?
Kaoru: Yup. Sorry about being late. I heard you were touring as HELLSING but you kept getting further and further away from ES.
It was difficult to catch up with you, wasn’t it Rei-kun?
Rei: Mhm. We had other prior commitments to attend to so I thought we wouldn’t have enough time to come visit you. I was rather worried.
Koga: Sakuma-senpai is here too… W-what are you doin’? Ain’t you got things to be doin’, like those stupid variety shows?
Rei: Of course, I have already taken that into account.
Prior to our departure, I informed the staff and actors that we would be unable to participate. We have recorded a lot of footage already as well.
So we will not be needed for recording for some time.
Since I thought something of this manner would happen, I prepared in advance.
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Adonis: That is very Sakuma-senpai of you. How did you know these sorts of things would happen?
Rei: Kukuku. There are always signs, albeit few, however I use them to make a decision.
Therefore, I am always prepared. That is all there is to it.
My grudge against the world is no more, and I have stopped shutting myself away in a coffin. So I never lose something, or someone, again, I must follow Adonis-kun’s example, and work as hard as possible.
Koga: Hm. You need t’work, ya vampire bastard~, all you do is laze around.
Jeez, man~... it worries me everytime. You lay there motionlessly ‘n I worried you’ve died.
Rei: I won’t dieee~. Living is fun, after all.
And what’s more, you are all precious human beings who overcome their difficulties by yourselves, without expecting me to do it for you.
I already am well acquainted with the idea. Since UNDEAD’s very first performance, my conviction has only grown stronger.
Consequently, I am able to rest in peace.
You do not wear me out.
I am grateful that is a guarantee.
You saved me.
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Kaoru: Aha, like always, Rei-kun only says notional things, so I’ll give you a substantial explanation, ‘kay?
Don’t let Rei-kun just say profound things. You’ve got to explain things properly, you know?
Rei: Yes yes, mama.
Kaoru: You just brought up a sore subject on purpose didn’t you?
Rei: You will all love and accept me no matter what I say or do, so I can afford to be a bit silly sometimes.
Kaoru: I’ll kick you.
…Anway, since we’re in the middle of a live, I’ll keep this brief.
Rei-kun and I dreamt again, about the past.
In the dream, we found the guy behind everything— and we got rid of him.
That’s why the fake versions of us are bugging out and shutting down. The person who was controlling them has been disposed of so can’t control ‘us’ anymore.
Koga: Huh? What? Whaddya mean, playboy!?
Kaoru: It’s been a while since you called me that. I didn’t tell you back then, but I didn’t mind that nickname.
Actually, being stiffly called ‘senpai’ makes me feel gross. It was distant and lonely to see Koga-kun acting weirdly obedient.
Koga: Oh, my bad, it’s just ‘cos I’ve been callin’ the fakes ‘playboy’ ‘n ‘vampire bastard’.
Kaoru: Ah, alright. So? Anything you want me to clarify?
Koga: Of course there fuckin’ is…!
Whaddya mean that you ‘got rid of the mastermind’!? Who was it!? Until now we’ve had no idea!
This ain’t a discontinued manga! Next thing you know you’ll be defeatin’ a super powerful villain character off screen!
Rei: They weren’t that powerful of a villain to be perfectly honest.
The mastermind was some insignificant person you could find anywhere.
The self-proclaimed ‘vampires’ referred to him as Dracula-kun.
Koga: That name… Wasn’t that the name we heard in the dreams?
Rei: Indeed. It is from a distorted reality, something that could not exist in reality.
I suspected that the mastermind was the reason for these strange dreams we had.
The culprit did not only want us to be the only ones having interesting, funny lives.
He too had dreams and desires. There were many things he wanted to accomplish.
Adonis: So did you find out why he did it?
Rei: Of course. The basics of any mystery novel. Who did it, and why did they do it?
One must analyse, enquire, make deductions, and uncover the truth.
Fortunately, the culprit was rather careless and left behind a substantial amount of evidence. Therefore figuring out why was rather easy.
Firstly, who caused this all? It was a former devotee of mine.
In the dream, a so-called ‘vampire’ who was previously subdued as part of a huge effort.
He worshipped me, admired me, and wanted to succeed me—
He was a Yumenosaki student who was crushed by the Student Council.
The culprit, Dracula-kun, was sacrificed as part of the Student Council’s schemes. Though I have been through that cruel experience myself, I believe one should learn the hard way.
They must repent, or face the same fate.
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Koga: ...
Rei: He did not understand. He did not understand why he had been treated so negatively. He thought it was utterly irrational.
Angry and unhappy, he believed this current situation was the incorrect reality—
He tried to reshape history into what he believed to be the correct version.
In the ideal, perfect reality he envisioned, he was to be my best friend, my number one supporter, my most loyal subject—
He would be close to me, and loved by me.
Kaoru: This is kinda silly but, isn’t that basically what we’re like now?
Rei: Mhm. To be honest, I think he wanted to be a part of UNDEAD.
This time the culprit was a pitiful shell of a human, who yearned to be brought to life again. He was unable to be resurrected.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
15 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: Present day. UNDEAD’s newest project HELLSING has been active for 2 weeks
Location: In one of HELLSING’s venues as part of their national tour in the Tohoku region
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Koga: ♪~♪~♪
(Fuck! Shit! Why is this happenin’?!)
(Why am I so pissed off!?)
(This should be my wish come true!)
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Rei 2 + Kaoru 2: ♪♪♪♪♪
Koga: (Ahh, that heavy bass that makes your body feel like it’s gonna fall apart! Rock ‘n roll that shakes you to your core!)
(The audience is goin’ crazy, ‘n stompin’ their feet with excitement! This is a party from Hell!)
(I’ll shake this world with the best, the strongest rock! UNDEAD will do the same!)
(This is what I’ve always wanted! It’s pissed me off for ages that my senpais are obsessed with trivial shit and don’t see eye-to-eye with me!)
(I got impatient, unhappy, and angry!)
(And yet! Even though they’re fakes, they’re with me, movin’ how I wished they would!)
(I’m makin’ the best music I’ve always wanted since the very beginning’!)
(Who do you think you are, Oogami Koga…! Are you a dog that’s been abandoned outside in the rain!?)
(Why do I feel like I’m standin’ on this stage alone—)
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Adonis: Oogami.
Koga: …Tch. My bad, Adonis, I know. I’ll focus up.
Adonis: Whilst it’s true that you appear less lively today than you usually do, that's not what I want to point out. I am also not feeling my best.
They say that one man's fault is another's lesson. I must reflect on my own behaviour before I criticise someone else's. I remind myself of that.
Koga: You’re the same as always. Gives me peace of mind.
Adonis: I like to think I’ve grown somewhat.
Koga: But that’s what I mean. I’m jealous, Adonis.
I’m no good. I don’t understand myself.
We’re on our biggest national tour as UNDEAD. This is a dream come true and yet, I feel weirdly flippant.
I feel like I’ve reverted back to bein’ a beginner, like I’m standin’ on the stage for the first time with you all.
How did I get through that all? Is it ‘cos Sakuma-senpai came runnin’ just when I needed him the most? Like he always does?
Adonis: My recollection is different. During our debut live, Sakuma-senpai did not come on stage until the end.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t a problem. The delinquents that had been tormenting the town ran away, ridiculed us, and ignored the whole thing— we won by default.
However, we didn’t know anything about the future—me, you, and Hakaze-senpai did our best with what we had.
We didn’t run away, we fought.
That’s why we won. Despite being a battle where no blood was spilt, a win is still a win.
That day is still my pride and joy, where I began.
Just like I was back then, I’m working as hard as I can.
Koga: Haha, you’ve always had that attitude.
Like at last year’s RepayFes. Earlier than that, when we were fine’s foil.
No matter how badly we were beaten, you didn’t give up and stayed by my side until the end.
Thanks, Adonis.
I feel better now. If you’re with me, I’ll be okay.
Along as you’re by my side, I have absolutely nothin’ to worry about!
Adonis: …I feel the same. Thank you, Oogami. Your words make me truly happy.
I feel as if I have been acquitted. But, that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.
Koga: Huh?
Adonis: Our senpais are acting weird.
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Koga: …!?
Rei 2: ♪~...
Kaoru 2: … …
Koga: Huh!? W-w-what are you doin’, fake senpais!
They’ve gone all stiff and jerky— h-has somethin’ broke!?
Adonis: They are incredible machines… Since I have trained a lot, I am still fit for this but I don’t think the machines are built for the strain of going on tour.
Koga: Shit, pull yourselves together, bots! We’re still on tour! You can’t break down here!?
Adonis: Don’t make it obvious, Oogami. We’ll attract attention. Let’s distract the audience before they notice anything weird, and before our senpais completely malfunction.
We need to start the next song. If we turn on the fog machine, no-one will be able to see them from the audience—
Hm? The stage is filling with smoke without us needing to ask…?
Koga: D-did an attentive member of staff notice and turn it on for us!?
No, it can’t be. We’re the only ones who know those aren’t our real senpais?
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
10 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Koga: (Woah, that playboy suddenly changed up his movement! Before he was jus’ flailin’ his limbs around like an octopus!)
(Now he’s movin’ with emotion, somethin’ he never did at practice! He has emotion, a soul! He can really dance!)
(I’m still in the middle of practising that part…! I don’t wanna make excuses like I haven’t prepared enough or I don’t have the talent though!)
(I’ve got to do my best with what I’ve got!)
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Adonis: (Hakaze-senpai, Oogami… You’re both amazing. It’s like wet gunpowder suddenly exploding.)
(What changed? Is it because Sakuma-senpai is here now? Did seeing him ease your anxieties and rejuvenate you?)
(I don’t understand how but– I must try my best too.)
(I need to learn from these people, from my friends.)
(I need to do this for them, who accepted a foreigner like me without a second thought!)
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Rei: (Ahaha. Thanks to me showin’ up, they’ve suddenly got some pep in their step.)
(Your scrambled thoughts have been blown away, and your anger and emotions are stronger than ever.)
(As long as you don’t think about random shit, your brain can focus on movin’ your body.)
(Then, your bodies won’t get worn out—otherwise you’re hidin’ your strongest talents.)
(Let it explode. Let yourself bloom spectacularly, magnificently.)
(That's why, even if I’m not there, you guys can defeat anyone.)
(I don’t wanna deal with those “vampires” that were slackin’ off ‘n messin’ around.)
(The DreFes was supposed t’be a live showdown, but this time it’s more of a ceremony.)
(UNDEAD will beat the “vampires” who are nothing more than an untalented, unorganised mob.)
(That’s how it’ll go. They had lost before we even began.)
(Bouzu wrote this story. Because of today, the Student Council will be received positively from vanquishing these delinquents.)
(These are just their opening moves. Haha, I ended up bein’ his pawn.)
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(But I guess I was a little on edge in the beginnin’, but if things keep goin’ how they are, the only way we don’t win is if somethin’ major goes wrong.)
(We’ll be victorious, as UNDEAD.)
(The vampires, they won’t even come in here even if we ask them to. This battle— Flashback, has already been won. By us, by UNDEAD.)
(On top of that, they ain’t gonna exactly be eager to be fightin’ against me, against their god.)
(Those guys, those “vampires” won’t fight us. They won’t participate. They won’t even get up on this stage.)
(It’s ‘cos those vampires have no sense of danger.)
(They don’t think about the future. If they don’t get up on the stage, they’ll never know what could happen.)
(If you actually thought about your future, you wouldn’t be wastin’ your precious life bummin’ around being a delinquent.)
(They’re probably not even worried at all. They’re just goin’ about their day as usual. Maybe they’re making fun of us for the fact that we challenged them to this.)
(They think everything’s a joke, and waste their days laughin’ to themselves.)
(But they won’t be able to laugh for much longer.)
(My condolences. It’s too late for them to regret it now, morons.
(The crossroad lies here.)
(And those guys took a wrong turn.)
(Sorry, but I got no sympathy for them… Bouzu’s different, he actually fought back. They said they admired me, yet they avoid me, they can’t even face me.)
(They say they love me, yet all they love is themselves.)
(That’s why they chose the easiest path, the one that would hurt them the least.
(Pretendin’ they couldn’t see me right in front of their eyes and ran away.)
(That road doesn’t go anywhere. That road is crumblin’, and it'll send you straight to hell.)
(But now I feel like I can reach out my hand to those who have nothin’ to do with me.)
(I’m sorry, I can’t help you.)
…Welp, since you found me, I’ll be up there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail ♪
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Kaoru: Seriously? If you’re not interested in doing this, you can just go home, okay?!
Rei: Ahaha. You’re sexy when you’re angry, Hakaze-kun. Sorry, sorry, Freudian slip?
Kaoru: Are you kidding me? Even if you think that, you don’t have to tell me!?
Rei: Yeah yeah, anyway. We just gotta get to know each other one step at a time. We’ll become friends no matter what happens, and there'll be a lot of opportunities to do things like this.
Yup. Fortunately, we’ve still got time.
This is our youth.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 12
13 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: The next day, the day of live Flashback
Location: In a livehouse near Yumenosaki
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Koga: ♪〜♪〜♪
(For fuck’s sake! I’ve been tricked…!)
(What happened t’Sakuma-senpai? Yesterday he was actin’ all cool and said he’d “do his best tomorrow”!?)
(And now he’s not even here!)
(The show’s started at the exact time we said it would! And we’re gonna have to perform without him!)
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Adonis: ...
Kaoru: ...
Koga: (Gahhh? Adonis can’t help it- even though he looks strong he’s actually a quiet guy!)
(Think he’s got overwhelmed since it’s his first live ‘n his mind’s gone blank!)
(But Hakaze-senpai, that shallow playboy! He’s suppose t’be our senpai yet he’s got all flustered ‘n is actin’ like a total beginner!?)
(What happened to “I’m a reliable guy”?! Fuckin’ liar!)
(This is bad, we all fuckin’ suck! UNDEAD is the worst band ever!)
(Gah, what was I thinkin’!? ‘Course a band that hasn’t practised enough, hasn’t got enough of anythin’ ain’t just gonna get on stage ‘n blow everyone away!?)
(So this was obviously gonna happen. This isn’t a cartoon, no miracle is gonna suddenly save us~!)
(Fuck, shit, this is so embarrasin’!)
(If I could have the same talent Sakuma-senpai had, this wouldn’t be goin’ t’shit. Obviously this is my fault for bein’ weak ‘n immature!)
(I don’t wanna smear Sakuma-senpai’s amazin’ reputation!)
(That’s why I hate this! Someone’s gotta do somethin’! I’ve got to do somethin’...!)
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Kaoru: Calm down~, Wan-chan. Relax, relaxxx ♪
Koga: HaaH!? I-i-if you’re so fuckin’ calm that means you ain’t got a fuckin’ clue what’s goin’ on!?
Kaoru: Nothing’s going to change if you panic, okay?
I’m sorry. I’m a poor excuse for a senpai… As you can probably tell, this is my first time on stage, so.
As I thought, actually being on stage is much different than watching from the sidelines.
I can’t breathe properly. The lights are too bright and too hot. I’m sweating and I feel gross. I can’t concentrate because my brain keeps thinking about random, irrelevant things.
It feels like my heart’s going haywire, and that my blood isn't circulating properly.
If I don’t hold out, I might break down… It’s scary, performing like this.
On stage too. I’m only now realising this.
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Adonis: Me too… I’m sorry Oogami, I’m feeling really nervous right now.
A long time ago, I used to dance with my mother. She was a singer.
I had her by my side, I knew I could rely on her. I was young, innocent, and unafraid.
I was able to perform without deliberating about it, as if it was second nature. Maybe that was because I had my mother guiding me.
She made me shine. But now, she’s not here with me. My guiding light is not here.
I have to shine on my own.
My anxiety is through the roof, and I’m scared… I feel like a child lost in the dark.
Koga: I see. Can’t I be your guidin’ light?
Nevermind. Without Sakuma-senpai here… I can’t do anythin’.
Adonis: As for Sakuma-senpai… I noticed a moment ago, but isn’t he down there?
Koga: Huh?
Adonis: After talking to you two, I felt calmer and was able to properly take a look at my surroundings… Look, he’s in the audience waving a penlight around.
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Rei: Kyah~☆
UNDEAD~♪ Fight, fight, do your best~♪
Koga: I thought he wasn’t gonna show, the hell’s he doin’ down there!?
Adonis: I’m not sure but now I feel strangely satisfied.
Kaoru: S-Sneaky Sakuma-san! You’re a part of UNDEAD, so get up here!
Rei: Ahaha. Yeah yeah. Didn’t expect you of all people to say that, Hakaze-kun. You seemed the most demotivated, and the one with no sense of family.
Kaoru: Okay whatever! Hurry up! If you don’t perform properly you won’t be able to afford to pay back the retaining fee!
Rei: Jeez, alright~. Guess there’s nothin’ I can do then, huh, Nobita-kun…[1] Without your mama here you get all anxious ‘n start cryin’ dontcha. Little baby ♪
Kaoru: …You probably don’t even know this, but that’s a sensitive topic for me, okay?
Don't treat me like I'm stupid.
—And I’m not a weak cry baby anymore.
[ ☆ ]
nobita-kun is a doraemon character. He's depicted as lazy, doesn’t like thinking critically, acts childishly, and is pretty dense. Despite this, sometimes he has some redeeming qualities, like being kind and risking his life to save others. It's also implied that his poor grades are not because he’s stupid, but because he’s lazy
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
16 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: ~...♪
Adonis: Oh, where did you get that guitar from Sakuma-senpai?
Rei: From Bouzu’s temple. I remembered I left a coupla instruments at his place so went to go get ‘em.
Koga: What are you two, a couple that just broke up?
Rei: That’s what it feels like. Even if we come together ‘n try to get on, I don’t think we’ll be able t’return to how we were before.
Even if he wants to, it’s not gonna happen.
That’s why I feel like meetin’ new people ♪
Adonis: Wow…What a good song. Though the melody is rather intense, I feel weirdly better listening to it.
Amazing, Oogami, and you composed it yourself?
Koga: Oh, uh, yeah… But it only sounds good ‘cos of the person playin’ it… Since it’s Sakuma-senpai, he makes it sound like the best song ever.
Rei: Oooo you’re makin’ me shyyy. Oh to be young and naive~. Wish I could feel like that again~
I wished for that and now Wan-chan has named us UNDEAD.
Like Adonis-kun did, he somehow noticed I was depressed, even though I didn’t… I hope I can be revived.
This music might make me cry… I hope this revives my tired, withered heart.
I’ve been cravin' something this whole time.
And now I feel weirdly content.
This is what I wanted most, more than being showered in millions of compliments.
These are someone’s genuine thoughts.
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Kaoru: Hey~, you guys look cheery, hm~?
Rei: Yo, Hakaze-kun. Fashionably late, yeah?
Was worried you weren’t gonna show.
Kaoru: Hey, well, I’m here now… I requested that you guys exterminate the “vampires” so it’s my duty to supervise you all so you don’t slack off.
But I never thought I’d be joining a weird group like this.
Rei: You’re a Yumenosaki idol in the making aren’t you? We need your talent
Kaoru: Don’t expect too much from me, ‘kay? I’m pretty well known for skipping school.
But I’ll help out this time. I need to protect my job, so I’ve gotta work a little harder. It’s so bothersome I could die though~♪
So that’s why I made some promotional flyers for tomorrow’s showdown.
It won’t be hard to hand them out for Mr Worldwide Sakuma-san, so you guys make sure you pull your weight too, ‘kay?
I prepared a fancy stage for you guys. Well, I say it was me, but all the nearby shops who also were troubled by the “vampires” were helping me out too.
I was going to make some special uniforms for you too, but I don’t know you guys’ measurements, and I don’t think I would have had enough time to sew them anyway.
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Rei: Don’t worry ‘bout it.
Our opponents won’t have made any special preparations, so I think it’s fine to wear our school uniforms rather than dress up all crazy like.
It’s fairer if we’re on a similar playing field.
Koga: Hm… So you wasn’t late ‘cos you didn’t wanna come, you was late ‘cos you were makin’ preparations?
Guess I was wrong about you, Hakaze…senpai. You get the job done eventually.
Kaoru: Yup! I’m a reliable guy, really really ♪
Koga: Yeah. You seem useless on the surface but you’re actually pretty hardworkin’.
Adonis: Umu. He is very helpful, since he completed the tasks we had not got around to yet.
Kaoru: But I don’t feel like enough has been done, if I’m honest. I’ve fixed up the stage, but isn’t there more we could be doing?
The “vampire” showdown is tomorrow, right? Yet we're going on stage without having rehearsed?
Rei: That’s why we’re here so we can practise. Our unit’s only just been formed, and we’ve barely met each other.
Adonis: It’s more of a reorganisation of members rather than meeting for the first time.
Rei: Ahaha. Adonis-kun, who is the most unfamiliar with Japanese, is the most particular about what words he uses.
Adonis: Words are important.
Rei: Yuup. In this country, there’s the belief that reality is affected by the spoken word. My good friend that passed away a bit ago said that—
Koga: Hasumi-senpai said that, and he’s not dead…
Even though it was his decision t’work behind the scenes, he worked harder than us. And we didn’t even ask him to but he convinced his parents ‘n shit to let us use this place t’practise.
Kaoru: He didn’t need to though. We could have practised at the livehouse.
Rei: Ah well. The weather’s nice ‘n isn’t singin’ in the sun super relaxin'?
Since we’re fightin’ vampires, we’ve gotta get familiar with their weakness so we can use it to our advantage.
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Kaoru: Is, is this really okay~? You’re talking about this like we’re in a business meeting, but is it guaranteed that we’ll be able to get rid of those guys?
Rei: Hey, even I can’t predict the future.
But I do think I’m goin’ a little crazy. Feels like someone’s inside me, going “indeed, you’re quite right” in an old man's voice.
Kaoru: Someone inside you? What? Are you drunk?
Adonis: I asked him that earlier.
Rei: I’m 100% sober. We couldn’t defeat the delinquents if I was pissed, and that’s also illegal, so.
Without stooping to their level, we will become the sun and burn the corruption that has infested the earth.
Trust me. I’m feelin’ weirdly good, so I’ll be tryin’ my hardest tomorrow.
Can’t promise after that, but I promise tomorrow.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
15 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: One week later. The day before the “vampires'” subjugation battle, tentatively named Flashback. The day UNDEAD first met
Location: In Hasumi Keito’s family temple's graveyard
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Rei: Bein’ a ghost must be fun ♪ Bein’ a ghost must be great ♪
Don’t have to work , don’t have to study, you can just have a concert from noon 'til midnight~♪
Adonis: What’s wrong, Sakuma-senpai? Have you been drinking?
Rei: I’m not old enough to drink. But if I was, it would probably be a lot of fun~♪
Adonis: I don’t understand why, but you are in strangely high spirits…. Recently you have had a gloomy aura about you, so I am glad to see you feeling better.
Rei: Fuwah. That’s amazin’, you really noticed I was depressed?
No matter how much you say you like ‘n respect them, humans will never bother to understand or even look at other people.
Adonis: I only noticed due to the fact that I have known you the longest, Sakuma-senpai, therefore I noticed your change in behaviour early on.
Rei: So much for humility. Even my little brother, who I’ve been with since the very day he was born, has no idea what I’m goin’ through.
I want him to know so like an attention seeker I say “hey hey, let’s play a game! What is your oniichan thinking about?”
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Adonis: Is that why he thinks you're annoying and hates you?
Rei: H-he doesn’t hate me! The Bible says that a younger brother loves his older brother as much as his older brother loves his younger brother!
Adonis: I see. As my view was incorrect, I apologise.
Rei: Adonis-kun, anyone ever told you you’re a joke killer?
Adonis: Killer…? I’ve been trying to keep a low profile so I do not earn a shameful nickname such as that.
I am a foreigner. Even if you don’t want to, you stand out in this country. It’s sad, but that is often how things go. Especially mothers with children tend to be strangely wary of me.
That’s why I believe it is better for me to be a good child, who is quieter than needed, serious, and harmless.
Rei: Hm. Since you have a different point of view, you see things most people wouldn’t see.
How could I think you of all people, was the person behind those “vampires”?
It’s been worse than usual, but it feels like my thoughts are bein’ influenced by someone. Feels pretty bad.
It’s like I’m bein’ forced to be a character in some story told by someone I know nothin’ about.
Is it just a puberty thing? Whaddya think, Adonis-kun?
Adonis: I don’t know. But I do think that accusing me of being the culprit and denouncing me was out of character for you.
Fortunately, everything seems to have been cleared up but to be honest, it hurt me a little.
Even you misunderstood me.
Rei: Ah, yeah, I’m sorry. I really love you though, you know?
Adonis: It’s not a matter of liking or disliking me. It’s about recognition and understanding.
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Koga: …What are you two talkin’ ‘bout?
You said we was practicin’ for the battle against the “vampires” today… Yet Hakaze ain’t even here.
Thought you’d bring him with you Sakuma-senpai, and uh, who’s this?
Adonis: I am Otogari Adonis. I have told you my name numerous times.
Koga: Adonisu… What’s this got to do with him?
Is this really okay? Can we even beat these “vampires”? Of course, if Sakuma-senpai is here we won’t have a problem but—
Rei: Realllyyy now. Maybe I’ll betray you again like I did at the Deadmanz live, hm?
I don’t really like it when people depend on me. Doesn’t really do it for me ya know.
C’mon, Wan-chan, tell me somethin’ inspirational ♪
Koga: I dunno how to do that…
I wrote a song for the Drefes, incase we hadta perform somethin’. I was jus’ tryin’ my hand at writin’ a song myself.
Rei: Really now? Impressive, you’re lookin’ like a real band member ♪ Go on then, show me ♪
Koga: I-its not very good so don’t have too high of expectations please![1]
I only picked this up as a hobby in the past few years, and since I’m self-taught, I’m still not perfect so—
Rei: What’s with the sudden keigo? Stop it, it’s not you.
Durin’ the Deadmanz live you was bitin’ ‘n snappin’ at me, weren’t ya?
Koga: I was excited then… But now we’re in a band together, and we’re closer, you somehow seem more impressive to me.
I-I’m nervous… I apologise if I made you uncomfortable, I don’t want to upset you again so quickly.
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Rei: Upset me? Interestin’ wordin’... Hah, hahaha?
Ah, yeah. Wanna try playin’ that song of yours?
[ ☆ ]
koga starts using polite speech, which as you may know, is not something he does often lol
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
20 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Koga: But ain’t that a future problem?
Actually, I remember havin’ an argument like that one. I was kinda mad—
I wasn’t exactly happy with it all.
Rei: Quite. At that time you looked at me like an abandoned dog does. Even now just thinking of that makes my chest ache.
I had to help as much as I could.
Koga: Hah, how kind you are, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: I felt guilty, in truth.
Whilst I sulked and turned a blind eye, there was a child being hurt by my actions…
When I saw your eyes filled with loneliness, I finally came to understand.
I was making an innocent child experience the same loneliness I had.
Once I realised, I regretted it immensely.
So in order to atone for my sins, I donned the same clothes as you, and sung the song you wanted me to.
—And that is how UNDEAD came to be.
Koga: Yup. And UNDEAD’s debut performance was a battle, the subjugation of the delinquents.
Shitty Glasses took care of all the paperwork. ‘N since the members had changed, we thought ‘why don’t we change the unit name too?’
I listened t’what others had to say but in the end I chose the name based off of what I wanted.
—which was the name UNDEAD.
So I invited Adonis to join since it didn’t look like he had a place to go, ‘n invited him to do lessons with me.
Then finally you came back from wanderin’ around overseas, ‘n thankfully, become our leader.
For some reason you brought Hakaze-senpai with you, ‘n now we’re the best four member unit ever.
Rei: To tell the truth, I was only planning on helping you for a short period of time.
Leaving the paperwork to Hasumi-kun meant that he decided on me as leader with asking, which was rather troubling…
What on earth was he up to?
Does that count as harrassment? It’s very unusual for Hasumi-kun to do that sort of sly thing.
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Koga: Nahh. Maybe Shitty Glasses was makin’ a place where you’d belong whilst you was staggerin’ around overseas.
He was tiein’ you down to UNDEAD, so that you wouldn’t fade away.
Guess he was prayin’ that you’d find a place t’call home ‘n regain some peace of mind.
Rei: Kukuku. Of course, rotted Hasumi-kun is still a man of religion, and enjoys prayer.
He was weak, back in Deadmanz, and his prayers were not enough to exorcise the demon that was me.
However. Forcing me to become leader using his powers as part of the student council— those prayers were enough to hold me down.
I was at my wits end.
Since UNDEAD is such a comfortable place to be, I did not even feel like trying to escape.
To get back on the topic at hand, this dream seems to be progressing far faster than it did in reality. It’s like rewatching a movie— fast forward, fast forward ♪
This is why I interfered with the past version of myself in order to speed up the process of me returning home.
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Koga: But is interferin’ like that really okay? What if you affect the past?
What if somethin’ that didn’t happen before starts happenin’?
Rei: To tell the truth, this was already happening, even before I began to interfere.
This is the false past. Usually, these delinquents would not have been so much of a problem to reckon with, nor would we be referring to them as ‘vampires’.
Someone else has distorted the true past.
And I have a bone to pick with said someone. That person could potentially be the mastermind behind all of this.
We must predict this mastermind’s next move, and crush them if they attempt to cause harm to us.
That is how we correct the past.
Will you help me, Koga?
Koga: Duh, ‘course I will. Past Sakuma-senpai listened to my request.
No-one woulda blamed ya if you’d ignored the bratty whining of some dog-like kid.
Helpin’ me didn’t benefit you at all.
Yet you still bowed your head in agreement. Instead of ignorin’ a simple-minded brat, you graciously helped out.
Maybe it was because I had such a shitty personality that you couldn’t ignore my beggin’, not that you actually liked me or anythin’.
Still, it made me happy. I imagine that’s what heaven’s like. There’s been so many ups ‘n downs up, and there still is—
But I was happy, bein’ a part of UNDEAD.
This time, it’s your turn, Sakuma-senpai.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
13 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: Well, whatever. If there’s nothin’ we can do, should we leave the “vampires” alone then?
Koga: No. Hasumi-senpai has prohibited anyone from enterin’ this livehouse if they haven’t applied to the student council and received approval for their unit.
Don’t really get it but, if you break the rules you’re gonna get punished, so.
But the “vampires” are just gonna ignore that ‘n keep on causin’ havoc.
Hasumi-senpai was sayin’ somethin’ about settin’ up a DreFes so we can put an end to those guys once ‘n for all.
That’s why I’m out here practicin’.
Rei: A Drefes… Is it like a live showdown? Doesn’t really sound dream-like.
Koga: Even if the DreFes takes place ‘n we win, what happens next?
Are the rotted idols at our school gonna suddenly have a moment of introspection ‘n say “from this point forward, I’m going to take my idol activities seriously!”?
Rei: That’s the plan, I guess. A rotted corpse can’t become a living human again though.
But. The DreFes is part of school regulations. From what I’ve seen, rules say that if they keep losin’ they’ll be disqualified from bein’ idols.
Their grades get worse ‘n worse, and since they’re not fit t’be a student at our school anymore, they’ll be suspended or expelled.
Bouzu’s just tryna find an excuse t’exile the delinquents, or “vampires” from school.
Koga: Nn, that’s still kinda a roundabout way of doin’ things… Can’t he just use the very fact that they are delinquents to kick ‘em out? That’s bad enough on its own.
Not much point in him goin’ out of his way t’set up a live showdown.
Rei: There’s a high percentage of Yumenosaki students, especially those on the idol course, that come from respectable families. That includes me.
That’s why the schools been turnin’ a blind eye to all their misconduct.
The entire industry is on the decline, and strugglin’ Yumenosaki needs nutrients to survive– needs money to survive.
No matter how irritatin’ and rowdy they are, it’s not as simple as just throwin’ them out.
That’s Yumenosaki’s fatal flaw. No matter how sick it is, ‘n how much it’s hurtin’, it’s not as simple as just removin’ the defective organs.
On the flip side, the schools been desperately tryna cover up any student scandals ‘n protect them from it.
That’s why the “vampires” are still out here, enjoyin’ their youth. So, what do you think? Pretty revolting story, right?
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Koga: I guess… Is money really everythin’? Adults always say that it is.
Is money more important than justice? There’s people out there who have been brought t’tears ‘cos of those delinquents, there’s people who feel like shit even though they haven’t done anything wrong.
Why do people who do bad things laugh ‘n point fun at people who do good things?
It’s weird, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: Yeah. You realise with age that that’s just how the world is, and you learn to ignore it.
So, if you can, help Bouzu to get rid of these delinquents like he’s planned.
Koga: Th-then, you’ve got to take part too! If Sakuma-senpai is on our side, we’ll have the strength of a hundred people!
Let’s do this! Let’s defeat the delinquents with our music!
Rei: Hm~... When you ask me like that, I go all weak.
Ahaha. I don’t think there’s a fix for this sort of thing…maybe I’ve got an incurable disease.
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Koga: Y-you’re sick Sakuma-senpai? Then don’t force yourself t’do anythin’...?
Rei: Don’t worry, it’s more of a mental problem.
Right then. Take me t’where Bouzu is, so I can help him too.
I’ll stand on stage.
Koga: Hah! Fuck yes~! If you’re on our side, we won’t lose to anyone ♪
Rei: But. I’m not the type t’break my promises, so I can’t be on the same side as Bouzu who beat me in the Deadmanz live.
That’s why I can’t stand on the stage as his ally. If I do show up, I’ll be in a different unit to him. That’s the only way I’ll perform.
So. If you’re gonna stand on the stage, you gotta pick. Me or him, Oogami Koga-kun.
Koga: That’s, I’m… This ain’t the time to be stubborn. We should band together so we can defeat those delinquents ‘n then—
Rei: Nope~, no can do. This ain’t some heartwarmin’ story. I’m not breakin’ my promise. Not again.
A promise was made. And he lost.
We’ve said our goodbyes. Our paths will never cross again. We will never stand on the same stage again, with the same goals in mind.
Koga: ...
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Rei: Yet I stood with him! We have performed together countless times! I'm sorry about how rash I was back then…!
Koga: True. And in the end, I chose t’stand with you, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: It feels as if Hasumi-kun bestowed you upon me. He was serious, so I couldn’t break my promise.
He said that since he had formed a new unit, AKATSUKI, and per the rules, could not belong to more than one unit at a time.
In the end, Hasumi-kun acted as a supporting figure, working behind the scenes whilst we fought on the front lines to vanquish the delinquents.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
14 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: That day, in the middle of the night.
Location: In a dream after taking sleeping medication
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Rei: Fumu.
Seems I have safely made my way into the world of dream once more.
Rei: Hmmhmm ~...♪
Rei: There is old me, walking along bursting with confidence. He seems well.
Nay, rather I am attempting to shake off my sorrow by acting tough. How pitiful.
This is… This is the truth, I am drifting overseas.
I am away from my home, troubled, full of grief, searching for something entertaining.
You won’t find your bluebird of happiness like this, young me.
Anyhow. According to the AIIE experiment manual, if you can remember the keyword before entering a dream state—
It is possible for one to interfere with the dream state you are in, or rather, interfere with yourself.
However, I do not have the freedom to move as a video game character would.
Though it is multides better than simply standing on the sidelines.
I am no longer a silent reader.
I am alive.
Location: Livehouse
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Koga: ♪~♪~♪~
Rei: —Yo~, Rei Sakuma-chan has returned.
Koga: Sakuma-senpai.
You- uh, I um uhhh.
Rei: W-what’s up? Your whole body’s twitchin’, you comin’ down with somethin’...?
Haha. You’re a weird kid, Wanko.
Koga: S-shut up… Don’t talk to me.
I was tryin’ really hard to stop myself from huggin’ you and goin' “waaha! Sakuma-senpai! WooOO!”
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Rei: C’mon, no need to hold back. Good boy~♪
Koga: …eH!?
Rei: Goo~d boy, good good boy… You were lonely without me, weren’t ya? Sorry, Wanko.
Haha. When I was younger, I used t’hug my lonely little bro like this all the time.
Koga: ...! ...! ...!
G-get off me… You’re someone who everyone admires ‘n shines from afar, you don’t hafta be nice t’me.
I’ll get you dirty.
Rei: What are you talkin’ about, stuuupid. I can hug who I want when I want, yeah?
That was a real sad story, wasn't it?
Koga: ...?
Rei: Anyway. This sort of sixth sense—Nah, more like a weird feelin’ that told me I hadta hurry back home.
So I came back as quick as I could. So, what’s happenin’?
Were you able t’exterminate those “vampires”?
Well, it’s kind of my job but ya know.
Koga: Uh, nothin’s really changed…
They quietened down for a bit but then when you left, they startin’ actin’ all crazy again.
Now they’re still non-stop complainin’. It’s fuckin’ annoyin’.
But don’t worry about it. Hasumi-senpai’s is usin’ the Student Council to put school rules into place, ‘n creatin’ an environment where people don’t turn t’do shit like that.
But if you ask me, I don’t really get it. Don’t think shit like that is gonna make a difference.
Rei: Right. Just ‘cos you put a sign up doesn’t mean anyone’s gonna read it. It’s like an annoyin’ little fly at most.
Koga: At the moment, not even a magic card could change anythin’.
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Rei: Magic card? What are you on about?
Koga: Uh, um, it’s uh. I like card games. That’s all.
Rei: Yeah? Is it fun? Next time you got some free time, teach me how to play ♪
I’ve been so fuckin’ bored lately, I’ll take anythin’ at this point.
Koga: That’s not… Sakuma-senpai, please do something. Glasses is way out of his depth.
Rei: “Way out of his depth”? Haha, wish that was true.
He’s got a long way t’go. Even if he ain’t enough on his own, until he can be my playmate again—.
Koga: ...?
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
12 notes · View notes
mephinomaly · 5 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: That day at night
Location: In a training room in ES
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Rei: Wanko~♪ Do you want the ball~?
Go fetch~ ☆
Koga 2: Ruff ruuuffffff ☆
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Adonis 2: …(Fidgeting around like he wants to play too.)
Rei: Kukuku. He looks human but in reality he’s a newborn baby, such an adorable thing ♪
Kaoru: You get on surprisingly well with the fakes which is pretty good.
—But is that really a good thing, Rei-kun?
Rei: Okay, it’s Adonis-kun's turn now ♪ Why don’t you try to catch this piece of string? You can build up physical strength whilst having fun, isn’t that the best?
Adonis 2: ...♪
Kaoru: I’m happy you’re getting on but hey, are you listening? Can you not ignore me please?
Rei: Of course of course. I will never again allow my gaze to be ripped away from my beloved children who adore me.
Kaoru: Who adores who, did you say?
Rei: —I’ve been thinking.
Kaoru: Hm?
Rei: No matter how much I desire it, I can never be an omnipotent, benevolent god. I suppose that’s clear as I could not predict this situation unfolding.
However, I am slightly older than you all, and it is not as if I spent all my time overseas playing around.
I’m just a tiny bit more experienced onii-chan than you all.
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Kaoru: What are you trying to say? You just want to brag about being older? Or do you hate being seen as an old hag?[1] Is this a type of power harassment?
Rei: Kukuku. It’s weird for me not to, Kaoru-kun. Well, there’s nothing I can do in this situation.
We must keep our minds as tranquil as a mountain peak. If our juniors see us seniors fumble, it will create anxiety for them.
Kaoru: Uhuh. Being a senpai is hard work.
So? What are you thinking about?
Rei: Umu. I have no evidence regarding this, all I can do is make guesses on the sequence of events that brought us into this and why it even began to start with.
I have an overall understanding of this situation.
In other words, we now know the truth behind this mysterious set of circumstances.
Kaoru: Wa~, well done! You’re an amazing detective ♪
Rei: Kaoru-kun could have guessed it as well. You are the son of a wise scholar after all.
However, you are a pragmatic child. This case is a bit of an anomaly, and contains unrealistic aspects.
Kaoru: Unrealistic, hm… Ah, I guess that describes it well.
Rei: Umu. Now the question is; how do we escape this situation?
You will understand this analogy, but we are in a locked room. There is only one exit and entrance, and a specific key is required to open them.
However, the key is hidden amongst an endless amount of objects scattered around said room.
Kaoru: It’s like a super difficult ‘escape the room’ game.
Rei: There aren’t any hints though. Unfortunately, there is not enough time to carefully examine each and every item in the room in order to find the key.
We must somehow escape, before the reality we live in warps and breaks down.
Kaoru: Since it’s you, I’m sure you’ve come up with a way to get us out of here. I say that half jokingly ♪
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Rei: Umu. I must respond if someone asks something of me, as superstar Rei Sakuma-senpai.
—There is one thing I want to do.
However, it is a dangerous gamble. I am concerned that there may be burdens on the mind and body, primarily on the brain.
Kaoru: Don’t you dare say something all stand-offish like “so that's why I’ll handle it by myself.” If UNDEAD has a problem, then it’s all of our problem. We should share that burden together.
Rei: Kukuku. That’s something old Kaoru-kun would never have said. Now we have been reminded of our past selves, those words deeply move me.
Kaoru: Don’t make fun of me. So, what’s this thing you want to do?
What should we do to get out of this weird situation?
Rei: We need to dream.
When I investigated the AIIE experiment facilities the other day, I happened upon the machines we were connected to, the manuals on how to operate them, and the drugs we were prescribed.
As one could expect, the manuals contained a lot of technical lingo, but with help from a family member who is good at those sorts of things, I was able to come to grips with how it works.
Therefore, if we desire so, we can dream of those days once again.
Visit the memories of when Deadmanz disappeared, and us, UNDEAD, arose.
I suspect our answers will be there.
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Kaoru: It’s embarrassing to see me back then being so uptight, but if there’s nothing else we can do, I suppose I can comply.
Rei: Kaoru-kun is still an inexperienced cute boy, hm? I am but a lump of shame.
You may be ashamed of your past self now, but in ten years you may feel the same about your current self.
Let’s do everything in our power now so we do not regret anything in the future.
Will you help me, Kaoru-kun?
Kaoru: Of course I will. I’ve said this a lot already, but this is all of our problem.
Rei: Wonderful… This is also just a guess, but I believe I am the cause behind everything.
Seeds from the past left unwatered grow out of spite. I must reap what I sow, before they can grow anymore.
So this doesn’t happen again. So that I don’t lose anyone again.
[ ☆ ]
Kaoru says 年齢マウント. Not sure if we have a word like that in english but it’s when the eldest of a group of girls (whether idols or just friendship groups) is seen as an old woman despite only being slightly older than the others
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
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