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Little friend :) 
(I’m back!) 
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A legend in the Pony Community needs help.
To all those that happen by and see this, that may still be following from the old pony days, there’s a great artist-writer that needs to not be alone right now.
@fractiouslemonofficial, author of @askvaudeville, @obeydrx, and @dearpinkiepie, is dealing with some terrible loneliness right now. Anywords of support Y’all could send to them would mean a lot. More than anything, they could really benefit from getting to talk with other people.
Importantly, don’t flood them with attempts to force them to be happy. They feel like they’ve been doing that too much themselves already. More than anything, just a way to show them they’re a lot less alone than they think would go along ways.
Their art and comics have done a wonder for bringing laughter and joy. They should know how far out they’ve reached people with people reaching back out to them. Nobody who brings joy to others deserves the crushing loneliness of despair.
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Bat Love
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A love story between a zubat and a woobat
by © FinalHearts10
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Microsoft announces it will shut down ebook program and confiscate its customers' libraries
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Microsoft has a DRM-locked ebook store that isn’t making enough money, so they’re shutting it down and taking away every book that every one of its customers acquired effective July 1.
Customers will receive refunds.
This puts the difference between DRM-locked media and unencumbered media into sharp contrast. I have bought a lot of MP3s over the years, thousands of them, and many of the retailers I purchased from are long gone, but I still have the MP3s. Likewise, I have bought many books from long-defunct booksellers and even defunct publishers, but I still own those books.
When I was a bookseller, nothing I could do would result in your losing the book that I sold you. If I regretted selling you a book, I didn’t get to break into your house and steal it, even if I left you a cash refund for the price you paid.
People sometimes treat me like my decision not to sell my books through Amazon’s Audible is irrational (Audible will not let writers or publisher opt to sell their books without DRM), but if you think Amazon is immune to this kind of shenanigans, you are sadly mistaken. My books matter a lot to me. I just paid $8,000 to have a container full of books shipped from a storage locker in the UK to our home in LA so I can be closer to them. The idea that the books I buy can be relegated to some kind of fucking software license is the most grotesque and awful thing I can imagine: if the publishing industry deliberately set out to destroy any sense of intrinsic, civilization-supporting value in literary works, they could not have done a better job.
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Okay you want to animate in 2d, right?
But wait! Programs are expensive and we’re all broke. What to do what to do?
Turns out there’s a free, open source program called Opentoonz. Awesome! It’s based on the Toonz software and Studio Ghibli had their lovely hands in it.
BUT! It’s confusing and frustrating to use. Not intuitive at all. If only there was a youtuber who could give you simple and comprehensive tutorials…
Like this one by NobleFrugal Studio. Who happens to have several clear and concise tutorials to help you learn the program.
If that were the case, anyone who wanted to try and animate could do so. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
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Your blog was hacked: what to do?
If you see weird pics of ladies with dubious links posted on your blog out of the blue, here’s a step by step way of stopping this and preventing it from happening again that I think might work.
Important : this only works if you can still access your blog!
Changing your password is important, but it won’t do you any good if your hacker still has an opened session on your blog and can still access it. So the first thing you wanna do is close your hacker’s session.
For that you need to go in your blog’s settings:
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On the new page opened, scroll all the way down. There, you can see something called “Active Sessions“. The first and oldest one (”current session” in green) should be yours, the new one should be the hacker’s session. To close your hacker’s session, click the gray X next to it.
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Now that their session is closed, they can’t access your blog anymore unless they enter the password again.
So don’t lose time, go all the way back up and change your password immediately. Make also sure your hacker didn’t change your email address.
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Now you should be safe from your hacker. But it won’t prevent you from getting hacked again.
If you really want to be safe from hackers, you should turn on the “Two-factor authentification” option (on the same page).
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It requires you to enter your phone number, which is a bummer. But if it’s turned on, everytime you wanna log on (so not if your session is already opened, but only if you log off and try to log on again), it will send a code on your phone that you’ll have to enter (in addition to having a password).
That way if someone tries to hack you again, even if they get your password right, they won’t be able to enter your blog without having that code.
There it is. I hope it will help some of you, since I see more and more people noticing blogs being hacked
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Hey, remember back in 2016 when there was a lot of cynicism on social media about how both the Democrats and the Republicans were hopelessly corrupt?
Remember how a lot of that turned out to come from Russian psy-ops designed to discourage left-leaning people from voting?
Because I do.
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Need Rent Money ASAP HELP
So I’ve only just started my job so my first paycheck isn’t enough for rent, and I haven’t been selling commissions very well this month either (one person owes me over 100 dollars and has just vanished :/ for over a month now)
Despite all the advertising no one is commissioning my room mate either so we’re both basically stuck.
Anyway I need help, I only have about 500 dollars out of the 1500 or so we need and I have plenty of ways people can help
Available Adoptables: https://www.deviantart.com/jitterbugjive/gallery/56815364/adoptables
Commissions: https://jitterbugjive.tumblr.com/post/171478773489/
Name your price + polished commissions: https://jitterbugjive.tumblr.com/post/148255173104/name-your-price-polished-commissions-available
Collab commissions with Sin: https://jitterbugjive.tumblr.com/post/186589641979/
@sinsays commissions: https://sinsays.tumblr.com/post/186612879982/
Paypal: http://paypal.me/jitterbugjive
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/jitterbugjive
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It’s About time
Well, with Tumblr circling the toilet bowl, I think it’s high time I came out and said the obvious for those who still follow.
This blog is dead.
I hate to say that, and hate to kill it. I don’t like stories without resolutions, but its been 3 years since there was a post on this blog. Fact is, I simply don’t have the energy or motivation to continue the story of the pokemon in equestria, so as Tumblr sinks deeper than ever, I give a fond farewell because it was fun while it was going.
If you’re looking for more art or the mod luxray, you can find them at this twitter link: https://twitter.com/EnergyLuxray
It’s barren for the most part, but it may get some art soon.
Anyway, thanks for all the fun, and I hope to see ya’ll later.
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if you see that a post of mine is flagged, PLEASE TELL ME so i can request review
ideally via pm, since tumblr still eats asks with links
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This is from the forecast discussion of Major Hurricane Florence from this afternoon. As a meteorologist, when I saw this, my heart sank. They don’t use wording like this for every storm.
Florence is going to be a devastating. There will be huge amounts of flooding, both from inland rain and from costal storm surge. Winds are going to be some of the strongest you can get from a hurricane. People within the path of this storm could lose everything.
If you know anyone who lives on the North or South Carolina coast, tell them that if there’s an evacuation ordered, they need to get the hell out. Do not take chances with this one.
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I don’t want to disappear without a forewarning.
As of July 4th 2018, the Internet as we know it might be dead for good. 
The European Parliament is passing a new Copyright Directive.  Article 13 #CensorshipMachine will impose widespread censorship of all the content we share online. Art, fanfiction, parodies, remixes, mashups, memes, etc.. Anything that you do not hold the rights over will be taken down. 
Article 13 would force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content. Internet platforms hosting large amounts of user-uploaded content must monitor user behaviour and filter their contributions to identify and prevent copyright infringement. 
Such filters will be mandatory for platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit and Instagram, but also much smaller websites. 
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This doesn’t just affect Europe. The content creators you love are going to be in hot water for sharing their art and writing with you online. Any and all content that doesn’t belong to us will be filtered. Even memes are at risk, as the person who took the original photo may want to file complaints against any platform that allows it to be used without permission. But it goes even further than that.
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Last Tuesday (19th June 2018) a group of more than 70 people who have played important roles in building the internet and developing it (Tim Berners-Lee, Vincent Cerf, Jimmy Wales, Mitchell Baker…) into what it is today addressed an open letter to the members of the European Parliament:
“As creators ourselves, we share the concern that there should be a fair distribution of revenues from the online use of copyright works, that benefits creators, publishers, and platforms alike.
But Article 13 is not the right way to achieve this. By requiring Internet platforms to perform automatic filtering all of the content that their users upload, Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users. […] The damage that this may do to the free and open Internet as we know it is hard to predict, but in our opinions could be substantial.”
Here is the original Article 13. It’s even scarier. / Link 2 
Here is how to contact your MEPs. 
Here is a full list of everything that will be affected.
Europe is facing a huge problem, and unlike with Net Neutrality, the world doesn’t seem to care. 
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If we lose Net Neutrality in the next 24 hours, blame congress. Call your lawmakers now:
If we lose it guys we’re not just getting charged for using the internet but were also losing these websites
-ALL online games and networks
-ALL online shopping services
-ALL online classes
-ALL the porn
Just 24 hours until the choice is made. Do your part if you already haven’t. Call the FCC and tell them you don’t want to pay for social media
-CALL: 202-418-1000
Or text RESIST to 50409 and get walked through the process of making your voice heard to your senator. They represent you and always will
But in the mean time Tumblr, BREAK THE INTERNET. Reblog these pics, post your own thoughts/blogs, spread the word, Join the Fight!
Don’t lie down and wait for results, make the results happen, we’re the people, we’re stronger than we know. Now let’s out and show it
@shyvaporwave @chicagoxjapan @sangapmarii @cubedcoconut @cutestlesbian-pearl @baited-in @nacrepearl @whateverman97 @mr-universe99 @coolerdeath @shesavampirequeen
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