nemesisvoid · 8 months
Chapter 3: Closer
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Groaning and rolling over onto her left side Genevieve felt around, her eyes half-closed still, her hands searching around wildly, "Blanket..." she muttered still wanting to continue sleeping. Her green eyes opened slowly as she rolled over onto her back and realized she didn't feel the heavy green fabric anywhere near her. She sat up slowly and gave her eyes a moment to adjust to the daylight filtering into her bedroom. The blanket was still at the bottom left corner where her father had folded it neatly since her previous weekend with him. Sighing she figured she had never actually gotten into bed properly but passed out where she had dropped down and dozed off the evening prior, "How did I even sleep like that?" She wondered though mildly impressed she had lasted the night like that uncovered and not even waking once.
Remembering she had neglected to clean up her injured hand before she passed out, she glanced down at her left hand to notice she was no longer clutching the dark blue handkerchief and the wound had been cleaned and bandaged up. She rolled herself off the bed willing her still tired body to stand and made her way to the small desk she often drew & worked at. Her bag was no longer on the ground but sat on her chair. A solitary piece of paper was left for her on the desk, the black pen that had been used rested on the note. Her father's handwriting was scribbled across the page, "Gen, I came in to check on you and saw your hand. Cleaned it up and bandaged it as good as I could. I wanted to tuck you in but didn't want to wake you. Also I've got a shift today but I'll be home early. P.s I made you waffles. Love you".
Genevieve smiled at the word 'waffles' and folded the piece of paper in half to tuck it into a little box she kept all her notes from her father in. The still very exhausted girl stretched as big as she could and glanced around her room. Suddenly the memory of the golden-haired boy with the book tucked under his arm flashed in her mind. She winced a little out of embarrassment remembering the help from him she had received and how he had very much witnessed her impaling her hand with a carving tool, "Ugh I can't believe he saw me do that. There's only one way to forget about it all...I need a trip to the bookstore." She grinned to herself pleased with her own idea. After all it was a Saturday and she needed an excuse to get out of the house. She threw off her sweatshirt, grabbed her towel and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.
All showered, hair dried, breakfast had and dishes washed, Genevieve threw on an off-black t-shirt, blue baggy jeans and a pair of black socks. She finished the look with 4 silver rings and a plain black choker. Her dark hair was dried curly and a little wild but she preferred it that way. The vibe was a little emo, a little grungy; a completely different look to the day before. Grabbing the black backpack she had fished out of the closet and filled with the items she needed for the day, she noticed the handkerchief Jasper Cullen had handed her sat neatly folded on her little vanity, "Ah so that's where that went." Grabbing it she tucked it into one of the front pockets of her backpack and flung the bag onto her back, "Might as well carry it with me just in case".
Genevieve fished her phone out from the front pocket of her jeans and checked the time, "Shit, I have five minutes to catch the bus." With slight panic she flew down the small flight of stairs to the front door where she had flung off her boots and pulled them on before hurriedly heading out. Luckily the bus stop was just down the street.
Having successfully caught the bus she settled herself into a window seat and plopped on the pair of headphones she took everywhere with her, prepared to zone out until the bus got into town. Though she spent most of the trip focusing on the scenery the bus passed, her mind could not help but wander to the very awkward golden-haired boy every so often.
It wasn't long before Genevieve found herself surrounded by far more people inside the bus before it was finally her stop. She quickly disembarked from the bus and headed down the street to her favourite small bookshop; The Little Green Frog. It was probably the only place in town that sold books and yet had a certain charm to it that the bigger ones did not. Though quite small, the place had 2 floors. The first one held a tiny coffee bar so you could grab a drink and read your favourite book, while the second floor was mostly quieter and had the odd small divan scattered about between the aisles. Of course the second floor is where Genevieve found herself almost everytime she visited.
Slowly she browsed through the aisles not exactly sure what she came for but decided she would need to leave with new reading material. Stopping suddenly a dark brown book with gold foiled letters caught her attention causing her to grab it off the shelf. As she was lost in thought flipping through the hardcover in her hands, she felt someone silently slide up next to her. Never moving her gaze from the book, she took 2 steps away hoping the person would get the hint and move along elsewhere.
"Genevieve?", her name was called in a deep voice, a slight southern accent mixed in. The girl's eyed widened as she turned her head to face the person who spoke her name so casually; Jasper Cullen. "Oh good, just the person I did not want to see" she thought to herself. The very clearly annoyed girl could not help but give him a quick once-over; he wore a burgundy button-up shirt, black jeans and a simple though thin for the weather black jacket. His shoes were of course the same black boots she often saw him wearing around at school. The smallest of smiles tugged at the corner of his lips as he gave her a curt nod knowing full well he had made her uneasy with his sudden appearance, "I...am sorry if I startled you. I noticed you walk in and thought I would say hello..." he trailed off watching her expression and demeanor change from startled to 'I wish you would leave'.
She nodded in return, turning away as she remembered the day prior's embarrassment. Silence fell between them for a few moments as Jasper browsed through the shelves. "This is too fucking awkward, why did the Furby had to show up?" Genevieve thought to herself, regretting for the first time ever making a trip to get new books. From the corner of his eye, Jasper caught the stressed stiffening of her back and jaw, "Am I bothering you at all? You seem a little unnerved." Turning to face him once more, she flashed him the nicest smile she could muster up as she tucked the book she held under her arm as a 'I will be taking this home' gesture, "No...not at all. I just wasn't expecting to see you here today. Did you come for something specific?" "That's right, make light convo, maybe he will piss off quickly", she convinced herself mentally.
Taking but one step closer, Jasper nodded and fished out the very tattered copy of "The Outsiders" from his jacket pocket and held it out to the green-eyed girl. Instantly she realized it was the book he had tucked under his arm when he offered her the handkerchief. The sight of the familiar book caused her to give him a genuine smile as it was one of her favourites. A soft though irritated sigh escaped the pale boy's lips, "Unfortunately, I think I just about read and re-read the hell out of this thing til I just about killed it." Genevieve nodded in agreement, "You think? The pages would be flying about this place if you weren't clutching it so hard!" At the girl's very honest retort, the golden-haired boy chuckled and took a step back once again, "I suppose you do have a point. I was looking for a replacement, though I would like to keep this current copy but I'm afraid I am not very savvy at repairing these kinds of things."
The dark-haired girl's eyes lit up as she knew she could be of help though not completely sure why she suddenly wanted to have anything to do with the awkward boy, "Perhaps I could fix it. If you'd let me. I'm not at a professional level just yet but I can definitely rebind it and recover it for you...if you don't mind, as a thank you for helping me yesterday." Jasper stared at the clearly elated girl, her happiness almost coating the air around him, his still awkward and stiff demeanor relaxing a little as he felt her become far less uncomfortable around him, "I would very much appreciate that. Though if you wouldn't mind joining me downstairs, I'm sure you would prefer not to be standing forever as we talk." The sudden invitation took her off-guard to the point where she automatically nodded, feeling even calmer than she already was and followed him down the creaky wooden stairs.
As she stepped down from the last stair, Jasper held his arm out behind her back, though not touching her in case she stumbled or fell back. He led her between the patrons and few scattered about tables making sure to keep himself between her and anyone else; an almost protective gesture she had not experienced before. Genevieve glanced up quickly at him wondering what the hell he was even doing and why he was being so careful with her. Nodding to her as they reached his table, he pulled out her chair and urged her to sit. As she made herself comfortable, she watched him disappear for a moment and return with a small hot cocoa. "I'm unsure if this is to your taste but as it's a bit chilly out I thought a hot drink would be appropriate", he said setting down the steamy drink in front of her before claiming his own seat. Genevieve picked up the dark green mug and took a small sip of the hot liquid, savouring the sweet and almost creamy drink before turning her gaze to him, "Why do you talk like that? It's a bit weird you know."
The sudden question took Jasper by surprise, causing him to go quiet for a moment as he considered his manner of speaking, "I'm sorry if it's a bit awkward. I suppose it's because I'm a little old-fashioned." She laughed in response, "Dude you're like 17...". She caught a small tinge of amusement in his golden eyes before he nodded in agreement, "Old-fashioned 17 ma'am." He gave her a bigger smile this time nodding the way a southern gentleman would. He slid the very old copy of his book towards her, "Again I appreciate you doing this for me Genevieve, is there something I can offer in return?" She shook her head in response before she took another sip, "That's not necessary. You helped me yesterday and was kind enough to buy me a drink, I think that's more than enough."
Jasper nodded as he considered her words, "If you're sure..." and watched as she swung her backpack around to fish out his handkerchief from the small pocket it was tucked into and held it out to him, "I'm kinda glad I ran into you actually so I could return this." Reaching out, the golden-haired boy slipped his right hand under hers cupping the hand that held the handkerchief while his left hand reached out to gently take the folded up material from her to tuck it into his jacket pocket. Genevieve's eyes widened as she felt his icy fingertips on her skin for the second time in 2 days. Jasper flashed her a grin as he used both of his hands this time to lead hers to the still warm mug to cup it tightly, "You should be careful, your hands are very cold sweetheart". The girl stared still unsure what to say, her cheeks flushing pink at his words watching him stand up and push the book closer towards her, "Take all the time you need. And once again I appreciate the help. Of course I'd take you home but I do believe you aren't quite done browsing, so I will see you on Monday." Jasper gave her a curt nod before making his way out of the bookstore leaving a very dumbfounded girl cupping a still hot mug of cocoa.
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nemesisvoid · 10 months
Chapter 2: Furby looking-ass
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Genevieve slowly opened the door to the studio and popped her head in to peek into the room hoping the space wasn't already filled with other students. The room was empty. Yet another victory for the day. She smiled happily and made her way to her favourite work table near the windows at the front of the room; she hated when the room was crowded with other students. She liked her classmates but working without distractions and just her music playing in her ears was so much more relaxing.
She glanced outside while she absently felt around in her bag for her headphones, a few brown leaves flew past the windows, carried by the cool breeze that blew through the trees to rustle their branches. It was chilly out and somehow gloomier than it usually was. She didn't mind this kind of weather though, it meant she could wear her cosiest sweatshirts and boots: her preferred type of outfit.
Just as she placed the headphones over her ears the door swung open. Jasper strode in smoothly his arms clasped behind his back, his demeanor stiff as always. Genevieve forced herself to not roll her eyes in his direction, "What was he doing here?" She muttered to herself softly very much disappointed. She had never seen him in the studio before and he didn't seem like the artsy type to begin with. If anything she almost rarely saw him roaming about the school. He only ever showed up to classes and disappeared after.
From the corner of her eye she watched him glide smoothly, a little too smoothly for a human being, past her and towards the back of the room, keeping his gaze forward almost ignoring her presence. It was just as well as she wasn't interested in forcing herself to partake in small talk. The mildly annoyed girl sighed as she heard the scrape of the chair's legs against the floor indicating that her schoolmate was indeed going to be sticking around.
Genevieve let out another small sigh of defeat, "There goes my alone time" she thought to herself. She shrugged and decided it would be best to ignore him and to continue on with what she had planned on doing. Soon enough she'd be too into what she was doing to remember he was there. Standing up she made her way to a series of small lockers at the front of the class that housed the project she was working on. The school was kind enough to provide small lockers that the students could rent out while they worked on their pieces without having to worry about them being touched, stolen or destroyed.
Punching in the code on the small keypad, she unlocked the small metal door. Genevieve swung it open to reveal a few carving tools and three pink rubber carving blocks. She grabbed the materials and seated herself comfortably once again still trying her best to pretend the boy who sat at the back of the room was not there. Looking down at the pink rubbery block she took a deep breath and tried her best to focus on the music blaring into her ears. She hunched over slightly to get a better grip on the pink block and began to slowly carve at the cluster of trees she had previously drawn onto the rubbery material.
A few minutes passed of complete silence, only the faint sounds of music coming from the girl's headphones. Without warning a soccer ball flew into the air and slammed into the closed window to the girl's left. She heard the muffled gasps of the students messing around outside realizing they have kicked the ball too far and too high. Genevieve jumped, startled, the carving tool she was gripping slipped off the pink rubber block and embedded itself into her left palm. "Shit, fucking hell..." she cursed pulling the sharp tool out of her hand and tossed it away discarding it onto her desk to inspect her hand. As the blood pooled out from the wound she heard the scrape of the chair Jasper sat in. No movement; she assumed he had probably just pushed back his chair to make himself comfortable.
Genevieve looked back down at her bleeding hand, it shook a little from the sudden injury; her heartbeat quickened as she looked to her bag hoping she had a small packet of tissues on hand. Jasper stood up from his seat but stayed at his table, umoving. Suddenly the green-eyed girl felt a strange wave of calm take her over, her mind cleared almost instantly of all anxiety and annoyance. She glanced back down her hand as it steadied again. Her heartbeat slowed to a normal pace. Her attention shifted causing her to turn her head in the direction of the sound once again as she heard Jasper's chair back up out of the way as the honey blonde-haired boy made his way to her table, his steps were light though quick to her table.
Suddenly feeling his presence on her right side she glanced up slowly, tucking her injured hand at her side hoping he was just there to ask her the time or some other stupid question and would go away quickly. Yet again without saying a word he held out a dark blue neatly folded handkerchief to her. Genevieve stared at the blue cloth thrusted out at her and back up at the ever stoic boy mildly confused at his actions. She hesitated, leaning back slightly away from him to create some distance between them, "Uh...no thanks, I'm okay".
She stood up quickly, mildly uncomfortable and definitely embarrassed and tried to shove her belongings into her bag hurriedly to leave the room. Blood tainted her forest green bag and she handled the bag with both hands, causing splotches of dark spots on the canvas material. Jasper stiffened suddenly taking a step back away, his fingers closing in tightly around the handkerchief. Genevieve glanced up at him sensing his sudden unease, seeing the tattered book he had clearly been reading tucked under his left arm. For a moment as she regarded her odd classmate and his extremely tense stance, an image flashed into her mind; the furby she had been drawing. She pressed her lips together, "he looks just like that damn furby, does he ever blink?!" She thought to herself trying to keep her demeanor unchanged. As laughter threatened to slip from her lips, she forced her gaze elsewhere quickly deciding she would amend her drawing later to reflect the boy who stood near her. His golden eyes glossed however and she realized he was staring at the blood on her bag.
"He must hate the sight of blood, maybe even more than I do", she mused quietly to herself. Before she could say anything to distract him he leaned forward and grasped her uninjured hand, his fingertips icy on her warm skin, and placed the blue folded cloth into her palm. "You need it", he muttered softly before taking a few steps back, turning on his heels and almost hurrying out the door. Genevieve blinked confused, the coldness of his fingers still lingering on her skin. "Thank you!" she yelled out after him unsure if he had heard her.
Slinging her bag onto her shoulder, she dug around in it with her good hand to retrieve her phone. She glanced at the time; 3:05 PM the screen read. A text popped up from her mother at the same time which she was very much expecting. She read it out loud, "Sweetheart I'm outside". Genevieve grinned, "Right on time as usual mother". She flung the phone back into her bag and hurried out of the art studio almost as quickly as Jasper did.
Her steps were short and quick as she made her way towards the shiny black car parked out in front of the school. A tall, short-haired woman in a cherry blossom pink tailored suit and black red-bottom pumps was leaning against the vehicle, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited. She smiled as she spotted her child and removed the dark sunglasses covering her eyes and propped the eyewear on top of her head. Genevieve smiled widely, "How do you always get here exactly on time?" She asked impressed as always with her mother's punctuality.
Sliding into the driver's side of the car Genevieve's mother grinned handing the girl a clear packaged round crustless sandwhich, "Don't worry about that. I brought you a snack though because god knows when your father will feed you...". The woman trailed off, her hands slipping off the steering wheel as she noticed the handkerchief clutched in her child's left hand. "GENEVIEVE!" She shouted startling the girl, "What did you do?!" The smaller girl paused for a moment before speaking considering what would be the best answer, "Um it was an accident. I was carving out a new stamp, it's nothing major and I'll disinfect it when I get to dad's". Her mother sighed the car vibrating softly as she started it up and pulled out of the spot, "Sometimes I don't know what to do with you".
Genevieve smiled shifting in her seat making herself comfortable, "It'll be fine. You know I always get hurt somehow". Her mother sighed again taking a corner sharply though smoothly at the same time, "Yes I know Genevieve. But can you at least try not to lose any limbs this weekend at your father's? I'd like to pick up my kid unharmed." The curly-haired girl glanced at her mother and stuck her tongue out playfully, "No promises. I might lose all of them, who knows!" Her mother turned, speeding up and pulled up into a driveway, slamming on the brakes aggressively causing them both to lurch foward. "GENEVIEVE!", her mother yelled exasperated. She giggled enjoying antagonizing her mother slightly though feeling mildly dizzy from the sudden maneuvers, "I'm kidding I'll be careful. Extra careful even!" The suit-clad woman turned off the car and slid smoothly out of the vehicle to open her daughter's door, holding out a hand to help her out. Genevieve stepped out clutching her bag and unopened sandwhich.
The dark brown door of the house they pulled up to opened slowly to reveal a dark-haired man clad in a black tank top and dark blue basketball shorts. He held a stripey kitten under one arm while his free hand clutched a glass bong. "Gen! Ex-wifey!" He called out, a grin spreading across his face as he used the glass bong to wave happily. The girl's mother rolled her eyes at her ex-husband before turning her attention back to her daughter, "he's an idiot. Please tell your annoying father to make sure you're fed properly". It was Genevieve's turn to roll her eyes, "Please don't walk me to the house. You're just gonna end up telling dad to go fuck himself and dad will just reply 'been there done that'. Also I can feed myself y'know. Dad means well anyway." Her mother planted a quick kiss on her cheek agreeing with her child's statement before making her way back into the car, "Have fun!"
Genevieve threw back an awkward wave at her mother as she hurried into the house and kicked off her boots to the side of the entranceway. Her father grinned and smoothed down her hair affectionately; a gesture that was half head pat, "I missed you all week Gen". He grinned and made his way back to the livingroom to settle himself at his computer. He called back to her as she headed up the stairs to her room, "I have burgers sitting covered on the stove I grilled a little while ago if you're hungry!" Genevieve called back bounding up the stairs, "Maybe later." Dropping her bag onto the floor in her room, she threw herself onto her bed laying face down exhausted from the day, her left hand still clutching the blue folded cloth.
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nemesisvoid · 10 months
Chapter 1: Furby.
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"Huh? What's up?!" The short, curly-haired, green eyed girl's head snapped up at the sound of her name being called to see the familiar smirking face of her friend, "Oh! Emmy, when did you get here?"
The slightly shorter girl, dressed fully in black, leaned onto the desk beside the one Genevieve sat at, "Uh like a minute ago. You were so focused you didn't even see me walk up to you." She leaned forward a bit to peer at the page the other girl had covered with her arms instinctively, "Whatcha drawing?" She gestured at the opened sketchbook and the obscure sketch covering almost an entire page.
Genevieve stuck her tongue out at her friend and shoved the sketchbook and pencil case into her dark green messenger bag and stood up adjusting the almost equally green sweatshirt she wore, "Don't worry about it. Aaaand to be fair, you're really good at sneaking up on people ya spooky bitch."
Her friend smiled proudly, a grin spreading across her face as she followed behind her; a jingling sound emanating from all the chains and spikes on her outfit, "Yeeeah well you know I love to be stealthy, it's kind of my thing."
"Uh huh, I know. Are we going for lunch? I'm hungry and I could really kill for some mozzarella sticks right now." Her stomach growled lightly as if to back up her words.
Emmy slowed her pace causing Genevieve to turn around. She gave her a slight apologetic smile, the kind of smile that caused her favourite person in the world to realize she was about to be told something she wasn't going to like. "Uh about thaaat...I have to leave school early, I forgot to tell you about it yesterday. Sooo you're gonna be on your own for lunch today." She took a step back fully expecting to be smacked on the arm in response.
Genevieve's excited expression dropped and so did her bag's strap off her shoulder in disappointment, "Whyyy? I hope you know I'm gonna be sitting by myself. All sad and alone, putting mozzarella sticks into my face hole while sobbing." She tilted her head down sadly and hid a small grin hoping the guilt trip would work.
The shorter girl nodded looking mildly sad herself; the guilt trip indeed taking its effects, " I knooow, I'm sorry but it's just for today. I promise. Just try not to do anything I wouldn't okay? And if you're gonna do any crimes wait til tomorrow so I can help." She smiled and reached up to pat her on the head affectionately and gestured at Genevieve to go ahead to the cafeteria. "I'll see you tomorrow, love you", she called as she spun around on her heels and hurried towards the school's exit.
Genevieve half-pouted, half-glared as she watched her friend leave, "Love you too abandoner!" As she spun around now only semi-excited about her mozzarella sticks, someone brushed past her clearly in a hurry, his arm barely grazing hers but surprised her enough for her to stumble slightly.
A curt "sorry". Was all she heard but by the time she steadied herself the person was gone in a blur. "Ooookay?" She shrugged adjusting her bag's strap on her shoulder and made her way down the hall towards the cafeteria, "Maybe he really wants breaded cheese too" she mused.
Tray in hand Genevieve glanced around the wide open space littered with tables and the chattering the people who occupied them. The cafeteria itself was a very plain space; white walls and rounded simple light brown wood tables with metal legs, nothing too fancy. Finding a completely unoccupied table near the windows she made herself comfortable. She dropped her bag next to her on a vacant chair, her stomach growled almost in excitement. "Mmm, mozzarella sticks."
As she took her first bite, the Cullens appeared making their way into the cafeteria to claim their usual table. They were odd for sure. They never ate or drank anything, not that anyone ever questioned that. They always just sat with each other, never really interacting with anyone else unless they had to. Rosalie spent most of her time at Emmett's side cosied up to him and mostly clinging to his arm affectionately to show ownership. Edward was often barely seen anymore and if he was it was with Bella but today he had brought her along to sit with them all. Bella as per usual looked uncomfortable and somewhat confused but that could have just been her standard look.
Genevieve's eyes slid from each Cullen as she sipped slowly on the small carton of apple juice, looking them over with mild curiosity. The only person she had ever spoken to from that family was Edward; it was a group project in Physics class and they had shared only a few words though he seemed completely uninterested in speaking with any of his table mates. That was all well and good since she had no interest in befriending him. She had never spoken to Rosalie but that was just as well. She looked displeased to see Bella in that current moment but then when did she ever look approachable to begin with?
Genevieve's gaze stopped on the only Cullen who wasn't coupled off, Jasper. She had only seen him around a few times before the new school year started and she realized the severely awkward looking boy shared but a single class with her. He sat at the back of the class and usually had his arms crossed over his chest. Sometimes she wasn't sure if he even took notes or just sat there like a statue the entire time. He never really spoke to anyone and always seemed uncomfortable somehow. He sat stiffly only nodding somewhat when one of his siblings or Bella addressed him. "Weird guy", Genevieve whispered to herself gathering her things to leave. As she passed the Cullen's table that was just a few feet away, none of them paid her any mind but Jasper who had turned his head to the side to lock eyes with her. His gaze held a mild air of mischief but still unreadable. He stared at her blankly, however prompting a 'what do you want?' eyebrow raise in return from the girl.
Jasper kept his composure, his almost golden eyes following her as she returned her tray and dug through her bag muttering softly to herself, searching for something, unaware that she was being surveyed. He gave her a once-over; it was the first time he had really gotten the chance to look at her properly. She was small, had short black curly hair with the under layer bleached white and wore casual clothing in earth-toned colours. Today she wore a dark green sweater with little strawberries printed across the sleeves, a pair of dark brown shorts, patterned tights underneath and a pair of black boots. It suited her almost urban forest fairy vibe.
She let out a small "fuck yes" in triumph that caused a few people to glance up at her. She retrieved the sketchbook she had been rummaging through her bag for. Jasper watched as her green eyes lit up in victory; "cute..." he muttered, the slightest smile tugging at the right corner of his lips as he returned his attention to Emmett who was ranting about baseball as he usually did.
Heading out of the cafeteria, Genevieve turned around to glance back at the Cullens' table; they were all still there but Jasper. "For someone so awkward and stiff he sure is fast..." Shrugging and realizing her last period was free, she made her way to the little studio all the art-oriented students spent most of their time in when they weren't in classes.
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