mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
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*high-pitched screaming* aaAAAARTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Sharon would be SO insulted. She’s practically a grown-up, hardly a kitty, and not just any cat, because she’s a pretty purple genius mutant Hellion cat! So she’d probably knock over other breakable silly human things on purpose, then blame it on how uncoordinated she can be outside of her furform. Whoopsie-daisy! 
And Apocalypse would look really freaking angry over all the priceless artifacts destroyed:
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But then because she’s a kitty, he smiles and gives her fresh milk.
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Unfortunately for Sharon, she has a startling lack of fear, and would probably keep trying to piss him off. Juvenile insults, destruction of property, minor sabotage...if that didn’t work, she’d probably put her perfect memory and innocent affect to use and try some espionage. Sharon doesn’t hold grudges, though. She’d just want to piss him off in return for pissing her off and then call it even.
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
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Rachel looked up from her book and down at the cat-girl climbing the tree. She frowned at Sharon. “No, Sharon, don't—I don’t want you up here. Catseye two people can’t fit on this branch. Can’t I just finish this book? I’ll come play with you later…" 
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Sharon stopped---as a result of confusion rather than understanding or obedience---and dropped down to the ground. “But...” What was it with people and books? Haroun was busy with a book report, Marie-Ange was totally engrossed in a magazine (or really good at pretending she was), and everyone else was either busy or too mean to play with. Apparently learning to read made people boring. “Whyyy?”
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Pssh, Catseye doesn’t care about vases! Those are silly human things, because they’re so stupid, they cut flowers and then put them in water as if they didn’t already kill them. Like, come on humans, putting it in a shiny container doesn’t make them less doomed! And people complain about cats playing with their food! Dumb humans.
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“ Bad kitty. No catnip for you.”
Sharon would be SO insulted. She’s practically a grown-up, hardly a kitty, and not just any cat, because she’s a pretty purple genius mutant Hellion cat! So she’d probably knock over other breakable silly human things on purpose, then blame it on how uncoordinated she can be outside of her furform. Whoopsie-daisy! 
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Apocalypse thinks he’s a god, Sharon’s a cat and therefore also thinks she’s a god…could be pretty amusing, actually!
I can imagine him ranting the usual stuff about how he’s such an awesome badass compared to everyone…..and she knocks over a priceless vase older than he is.
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“ Not my mother’s vase!”
Pssh, Catseye doesn’t care about vases! Those are silly human things, because they’re so stupid, they cut flowers and then put them in water as if they didn’t already kill them. Like, come on humans, putting it in a shiny container doesn’t make them less doomed! And people complain about cats playing with their food! Dumb humans.
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Catseye is more cat than person—she IS sass…except she communicates it like a preschooler, so it doesn’t sound nearly as sassy as it does in her head. 
Well, he is a cat person, so her cat-ness isn’t something he’s going to be annoyed aout. In fact, it might make him like her, since he’s the crazy cat lady of mutants (headcannons. XD)
Apocalypse thinks he’s a god, Sharon’s a cat and therefore also thinks she’s a god...could be pretty amusing, actually!
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
encvgh :
{{ Please reblog this if you’re a mun who’s open for angst plotting. Death, pain, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, illness, misery, fighting, screaming, tears, hate, disgust, trauma, graphic gore, etc; I’m in need of threads. Thank you. }}
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Haven: "It looks like we're snowed in for the night."
[ Holiday Sentence Starters ]
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“Nooo!” Sharon whined. Crepuscular creatures that turned into a large, predatory animal should not have to be stuck indoors, especially in doors they didn’t want to be in in the first place. “No ‘snowed in’!”
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
She only knows what I told her about Emma as context for Death of X...particularly how Emma uses her diamond form to make herself physically safe, but sometimes so she doesn’t have to feel her emotions, but how it doesn’t allow her to use her telepathy, so sometimes she HAS to feel her emotions to get shit done but she does not cope well...how she tries to be in control of everything to make her less vulnerable and sometimes (usually) that backfires, how she seems to have some survivors guilt (not that she often admits to her feelings) and boundary issues, and my therapist was like HMM SOUNDS FAMILIAR DOESN’T IT? AND THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER YOU SAID? HOW INTERESTING while smirking, because I was trying NOT to talk about myself by talking about comics.
Ooc | So… today my therapist compared me to Emma Frost 😅 @thecorteztwins how bad of a sign is that? XD
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Ooc in tags
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Ooc | So... today my therapist compared me to Emma Frost 😅 @thecorteztwins how bad of a sign is that? XD
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
Winter/Holiday Sentence Meme
"Wow. That's. . . a lot of mistletoe!"
"Ha! Now you HAVE to kiss me!"
"I'm not kissing you. I don't care if it's tradition."
"Look, it's just a dumb tradition. You don't have to kiss me."
"It looks like we're snowed in for the night."
"Are you sure you're warm enough?"
"You're shivering."
"Do you wanna share a bed? Uh-- for warmth?
"That's all you're wearing?"
"You'll need more than a (insert an article of clothing) if you're going outside."
"C'mere. Let's get you warmed up."
"Kinda cozy, don't you think?"
"Sit by the fire for a bit. That might help."
"Don't lie to me, I see you shivering."
"Is that frostbite?"
"Holy shit, you're freezing!"
"Did you get me anything?"
"So. . .I got you a gift."
"Do you like your gift?"
"This is why I hate the holidays."
"I can't stand all this snow."
"We're going to freeze out here if we don't find shelter soon."
"You're not spending the holidays alone this year."
"Don't worry. I'm used to being alone for the holidays."
"Watch it, or you'll end up with snow down your pants."
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
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Cupcake climbed the tree. Actually I’m not even mad. That’s adorable.
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mutantfeline-blog · 7 years
🎨 Our muses make christmas crafts - snowflakes, snowmen and more!
[ Christmas/Winter Starters! ] The room was going to sparkle for years by the looks of it. According to the instructions on the children’s craft kit, only the styrofoam balls were supposed to be covered with glue and glitter, but somewhere along the way, Sharon decided it would be much more fun if they made snowballs instead of snowmen, and chucked a shimmery ball at Tess. The young mutant erupted with laughter as glitter floated through the air like snow.
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mutantfeline-blog · 8 years
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Sort of an addendum to the OC-love! These guys aren’t OCs, but they’re not exactly “popular” characters either, and I know what it’s like to have a lot of love for characters who don’t get much love! Madelyne Pryor aka Marvel Woman from the Mutant X universe for @redpryor! I don’t know much about this verse’s Maddy, but I love her in 616 and she seems to sadly not get a break here either, poor bab D: Adam Warlock for @monaluxsrpblog! Gazer/War for @xthe-fifth-horsemanx @gazeuponthefaceofwar! I didn’t know about him before but now I think he has my vote for cutest Horseman! Catseye for @mutantfeline @xemmafrostx @refusetheflames @formingdiamond Fun fact, before Shinobi, before the Acolytes, before everyone else, Catseye and the Hellions (but especially Catseye) were my super duper dead forgotten favorites! Phyla-Vell for @chaosmagicquasimessiah @evenanandr01dcancry I don’t know much about her but damn she has cute hair! Stryfe for @stryfegrey! I didn’t mean for him to come out looking at Raze, but whoops he did! Also I’m still not great at his hair. Raze for @brazendarkholme Hope his hair looks ok too! Maggot for @mutantmasterofmagnetism @profxisajerk @hexiva complete with slugs saying hi!
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mutantfeline-blog · 8 years
Death tw in the tags
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mutantfeline-blog · 8 years
Christmas/Winter Starters!
{ Might add more later. Enjoy for now! }
🎁 Our muses open presents together! 🎄 Our muses decorate a christmas tree together! 🏬 Our muses go christmas shopping! 🔪 Our muses choose and cut their own tree! 💃 Our muses go ice-skating! 🌁 Our muses play in the snow! 🍛 Our muses make a Christmas dinner together! 🍪 Our muses bake and decorate Christmas cookies! 👀 Our muses stay up waiting for santa! 🎅 One muse still believes in santa… how does the other handle it? 🔥 Our muses drink hotchocolate and cuddle next to the fireplace! 📺 Our muses watch Christmas films together! 🎨 Our muses make christmas crafts - snowflakes, snowmen and more! 🏠 Our muses decorate the outside of the house! 💰 Our muses go decortion shopping! 👪 Our muses go to the mall to sit on santas lap! 🎶 Our muses listen to christmas songs! 📥 Our muses sled down a hill! ⛺ Our muses make a gingerbread house! 🏂 Our muses go snowboarding! 🏡 Our muses assist at a homeless shelter on christmas! 👶 Our muses visit a childrens hospital and give gifts to kids! 🚙 Our muses drive/walk around to look at peoples xmas lights at night! 🎬 Our muses watch a christmas play together! 😱 Our muses get snowed into their house! 🍻 Our muses get drunk off of booze filled egg nog! 🐎 Our muses take a horse drawn sleigh ride! 👕 One muse forces the other to wear ugly, matching christmas sweaters! 🎼 Our muses go caroling! 🎊 muses attend a christmas party! 💏 Our muses meet under the mistletoe - Accidentally or on purpose is your choice!
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