pastelmin · 1 month
im so obsessed with hosu and haru and their dynamic of boy who's had to hide his illness all his life in order to avoid attention x boy who wants to be sick so desperately so he can finally get attention
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pastelmin · 1 month
honestly, soulmate is my comfort movie, even though it makes me cry more than anything. I've watched it everytime I got sad and didn't know why. its a ritual at this point XD
started off strong, really liked haeun and miso's childhood and teen years. the moment jinwoo stepped in, it was such a mess but it's bittersweet.
the locket symbolism has my heart, it's almost the center of all conflict in the middle of the plot, got multiple shots of it too.
i think when people discuss this movie, they focus more on haeun and miso and seem to ignore jinwoo. he's the conflict, wedge into their relationship.
he told haeun not to pursue art, but you can't criticise it much because that's how it is in real life. art is considered nothing. he was ignorant of her interests but that's how most people are in real life.
that apart, it felt at a point that he had feelings for miso? but he stayed with haeun too. did he like them both? I'm not sure.
the dynamic haeun and miso had was absolutely amazing. several conflicts later, they're still together. i read somewhere that this movie could've been sapphic, I guess you can't rule it out since it could've gone in that direction.
the actors did an amazing job, especially kim dami and jeon sonee. you could feel the emotions through the screen. a masterpiece!
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pastelmin · 1 month
begins ≠ youth
as an hyyh enthusiast, i've been looking forward to this drama ever since i heard the news that there will be one. got to know about its release today, and i've watched four episodes.
its crazy.
crazy how not only the cast look like the members, they give off the same vibes. shows how keenly the actors have studied bangtan and its really amazing. the story, too, fills in the gaps of the mvs and the notes. they did a really great job at this and honestly, i cant wait to see more.
everything feels natural and the interest the storyline creates has haunted me since the first time i read the notes, their interpretations, the mvs, the trailers and everything. pretty sure everyone who follows bangtan and the hyyh storyline feels the same and this drama is such a blessing of story for us, best thing hybe has done XD
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