nea-dot-im · 4 hours
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
When people say we should just "take a joke", they're missing the fact that jokes aren't homogeneous. There are different kinds of jokes, and the ones where characters on screen get a visceral puking reaction to the existence of trans people, or where the fact that someone is trans is both the setup and punchline, is not good jokes, they're just perpetuating the idea of us deserving ridicule and/or disgust.
We're not talking about actually good jokes, where someone who has a good understanding of the reality of being trans, and interacting with trans people, makes an accurate observation about trans people. We can, in these cases, even be the butt of the joke and it's still not the same as the first kind!
I know one joke about trans people where the punchline was that so many trans women pick the same names and it ended something like "Right? Emily, Ashley, [and like 2 others]?" and that's funny! That's an accurate observation that (in English speaking communities), those names are overrepresented among trans people, and it's kinda funny when you point it out, so we can laugh at ourselves with you! But our existence itself is not a joke, and shouldn't be treated as such!
When trans women are mocked and made into jokes in the media, I get very upset, and I am often told “Kay, you can’t go through life getting offended every time someone makes a joke.” And I sputter and object but they don’t hear me. So I want to be clear for once, about why the jokes make me angry.
I learned to hate myself for being transgender before I knew I was transgender. I laughed at the jokes in stand up comedy routines, and prime time sitcoms, and animated comedy shows, and in the movies, and in books, and in games, laughing at trans women for existing, about “men in dresses”, about people who “got their dicks chopped off”, and I learned to think that was worthy of ridicule.
And then a day came when I felt a pang of envy at what my female classmates were wearing and I repressed it, and felt guilty, and a day where I felt incomplete because I had no breasts and I repressed it and I felt disgusting And a day when I realized the only images of romance that made me feel anything showed two women together and I repressed it and I felt like a monster And a day when I realized I felt sick when I looked at myself in the mirror after every shower before work and couldn’t bear to look at my own face, and I hated myself. And then there came a day when I hated myself so much, and I thought I could never understand why, and so I just wanted it all to end. And it was just a miracle that I swerved my car back into my lane in time.
And all of it started with a joke that I heard on TV, and then kept hearing from all the voices from the ether, over and over and over, worming an idea into my mind before I was old enough to realize I was absorbing it, the idea that a man in a dress is funny, and that changing your body parts makes you a freak, and that women who have penises instead of vaginas are liars and hurt men. And they’re still making these jokes. And somewhere out there right now, just like all those years ago, there is a little girl in a t-shirt and cargo shorts with buzzed off hair watching the TV, hearing that joke and absorbing it without knowing it, who will someday have to pry herself apart to tear it out of her head, just like I did.
That is, if she doesn’t kill herself first.
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
this is stupid just take it
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
I'm sorry if I went back three months on your blog and liked a bunch of things. I promise it's not a weird horny/stalking thing, I just have extreme ADHD and you have Content
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
Wait, we're not? I'm doing all these HRT and psych evals and waiting for surgeries and whatnot... For nothing? What's the point if I can't just murder the staff at that restaurant that were slightly annoying me by being slow?! Smh my head
so trans people should just be allowed to murder whoever they want?
your brain could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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nea-dot-im · 4 hours
(me, my parents, my sister, and the baby are sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch)
baby, pointing at the light fixture over the table and signing "on": o.*
my sister: we actually can't turn that light on right now, because the lightbulb inside is burnt out! it needs a new one.
baby: ighbu.
sister: yes, lightbulb! granddaddy said after we eat he's going to climb up there on a ladder and change it, and then the light will come on!
baby: gadada! adda, uuu! ighbu o!
sister: exactly!
baby, signing "on" and pointing at the light and then my dad, with increasing urgency: GADADA ADDA UUUU. O.
my sister: we're going to finish eating first though, ok?
baby: nonono. O. gadada adda uuu.
[a split second goes by]
baby, pointing to himself: ba. adda uuu. ighbu.
me: you're going to climb the ladder and change the lightbulb yourself?
baby: dzyeah. *pointing to the buckle where he is buckled into the high chair* ububu.
me: unbuckle you? so you can change the lightbulb?
baby, highly businesslike: dzyeah.
*pronounced like "on" without the n
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
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Today the lake looked like a mirror!
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
why did no one tell me quantum computers looked like that
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
For me, you springboarded banjo frog into the stratosphere, and so I checked you out and then did a follow, idk
i feel bad for all the people who follow me that have to endure all my posts during the week just chewing at the walls waiting for the weekend to come so they can watch me get sad and intoxicated and maybe have that chance that i slip up and post some titty or coque or sumthin
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
If it helps, as far as I can tell, it's not that the saliva glands themselves suddenly gains a bunch of back pressure and spray out a stream of saliva.
What I understand is happening is that, as you go about your day, your saliva glands produce saliva in the same spot, under your tongue, and mouth/tongue movements throughout the day is what spreads this around, but you don't constantly waffle your tongue around all the time, so saliva tends to pool up, and then you swallow, or smack your lips or adjust your tongue or something and then it clears out the excess under your tongue.
Buut, that means for a lot of the day, you have these pools of saliva under the tongue, and depending on how your mouth is shaped, and how you move during a yawn, those pools can be enclosed by folding tongue and whatnot, and as you yawn and tens up more and more in your mouth muscles, increasing the pressure in the trapped saliva, it finally overcomes whatever closing force you can exert on the seam, and a small jet shoots out.
I think I've had this happen like once personally, but it's not the saliva glands themselves, but the pressure created by the tongue/cheek/jaw muscles!
Hey you know that really disturbing thing where you yawn and your salivary gland shoots a concentrated spray of saliva out of one of its horrid nozzles like you’re a venom spitting snake for some godawful reason
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nea-dot-im · 9 hours
So I read that tattoo article and like... The dad even went "his body, his choice". I hope that kid gets into some really intense bodymods. Sharpen teeth, elven ears, maybe even some horn implants and tattoos all over. Cause I feel petty, and I wanna spite the mother.
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the unholy trinity
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nea-dot-im · 10 hours
This makes me wonder what methodology was used to differentiate between "people who pretended to be trans" and "people who are trans but not in a way I'm personally familiar with"
Cuz, like, anon, the baseline premise is, as you kids put it these days, "sus"
thoughts on tiktokkers who pretend to be trans?
i am too poor to care about this
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nea-dot-im · 10 hours
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absolutely stellar
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