moonlight-and-memory · 4 months
“Filif had slipped out of his ornaments again for a little while and was looming over this discussion with some confusion. But apparently the G force became too much for him. “It’s very nice as a physical-universe explanation,” Filif said, “but of course the methodology’s completely flawed.”
Dairine peered up at him. “What?”
            “Well, since this is being is plainly one of the Powers, if a bit of an anarchic or chaotic one,” Filif said, “why are you trying to solve this problem inside a single dimension? It doesn’t work. A dimensionally transcendent being like one of the Powers would hardly limit itself to functioning in only three or four dimensions. The evidence clearly indicates someone working in six or better. See, the temporal element-“
            “- but once you’re in the six-and-up, millions of apparent visits to physical reality per second is no great problem. It’s only inside the orthogonal plane of time that everything seems to be happening amazingly fast. But if you’re one of the Powers, there’s not the slightest rush. You slide sidewise into the applicable orthotemporal dimension, just that one, mind you, and then you drop off whatever playthings are required to make a drop. And then you pull out again and restock at your leisure, and then dip into that timeplane again. When you’re in D7 or thereabouts, the temporality of D3 and D4 is hardly an issue…”
            “That’s it,” Ronan said, “he’s solved Santa. We have nothing left to live for.”
— "How Lovely are Thy Branches," by Diane Duane
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“As always, in times of trouble, she knew what she wanted to do. “I’m going to read a book,” she said.”- House of Many Ways, Diana Wynne Jones
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“Without another word, Duke Aurelia locked her in a warm and gentle embrace. To Erika, this made her feel far more guilty than if he actually scolded her. There were people who would be saddened if she treated her life so cheaply. She was finally beginning to open her eyes to something so obvious.”- Deathbound Duke’s Daughter: Erika Aurelia and the Seafarer’s Ruins, Terasu Senoo
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“I will meet the cruel and the cowardly today, she thought, liars and the envious, the uncaring and unknowing: they will be all around. But their numbers and their carelessness do not mean I have to be like them. For my own part, I know my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are.”- The Book of Night with Moon, Diane Duane
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“It’s beautiful,” she said, and stood. Her páo unfurled in a fall of white, and though she held his jacket carefully to cover the torn parts of her bodice, she was nonetheless graceful as she began to dance.
The song that spun from her lips was the most beautiful that Zen had ever heard: a soft, masterful rendition of his. The pale light of the moon dusted her silhouette, catching the edges of her smile. And Zen let himself drink in the sight of her as he had back at the Teahouse, the night around them disappearing as he fell into her spell of snow and silver, and a homeland he now knew only from memory.”- Song of Silver, Flame Like Night, Amélie Wen Zhao
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"No, you don't understand." Lucie pulled a small notebook out of her pack. "I started writing a new book. The Wicked Queen Cordelia."
"And you brought it with you?" Cordelia was astonished. "To Edom?"
"Of course," said Lucie. "You can't just leave an unfinished manuscript behind. What if I had an idea?"- Chain of Thorns, Cassandra Clare
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“I've stolen a garden. It isn't mine, it isn't anybody's. Nobody wants it, nobody cares for it, nobody ever goes into it. Perhaps everything is dead in it already, I don't know. I don't care, I don't care. Nobody has any right to take it from me when I care about it and they don't. They're letting it die, all shut in by itsellf!”- The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
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“I was a dragon just as I wanted to be, but I wasn’t quite like any dragon I’d ever seen. From the tip of my pointed snout to the end of my ridged tail, my body was an iridescent peridot green. My finger-length claws were a dark emerald color and my pale green wings were translucent. As I’d learned months before, there were no green dragons, yet that was exactly what I had become. I was nearly twelve feet long and covered with scales, but for the first time in my life, I felt beautiful.”- Once Upon a Curse, E.D. Baker
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“Cleon sends me for papers, but someone else traps a first-year in a corner and keeps making him do stupid tasks. He’ll maybe hit the first-year to smarten him when the first year slows down- and that is dead wrong. If we take this as pages, what about when we are knights? Do we say, Oh, now I’m going to be nice to the weak and small? Or do we do as we learned when we were pages?” She stopped, breathing hard. It was the longest speech she’d ever made. “I don’t mean to lecture. You can laugh and say I’m a silly girl- but when I see anyone big pick on someone small, well, there’s going to be a fight.”- First Test, Tamora Pierce
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“Love that seeks nothing in return always breaks. The human heart isn’t strong or pure enough for that,”- I’m in Love with the Villainess Volume 2, Inori
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“I want to eat noodles.”
“Pulled noodles.”
“You make them.”
“I’ll make them, I’ll make them-of course I’ll make them. I was just joking, eh heh heh.”
“I’ll make them.”
- The Scum Villain’s Self-Faving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong Volume 4, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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“I don’t want a suitor,” she replied, emotion coursing through her. “I just want you, Nathaniel, not life-endangering acts of heroism, or-or priceless treasures, or even starlight in a jar. I haven’t changed my mind. I still love you. I think it’s possible I might love you even more than I did three months ago.”- Mysteries of Thorn Manor, Margaret Rogerson
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“All he wanted in this moment was to stay in this little village in the mountains with the girl he’d fallen for and sit by a window of rain, watching her hair grow white as snow with time.”- Song of Silver, Flame Like Night, Amélie Wen Zhao.
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“I love you. Wait for me, where the land meets the sea.”- The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, Axie Oh
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“You’re wrong about one thing. Those were adventures, not predicaments. I like adventures, and maybe that’s one of the reasons I’m crazy about you. When you’re around, I never know what’s going to happen next!”- Dragon’s Breath, by E.D. Baker
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“Kit turned over the hearts in his hand, the way Cheleb had, with his finger, one by one. They were pink and blue and yellow and purple and green and white. And regardless of the color, every single one of them said: I KNOW.”- Interim Errantry, “Lifeboats,” Diane Duane
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“The moment Shen Qingqiu had flipped open Proud  Immortal Demon Way, the story had begun, but as he shut Proud Immortal Demon Way, the story had yet to end. Or perhaps, the story circulating through the world might already have ended. But the story between you and me has only just begun.”- The Scum Villain’s Self-Faving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong Volume 3, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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