onlinedoctorapp · 2 years
Common causes for sudden vision loss include eye injury, blockage of blood stream to or from the retina (retinal artery impediment or retinal vein impediment), and pulling of the retina away from its usual position at the rear of the eye (retinal detachment).
Can you lose your vision randomly?
Depending on the cause, a person may experience vision loss with dark, partial, or blurry vision. Some forms of vision loss are temporary, while others are irreversible. In both cases, people can often take steps to improve or correct their vision. Vision loss can occur suddenly or gradually over time.
 What is it like to suddenly go blind?
You may experience a cloudy/white/overcast vision when you have Sudden Blindness. Some people experience helpless night vision if they have Sudden Blindness. If you feel distress of any sort and have any kind of release from your eyes, then it tends be a sign of an eye problem. The symptoms can differ.
 People often confuse sudden blindness in both eyes with complete blindness, yet both the conditions are totally different from one other. In any case, if the issue is not tended to on schedule, sudden blindness may progress, prompting to a total loss of vision.
Common symptoms of sudden blindness are:
Inability to differentiate between shapes in     surroundings.
Tunnel vision, a condition where peripheral     vision is hampered while the central vision is fine.
Cloudy vision
Discomfort in the eye, accompanied by any kind     of discharge.
Can high blood pressure cause temporary blindness?
Nerve damage (optic neuropathy) The result of impeded blood stream that harms the optic nerve, it can kill nerve cells in your eyes, which may cause brief or permanent vision loss.
 Can stress cause temporary blindness?
There's a new twist to the expression "blind rage." Apparently, extreme stress literally can rob you of your vision, at least temporarily
 Causes of sudden vision loss
·        Migraine
·        Detached Retina
·        Black eye
·        Corneal Abrasion
Vision loss because of issues with the eye might be treated with eye drops, prescriptions, or medical procedure. In case irritation is the reason for the vision loss, steroids might be utilized.
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onlinedoctorapp · 2 years
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Healthy Child Makes Healthy Nation
Our eMedhub EHR Provides various Specialization Modules, The pediatric EHR provides the best features which simplifies the manual work of maintains records and reports.
WOW Features Include,
Developmental Assessment Digitally
Immunization Tracking
Growth Chart of Babies
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onlinedoctorapp · 2 years
Healthy Child Makes Healthy Nation.
Our eMedhub EHR Provides various Specialization Modules, The pediatric EHR provides the best features which simplifies the manual work of maintains records and reports. 
WOW Features Include,
Developmental Assessment Digitally
Immunization Tracking 
Growth Chart of Babies
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onlinedoctorapp · 2 years
Our ehr software help to improve the productivity.
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onlinedoctorapp · 3 years
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onlinedoctorapp · 3 years
Problems Faced While Work from Home
Nowadays, most of the employers offering Work from home to employees where it is an advanced work approach empowered through web and versatility wherein independent of the actual area of an individual work can be possible. Work from Home is otherwise called Working Remotely or working from home which infers that the worker is working from a distant area generally home.
 Is work from home Beneficial Essay?
 Telecommuting is significantly more agreeable for lots of individuals. Representatives can save a lot of time and cash since they don't need to travel so frequently, which means individuals will possess more energy for work and for themselves' purposes, as well. Less travelling will assist in decreasing traffic jam and toxins to our current circumstance.
 Work from home is an idea where it is more important in current occasions. It assists with keeping productivity of the worker same or far and away superior and simultaneously upholds the representative for being with family or taking care of some close to home work. Also, at the same time the employee can face some health issues such as sitting posture where it causes Back pain, neck pain, eye sight problems etc
 The incidents of orthopaedic Condition Neck pain and back pain
When individual working from home the four main causes of muscle and joint related problem will occurs. Where it occurs due to long working hours, poor nutrition and Lack of physical activity.
· When telecommuting there is no ergonomic set-up or an absence of legitimate work station. Going through hours in some unacceptable stance is destructive to your joint and muscles.
 · Continuous Long working hours without break may leads to the eye sight problem.
 · Constant sitting in the same place will leads to the joint and back pain and at the same time it will not promote the blood circulation.
 · In Work from home, generally physical Inactivity actual inertia puts weight on muscles and torment whether or not you are working. “Individuals who were truly dynamic in the past have likewise dealt with serious issues because of unexpected drop in by and large body activity levels.
    The work from home gives not only gives the physical problems to the individuals, but it also leads to the other side effects as well. Now a days, where it is easy to stuck Infront of the system. It leads many people to sleep disorders and it may lead to depression.
 Can we manage this at home?
To avoid, every 20 to 30 minutes stand stretch your body and move around for a minute for circulation of blood and it helps to relax your muscles.
 Tips to Manage at home
· Should give Rest to your Eyes spending lot of time Infront of system may lead to eye sight problems.
· Should change your sitting position often
· Often move every hour which helps to promotes your blood circulation in joints and muscles as well.
· Should place your computer/pc at good height of your eyes where it reduces the neck pain.
· To avoid strain in your neck, use a hands-free device for long phone calls that you handle.
· Avoid sitting or laying in your bed when you���re using the computer, where it is better to use the chair while working because it will keep you in a good posture.
 Will Cardiovascular Exercise help to relax your muscles?
Mostly sitting, even with great stance, isn't good for your body. Taking standard reprieves over time to walk or by performing other cardiovascular activities can be beneficial not just in diminishing mechanical stressors on your body but also additional benefits to your psychological prosperity.
 On the off chance that you actually have any worries about the posture during work from home and sleep disorder due to sitting Infront of screen for long hours, it may cause due to lack nutrients we intake and changes in routine in day today activities, visit your physical therapist and perform a therapy where it gives relax to muscles and improves the blood circulation in joints. Continuously follow the clinical guidance of a nutritionist prior to proceeding with any kind of supplement or plan. Consult with Top Dietitians as well as Nutritionist for your food routine and physical therapist to keep yourself healthy at Telemedicine will provide with you with the right direction and assist you with accomplishing your plan
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onlinedoctorapp · 3 years
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eMedhub EHR  Improve More efficiency, Quailty of Patient Healthcare and Secured Data For Demo Contact : 8610472159 Book a Free Demo : https://www.emedhub.in/free-demo/
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onlinedoctorapp · 3 years
EHRs and their ability to exchange health information electronically can help you provide higher quality and safer patient care. With the old method of physical file folders, you could simply have health records scattered across various doctor’s offices. EHR tries to digitize your health records so that they’re comprehensible by all of your health care providers. EHRs help providers better manage care for patients and provide better health care.
Transitioning to a new EHR system is more than simply swapping hardware or adding computers to exam rooms; it changes the way you do healthcare. But despite the importance of a thoughtfully designed implementation process being acknowledged, end-user training is often under-emphasized. From small, single-provider practices, to large organizations; end-user training for EHR systems is essential to support efficiency, best practices, and most importantly, patient safety. It also can diagnose diseases and reduce even prevent medical errors, improving patient outcomes.
Increased efficiency and productivity: Streamlined access to a patient’s complete records means no more filling out the same paperwork at each doctor’s or specialist’s office. Every provider can see which diagnostic tests a patient has had along with which treatments worked and which didn’t. Patients are less susceptible to duplicative procedures/testing because we have everything under one roof. Still looking for the best EHR in the market, your search ends here. Try out our eMedHub EHR and telemedicine software, if there’s any query kindly contact us for further discussions.
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