mrjuicyjude · 4 years
>>Continuing From the last Blog post
after our failure from the last instruction,me and my buddy Dome researched a lot of things on how to flirt with people,we got various information from many websites,posts and pages,we literally made a lot of progress for the instruction and we edited our own mistakes by talking to each other,i didn't really have the experience on flirting with people but Dome did so we figured out more info's to right about. We came up with the exact same number of instructions but more detailed and more high quality(here are the instructions)
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As you can see we wrote every single detail of what we know about flirting with each people,honestly i would rate our own instructions 6/10,its not the best and the most highly detailed but it was better than the lasto one and by checking the reality of this instruction we had our friend Sim and Cream trying to do the instructions that we made(we didn't have the clip because the file was too large😩😩🙄)
And the result was
It was a success!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sim and Cream enjoyed the instructions and they even did a role play with the instructions,the details were fine everything went ok and nicely Done. This was the meaning of mission accomplished didn't have any regrets on the activity that we made.
Ty for reading see you next blog,peace🎉🎉🙏🙏
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
For today's topic will be,how to make a boy/girl flirt instruction!!! (Take 1)
During our class with T.Kay, we were told to make an instruction guide for a specific topic that we want to and it needs to be highly detailed,so me and my buddy Dome figured out a strange topic to do, which was how to make a boy/girl flirt. We came up with 12 instructions at the first try,which looked like this
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We thought that it was highly detailed enough to pass the test until we had our friend am,cha,lin that wanted to try out our instructions and here's the clip!
They had a lot of fun doing the instructions and also felt weird of how we structured our details. Honestly it wasn't that good and it wasn't the best instructions that we were expecting, many details in the paper were kinda scattered around and the details were not that clear for them so, at the end we failed, but! Don't worry we came up with pur new instructions that were upgraded by our own thoughts⏩⏩stay tuned for more!!!
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Journey of my life
Tap in the morning to you my fellow tumblr's
for this blog, i will talk about my journey of life in thailand from the start to where i am right now.
many of my friends, people even teachers tend to ask how did i grow up here in this country, well first of all, people always think that i'm half because of my thai communication skills, But actually i'm not, i'm pure filipino born in the philippines and use to live in the philippines
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(story time, don't you sleep! reading my story,lol just kidding)
I was born in a small city named zamboanga in the south of the philippines, growing up as a kid there was quite hard because, we weren't really that rich, we were kinda in the poor side, we were living in a big wooden house that my father and my uncles build, this house contained 13 lives living inside of it, 6 of my uncles, my father, my grandma and grandpa and four siblings inluding me as the youngest, my mother was already working abroad since i was little and after 7 years in the philippines me and my father moved to my mother's workplace which was thailand, at the 1st day of july 2010, we finally arrived here in thailand and i was so excited and nervous at the sametime, the first day we were living in the hotel to plan our way going to my mother's workplace which was in nakhorn sri thammarat, thungsong
(Here are some of my pictures during the first day in the hotel in thailand)
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we went straight to nakhorn by riding a train and started my first day of school in tantiwatra school near tesco lotus, you might think that i was happy there but the truth is its the oppisite side, you know why? Being the only Foreign child there was difficult, i can't find friends to talk with only some other foreign teachers that i usually hang out with, as the black sheep in the school i tend to get picked up by bullies and just try to survive every single day by avoiding all of their actions, after a while i coudn't stand all of the negativity that is happening to me so i talked to my parents and i moved to a catholic school named darunsuksa,i was quite happy being in a catholic school because im catholic and i was expecting to live a better life in this school, the first month of school was quite ok because no one really knew me back then and i could speak some thai basic sentences,i was an altair boy in the church near the school so everymorning i come to church and pray.
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after a few months i was getting targeted by bullies again and that made me so depressed and frustrated so tried to convined myself to be a new person, so all the problems that i faced was pushing me to learn more thai to prove that i'm not a sand bag that you can punch me everytime you want, 2 years after all the hard work that i've done i realized that i can speak read and write thai and it made me so happy that i got respected by the teachers who tought me thai and many other people, i started gaining trust to other kids forming a connection between new friends and friends that onced bullied me. After spending three years in darunsuksa i realized that i wanted to study in a standard school and one of them was thungsong school, it was so hard for me to past the test because of my knowledge in thai but what i did was exceeded my limits and studied more for my future and guessed what i past the test and got the top three highest score in the paper i was so shcoked and happy in the same time!! and i officialy studied in thungsong school in Eng gift program (here are some pics after i past the test)
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For my life in M1-M3 nothing really much happened because i already knew how to start a conversation and make new friends, but one thing i wanted to share was after i found out that i can speak 2 languages i started competing with other kids in other schools i competed a lot of competitions such as singning,impromptu speech,spelling bee,story telling and many more, my name was quite known back then because of my awards and my nationality,3 years in thungsong school made me happy i got lots and lots of precious memories during there, and after that i graduated and it was time to move on to another school.
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i moved into satreethungsong school with 4 more friends that had the same goal as me and they were tonnam,arm,lin and kin, right now i'm in the last year of my senoir level and i had many precious memories here in this school i just wanted to say thank you the past me that studied so hard and achieved something that i would never imagine. Now, for those who have problems in life i would like to say that try not to fear it but face it and make it as one of your responsibility that you need to do, those who give up with problems are losers but those who stand up and fight the problems are winners
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thank you for reading this blog and see you in the next blog peace
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Top in the morning to you my fellow tumblrs
Today i want to talk about a terrible incident that just happen earlier this day😥
The Beirut BLAST
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Earlier this day there was a large blast in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, killing at least 70 people and injured more than 4,000 ,the blast shocked the entire people in the area, dealing damage and creating a large mushroom cloud covering the sky, after blasting a huge ring of cloud passing through the skies.
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Before this happen, there were lots and lots of people had their cellphones up to capture the devastating blow before running away hiding from the blast of the cloud ring(the footage)
Videos show smoke blowing from a fire, then a mushroom cloud following the blast at the city's port. after sharing this on social media,many people were terrified and felt worried about the situation,when i saw the footage ,i just felt so afraid and confused about what started the explosion🥺 according to the news Officials are blaming highly explosive materials stored in a warehouse for six years.
ammonium nitrate was one of the reasons why the explosion were so highly dangerous
What is ammonium nitrate?
(source from bbc news)
Ammonium nitrate has a number of different uses, but the two most common are as an agricultural fertiliser and as an explosive.
It is highly explosive when it comes into contact with fire - and when it explodes, ammonium nitrate can release toxic gases including nitrogen oxides and ammonia gas.
Because it's so flammable there are strict rules on how to store ammonium nitrate safely - but among the requirements are that the storage site needs to be thoroughly fire-proofed, and there can't be any drains, pipes or other channels in which ammonium nitrate could build up, creating an additional explosion hazard.
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After prime minister Hassan diab the prime minister of lebanon's Posted this devastating explosion to social media asking other countries to help them in this situation.
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Many countries reacted to his call and simply jump to action sending tons of resources to lebanon and had a reply to the situation
(source from bbc news)
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted: "The pictures and videos from Beirut tonight are shocking. All of my thoughts and prayers are with those caught up in this terrible incident.
"The UK is ready to provide support in any way we can, including to those British nationals affected."
US President Donald Trump sent his deepest sympathies after what he called "a terrible attack", and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo offered assistance, tweeting: "We are monitoring and stand ready to assist the people of Lebanon as they recover from this horrible tragedy."
This are the samples of the replies of Us and Uk
Last but not least, i would like you guys to pray for Lebanon and the souls of people who died in the incident and pray for the safety for those who were caught up in the blast and got injured Amen.🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️
This is it for my blog, peace♥️✌️
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Do you like fantasy books? Well i do like them a lot and today i will talk about a magical book that can let you feel like your in the magical world of greek mythology!!
There are so many categories about magical and wondrous books such as fantastic beasts or harry potter but, have you ever heard of the book named Percy Jackson? If not then i really recommend you to read this book
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Well, this story was also created as a movie with 2 parts! But trust me, you will get more addictive if you read the original version in the series of books that Rick Riordan wrote, i was once a greek mythology lover♥️ so i went searching up for tons of tons of stories about greek mythology and stumbled upon a book named Percy Jackson the lightning thief. It really got my attention on reading the book so, i bought it and read the entire book spending about 2 days completing the whole chapter and it was just fantastic🤩🤩🌠
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This books just made me feel so excited,it made me feel like i was in the story, fighting mythical creatures and gods of the Olympians,many people that were not interested in greek mythology changed their taste after reading this books,the book contained a lot of flavours for the reader and tend to pit facts about greek mythology making people be more interested in the story.
The movie Percy Jackson even made the book more famous and almost got the top seller but got beaten by harry potter by that time,even though it wasn't the best seller the magical and wondrous story and flavour of this book still remains up until now and for those who are planning to buy or finding some magical story to read, it would definitely be one of this stories that you want to pick on
So that's it for today's blog see you next blog peace🙏🙏
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Konnichiwa Everybody
We are back with Mr juicyjude's blog!!!
Today i wanna talk about a very talented video/film editor and his name is
Benn Tk
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Benn tk is one of my inspirations in being a video/film editor.Every skills and effort that he puts on his video's are just insanely stunning and magical,it makes him like a wizard that uses programme effects as magic! He has over 476K subs and 91 cinematic video's of certain countries
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He travels around the world to make and create stunning travel videos,His video editing skills are highly professional and his work can also be seen us a perfect art by matching all features into one, his channel also teaches transitions and other very helpful tutorials that can improve your editing skills to a high new level, he has videos like behind the scene, showing how he works and cuts through every single videos that he has on plan (you can check out his videos)
Just the graphics can make you feel like your in a wonderland, My first ever video was the philippines travel video, after i watched his masterpiece it just kinda sparked my love on editing even more!!! So for those who seek to be better at editing videos like me make sure to check him out
(that's it for todays blog piece🙏🙏♥️)
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Kumusta ka my fellow tumblrs
Today i wanted to share you one of my favourite and most classic rapper in this generation🔥🔥
NF(Nathan feuerstein)
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He is one of my most favourite rappers,His songs and raps can actually tell his feelings through his music,Mostly his songs came out from his real life,spitting bars that are actual facts hit many people from the bottom of their hearts,time pass by and his rap songs got famous and climbed up to one of the best songs in the chart 2019-2020
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All of his songs were dedicated to let people know what he has been through his entire life,mostly the lyrics are trying to convinced people not to do the same mistakes as he did,spitting facts that truly relates to the situation of certain people almost made his album won the grammy,But there were a lot of rappers who were battling for the award too.
Nf is a christian rapper so not only can he rap but, he can sing as well,He was known for how his beat was manage,His beats are kinda Dark and full of emotions which not many rappers use those kind of beats and one thing that made Nf standout is he doesn't really rap about girls and other stuff that most of the rappers in this generation do.
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Overall Nf is one talented singer for those who want to check his music imma put one of his songs down below
That's it for today peace🙏🙏🙏
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Greetings my fellow tumblr's!!
Today's blog will be juicyjude's Worldwide News!!👏👏
Now before we hop into the actual news,hear me closely(i mean read this carefully)!
After you read the whole story about this news, don't go freaking out thinking that there will be an asteroid coming close to our earth!(well yeah,....i spoiled the whole news didn't I 🙄) yes! As you see
NASA found a massive asteroid Bigger than the london eye!!!(crazy right)!!
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Now, don't start thinking "OMG we are going to get extinct like the dinosaurs did OMG!!"
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No!! We are not getting perished! Nor getting extinct,Earth is not in danger(well might be a little😐) But don't you worry,because NASA had all the information we want to know and this are the informations(get your popcorn or phone or girlfriend or what ever you have ready!! Cause this might be longgg)
According to NASA
Two objects will fly by Earth this weekend, passing by safely despite suggestions that Nasa has warned they could pose a threat.The asteroids are classed as "potentially hazardous" by the space agency, but that is a relatively flexible definition that simply means they could cause problems at some point in the future(don't freak out please)Because the objects could come relatively close to Earth as they continue their journey, they are given the designation near-Earth objects, and "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" or PHAs. But it is important to note that the "potentially hazardous" part of that description is related to their journeys in the future, not this flyby, which will happen at a distance so safe that the objects will not be visible, let alone threatening.It will come within roughly 0.034 AU, or about five million kilometres, of Earth. That is much further away than the Moon, which is an average of 500,000 kilometres away.
(in case you want to know more just click this link🤩)
Sooo yeah... It might be a threat for us in the future but who knows,maybe in that time we might be dead already(just kidding) or the asteroid might fall into tiny squeeky pinky little pieces passing through earth if not, Then those who are still single like me, should find a soulmate when that time comes😂😂(just kidding again don't be serious🙏😂)
I'm telling this to you so that you can keep up things that are happening through out the world right now and be aware of the situations that are passing through our lives
So this is it for juicyJude's worldwide news
Hope you enjoyed it and take care,peace🙏🙏🎉
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Hi there fellow tumblr'
I'm juicyJude with todays juicy blogs!!👏👏♥️
Today i want to share an app that let's you sing whatever song you like and the name of the app is!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm a person that loves singing(i'm passionate in singing but no talent😂) but, for those out there that loves singing or has talent or trying to sing or finding a new community or what ever your reason is, i would recommend you to use this app because not only you can sing in this app you can alao improve your singing by joining with other people or real singers!! Like her
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Just hit the join button and walahh,you now have the chance to sing with other people
(Just so you know i'm not promoted by smule, even though i type like im promoted lol😂😂)
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You can also form a new community by joining singing groups and improving your singing skills!!
I have been using this app for quite a longtime and i love it!!! Singing what i wanna sing is so satisfying
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(this is my smule account )
And yeah no joke, if you are interested you can just go to appstore and download the app.
And that's it for todays blog seeyaaa
Ja ne♥️♥️🙏🙏
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
This movie will be released on October 23, 2020.
I have never watched this movie ,but after I listened to the soundtracks of this movie that makes me feel like..
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I want to share it for everyone to listen.
Song written by Korean artist,
Jungkook BTS.
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Jungkook composed the song after watching the movie’s video before the movie was completed.
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What he expressed is “the movie’s perspective of beautiful & deep love”
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This song is about believing that the future reflected in your eyes will be full of light. Although the world is full of cruelty.
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The song which is a love ballad composed by Jungkook is also BTS’ first OST throughout their career in any country.
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‘Your eyes tell’ is the first case in which an original song was written by a foreign artist as an OST of Japanese movie.
It was made possible because the offer was made when they were preparing for their new Japanese album.
I hope it's a good thing to make you happy.🍀
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Cr. GAGAIntl
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye
This is one of the most iconic intro's from youtube!
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Hi again my fellow earthlings,i mean brothers😂,back with another day another blog baby! Today i wanna talk about a person who inspired me to do youtube, "jacksepticeye"
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yeah...you might have heard him through youtube because he is one of the biggest brightest baddest best youtube star of all time.if you don't have an idea who he is you can check through youtube by his name!
(this is one of my favourite videos)
Trust me, even though you might not understand what is he saying, you will get addicted to his content😂
His voice and his energetic expression just doesn't make me feel bored at all. His content made me want to do youtube so badly that now, i am trying so hard to be like him😂
(this is my work btw)
The thing that i love about him is he cares about his fans and he is such a freaking humble person and his accent just makes me addicted to him (and his freakin badass). You don't believe me??
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(he's coooool bro)
He always makes me wanna do youtube stuff
And here's a little detail about him
Seán William McLoughlin (born 7 February 1990), better known as Jacksepticeye, is an Irish YouTuber, best known for his vlogs and comedic Let's Play series. As of May 2020, his channel has over 12 billion views and over 24 million subscribers, and is ranked the most-subscribed channel in Ireland.[3][4] McLoughlin has participated in fundraisers that have raised millions for charity.[5]
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And that's it for today see yaa♥️♥️
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mrjuicyjude · 4 years
Hola amigos~👋😁
Today,i wanted to share something interesting and helpful for those who need good editing softwares out there!(like seriously, helpful!🧐)
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This is adobe premiere pro, its a professional editing software that has a lot of features that can help improve your vids. Trust me its easy and simple.... Just don't forget to watch beginner guide videos for this program or you'll end up spending hours and hours like me..Bruhhh!
(here comes story time ma boy'z and girl'z) don't you dare sleep reading my story! (Just kidding) Recently,i just found this editing software few days ago and mannnn! First look of the software just made me feel hot like a pot brother!
Technically people tend to quit when they see too much stuff going on, and... Yeah, im one of those type of people😂 But, as the Competitve person i am, i started challenging myself to give it a try🙄, and the end result was me...ending up spending hours and hours trying to edit a single video for my youtube channel😑(link to my channel below😝). Finally i finished my work and started improving. After spending a total of 6 hours! I just found out that there were video guides for adobe premiere pro beginners🙄, and i was thinking that if i had just open a single guide video, and not rushing myself to self study this program so GDH, i would have saved a lot of time and made it more easier to make vids!! Lol
(one of my vids😝 love the support from ya'll♥️)
So yeah... This program is really a "must have" for those editors out there. The effects in this program is insanely well. This software can Really make a video editor like me Get freakin Hype up. Its instructions are highly good!
And trust me, if i can do it ya'll can literally do the samething
Peace out🦖✌️
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