origen-adventures · 2 years
I'm away rn but there's a discord sevrer in the makings :thumbsup:
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origen-adventures · 2 years
Okay so hello its me again
I've been steadily working on this thing, and i'm getting a thing sorted out, working on avians mostly, just wanted to drop in and let y'all know we now have a year system! That's right, we can now date things
It's counting from the birth of magic, the day the volcano on life islands exploded magic into the world. On Origena its usualy refered to as 'the Birth of Magic' and recognized years Before Magic (BM) and years Of Magic (OM but nobody uses that lol). On Débres, they call it 'the Corruption' and years are counted on Before Corruption (BC) and After Corruption (AC, again, nobody uses that)
But we are cool (we as the, well, not people of origens), we call it BMW. I won't tell you what it stands for. But you have years BBMW (Before BMW) and ABMW (ABMW- no nobody uses that)
Currently, what could be considered 'the present' is around year 4530, aka the 46th century (man i love that)
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origen-adventures · 2 years
How it all started
All life (well, "human" life that is), started on the Life Islands. Before the big magic boom (that still doesn't have a name), the Life Islands were a beautifull place full of life, plants, animals and humans.
It was a community divided into two groups. Each group about 80 people (they were all somewhat human, cavemen if you will) and they fought a lot. Each habited one side of the main island, the big one, and they lived somewhat content. Then a big crisis something happened, and they got into another big conflict. This time resulting in one of the groups to be exiled by the other. The exiled group had to leave the island and hope that they'll find a new land to live. So they travelled to the right (because I don't know how directions work in english) and eventually found a land. Débres. They spread there and after many many years, colonised the whole continent.
The other group, the one we left at the island, lived a few generations happily having the whole island for themself. A volcano formed. It didn't appear overnight, it grew steadily for many years. But one day it errupted. Explosion full of lava, flying rocks, but most importantly magic. At this day, magic was born. While the explosion itself killed many of the people loving there, the remaining changed. Because they were so close to the source of magic, it travelled through their body and decided to live there.
Of course, after the explosions calmed and all the remaining people were coumted, Life Islands just weren't a place for life anymore. So the people got together few boats and saled away, to the other side than the people before them. To the left. And they found a land for themselfs as well, a beautifull continent that we now call Origena. The magic inside their bodies helped them become something more than humans, it made them adapt more rapidly. People in the mountains grew feathers and tallons, people in forests grew fur to hide from predators, people on the southern mountains got black tough skin to escape the sun.
Both of the lands developed separately, humans on Débres learning how to use magic energy, people of Origena not being able to use magic the way humans do, being part of the magic itself.
Then of course, this couldn't last forever, because humans are curious little creatures. Sailed across the sea and found a new land, new for them. This resulted in many years of war between humans and hybrids. And the rest, well, the rest of the history is actually a future that I hope to explore with you.
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origen-adventures · 2 years
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So this is the world map. On the left side you can see the continent called Origena, on the right side is Débres and in the middle, that's the Life Islands. I don't know if it's visible enough, but both of the big continents are moving away from the Life Islands
I'll make separate posts about each continent but basicaly, Origena is based off of minecraft origins mod and Débres is just a fantasy human world. Life Islands are just not suited for life anymore (I know, how ironic) cuz there's a lot of active volcanos and nothing lives there
Pretty please ignore the quality of the map and how it looks, it's made of 2 separate maps of each continent so it's not really pretty, and it's just a placeholder anyways
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origen-adventures · 2 years
On a train so might as well post more stuff and explain other stuff better, i just hope i have all the pictues i need on my phone lol
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origen-adventures · 2 years
hullo, welcome to this place that i call Origens and that name is still a work in progess (cuz i really cant think of a good name rn)
it be my worldbuilding project that i work on for fun
the basic structure of this world is that you have 3 main contintnts, the Origena continent where hybrids live (and this place is uh based on minecraft-), the life islands (where noone lives now cuz its a pretty ugly place) and the débres continent, the place for humans
we have magic and we have wars and we have nice stories and we have snail races and stuff, so stay tuned!
just, note that i really dont care about my spellung and it shows and i swear a lot so conutine with caution, i really dont know what im doing lol
this post will propably be replaced once i decide on what i actually wanna say
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