oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Found a lil story I wrote about Licken and wanted to share it here too.
This is just a story about how I imagine a exploration day of by beckett, Licken. It was meant to be short, but it has gotten longer.
The Adventures And Misadventures Of Licken, A Young Beckett
A Long Journey Starts
It was a great morning: the sun was shinning, no clouds were to be seen and weather was neither too hot nor too cold. Licken jumped from his nest and rushed to eat his breakfast. “Chocolate cirses, yum. What a great way to start a day,” he thought. “It’s a perfect day to explore the island” And so he begun his journey to the island.
Licken crossed the General Headquarters and hopped through all the HQ gardens. He was near the grand gate when he suddenly stopped: something was blocking the way! He hid behind some bushes to study the situation. ‘The thing’ stood still in front of the gate. It didn’t seem to be any way go pass ‘it’. But Licken wasn’t any beckett, for sure he would think out something to continue his journey. While he was immersed in his ruminations a corko appeared. Licken peeked from the security of his hideout. “Hi, little corko. You going exploring?” Wait… ‘The thing’ could talk? “That big brown thing seems familiar,” thought Licken. “Where have I seen it before” “Be careful. Have save trip,” bade farewell ‘the thing’ to the corko. Seen Licken that the path was clear he scurried through the gate. Once outside he hid in another bush until ‘the thing’ returned to the gardens. “Phew, that was a close one. Better continue my journey before it gets to late. I don’t want to miss dinner”
“A crossroad! I remember it. I have to turn to the right!”
“Well, it seems that you don’t remember the path” told him a crilasm. “Of course I remember! This are the eastern plains.” “No,” sighed the crilasm. “This is the burrow, Licken. To get to the island you have to turn to the left in the crossroad” “How do you know my name?” Licken suddenly felt scared. “You always end up lost when you go exploring. You are well known by all the companions around here” “Oh, that’s great! Bye, I’m in a hurry!” The crilasm shook their head and sighed again.
The island! A paradise for companions who look for treasures! Everyone knew that some of the most wanted items were only found there, and Licken was determined to find them all. But first he had to get down there. If only he remembered how he had done it the previous times… It sure wasn’t with that rope. Yeah, pretty sure it wasn’t with the rope. “Wait a minute! It was with the bench! Yeah, the bench!” he exclaimed, remembering. “With the bench tied to… the rope” After figuring out how the cable cart worked, he launched himself onto the island.
“Finally I’m here! To find all the treasures!” he exclaimed.
To Explore The Island!
Licken had just arrived to the island and was determined to find all the treasures hidden there. He started looking near the cliff but, having only found some sugar clouds, he decided to go further inside. He would find a worthy treasure for sure!
“Something shiny… A treasure!” he yelled dashing to the origin of the glint.
A few moments later he somehow found himself laying in the ground. He wasn’t hurt, just a bit confused. Not knowing what had happened to him, he hid in some bushes. Some time passed and nothing happened, so Licken ran again towards the glimmer. And also again he found himself laying on the ground. He hid in the bushes and waited. When he saw that nothing happened, he charged towards the glitter. This process was repeated a few times before a lonely cloud covered the sun and the shimmer disappeared. Licken forgot about it and continued searching for items, a lot hungrier now.
After going all around the island one time and a half he decided to stop and have lunch. But what a dismay: he had forgotten the food at home! “What am I going to eat now?” he cried. “Oh! I saw some food before. Maybe it’s still there!” He was right: the sugar clouds were there. The only problem was that a jipinku was trying to steal his food! He had to do something about that! Protected by some bushes he started clucking and stomping as loud as he could. Alarmed, the jipinku ran away, leaving behind the food. Licken clucked wickedly: the food was his! He took the sugar clouds into a bush and started eating them. At first he thought they were really good, then his stomach started to ache: becketts aren’t supposed to eat pure sugar. Not feeling well, he decided to go for a walk and to never eat those pink poisonous things again.
Wandering through the island he realized something really interesting: most of the companions could find their food exploring, but not him, his food was only found at the shop. He really was a gourmet! Immersed in his thread of thought, he fell into a hole he hadn’t noticed. “THE GROUND IS FALLING DOWN!” he yelled. “No, it isn’t” a voice said calmly, with a hint of laughter. “YES, IT IS!” continued yelling Licken. “I’m absolutely sure it isn’t.” The laughter in the voice was more notable. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE! WE HAVE TO WARN THE GUARD OF EL! EVERYONE IS IN DANGER!” “Sure, whatever” laughed the voice, leaving. “WAIT! WE HAVE TO… Oh… I’m just in a hole…” Licken was too embarrassed to move. What if that voice was still up there? It would laugh at him, and there were no bushes near to hide in.
The Perfect Treasure
Getting out of the hole Licken had fallen in wasn’t easy. He had tried quite a few times after he had ensured that the ‘voice’ wasn’t near. Licken was starting to get tired, but if he is something, it’s perseverant. After an hour more or less he had perfected a climbing method based in gripping a root with his beak and slowly climb the wall of the hole sticking his talons into the earth. When he finally got out of the hole he searched for some bushes and had a nap.
A light in his eyes woke Licken up. “The treasure!” he remembered. And so, he dashed towards the glint coming from behind the bushes. And yet again he found himself laying in the floor, unharmed but really confused. Before he could return to the safety of the bushes, a sound made him freeze. “Ummmm…” Licken didn’t dare to move. “So it was you…” Licken turned around, trembling in fear. “Little beckett… Why were you bumping into my shell?” An old boltue was in front of him, her tired eyes oozing wisdom. “The… the… treasure…” stuttered Licken. “Oh… So that was it… You thought my shiny shell was a treasure…” said the boltue slowly. “What an imagination you have, little one…” Hearing that calmed the beckett, but he wasn’t quite sure how to act near a legendary companion. “Sorry, ma’am,” apologized Licken. “It was nothing, little one… I am glad you were not harmed…” “What are you doing here, ma’am? I thought boltues lived… Well, not here.” “Who knows, little one… I am on a long, long peregrination around the world…” “Long? The world isn’t so big, is it?” “Bye, little one… We both have things to do…” As the boltue walked away, Licken suddenly remembered he had to find something before dinner time and started running in circles, looking for some treasures.
“Feathers, feathers and more feathers,” sighted Licken. “Why can I find a real treasure?” Some socks, skirts and tops were scattered through all the area, but he wasn’t interested them. A real treasure had to have real bright colors, and none of them was all that bright. “Finding something interesting?” a voice said, barely managing not to burst in laughter. Licken jumped into a bush and looked around. There was nobody near, who could have been? He was going to do a tactical retreat when he saw it. Laying below his feet was.. the best treasure ever! He hadn’t seen something so bright and shiny in a long time. Licken bounced in joy: he had found the perfect treasure. And there was still time till dinner.
A homonculus busrt into laughter, but Licken didn’t hear that. He was already dashing towards the cable cart to get home as soon as possible. Somehow he managed to get to the headquarters without more incidents. He left the found item on her guardian’s, went to have some chocolate cirses for dinner and went to bed. It had been a great day.
The guardian’s expression was priceless when got home and saw the item Licken has brought. “Why? Why does he keeps bringing these bottoms? I have a ton of them! Aren’t there any more items that he can bring from that island?”
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Hi, there!
I left Eldarya a while ago, but I'm still pretty proud of this interactive story I made. It's probably still in the forums, but I wanted to post it here too.
Hope you have as much fun playing with it as I did making it!
You finally found it. You can’t believe what is in front of you. Everyone thought it was just a legend. But there it is: the infinite mountain of food! A pile that creates your favorite food and never runs out. The dream of every companion. And there you are, in front of it, trying to decide if this a dream or not.
After a while, seeing that it hasn’t disappeared, you decide that it’s real. You run up and jump towards the pile. You are about to land in the pile when a light shines on your eyes. You blink and yawn. Looking around you can’t find the pile. It has disappeared! You stand up and realize all was just a dream. The sun has just risen and it’s shinning through the window. It’s really early, but you should really start exploring for items if you want to find something good.
If you decide to out exploring, go to page 3
If you decide to stay in bed, go to page 2
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
You place the inkwell and wait until the wild poulpatata from the depths comes near. The poulpatata touches the bait and starts playing with the ink in it. You throw them a net and the poulpatata gets into it’s egg. You’ve successfully captured a companion!
You arrive home when the sun is rising, and throw the egg onto your sleeping guardian. They wake up, startled. Your guardian glares at you until they realize what they have in their hands.
“You captured a poulpatata from the depths!” they say hugging you. “Thanks, thanks, thanks!”
Capturing the poulpatata from the depths was a great idea!
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Who doesn’t love the beach? The moon, the waves, the sand that gets everywhere and then you bring back to your guardian’s room and make a total mess that your guardian spends all the day cleaning… Yup, the best place to dig holes in the ground to find hidden treasures. You think about all the things you are going to do full of joy. The stairs appear in front of you and you go down jumping from step to step. After landing in the sand, you start running around until you bump into… a poulpatata from the depths?
It’s very rare to see one of those companions in the beach. You stare at the poulpatata, but they don’t seem to want to move from the little pond created by the low tide where they are playing. Decided to capture the poulpatata, you search in your bag for the right bait.
If you use a watering can, go to page 23
If you use an inkwell, go to page 62
If you use… Wait, I know that I know it. I just need some more time. Go to page 24
If you use your courage and a knife, go to page 26
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Not sure that you will find anything so near the rock, you go to the burrow. The moonlight shows that there are no items there unless they are inside the burrow. Eager to find something to bring to your guardian, you stick your head in the burrow. It’s too dark too see anything, and you haven’t brought anything that could give you light. You start walking backwards to get out of the burrow, but you can’t. You are stuck! You struggle, trying to get free, but it’s impossible.
You are going to give up when someone grabs you and gets you out of the burrow. Once freed from the trap that is the burrow, you shake your head to get rid of all the dirt covering your head. You look around, ready to express your gratitude to your savior, but there is no one around. Confused, you search around the burrow, but you only find some whistling grass that you are sure it wasn’t there before.
Shrugging your shoulders, you pick it up and return home.
Have some rest. And please don’t stick your head in the burrow again.
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Ignoring the rock and the burrow you head to the western plain. The plain is totally empty. If there are any items here, they must be hanging in the cliff. And there is no way you are going near it. It would be horrible if you fall with all this darkness, even is the beach is below. You are about to go home when you hear an evil laugh above you. You look up and see who was laughing.
A witch with green skin and a strange hat in her head is flying through the sky carried by some strange brown creatures with long tails and feathered wings. They just fly around in circles, laughing and shouting, and then, they disappear leaving no trace.
Blinking, you decide you are too tired to continue exploring and go home.
Was it real what you saw, or were you imagining things? Who knows...
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Since the rock is closer, you head towards it. The rock, the burrow and the western plain are always great places to find items, even if they are just common. And you have a hunch that you will find something really good near the rock. The huge rock seems to be getting bigger as you approach it. When you arrive at the bottom of it you hesitate: is there really something special around here?
If you decide to investigate around the rock, go to page 33
If you decide to go to the burrow, go to page 60
If you decide to continue to the western plain, go to page 59
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
You head west, to the burrow and beach. You find another crossroad, with paths that lead to the beach and the rock and the burrow.
If you decide to go to the beach, go to page 61
If you decide to go to the rock, go to page 58
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
You head south, to the forest. Strange beasts are rumored to roam freely in the depths of the forest, but barely anyone has seen them. You aren’t worried about encountering them. The chances of this are almost the same of finding two legendary items in the same place.
You arrive to the entrance of the woods, where the path divides in three: one turns to the right, other turns to the left and the last one continues straight. You are deciding which path to take when you realize that it doesn’t matter. Some clouds have covered the moon, so it’s too dark to see anything inside the forest. You resign your self to just search around the edge of the forest. You really don’t expect to find anything around there, and you’re… wrong? Hidden in a bush there is something black. You pick it up and find out that it’s a guard item. Even if it isn’t of their guard, your guardian will be really happy when they see it.
Your guardian sells the item in the market and treats you to a fantastic meal with the profits.
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Thinking about it better, maybe your guardian doesn’t want another another pimpel. You search around the plain for some items, but all the good stuff has already been taken by other companions in the morning. Finally, you find some coloring, and decide to take it. Your guardian hates alchemy, but these items might come in handy in the next event. Your guardian usually likes the event outfits, and to craft them they will need some coloring. It’s better if you stock up some now, when the events start it’s almost impossible to find any of the items needed.
Your guardian is amazed that you were able to find some coloring. They were starting to think it being an exploration item was just a rumor.
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
You head east, following the path. It’s too dark to cross the wooden bridge that connect to the island without danger, so you decide to just look for items in the eastern plain. As you are thinking about this you arrive to there. A wild pimpel is roaming and jumping around and hasn’t noticed you yet. You have to decide what to do now, and, well, a new companion is always welcomed at home.
If you decide to find items here, go to page 54
If you decide to capture the pimpel, go to page 22
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Not really interested on what is happening in the pantry, you go outside. The market is closed and you don’t find anyone in your way to the gate. Fortunately, the gate is open and you don’t have to get back to your guardian’s room empty handed before having the opportunity to explore.
You arrive to a crossroad with three paths, well, four, but the one you have followed doesn’t really count. One goes to the west, to the western plain, the beach and the burrow: other goes to the east, to the eastern plain and the island; and the last one leads to the south, right into the forest. Obviously, the one you came from leads to the north.
If you decide to go to the East, go to page 53
If you decide to go to the West, go to page 56
If you decide to go to the South, go to page 55
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Tiptoeing you approach the pantry. Peeping through the door you see… nothing special. You are about to leave, thinking that someone must have forgot to turn the lights off, when ou hear a sound coming from behind the wooden table. You enter the pantry, ready to run away if there is something dangerous inside. You slowly and quietly get near the table. When you are close enough, you leap and land in front of it, blocking the way of whatever is below the table.
“Go away! This is mine!” says the boy with ears and tail who is hiding below the table.
The black haired boy glares you while protecting a half eaten sausage. Having a midnight snack looks like a great idea, even though you’ve just had dinner, so you grab some of your favorite food and sit besides the boy. When he realizes that you aren’t interested in his food, he gives you a huge smile and continues eating ‘his’ sausage. After finishing your snack you are so sleepy that you both fall asleep under the table.
Better you both wake up before someone comes in, if not, you are going to get into really big trouble!
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Sleepy or not, you have to go exploring today. You really need to expend those energy points to open that legendary chest. So you ‘quietly’ open the door, waking your guardian in the process and leave the room. There’s no one in the corridor and the door that is normally closed is closed as usual. Why would it be open? You arrive to the hall, not sure where to go next. There is light coming from the pantry, but the rest of the doors are closed, all except for the entrance door, that is always open for companions.
If you decide to investigate the pantry, go to page 51
If you decide to go outside, go to page 52
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
You continue your way to heart of the forest. Since it’s the furthest place from the city, not many companions go here to find items, so it’s easier to get something good. When you find something, that is.
And you sure have found something today. In front of you, laying on the ground, there are two legendary items, one on top of the other. Finding two legendary items so close together is barely impossible, but you found them. There was something you were thinking before about two legendary items that can’t really recall now and it bugs you because you remember it being important.
“Well, it doesn’t matter now,” you think shrugging your shoulders as you lean to pick the items.
But you don’t get to pick them up. Something starts breathing on your back. A warm and wet breath that send shivers down your spine. Terrified, you turn around.
“A black dog!” you scream, running away as fast as you can.
You don’t stop running until you are safe below the blankets in your bed. Your guardian seems a bit confused when they see you in bed so early, but they leave you alone to rest, thinking that you are really tired. What is also true since you’ve used all your energy left running to safety.
‘The odds of finding a black dog in the forest are the same of finding two legendary items together.’ You found them both today in the same place. What a great luck you have!
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Turning left you find a little slope. You happy and carelessly climb it, eager to discover what will be on the other side. You go up, and up, and up, and… down? The slope isn’t a tiny hill, but rather the back of the entrance of a cave. You land on the floor of the cave, somehow unharmed, and look around you. The entrance of the cave is really dark, but a dim glow can be seen at the bottom of the cave. Intrigued, you enter the cave to find out where the glow is coming from.
And after a while walking, you discover it. All the walls of the cave all completely covered with little blue mushrooms that emit a dim blue light, similar to the one coming from that strange door you found before. Even if the light is not too bright, it’s enough for yo to look around. And there’s a lot to look. Piles and piles of items are found everywhere, and there aren’t all common ones. There are also a lot or rare and some epic items. You take three rare items, more would be difficult to carry around, and exit the cave. Since daylight didn’t reach inside the cave, you lost the track of time and now it’s completely dark outside. The stars shine above the trees and the moon gives you enough light to find the way home.
Have some rest tomorrow, not every time you find and bring three rare items.
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oldeldaryastuff · 1 year
Turning right you find the clearing. Usually here there are only some companions looking for items and having a tea party with a slightly crazy pimpel. But there is no trace of him today. Instead, there is a woman with orange pimpel ears and orange hair sitting by a tree and reading a book. Could it be that the pimpel turned into her? No, that really is imposible: no companion would want to turn into one of the earthly creatures. The woman looks really familiar and you approach her to see who she is.
“Aaah! You sca… scared me!” she yells when she notices you. “Oh? You are… companion… finding items… scared… worry...”
She speaks so fast that you only understand a few words of the long spiel.
“So you were here, Ykhar,” says your guardian, appearing behind you.
“You were looking for me! I’m really sorry. I...”
“It’s okay, Ykhar. I was wondering where were you,” your guardian trys to calm her down.
Since they start to chat after that, you decide to go home and have some rest. On your way home you find a tea party on the garden, presided by the slightly crazy pimple, and you decide to join.
Seems the pimpel isn’t able to change into another creature. Or is he? With him you can’t be sure of anything.
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