oc-aita · 2 months
(AU/Fan character) [CW: Implied manipulation]
AITA for using my powers?
Hey, uh. For some much-needed context, I used to be just some average guy. But one day I was killed while live streaming myself playing this video game (which is a story for another day), and now I think my soul is trapped in the game. It sounds crazy, but one of the NPCs who I’ll call K (transfem, adult) told me that she also happened to die and got stuck in the game. Now I’m not saying that I doubted her…but I certainly believe her a lot more now that it happened to me.
Anyways, I wake up in the game and am understandably freaked out, especially because while I was playing, this weird virus thing called O (nonbinary, idk) antagonized everyone, and probably really dislikes me after I helped the characters kill them. If they had somehow survived, then I knew I was done for.
But they never showed up. And everything was going so well until I grew horns. And wings. And a tail….
I don’t know how it happened, but I think that I may have overridden O by accident, as I now bear a striking resemblance to them. I also have their powers, too. And as soon as I learnt this, I decided to use them for good and to improve the game world. I changed up some things, rewrote some code, you know. The works. But my NPC friends started looking more and more tense when I’m around. Some of them straight-up avoid me.
Wanting to get to the bottom of this, I track down K and ask her why everyone is acting so weird. She proceeds to yell at me, saying that “I’m making things worse” and “I’m just like O.” And I’m like, what the heck? I tried to explain to her that I was making the game a better place for everyone, and that I’m nothing like O, but K refused to listen to me.
She ran off and I understandably chased after her. I eventually lose K, and to make matters worse, that’s when I start hearing O’s voice in my head. But they didn’t sound malicious, nor condescending like they used to. They actually listened to me, and told me that K was acting irrationally.
They encouraged me to just ignore her and to continue changing the game, and they made some good points. How dare K say those things about me, and how dare everyone treat me like a monster? I helped her. I helped them all! And this is the thanks I get?
I think I’m going to listen to O. I mean, these are my powers now. I’d say I have the right to use them. I think everyone sees me as TA now. But what about you, internet? AITA?
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for agreeing to kidnap a friend?
For clarification, I'm not sure if we're 'friends'. But he seems pretty nice to me.
I, 24m, am part of an adventurer's guild. I joined to make friends, as well as... well it's not entirely important. I'm also what's colloquially known as a 'warlock'.
I was adopted at a young age by a devil, after my parents attempted a summoning ritual that went wrong. I have the ritual scars to prove it. He's nice, though- he raised me in his human guise, and he's always treated me like a son. Gave me magic to keep myself safe.
Last night, I was sleeping in the woods with my party, when my dad reached out to me in my dreams. He does that sometimes, it's normal. Especially because we've been apart for a while. He sat me down, and we talked. Turns out, one of the princes from... downstairs has a vested interest in one of my party members. Sort of a family reunion thing. I hate family reunions. But it's... I'm supposed to take him to the hells to reunite him with his father.
This is important. If I do this, if I succeed... I could get my soul back. I made my pact with my adoptive father when I was... four? Five? I was small, so I've never really remembered much of my life when I owned my own soul.
I guess I'm kind of desperate.
But the thing is, I know how it feels to have blood relatives want you when you don't want them. My adoptive father has us in hiding, because my birth family would hunt me down if they knew I survived the ritual. My friend says he lost everything as a child. I understand. I did too.
I took the deal. It's a physical mark on my body, now. I'm supposed to take him down to his dad before The Big Plans are fully set into motion. Not that I really know what those are, but... devils. I think I'm better off not knowing.
This is pretty much the only opportunity I have to get my soul back. To really own myself again. But... AITA for taking the deal, promising to kidnap my friend?
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for not telling my friends I'm nonverbal by choice and not by disability?
For context, I (23 F) am close friends with M (25 M) and J (22 M). I was subject to significant trauma at a young age and resorted to being nonverbal, and have just never gone back. I much prefer communicating through ASL/writing instead of talking, and I never have a need to tell people I can talk but just don't, so nobody knew until recent events.
My job is somewhat dangerous, being around robots that can easily kill a grown man in a few seconds if things go wrong. I often get scheduled to work with M and J, and we three became friends over our adrenaline-seeking love for the job. J even learned ASL just to communicate with me faster. The one night I was scheduled by myself was the night the robots were the most active- they start out slow at the beginning of the week and progressively get faster and faster to keep up as demand gets more intense. Anyways, I got injured/trapped by one of them, and was only saved when I used voice commands on my phone to call M and told him to come rescue me (the police in my area are notoriously bad/slow). I'm currently in the hospital recovering as I type this. J and M are both being awkward around me, admitting that they thought I couldn't talk at all and are upset I hid it from them for so long- J seems especially hurt because he learned ASL for me, genuinely believing I had no better way to communicate. I feel bad for 'leading them on' but I genuinely don't like talking even though I'm able to, so I'm a little conflicted.
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oc-aita · 2 months
Or like an oc-aita
Someone needs to make AITA for just d&d. Nobody cares about their dumb nerd drama. It’s literally not real. “AITA for killing an NPC in a video game” stfuuuuuuuuuuuu go outside
You sound like the school bully in an 80's movie lol
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for killing an employee and eating her corpse to stay alive?
We live in outer space, with five planets connected via orbiting a legendary space ship that acts like a big sun. One of these planets is inhabitated by cyborgs, robots and made entirely of metal. More then half the planet is used by this megacorp that owns businesses, schools, basically everything, and is lead by a council of old people.
Me (12F, Bunny Beastalien) and my family decided to visit and go shopping at one of their many buildings. The robots that act as security and such for the megacorp were unusually kind to me, making everything I wanted free. I was happy until I was knocked out near closing time.
I managed to wake up before they took me to their secret place. It turns out more then half of the robots were actually robotized: the old people in charge (who are religious) kidnap people who they think is worthy of their God's blessing, turn them into loyal robots, and wipe the memories of all their loved ones so they forget about their existence. I managed to escape from them temporarily, but the entire place was now on lockdown looking for me and stopping me from escaping.
For more then 3 weeks I was stuck in their walls, constantly trying to avoid all the guards while trying to find an exit. And you know, I got hungry. But when nearly everyone there is a robot, food is hard to come by
Nearly everyone.
There was this one human employee, an adult girl. She didn’t seem to know about the robotization that occured, and I think she thought she was just trying to find me and bring me back home. But they wanted to hurt me and I was so so hungry,,, Before I knew it I left at her, and before I knew it I felt my teeth go through her flesh.
I managed to escape shortly after purely through dumb luck, but it turns out that employee was actually the head security's secret wife, who's also a robot. Turns out that after being reconditioned so many times, he(????AdultM, Robot Lion Beastalien) was the only person he could trust and by killing and eating her, I had gotten rid of his only support system. So now he hates me and wants to kill me in a slow and painful manner
I know they were working for an evil capitalist business, but when they were programmed into doing so/had no idea what was going on, can I really say that she deserved to be eaten??? I managed to escape shortly after eating her, so I could've held on for a little longer and stolen some bakery stuff or something. My family had all their memories of me wiped, meaning that they disowned me and while I did manage to find sanctuary on a nearby meteor, we might be in danger from the business because we keep sabotaging their efforts and they're obviously mad. It wouldn't be a surprise if the lion guard came here just to kill me and avenge his secret wife, and would it be wrong of him??? I killed his only friend, after all. I did it to survive, but some part of me can't help but think I deserve whatever fate he wishes upon me
TLDR: AITA for killing an employee of an evil corporation who didn't know the corporation was evil, before eating her and running away, letting her secret robot husband see the body and fall into a downward spiral??
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oc-aita · 2 months
wibta for not telling my other half something i know that they dont?
to fully explain this, ill have to recount c (adult, x) and i (adult, x)'s history.
c and i started out as work freinds, they had been hired to work as a second assistant for the scientist i was working under at the time.
but then the scientist tested a prototype teleporter that wasnt ready to be tested on himself and c, ending in his death. c didnt seem to be effected at first, but c and i both fled in their car.
over the next few months, large patches of c's body were taken over by what i can only describe as static, and they slowly lost their memories of their life. it never effected their functionality or anything and stopped when the static stopped spreading, but they dont really remember who they were before.
c and i are also much closer now than we used to be, to the point where we think of ourselves as two halves of one person. this is why i worry.
i know something c doesnt, who they were before the teleporter incident. theyre happy, it doesnt really seem to occur to them that they were ever anything other than this half-existant static-thing, but i feel awful knowing something c, the other half of my soul, doesnt, and for all i know they could have family out there thats missing them!
so would i be the asshole?
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for lying about my identity?
I (transman, elf) am staying in a new city for the chance to join the adventurers’ guild here (it’s a long story). One night I was a little tipsy at the one of the local taverns and met this cute air genasi. We both got to talking, hit it off, and had a one night stand. We kept it cordial and parted ways in the morning.
The only thing is, I didn’t give him my real name. I didn’t think it was a big deal and I’d never see him again—except NOW we’re working together in this guild! It’s incredibly awkward as it turns out he lied about his name too and we’re both pretending it just didn’t happen. Should I have been honest? His monster-hunter friend keeps glaring at me!
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for killing my sister? (Drawn to Life ocs)
Back when I (H) was a little kid, I used to sneak out into the woods as my secret hideaway. I thought it was so cool, and I liked being on my own.
Eventually my younger sister (P) found out about my secret. And she blackmailed me into letting her join me on one of my trips in exchange for her not telling on our parents.
I took her to my hideout, and we had a great time. ...But here's where the asshole part starts. One of my favorite things to do was keep a journal on all the creatures that I came across. And that day P saw a creature I never seen before. It looked just like a living stuffed animal. We were both excited! I went to my journal right away and wrote what P described to me. And then it attacked P. I panicked and scared it away with a stick, but the creature completely knocked P out. I thought she died.
P eventually woke up, but she didn't remember what happened. Instead, all she could think of was making her own version of this doll creature. She thought I was crazy for being so hysterical about it.
When we returned home, neither of us said anything about where we were or what had happened to our parents. I was too upset, and P didn't understand what was wrong.
By the next day, P had made that doll. (Let's call it B) She apparently made it in the middle of the night. And it really freaked me out.
I kept trying to dismiss it, but I couldn't help but worry. I felt awful to the point where I couldn't sleep at night. It gave me nightmares. I wanted to tell my parents, but I didn't want to have to give up my hideout. It sounds so stupid in hindsight, but it was a big comfort for me back then and I didn't want it to go away forever. I wasn't even sure if they'd believe me.
After a few months, I had enough and decided that I would tell them everything. But first I wanted to make a final trip alone to my hideout as a goodbye.
P tried to join me and bring B with her, but when I refused it started a big argument. When I tried to explain what happened to her, she didn't believe me. She accused me of being jealous of B, since B was her new best friend. And to be honest, she was right. I was jealous. P also threatened to tell our parents about the hideout, but I didn't care anymore. She called me stupid before I left without them. That was the last time I saw her.
I was so upset by the time I got to the hideout, that I tried to destroy it. After I calmed down, I realized that there was something wrong. I saw a wall of darkness rushing toward me, and I ran. When it stopped, I was trapped in the woods. Luckily for me, I was raised by the creatures that lived there. But it wasn't until about a decade when the darkness went away and I could return home.
I've snuck to my old home, but the village I lived in took a lot of damage from the darkness. My old house was empty, and I couldn't find my family anywhere. I was scared that they all died.
I didn't have a clue what happened to any of them until I saw B in the woods. At first I thought it was a hallucination, as I was tired, hungry, and depressed. But it was really B! Or should I say P? It turned out that B was draining P's energy the whole time. And once B gained enough energy to come to life, he killed her and absorbed her soul! And for whatever reason, seeing me made P gain control over B's body?
It was so nice to see my sister again, even if B still scares me. But I've always felt guilty for P getting attacked all those years ago. And knowing that it led to her death makes me feel like it was all my fault. But P says otherwise.
So, aita?
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for lashing out at versions of my friends from another universe?
Wuzzup. I’m W (Trans male, adult), and a long time ago I came across a cool underground area while exploring. It looked like a cave, but it had furniture and stuff. Anyways, in the corner of the cave is this neat-looking chair. I can’t tell you why, but at that moment I had a very strong urge to sit in it. So I do just that, when I find myself unable to get up from the chair. ‘No worries!’ I think. ‘My friends will notice that I’m missing. They’ll come for me eventually!’ And so I begin waiting. And I wait. And I wait some more. You get the point. I did a lot of waiting, and they never did come.
After an unknown amount of time, I get approached by a creature who introduces itself as C (No idea. Potentially female?, adult.) C says that it can free me, but at a cost. By that point I had grown desperate, so I accepted without hesitation. True to their word, C freed me from the chair. But as soon as I got to the surface, I started burning. Apparently C gave me some cool powers as well, but at the cost that I would now burn when exposed to bright light.
So I retreat into the woods, just kinda wandering around and wondering what the heck I was going to do next. But then I start hearing these voices that sounded awfully familiar. Following the noise, I come across my friends. They were talking to some strangers I didn’t recognize, but that didn’t matter. I was beyond angry that they hadn’t looked for me when I went missing. I attack them, but the strangers quickly learn about my light weakness and gain the upper hand by covering me in multiple flashlight beams.
I yell at them all, and that’s when my ‘friends’ told me that they’re actually from a different dimension, and that they had no idea where my real friends are. I reluctantly follow my ‘friends’ back to their base after I told them that I had nowhere else to go (they’re surprisingly forgiving), and have been living with them ever since. A part of me wonders if I should have just talked to them first, but how was I supposed to know that they weren’t *my* friends? AITA?
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oc-aita · 2 months
Uuuuh I accidentally posted an AITA that was sent as a submission trying to add the polls (muscle memory) and I deleted it as an impulse, so when the inbox open please send it again as an ask--- sorry
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oc-aita · 2 months
am i the asshole for threatening to break a guy's mask until he tells me where my friend is?
my friends (notably L (F, 25)) and i (F, 23) are really into urban legends and exploration. our favorite activity is to track down old mythic buildings in whatever city we're couch-surfing in and explore them. recently, we crashed in L's hometown, and she was really excited to explore her hometown's urban legends - notably, a club named harry's house.
i should establish. harry's house does not exist, at least legally. i looked on the google maps to see if we could locate it and it does not exist, but L was insistent that not only it existed, she'd been barred from entry because when she found it, she was sixteen, and not allowed to drink yet. the urban legend goes that you find it if you're searching for it, and if you're lucky, you walk out from the greatest party of your life. people go missing on occasion, though, and it's usually tied to a quest for this club or whatever it is.
L and i got into a fight, our friends were on my side, and she stormed off to prove it to us all. we all figured she'd come back in a few hours, humiliated and embarassed, and we'd comfort her about it bc we're not awful. except around 10 pm, she sent a picture of harry's place. she dropped a pin in a seedy area of town, sent another pic inside, and then dropped off the map. we were calling her for hours, and around 12:49 am, she picked up. but something was seriously wrong with her.
she was snappy and rude, yelling that she was in the middle of the greatest party ever. one of our other friends demanded proof, and she turned on video. the lights were hellish, but we could vaguely see her face, and it looked like it was sagging or something. when she told us to get over here, her mouth wasn't moving quite right. then she hung up, and the next time we called (literally the second she hung up), her number wasn't in service anymore.
so today we went to go look for her at the location and - get this - we found the place. it looked a lot seedier in the daytime, and when we went in, there were only two people inside. some woman, and a guy behind the bar in a freaky comedia mask. i asked about L's wherabouts, and the woman said she didn't know. the man also said the same, but we weren't about to believe that. i kept insisting L was here and showing the pictures, and the man kept saying he cleared the bar at four am. no one would've been left behind.
the cryptic little bastard just wouldn't answer our questions, so i threatened to break his mask unless he answered us, and at that point, the woman threw us all out. now my friends are angry because we needed his cooperation to find L. so am i the asshole?
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oc-aita · 2 months
AITA for not wanting to reconnect with family members?
I (24NB - they/them) grew up in a cult. Yeah, shocking, but not the point. I escaped the cult when I was 17 and haven't looked back. I won't go into all the details of how I got on my feet but some important details are I've medically and legally transitioned (I changed my first, middle, and last names and legal gender) and I'm in a band with three of my friends (all 20s, they're only mentioned so initials and genders aren't important). I assumed that even if I did see any family members again, they wouldn't recognize me, which was fine by me.
However, I know now that at least two of my family members have also escaped the cult, and one is actively looking to reconnect with me. I'll get into the second one later, but let's call the one who's trying to reconnect L (22F).
L and I were never particularly close. Our family was huge (I have 5 uncles and 4 aunts excluding those who married into the family, at least 2 dozen cousins from those blood relatives, again excluding distant relations) and while we got along well when we did interact, we never got enough one-on-one time to develop a close friendship. Almost all our interactions were in crowds of family members. In short, I have nothing against her, I just don't really care about her the same way no one really cares about any other stranger they pass on the street, y'know?
But L doesn't seem to feel the same way, since she found out my new name and my band somehow, and has come to some of our shows trying to talk to me. I always got out of it, but when she couldn't talk to me in person she decided to DM me on social media. That's when she told me about our other family member who escaped, T (24FtM).
T is an even more distant relation than L. Like really distant. He's my aunt's husband's brother's wife's sister's child (I think). That sort of distant. I've definitely met him a few times, but if I don't care about L, a direct cousin I hung out with semi-frequently as a child, then I definitely don't care about T, who I only ever saw during holidays, weddings, family gatherings, etc.
T has not reached out to me online or tried to find me in person, but according to L he's also interested in reconnecting with me. I haven't responded to L's DM since I really don't know what to say, and don't want to give her false hope if I decide not to reconnect.
On one hand, I feel bad for leaving them hanging. I can imagine how they'd want to hold on to any family they could, and I feel like a dick for just not replying to L. However, I don't think it's wrong to want to leave that whole chapter of my life in the past, especially because these are more distant relatives who I don't feel any strong connection to. Additionally, none of my friends know much about my childhood or my pre-transition self other than I'm no-contact with my family because of issues in my childhood and what my AGAB was since they helped me transition, and I don't want L and T to come into my life bringing up information I don't want to share.
Also, as a note, L is not harassing me or anything. It's not like I get to blacklist people from my band's shows, and she hasn't pressured me to DM her back. If you think she's an asshole for something else, fine, but she's not an asshole for trying to talk to me.
So, what do you think tumblr?
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oc-aita · 3 months
closing the inbox until i get my current shit (finals) together
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oc-aita · 3 months
[CW alcohol, implied substance abuse]
WIBTA for telling the captain she is not doing very well?
I (40sM) am the navigator on a sailing ship. We mostly tow cargo, but it's not really for the money. Our ship's mage (20sM) is incredibly wealthy, and has paid for all of us to live the rest of our lives comfortably.
The captain (30sF) is known for being strict but fair. Our crew is small and tight-knit (only about 8 people), so we each work very hard to have the ship running properly. Lately, though, our captain has been staying out late drinking. Alone, most days, although the cook (30sM) and his fiancee the armourer (30sF) join her. I would not normally be concerned about such things. She may drink as much as she likes, as long as it doesn't affect her work.
But, unfortunately, it has been affecting her work. She has been giving sloppier orders lately, and the whole crew has suffered for it. For example, there was an incident in which the mage was told to burn a package, and he did, unknowing that is contained several hundred gold's worth of valuable navigation instruments that I had ordered. The mage bought new ones, but it was a few weeks' setback.
I have conferred with the others about it, and we agree it's become worth addressing, but I am worried that she would take it as an insult.
Would bringing it up directly be rude? If so, how can we tactfully address the issue?
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oc-aita · 3 months
The “AITA for doing the right thing for the wrong reasons? (TIME SENSITIVE)” ask is for a fan character!
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oc-aita · 3 months
AITA for doing the right thing for the wrong reasons? (TIME SENSITIVE)
hi sorry for typos i’m tryping this while having a mental break in my dead friend’s bedroom in the middle of the night while my alive friend is asleep but!! my evil evil dad gave us till february 3rd to settle this so i don’t have much time
none of you will know this cause he’s been real sneaky about it but this year my (M16) dad (M36) took over reality and insterstated his own cringe utopia over it. he brought dead ppl back to life (not my dead friend tho) amd he brainwashed every bad person into being a good person, he abolished the prison system and made gay marriage legal and now the economy’s real good ig??? (idk anything about the economy but ok) everywhere you go there’s happy ppl everywhere and it creeps me out
ugh i’m doing such a crappy job at explaining why this is a bad thing. i SWEAR he’s doing it to spite me cause he knows no one will ever believe me fml
we just found out he literally brainwashed my alive friend (ig i’m calling her that now. F16) into thinking she was my dead friend (her twin sister) so she pretended to be her for a YEAR cause he thought that would make her “happy” i guess?? i’m telling you he’s CRAZY. sorry that word stimatagzes mental illness. i mean he’s seriously bonker balls.
you HAVE to trust me. this man has been living wth me for fifteen years and he doesn’t even know what’s good for ME so how would he know what’s good for the world?
so my friends and i agreed to fight him so everything goes back to normal. and they all made such good points talking abt why this is important to them, cause they want freedom to learn and grow and decide their own futures, and they don’t wanna forget the work they did to get where they are now and obvs i agree w all of that stuff but i feel so stupid cause this is my dad and idk--
he already abandoned my mom and now he’s abandoning me too? he even made my friends’ wishes come true but he didn’t do anything for me. i’m his son but i’m like the only person in the world whose happiness he doesn’t care about. idk what did i ever do to him. i hate him so much dad if you’re reading this i hate you no matter what happens
wow it’s embarrassing. everyone’s got these grand ideological reasons to fight him but all i can think about is how i don’t wanna be the child who has to suffer so everyone else gets to be happy. the only one who’s as pissed as i am is this guy who’s llike our team’s sasuke who is infamous for wanting to kill many dads (M18) and he says we should kill my dad. but obviously i don’t wanna do that. i did all of this so i wouldn’t have to lose family ever again and now i’m feel like i’n abpt to lose him forever. i know things can get better for us but we’ll nevr have the chance if he dies yknow?
anyways i always had such a hard time controlling my emotions and i’m scared i’m letting my emotions get the best of me again cause if i really cared abt this i’d be willing to do whatever it takes to make things right yknow? but i don’t want my dad to die. so maybe i AM being selfish. maybe ppl really ARE happy and i’m just being paranoid and irrational like everyone said i was. maybe we should be putting this up to a vote, idk
please give it to me straight (cause i’m not!!!! LMAO),
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oc-aita · 3 months
AITA for not doing anything after my boyfriend went dark?
My bf and I have been together for 5 or 6 years and we have been living in different states, but it is not a purely online relationship; we have lived together and planned to move in together soon. Over a month ago he stopped appearing online and hasn't talked to any other friends or posted anything, which is unusual. It has never happened for more than a day in all the time I've known him, and he had formed major plans that just got abandoned because of his absence.
I don't know the reason for this but I have one lead. Our relationship has been deteriorating and he isn't a stranger to expressing depression and suicidal thoughts, so I wonder if he is isolating himself because of that. I don't believe he has actually tried to harm himself because I think someone would've contacted me if so, but I wouldn't be surprised if his mental health was extremely bad. To add to this theory, the last conversation we had involved him apologizing to me about something really shameful that he did.
Besides that, I guess the only other two reasons I can think of would be if he got hospitalized or in trouble with the law.
I haven't really tried to reach out to him or anyone who lives closer to him about why he disappeared. The truth is, he was very abusive to me throughout our relationship (verbally, physically, sexually) and him being gone has given me the opportunity to be free without needing to confront him about breaking up; I've felt trapped and unsure how to leave and it's just solved now.
But I wonder if it's wrong of me to not report this unusual disappearance to anyone, like maybe his family, given my knowledge of his mental health issues (which they mostly don't know about, at least not to the extent I do). I don't know if he's fine and I'm just being paranoid and stuck in the mentality that I need to cater to his every need by worrying about it, or if I'm being overly hard hearted by not doing anything and potentially leaving his life at risk. He was absolutely abusive but I don't want anyone to die because I was negligent.
But also, since I've now gotten to spend time away from him and gain confidence, I know I definitely don't want to be together anymore so it seems weird to reach out to his family when I want him out of my life.
Is it wrong of me to not do anything and just move on with my life?
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