opposite-idioms · 6 months
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耳目一新 x 陈腔烂调
耳目一新 (ěr mù yī xīn) [sound and sight, all new]
Describes how everything is different from before, everything is new. 形容一切事物和以前不同,全是新样子。
陈腔烂调 (chén qiāng làn diào) [old speech, rotten tune]
Describes stale and unoriginal ideas in an arguement. A cliché. 指陈腐而缺乏新意的论调、不新颖。
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opposite-idioms · 6 months
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粉身碎骨 x 贪生怕死
粉身碎骨 (fěn shēn suì gǔ) [pulverise body, shatter bone]
Describes the willingness to sacrifice your life to achieve your goal or return a favour. 形容愿意牺牲性命以达到目的或报恩。
贪生怕死 (tān shēng pà sǐ) [reluctant to part with life, fear death]
Describes someone who is only interested in saving their own life. Or, as some might say, a coward. 形容为了活命而在紧要关头不敢挺身而出。
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opposite-idioms · 7 months
My name is Wenxuan! This blog will house an illustration series I'm making based on chinese idioms.
I also have more work on my portfolio! https://plshirewenxuan.carrd.co/
And I'm accepting commissions! https://artistree.io/wenxuan
The way it works -
First, I'll flip to a random page of this little beauty -
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Then, I'll illustrate whatever idiom catches my eye and it's opposite idiom.
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opposite-idioms · 7 months
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海底捞月 x 瓮中捉鳖
海底捞月(hǎi dǐ lāo yuè) [scooping the moon from the sea floor]
It means going after an impossible target, a futile effort. 比喻白费力气, 不可能达到的目标。
瓮中捉鳖 (wèng zhōng zhuō biē) [catching a turtle in a jar]
It means going after an easy target. Like taking candy from a baby. 比喻要捕捉的对象无处逃遁,已在掌握之中。
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