norombinirumawas · 1 year
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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norombinirumawas · 4 years
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Hi, we meet again..
"Doain yang baik-baik ya Mba.."
#Farhan #29Ramadhan1441 #today
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norombinirumawas · 6 years
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Biei, Hokkaido
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norombinirumawas · 6 years
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Set to open in 2022, the Studio Ghibli park will be built on the Expo 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park in Nagakute city, near Nagoya in Japan’s Aichi Prefecture, according to the regional government.
Built to integrate with its surrounding natural environment, the theme park will expected to “become a one-of-a-kind park that is loved by everyone”.
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norombinirumawas · 6 years
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Thank you Isao Takahata for giving us wonderful stories and adventures.😢❤
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norombinirumawas · 6 years
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A Literal World Map
This is a map of the literal translations for the names of the world’s countries.
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
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Picture Book Library
Built in 2005, the Picture Book Museum gave the preschoolers of Iwaki, Fukushima, a space to call their own. Turned off by the shhh-ing atmosphere of traditional libraries, the Picture Book Library’s founder gave architect Tadao Ando free rein to create a space that would be inviting for children. His only order was to make sure the covers of the books were visible. The glass-walled and vibrant end result was celebrated as a new paradigm in educational spaces in Japan, and as an architectural masterpiece. Photos by Ken Lee 2010.
Images and text via
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
Teaching kindergarten is like being an ambassador to beings from another planet and teaching them how to assimilate to our culture. “No, we do not LICK water fountains. Perhaps that is acceptable on your planet, but here on earth we prefer to DRINK from water fountains.” “Physics might be a little different on your planet, but here when you throw things they typically fall and break.” “Grabbing people and shaking them violently is not considered a proper greeting on this planet.”
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
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Oklahoma: the first 24-hour #library vending machine in the US http://ebks.to/29yYJtX
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
The Power of I'tikaaf in Boosting Your Productivity
Over the last few months I’ve been reading and listening to a number of self-development experts talk about ways and means to improve human performance and get better at what you do. 
One of the recurring advice I keep hearing is to have a “personal retreat” at least once a year… they recommend to seclude yourself from society during this personal retreat and ask yourself basic questions, including:
1. What have I done so far in my life? 2. What would I like to achieve in my life? 3. How will I get there?
This advice reminded me of the powerful ritual of I'tikaaf that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us to do once every year during Ramadan.
We tend to think of I'tikaaf as a purely spiritual retreat that helps us do more acts of worship; but what if the key purpose of i'tikaaf was to help us disconnect from this world and all its distractions and ask ourselves tough questions that help us move forward in this life and the next.
If you’re serious about making I'tikaaf this year; then make it a transformative I'tikaaf experience by preparing properly for it and making the most of the time spiritually and personally so when you leave I'tikaaf, you leave a different and better person.
Here’s a video I shot couple years back on how to have a Productive I’tikaaf, hope you find it useful: http://proms.ly/1jzz2fr
Also, learn more about I’tikaaf here (http://proms.ly/1Kw1efs) and what to pack for I’tikaaf here (http://proms.ly/1HzPdU3).
Hope you’re finding these series useful during these last 10 nights..our goal is to motivate you and keep you going till the last day of Ramadan inshaAllah (& beyond!).
Sincerely, Mohammed Faris Founder & Chief Productivity Officer ProductiveMuslim.com ProductiveMuslimAcademy.com Author, The ProductiveMuslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity I tweet & Snapchat @AbuProductive
[Subscribe to our newsletter: http://productivemuslim.com/newsletter/]
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
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If you can just explain, what do you actually do for a living?
I’m an editor, and as editor I guess … I’m allowed to conduct in a way because I got this orchestra of different people doing different things as: somebody’s a writer/creator/ilustrator (bless their talent!), some people are doing the design part, somebody’s doing proofread, checking on every tiny details, and the list goes on and on. And I kind of overseeing, pulling in a person to do a bit more of this, a little less of that. So one level is that, and on the other level I guess it’s having an overview what we (publisher) are going to create, hopefully articulating that people so they can go on and do it.
The great reward is that I’m able to show my interest by the books, and that’s pretty much everything I love 💛
#nonfictionbooks #publisherslife #whatidoforaliving #editorrocks
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
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At one magical instant the page of a book – that string of confused, alien ciphers – shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; At that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader. ~ Alberto Manguel
All images by Steve McCurry
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norombinirumawas · 8 years
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baunya masih sama
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norombinirumawas · 9 years
Kalau Islam menawarkan peradaban yang paling unggul, semestinya setiap aspek dalam Islam adalah alternatif yang lebih baik dari yang bisa ditawarkan oleh peradaban lain. Kalau alternatif Islam memang lebih baik, harusnya kita bisa menang mudah dalam kompetisi ekonomi-sosial-politik-budaya-hukum-keamanan-teknologi. Sekarang faktanya, kita kalah telak di semua bidang. Jadi apanya yang salah? Rumusan peradaban yang ditawarkan Islam, ataukah rumusan peradaban yang kita tafsirkan sendiri dan kita sebut itu rumusan peradaban Islam? Atau apa?
(via yasirmukhtar)
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norombinirumawas · 9 years
ceritanya hari ayah nasional... :)
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norombinirumawas · 9 years
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Ceritanya sayang anak
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norombinirumawas · 9 years
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