polygon-streams ¡ 3 years
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My proposal for how to organize a recording schedule for the 56 hour Polygon stream.
If you are recording some (or all of it) come join! https://discord.gg/TWAcVkxf
I think it would be good to have several people recording, just in case twitch goes twitchy or the internet poops itself. It’s unlikely to mess up for multiple people at the same time. (Unless it’s on twitch’s end but then that’s simply part of ✨ the stream experience ✨ )
Ideally Polygon will provide a full VOD themselves. But it’s possible parts of it will be muted or deleted or something. If there is no VOD or if parts are missing then our recordings can fill in the gaps for anyone who wasn’t watching. (But I hope we are totally wasting our time with this and there is a full vod available directly from them!)
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polygon-streams ¡ 3 years
What We Know About Polygon’s Charity Stream (from today’s stream)
- will be 56 hours from 10am EST on Dec 11th to 5pm EST on Dec 13th
- will be donating funds to the Innocence Project, which aims to get legal support for people wrongly incarcerated so they can get a fair trial (to my knowledge) (it’s actually a dope organization tho)
- official schedule will come out Monday
- but apparently Brian has two 2am-10am slots, Matt Patches has a 6am slot, and Jenna has an 8am slot on one of the days
- each slot’s supposed to be around 8 hours
- People in chat suggested a Cyberpunk campaign, and Jenna did not say no, but that she had nothing planned for that (she did essentially say no to awful squad tho lmaoooo)
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polygon-streams ¡ 4 years
stream highlights:
- everyone at polygon shares a braincell because they're literally unable to do small talk and have a good game at the same time
- once clayton set his apparent on fire trying to bake a large frozen pizza
- brian also almost set his apartment on fire trying to dry a wet book. HE PUT A BOOK IN THE OVEN AND LEFT THE HOUSE
- once simone drove a cadillac (or another similar car I don't remember sorry) and she "felt like an asshole and also a God"
- everyone loves killing jenna
- pat and brian trust each other and only each other. we stan
- everyone was forbidden to trust josh for two rounds
- clayton called an emergency to say that everyone was doing a great job and everybody lost it laughing. it was literally so funny and cute I would die for him
- pat was interrupted 3 times while doing the final task and he almost went apeshit
- polygon (apparently mainly jenna) is doing something (?) with NY Comic Con on october that I didn't quite understand but stay tuned for that
- they're trying to stream every friday! fun
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
May 2nd 2019- Donk Souls
Summary: Pat plays Dark Souls again with our lovable protagonist, Magnum Kong Jr. New environments and monster types are explored (and some cool hats)!
Pat starts in and makes a face at the camera. Eyes wide, staring in glee, the game boots up
Pat acknowledges new subs, mocked the “Hey boy!” clip as it played
Snorkel_the_Dolphin is a rare game historian on twitter, subbed to Pat
Since MK was finished last stream, we’re doing Donk Souls for this stream
Typically saves parts ahead of where we were last stream, so that he has played that part of the game before stream; didn’t this time
Boots on music: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze soundtrack
I forgot what the character looked like until he panned back to the game lmaoooo
Recap: we are on the road of sacrifices, w nasty lil bird freaks in it (they sprout from the ground and show one of their wings)
“Luckily, we have the biggest fucking hammer in the world to hit them with” (It’s actually a mace)
Pat thinks he’s gonna switch his primary weapons to be a sword and the big hammer
Pat appreciates whistling, especially w vibrato
Brushy is very good at whistling, so can Faith. Pat asks which one can whistle deeper, then tries to whistle deeply. Deepest whistle is throat singing, in Pat’s opinion
Fun fact: Pat used to be able to throat sing, but won’t on stream bc it’s very loud and he thinks he can’t anymore (I don’t care if he can) (I want to see a throat-singing Pat)
Loves the bird-people noises coming from in-the-game
Pat games over: “I got sloppy”
Pat talks about the “Thank you Sonic for 200” tweet (i don’t know what that is). People upset about bad appearance of Sonic, but Pat doesn’t think it’s gonna make a difference bc the script will still be bad. Would be more angry if your perfect image of Sonic is put in a terrible movie
Got over for uncanny valley for Pikachu bc the script seems fine, and proportions are still the same, just moved to a different format
Asks brushy if he’s allowed to have a fursona. Pat thinks he has a bird-sona. A crow or a tired dog. Maybe a borzoi, but doesn’t think he’s elegant enough
Hot take: borzoi’s are the dumbest dogs. Pat loves this
Dipped for a bit here
Doesn’t like rowdy DK music. “This is stressing me tf out”. Sets the music to be more chill. Appreciates pan flute of new song
Talks about spaghetti tech. Proper way to eat spaghetti involves swirling spaghetti between a fork and a spoon. Makes it more convenient, so that spaget doesn’t slide off. Pat has never had rare spaghetti, but has had al dente penne. Al dente spaghetti sounds hard bc hard to wrap around fork
Got a new hat, but dirty af
Finds new crab boss. “Crab hit hard!” Pat loses 1st time, but wins and gets swamp ring
Had to leave for a bit here
Someone got the voice actor for snake to say that “pee is stored in the balls” in his solid snake voice. Pat approves this, so that actor can make the most of the voice
Destroys a man’s book collection because he wouldn’t come back to his camp because he was “too stupid”. Then comes back to kill him.
“I would never put on a ring to make me smart. Magnum jr. would never do that”
The music in this part of the stream slaps in particular
“Cool hat logan”
Mentions how it started to rain outside and how it’s nice to be comfy inside!
Drinkin’ a real piece of shit beer here tonight
“It’s not a bud light it's a budweiser, bud heavy”
Mentions how here’s never had coke and pepsi together before but wants to and probably will soon, perhaps on stream
Goes to fight crystal sage (a boss he hasn’t beaten yet)
Only coke he enjoys is mexican coke rn (which is arguably the best)
Someone knocks on his door so he goes to see who it is, causing chat to go piss crazy
Comes back and says “what did you do faith” she said she drinks grinch soda, or groda, causing her to get timed out
Looks for good armor but refuses to wear one because the ass. is. not. open.
“Let’s go fight a bowass”
The music then turns to what i can only describe as what a classy clown would listen to. Still slaps tho
Has a boss fight that looks like a big ol whack a mole fight with the crystal sage
Makes a small mistake and dies “I got so stupid”
“This time we’ll just be 5% less stupid and 100% more victorious”
Mocks the boss enemies in a new york accent “ya think you’re better than me? Just cuz you know how to read some magical runes you think you’re better than me?”
Makes the sub “yee” noise when he gained a new sub
Watched The Matrix last night and said it held up and was still a good movie
Defeats the boss and sets a bonfire
Mentions how he loves keanu reeves and how he's essentially just doing what he wants
Also mentions how he already got tickets for the new John Wick movie
Says they did a really good job making it seem like a violent, horrible experience to wake up from being in the matrix.
Says he doesn’t really know which way he’s going and he’s just going!
“Hey who’s that?” as he jumps down from a cliff to attack an enemy
“I got the knives in my back, fake friends”
“I know they’re fake friends because real friends would stab me in the front” pat,,,no
Gives an update to his bathroom and says workers are still working and are isolating the ceiling problem and he hopes it’ll be over soon
He really did “hewwo” to us huh
Thanks dark souls for giving a good level design in a fight “love it, yes, excellent, perfect”
Sighs and says you can not pet the dog
Moves to a shield to help in fighting
Chat spams donuts
Memeshart begs for pat to go in a building, but Pat’s just gonna keep exploring
Finally goes into building after exploring
I have to do something urgent right now!
Character says “Redayy be careful”; Pat mocks it (I dunno what he actually said, that’s just what it sounded like)
He goes to level up Magnum jr., and buy stuff he couldn’t buy previously. Bought a really big hat that was totally worth it. Unfortunately, it covers up Magnum Jr’s face. Realizes he can’t level up yet bc he has more souls to burn
Pat admits he has not had a lot of Japanese soft drinks, largely bc people probably don’t bring them overseas much
Finds himself in a Dark Souls treasure nook, w red water. “Is this the blood-loss water?”
Pat got worms!! But the worms don’t want the fire Pat was gonna use them for. Needs to switch the torch w the worms. He also got bees
Pat recites the Bugs sound button as it plays
Gonna wrap up soon bc Thomas is live and we’re gonna raid him
Pat got two Christmas Lizards in game
Goes to fight a giant ice lizard boss, not knowing what he’s doing. Regrets this decision and leaves
Brushy got spaghetti, possibly related to earlier convos in the stream
Pat likes the gross-out art in Dark Souls. Likes that it’s a Japanese developing team taking a Western take that look diff from other Western games
Finished his wrap-around of the area, and decides to cut the stream, but will resume DS on the weekend!!
End of stream!
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
April 30, 2019 - Mortal Kompat Story Mode Part 3
Content warnings: blood, gore, graphic violence, character death
Link to VOD
Summary: Pat plays Mortal Kombat 11 for the third time, making a good amount of progress and learning new things about the characters
Pat has maintenance workers over, has some sink problems. Issue is that water leaks thru his ceiling when his neighbor takes showers
Doesn’t know who he mains on Mortal Kombat anymore
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!!!!!! (mod MikeAM)
Pat has TWO CANS of drinks tonight (very fizzy)
Does NOT own jorts, “I’m not a jortsman, I’m not allowed to wear jorts” (I think this is a lie), “No jorts allowed, I shall not wear jorts. I wear jants (jean pants).” (This is true)
Pat will NOT install a fart toilet
Drinking a rattler tonight
Babycakesclaire gifted a sub to T-Pain [Watch Clip]
Says people made fun of him for saying “T-Pain” in his Polygon video so many times, says it was a grounding thing to help himself [Watch Clip]
Favorite song by TPain is U Up off of the new album
Says he “has the bad audio”, restarts the stream
Plays as Jax, doesn’t know his combos but figures them out
Asks chat if they would prefer big metal arms or big metal legs; Pat would have legs for The Kick™️
Gives a recap of the plot, says the word “mommy” a lot (that’s just how he is and I accept him)
Likes fight choreo, thinks they hire many professional people to do it
Jacqui is awesome
First Piss clip of the stream
Says “Dad fight dad fight dad fight” as the two versions of Jax fight each other
“I know all my moves, haha!......actually I don’t know any of my moves”
Mains as Jax just to do powerbombs
“This is a stupid looking hat, I’m sorry it’s a dumb looking hat. She deserves a better hat,” at Jacqui’s (sp????) hat.
Someone played Slow Yoshi in the middle of a fight
Jacqui’s dad betrayed her then disappeared. Pat: dads are complicated
Evil lady puts hat on, her power only grows stronger
Chat makes a lot of “I can’t believe you’ve done this” jokes
Pat opens a can of fizzy drink, chat alternates between making “ASMR” and “piss” jokes. Some folley ones too
Game talks about a character “I don’t know who the fuck Kharon is”
Characters descends like spider through the ceiling “oh. Ew.”
Pat makes an “I can’t believe you’ve done this” reference
The two Scropions fight. Pat: “God it’s me but stronger”
Pat wins the first round: “It’s a big fishy”
Gets attacked by other Scorpion w a good combo, wants to learn how to do that
Chat compliments Pat on his Scorpion playing abilities
Pat said he’s going to learn how to main Scorpion and Jax in this MK game. Mained Scorpion in last one
“Be a dude, not a dick”
Scorpion is killed by D’Vorah
“Nobody fuckin believes Scorpion”-- game framed Scorpion to look bad
Pat likes the frog jokes chat is making
“Hey Boy” clip played in a fight against Raiden
Raiden hits Scorpion w a blast as a “truth serum”. Pat calls it a dick move (Chat agrees)
Pat then plays as Raiden, but doesn’t want to because of how shitty he is “Cool. Nunchuck me. I deserve it”
Pat laughs at Piss clip played at a character's dramatic revelation and entrance
Pat: “I’m so confused.” So are we
There are a lot of timelines that explain costume changes
Pat needs to “check in on that toilet update real quick”
Pat as Raiden: “The only solution is that Liu Kang and I must kiss,” asks Faith to make it happen
Evil Lady makes Liu Kang disappear: “Da fuuuuuuqq?”
Chat makes norted memes
Agrees with Faith that the game “feels like fanfic”
Likes the guy who played Liu Kang in the movies; also played a guy named Ricky in another movie
“Yooooo that’s a blood boat”-- a rivaling boat comes up from the middle of the ocean
Praises actions scenes in MK; better than MCU and most action movies in general
Finally goes to check up on the toilet situation, Piss clip plays while he’s gone
Someone checked if there were Liu Kang and Raiden fanfics; apparently, there isn’t
Chat is wondering what happened to Pat’s toilet, “did he poop too hard?”
Pat comes back and asks if everyone was good (probably not)
He thought it was his roomate being a sloppy showerer, roommate asks what was up and Pat said “oh I thought it was you”. Then found water coming from lights on ceiling and got people to fix the problem
We are in the home stretch of MK, according to safetydrew
“Jax is my father”
Jax beats up a bunch of people to ‘make things right’, Pat: “Yes, yes, fuck yes”
Raiden defeats enemy, “caught and compromised” plays perfectly over the scene [Watch Clip]
Liu Kang got norted by himself (absorbed?? Into one body?? I think????)
Liu: “You will have to kill me” Raiden: “I would rather save you” Chat cheers for them to kiss
Raiden and Liu Kang fuse and become a God???? What???????????
Character rips a person’s heart out, Pat: “He just ripped his fucking hort out.” Chat spams “hort”
Super Liu floats in the sky, sends a meteor out and kills a bunch of monsters
Super Liu super punches more monsters
Time starts rewinding, Fire God Liu Kang fights Kitana, then some more people
Lots of fighting in this Mortal Kombat game
During Cetrion fight, Pat: “She just grew a tree just to nail me to it.”
Cetrion gives her soul to Big Evil Lady Mom
MikeAM advises Pat to just do a bunch of flying kicks during the boss battle
“WOW she mean, woofadoof”-- Pat @ the final boss
Pat says he will never fight with honor
Pat fails the fight, Liu Kang gets his head chopped off
Donkey Kong has Died plays as the head rolls (We’ve unlocked the basketball timeline)
Pat thinks about trying the easier mode if he fails a few more times
Hops into the settings to turn on easy mode
Evil Lady (Kronica) turned into Johnny Cage in the middle of the fight??
Fire God Liu Kang and Evil lady go up to spAAACEEEE
Kronica says she’s better than Liu Kang bc he’s a god and she’s a titan?? I thought it went the other way
Pat comments on how it’s weird to have Johnny Cage fight for her at points in the battle
Pat finally wins the match, Kronica gets turned to glass and shattered. The Caught and Compromised clip plays
Now Liu Kang is in charge of watching over the Earth realm, mortal Raiden helps (“Raiden's gonna diiee”)
Game ends just like that, credits roll, Pat: “Oh that’s it, that’s how it ends?!”
Comments on how the next MK can be about literally whatever they want, bc this game set it back to square 1
Cassie apparently has a fatality where she can kick someone in the nuts and have their skeleton pop out “that’s really good”
Pat’s gonna start picking characters to learn moves of and train w them
Pat says apparently there’s three different endings. Not major changes, just is dictated by how long it takes you to defeat the final boss
He got two (2) new maps
Wants to learn the kicking people in the nuts to make their skeleton pop out lmao
“I guess I need to unlock the dick kick”
Does a fatality that involves the character getting ripped in half, then a tomato getting thrown at them
Looked up the Cassie fatality and tries it
Her opponent literally did a piss right before the fight. He really did. Pat lost that fight
Pat messed up the fatality
Decided to try to Krypt before raiding Thomas’ stream
Same actor who played Shang Tsung in the movies played him in the game. Pat geeks out
Pat says this Krypt is better than in other games bc it used to be a dungeon crawl to find things. Now, you just open chests
Pat finds a hammer, uses it to get Koins™
The raid guys should make a MK movie. Apparently the recent John Wick has them fight the raid guys
Pat doesn’t know how much he should drink before going to see the new John Wick. He’s going w Ryan at the Alamo (I assume a theatre)
Pat finds a gong and feels he must hit it with the hammer
Pat says the Krypt changes what loot it has based on what time of day you go to see it
Pat doesn’t know whether or not there’s going to be fights in this area, or if it’s just opening chests
He still thinks he’s going to work w Scorpion and Jax to get good at to learn combos (also probably Jacqui). Wants to do a group play session at some time
Charlie is sneezing!!
Pat’ll be back on Thursday (8 pm EST) with Donk Souls again (if that doesn’t work, he’ll find something else)
Charlie went up on Pat’s lap!!!
Abby streams on Tuesdays at the same time as Pat. He says you should watch both simultaneously
Sent chat to raid Thomas
End of stream
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
Welcome to Polygon-Streams!
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Hi y’all we launched a blog that’s dedicated to watching and writing descriptions of streams by the people who work at Polygon! We started documenting streams last Saturday and we plan on doing more in the future! Follow this blog if you want more updates!!
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
April 25th 2019- Mortal Kombat 2nd Stream
Summary: Pat plays Mortal Kombat 11 on his Twitch channel and an interesting story line ensues
Content warnings: blood, gore, violence, and death (in-game)
Stream starts at 5:17 (starts 10 mins in)
Pat is reminded to turn on subtitles!
Welcomes some peeps in chat (including faith!)
Sets up some block words so as to help others avoid spoilers for the new avengers game (leading to chat posting wildly untrue avengers spoilers “snape kills bumblebore”)
Pat: “Hmmm… uhhh… I’m now realizing i don’t know much about the marvel cinematic universe.”
Piss! from unlimitedpastapass
this takes a few minutes as he accidentally writes all blocked words as one and has to fix it!
People in chat are cheating their way past the filter by misspelling character names. Pat: “thangus?”
“Mike, here’s the secret about my content, it doesn’t have to be good”
Catches up on subs and follows
Says he hasn’t gone far enough in mk to get to microtransactions yet
Starts again in mk story mode
Mentions how you can finish a specific chapter of mk to unlock frost
“There’s kainos beard”
Compares a mk character to austin aries
“He definitely wants to kiss himself”
Wants the next chapter to be a gone home style with Jax
Is drinking water and a jarritos watermelon
Mentions how favs are lime and grapefruit
“He is really going after his grandpa instincts”
Long cutscene which included pat saying aw at how jade wouldn’t betray kitana
“She's been norted”
Everyone in chat loves this bug woman character until she spits out bugs
Pally9x then plays ‘they put bugs in him’ sound which causes a pat laugh
“Those guys gotta hit the gym” - pat @ really buff characters in a cutscene
Memeshart brought up their love for a bunch of characters being in a ‘Stealth conga line’
Pat laughing at enemies being “stupid” during a cutscene
“Whoops” after a character stabs an enemy
“I'm just smashin buttons for the most part”
“Thats uncool” - Pat after a coatl calls for an execution
Theo, a staff member of Twitch enters the stream! “Oh rad it’s that guy who hangs out with BDG”
A character enters the cutscene with ‘Piss!’ sound happening at the same, perfect time
Mentions how a character with a hat sounds exactly like Xavier Renegade angel
Mentions how he doesn’t think that any of the characters in MK11 are canonically gay, but did have one in MKX
Some dudebro character named Johnny tries to make moves on a female in a very bad way, cuts to the whole team looking at him, promptly making him embarrassed (as he should be)
The dudebro Johnny gets slapped and gets his glasses knocked off, promptly puts on a second pair he had in his pocket, causing Pat to laugh
The chat roots on pat to “destroy this fuckboy clown”
Pat laughs and says “it’s so stupid” at cutscenes
Faith in chat: “lotta piss in this stream tonight!”
“Oh, here comes yeehaw.”
“I’m the anti kissin cowboy, aint nobody kissin on my watch.”
We apparently have a new character called the ‘abstinence cowboy’
More cutscene confusion and laughter, “What the fuck is going on in this game”
Nut punch in the cutscene, followed closely by a ‘Piss!”
“I just stabbed that man with a trophy of myself.”
“Oops, that’s my organs, he got all my organs”
Character: “I’m the star” Pat, mockingly: “Im ThE sTaR”
“Hey guys what’s going on I just showed up I hope nothing bad is happening here” Many bad things are happening
Chat goes buckwild over sheeva and her very good big four arms
Pat agrees with Memeshart in that a cutscene char. Is definitely liu kang wearing disguise
“I need that blood!” -Pat after getting fatally stabbed
Pat earns a halfway point trophy!
“Yeah alright, so I gotta beat this guy’s ass in front of his whole family”
“ouchie , stabby stabby”
‘Donkey kong has died’ plays after Pat dies in game
“Just fucking threw a dude at him”
Mentions how he had ‘cheap-ass’ chinese food that was very good and will reheat it tomorrow
“Whoops, shish kabobed” after getting stabbed with a long katana
“Big torso on that one”
Pat gets to a big arena battle in main storyline with a lot of characters fighting each other
“I love tournament anime”
“Ah the bear hug, nobody escapes the bear hug!”
“I wanted Jared’s wife (?) not his heir.” Pat: ProJared?
“That’s a good message...and kicking them in the head is a nice touch”
Pat, looking at the chat chanting for two characters ( kotal and ..green nina lady ) to kiss: “Uhh don’t think we’ve had any kisses yet. Haven’t had any kisses in a while”
“Think you can get away with it cause you’re hot?” -Pat @ character calling sonya some not nice words
Mentions while you cannot use additional outfits in story mode, you can unlock them
Sonya fights a very beat up 80s Johnny fuckboi before they team up to try and get out of the fight ring they’re in
“Just guys bein dudes”
“Mmm.. howdy. I heard rumors that folks were kissin’ in here..” - Pat is bringing back the abstinence cowboy
Pat laughs at @moyeraidan’s comment: “why does sonya look like one of the college admission scandal moms”
Mentions how mk has good fighting choreography
“Rub my tummy”
“The absolute madlad, dropping the gun”
“He’s just making him sleepy that all” after a cutscene char most definitely kills someone
“He’s critical with a K”
“My bones”
“stummy hurt”
“Oh, he needs that to think!” in regard to a character getting his head squeezed to death.
Chat compares ocean with green mist to,,,farts
“This ocean’s got stink lines coming off it.”
“Ah shit here we go again” after a character says,, “here we go again”
Characters walking through a desolate wasteland, “seems fine”
Plugs Thomas’ stream !! And mentions he’ll be back either Saturday or Sunday and starts to host Thomas’ stream
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
April 23, 2019 - Mortal Kombat 11 Story Time
Pat played Mortal Kombat 11 on his channel, major content warnings for blood, gore, graphic violence.
Link to VOD, starts at 00:09:45.
He’s got cyberpunk lighting, oh shit he’s HACKED IN [Watch Clip]
Thanks his new subs at the beginning of the stream (including Faith)
Has not played game beforehand, runs tutorial at beginning
One beverage of the night is a watermelon ale
“One small step for scorpion, giant leap for gamer-kind”
Pat says it’s the third game in mortal Kombat series, starts w #9; everyone was in a fighting ring and it went so bad someone time traveled and reset it
He got 1000 coin $$
Has played Mortal kombat X (second one); says game is relatively similar
He brutally stabbed a guy in the tutorial and said “oops”
He says that thick blood is “thick jelly” for the game
Plays multiple rounds in the tutorial to be more familiar with the game
Got more coins after his second round $$$. Capital Pat $
Fiddles w the setting before going back into gameplay
Says game requires people to memorize combo functions to play and if they don’t get it right, they can get punished (like Dragon Ball Z)
Gets hit with a massive combo and goes “mmMM IM FINE”
“This is some Looney Tunes shit”
Chooses to stay in tutorial; hears about “fatal blow”– which the cpu gave him last round
Requires more timing for fatal blows than previous mortal kombat; used to be able to hold down a button and give a fatality, apparently
“It was an accident; it was fucking cool tho”
Pat uses a character whose main weapon is a chain they can use to grapple on the enemy; is still figuring out the mechanics of the character
He referred to his stream as the pizza party
He entered the customize menu babey
Every menu option MUST start w a K instead of a C in the spirit of the game
Chat feels good about input controls
Chat plays caught and compromised when the boss of the game is revealed [Watch Clip]
Piss clip interrupts dramatic intro scene
Content warning: “everything in the game is NASTY”
BIG kw on this one (stands for “kontent warning”)
Military girl gets promoted to commander bc nepotism, but still needs to duel person promoting her: “I need to kick YOUR ass ma'am”
“My mom kicked my ass”
Looks up special moves bc he can’t beat his mom (also the mom is Sonya, which I think is a char from a previous MK game??)
Mom continues to kick his ass
“RIP mommy” (i detest this man)
“Damn, mom with the MIX UPS”
Finally beats the mom after three or so tries
Kung Lao can do hat decapitations
Pat wants to direct mortal kombat
An intense laser went off in the story and someone played the piss clip at the same time [Watch Clip]
Gives more shoutouts
Thinks the notion of guns in mortal kombat is funny bc guns are never used in the fights
Pat says memeshart should run the streams
*Pat, mocking the storyline* “The BONE temple”
Faith is responsible for many of the piss button presses in this stream
Wants to play as Jackie in the game; doesn’t want to play as Cassie (probably bc she’s not in previous games?)
Hour mark goes by, chat presses h to hydrate
Character says “fuck you!” after a long battle; Pat agrees
Mom is buried by some rocks, Pat: “she could get out if she were a little boulder” (chat proceeds to yell at Pat)
LincolnCarpenter used all of their piss bucks 😔
After the dad realized his wife had died, someone in the chat played the Donkey Kong has Died music; Pat erupts in laughter, “I’m sweaty” [Watch Clip]
Prisoner has a colosseum fight. Pat: “this is so fuckin stupid”
Characters (and Pat) react to time travel element of the plot. Pat remembers some, but not all of the characters. Chat (and Pat) makes memes about characters seeing different versions of themselves
Some of the gore freaked out Pat
Gets new fighting avatar, checks out moves, butchers one of them: “huEHhe”
“I’m just gonna mash the buttons”
Roleplays as his new avatar to himself
I think this game calculates points in decimal?? Why
An assassin appeared out of a cloud of blood from a previously killed enemy. Pat called her his “blood wife,” then sipped on some ale
He has a brief cowboy noise discussion; “they all sound like McCree” (character from Overwatch)
Calls the blood of his enemies “gamer fuel” while still fighting the cowboy
Calls a character “our anti-imperialist bae” (eat the rich)
(sing-song voice) “Gamer fuuuueeeeeeel in my mouth”
“D’vorah” apparently means “da fuq” in mortal kombat (to Pat, during his entrance)
Questioned how Raiden is pronounced (Raid-en in MK, Ry-den in Metal Gear)
Game: “There are two eras” Pat: “Aaaah yes that’s how time works”
Doubts the game’s explanation of how immortals don’t have duplicates, but mortals do. Laughs at plot holes
Tfw you accidentally call your general mom, “General Mommy” [Watch Clip]
Pat has to fight a baby scorpion (the character)
A character the chat calls Hat Man invented dabbing (bc game takes place 20 yrs before dabbing was a thing)
Plays as the Hat Man during a fight, spends first couple seconds figuring out how to throw the hat
“I’m dead. He’s gonna rip my spine out of my ass”
He did a cool combo and said “Good.” with so much authority
Poses question to the chat: “if you and your best friend are on a mystical quest and run into evil, double versions of yourself, do you fight your evil double, or your friend’s evil double?”
Chat is making Christmas Carol memes bc the time travel discussion
Hat Man runs into his evil double “Same hat”
Characters made decision to fight their own evil doubles
Pat remembers cyber machines
Pat smiles in a :D way and does a little dance [Watch Clip]
Sub-Zero is introduced, “Hey Boy” soundbit plays
Pat mocks robot death bc no feelings “my dreeeeams” [Watch Clip]
Characters walk by heads floating in tanks, dismembered body pieces, “NASTY, this game is gross”
character gets sawed in half; pat makes a loud, grossed-out noise
“God damn you Cipher!” sound bit plays while an evil ice lady is revealing plans
Pat fights a character named “Noob Saibot” (chat reacts as you’d expect)
“Caught and compromised” soundbit plays again
Stream wraps up, Pat is sleeby and does a Big Yawn, thanks the mods
Raids Thomas “Strawbiery” Biery
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
Your logo looks dope as hell holy fuck
Thanks! One of our admin, @duderave, designed it!
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
22/04/19 - Jenna & Pat streaming Days Gone
Pat and Jenna are streaming Days Gone for one hour because that’s how much they’re allowed to show us. The game is about fighting zombies (”freakers”), other humans, and keeping the main character’s brother alive, but mostly actually about riding a hog around. They also discuss the horror genre, Alien vs Aliens and if you can pet dogs in this game.
Link to the VOD.
The stream starts with a “Stay Tuned” screen, but Jenna is welcoming people in the chat.
“I’m just oiling my bike up, polishing my decals.”
“Yes I am steaming up my hawg”
Pat enters the chat to say “Yeehog”
Video starts at just after 6:00, Pat begins by saying “Yeehog” out loud, Jenna echoes back, Pat then immediately goes to fix sound levels
Jenna’s bike is named “The Tenderloin” and we’ll see why when she starts running down some zombies
Jenna’s played about 10 hours of this game, but we’re back to a specific save
Pat: “It seems like a video game” Jenna: “It certainly is that”
Subs get turned on, game audio gets turned down, Jenna says writing of the game is surprisingly good
Jenna: “about to make some friends”, Jenna then attacks and kills a man with a bat
Stealth is important in this game, freakers (zombies) can take a lot of damage, but stealth attacks allow one hit kills
Explanation of the game: it is like Last of Us, but with “sick hogs”
“There were no hogs in Last of Us, which I think is one of the biggest shortcomings.” - Pat
This is one hour into the game play and they’re only allowed to show us one hour of the game from this point, if they go over time Sony will send a biker gang and Jenna will be in trouble for being “too cool a biker”
An important mechanic of the game is marking “boyos” with binoculars, because enemies wander and it tracks their health
Pat thinks zombies sound like they are eating spaghetti. He also makes spaghetti eating noises. Don’t like that.
Jenna hasn’t had an issue with ammo management, Pat is excited for some “hog action”
Chat asks if the game is running at 60 fsp. Pat: “My gamer eyes tell me big no”
Chat really likes Pat’s gamer eyes
Embargo on this game is apparently pretty strict and maybe the lower fps is a preview setting
“Should we go deal with Crazy Willie’s infestation?” - Pat
Pat: “Oh, cool, you got a fleshlight” Jenna: “Uh, yeah, I guess you could call it that”
Pat, at the chat: “I said flashlight, why is everyone being weird?” (No, you didn’t)
The controller starts speaking and neither of them like it
They’re talking about hogs now, Jenna: “Hog ride real good”, “Hell yes you can drift this hog”, her previous hog got “metroided” (Pat’s word)
Jenna just ran over a zombie for chat. She did that for us.
Someone from chat says “Jenna is too good at games to know what happens when you fuck up”, Jenna is one with the hog, in tune with it
Jenna doesn’t like zombies surprise attacking her since she’s talking on stream
She goes to deal with a zombie infestation and keeps saying she’ll “release the Molly” (Molotov cocktails), she is nervous because there weren’t many zombies inside the nest
Apparently the freakers eat each other ??? like when one of them is dead, the other will eat it
Jenna kills a zombie, Pat: “Knife to meet you”
She said that if you kill a zombie, you keep their EAR!!
There are children zombies, which are called newts, and adult zombies will sometimes attack and kill them, which is “something”
There are human enemies in this game as well, Jenna: “as we all know, humanity is the true monster”
Pat says the zombs seem really dumb
He thinks they’re too easy to kill, but I think Jenna is just too good at gaming
They’re talking about horror! (timestamp 27:30, if you want a discussion about the origin of zombies in this game and whether they are infected or not)
Jenna says that she keeps thinking we’re over zombies, but we’re not, she predicts environmental horror as next big thing
“We’re seeing an emergence of horror movies where people without disabilities are forced to live the life of people with disabilities. Which isn’t great.” Go off Jenna.
Pat talks about Godzilla and climate change, also he thinks the new Godzilla looks good because it looks like a bunch of big monsters fighting
Pat asks Jenna what her favourite horror archetypes are
Jenna likes witches, but doesn’t like how a lot of the stuff is like “what if we were right for burning witches”, she also likes undead and cult stories
Jenna doesn’t like and understand the grading - she got 44% and doesn’t understand why
Pat says he thinks it looked boring, Jenna says she’s already done this story, so she knew what to expect
Continuing with horror (timestamp 31:00): Alien or Aliens? Pat likes the first one more, the second one is “a bunch of James Cameron bullshit”, they then discuss why they like the first film more
They are wondering how much of a good guy the main character is, as he kills nearly all other humans he meets, Pat: “and then a book about their murder plans falls from their body”
Oh we’re meeting Jenna’s in-game brother. A cult burned his arm because they didn’t like his tattoos. Pat doesn’t like his tattoos either. Jenna appreciates the aesthetic of a full head tattoo.
Jenna likes that every time the main character is asked where his brother is, he tells a different lie about his location.
Pat asks about “bike juice”, they then discuss game mechanics regarding the bike
Jenna’s having some hog trouble, she ran into a fence.
Jenna’s riding to go “fuck up some humans who have done nothing to us, but someone’s paying us to do it”
Oh shoot Jenna drove too far into the human’s camp and everyone is swarming to the bike, she stealth kills some from a bush, then runs away while shooting from an AK, Pat provides extra sound effects
Someone from chat asks what happens when you die, Pat says that that’s a difficult philosophical question, another ask is if the main character is going to hell, Jenna says definitely, there was some drug delivering she had to do
Jenna killed another guy with a wooden plank, Pat: “You just introduced him to the newest millennial trend: planking.”
Chat is mad at Pat for that
They discuss Rockstar-type open world games and having to do stuff for characters you don’t like
Jenna: “You know he’s [main character] a good guy, because he let that one woman go, despite killing ten people just before.”
Everyone in chat is saying that Deacon, main character, is a true feminist (probably because he saved that one woman???)
Pat points out that the location of the game is Bend, Oregon, the location of the last Blockbuster. Jenna will keep her eyes peeled for it.
“I feel like zombie fiction just gave up on scary and just goes for stressful.” - Pat
My cat just showed up to cuddle with me and I just think that’s worth noting.
Someone from chat notes that they got a blueprint for a spike bat, because you can’t just hammer nails into a bat, need a plan for that
The in-game brother says to the main character that “That code of yours is gonna get you killed”, Jenna repeats that to Pat, is this a running joke/thing for them? (Pat nods in response)
Pat has started yawning
Jenna starts riding and says “Hogs up, boys” (timestamp 51:47, I recommend listening to it), Pat asks, while laughing, if that’s what bikers say when they start riding, Jenna says that that’s what this biker says and repeats it, Pat laughs more
Pat: “Hills are sort of nature’s bike ramps”
They’ve decided to close out the stream “just ridin’”
Oh Jenna’s STUNTIN, she drives into a tree, Pat: “you are immune to trees”
Except she just ran into some people and has to kill them
She’s just freed Charlie Day from a hostage situation
Apparently the studio that made this also made Bubsy 3D? I don’t know what that is. Pat verified that with a quick google.
Pat asked if she can drive the bike into water, it killed both the bike and the main character
Pat yawns again
Jenna took out some more humans and then stunted too hard
“Ooh my bike’s really smokin’ isn’t it?” - Jenna
“It’s vapin’. You got a vape bike now.” - Pat
Jenna says that biking is the best part of the game.
Jenna’s hog has run out of juice and they’ve just decided to end the stream there
The game will be out on the 26th, that is it. 
Jenna, rotating the camera: “Here’s Deacon. He’s doing his best, but that involves a lot of murder.”
Lighting round: haven’t seen other outfits for Deacon, can do hog upgrades, can do new weapons, the bike has a decal and a bandana (it’s part of Jenna’s gang)
Final note: Jenna hasn’t seen any dogs in the game, but there are wolves. You cannot pet the wolves, more “die by their hands”.
They might stream this game again once it’s out of embargo, they’ll stream also when they have other games they want to show us.
Pat has got the lunch time sleepies and that’s why he’s yawning, he says that Deacon is a bastard and “hog up, boys”, and that’s the end of the stream.
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
April 21st, 2019 - Pat’s Easter/Post 4/20 Donk Souls Stream
Pat played another stream of Donk Souls, back again with Magnum Jr. Stream went on for a little over 3 1/2 hours, so there’s quite a bit to note
Recaps a bit on yesterday's stream, telling the story of Magnum Jr.
Is interrupted by piss as he explains how he wants to find a loincloth for Magnum Jr, we are still on the fight for as naked of a Kong as possible
"Suns out guns out here in Lothric" - Pat, 2k19
Thanks some good subbers
Waluigi subbed up, thank you Waluigi
Vordt of the Boreal Valley is a fun name
"Hey.. hey, man.. hey.... alright bye, guess I'll see you later, man." - Pat @ a skeleton lookin’ enemy who walked away from him
Magnum Jr. has an arrow through his neck is he ok
4/20 was successful because he didn’t do weed due to it being an illegal criminal activity
"I don't want to perry.. what do i look like... Matthew?"
Has a very long stare at the chat ".................Matthew Perry"
Bonk bonk bonk souls
Gives a few more gifted sub shoutouts
( Chunk of the stream is missing about right here. Only about 30 minutes, sorry about that )
He doesn’t drop pants
Beeline for vort
Memeshart is giving good gamer advice ( I’m sorry Pat, we all know Memeshart is the supreme gamer here )
“I got vorted” - Pat Gill, 2k19
Let’s fucking go, Pat can do it, we got this
Pat has fought this Vordt X times
“Juice time, baby, juice me” - also Pat, 2k19
He’s having more trouble than usual bc his other characters wore clothes
Vordt Souls
RP: do you guys know my dad?
Hums to konkey dong
X is your uber ride, am outside
God dammit, dogs. He’s killing the bone dogs.
One of this weird turtleback men is actually my friends that wants to hang out with me
Does that make me into beef jerky? I want my Kong to be fresh
More dog hate. He’s getting mauled by dogs. “Please lord of Dark Souls don’t let these dogs kill me”
“Why can’t I use ember? Is it because I already am bird shit?” nice joke.
Tropical freeze is such a good soundtrack. He’s done into the past and he may switch to it towards the end
He wants to bottle feed the kittens. He feels the best way to get a kitten to drink out of the bottle is by convincing them they really don’t want it to drink out of the bottle
Just realized he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on in this game after noticing for the first time a person is growing into a plant. Now he’s wondering why the people in this town are turning into trees. Angel b: they’ve commited treason greatest victory : they’re turning over a new leaf
He wants to make today and tomorrow pizza days. And he’s got a big thing of lactaid so he’s set to commit this mistake
He’s working on the environmental storytelling. That’s why he likes it, you have to put it together
If Ken Levine made this game he’d had made it clear by writing on a wall or something but not here
Dark Souls II: spooky stuff here in dark souls. That’s why the game is not called light and breezy souls
He got box stabbed, but he’s having a nice time souls
“This is my friend, Johnny, get it?” - We didn’t get it
“This is my friend, David”
“This is also my friend, Nick”
“Johnny cage.. because it’s a bunch of people in a cage” ( can confirm joke landed only for like two people )
This area gives Bloodborne vibes. Sorta medieval Bloodborne
“I’m not gonna use the whip”
jk he might try
Important update: Charles is sneezing
Camera angle is not in Pat’s favor up in this ruins and he hates it
He doesnt wanna fight anyone called Hodrick
We’re gonna avoid Hodrick and go fight a giant shooting arrows from a tower
22.32 Bijan is here
Memeshart is a consultant-- Pat is calling on memeshart like an Alexa
“Memeshart, play Despacito” Another great joke, Patrick
We’re testing Memeshart’s knowledge boundaries
Memeshart lore: They were picked up from a shipwreck by the current memeshart
Pat doesn’t remember this part being so annoying ( he also doesn’t remember he had clothes for the other characters )
Again with the Johnny/David/Nicholas Cage joke ( but now we all got it )
He’s avoiding killing non hostiles ( he definitely killed them in his main files, though )
Grim Acceptance: The emotion that bopping to The Entire Buck Bumble Theme for 3000 Bits elicits
He’s not particularly excited for the Sega Genesis mini. He didn’t have a Sega so he’s not particularly nostalgic
Bastard Sword: “I am kind of a bastard.”
22.48 Faith’s here
X i s one of hs favorite tracks in the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack
dumbassrights was gifted a sub. a good username, we can all agree
Unspoken chat rule: You aren’t allowed to say you got pizza without also saying the toppings
“He- he packed a bowl, but it was 420 yesterday!” - Pat
Very close to having the loincloth
“Love a big rat”
He doesn’t lock on a lot of enemies, especially big enemies, with enemies surrounding
Even more dog hate. Sorry, can’t relate.
Onion man is with us. he did not help with dog enemy.
“This guy sounds like Paul F. Tompkins doing Alan Thicke”
He’s good friends with the big archer giant. Friendship goals.
Bijan: “Can anyone explain the plot of Dark Souls?” Pat: “No.”
“It’s time to probably die”
Onion man is sleeping, chat decides to spam z for good slumbers
Lore check: this is the son of Magnum Kong , Magnum Kong Junior and he’s trying to find his dad, his papa, his daddy.
Went full “That’s rough, buddy” with “They really just tied a bunch of people to these burning wheels, huh….. rough..”
“I’m not good at archery, but the point is not about doing well, it’s about having fun.”
( sees enemies ) ( gasp ) two of them! ( dies )
Memeshart comes in again to say Pat missed a chest. Thank you for your service, Memeshart
Memeshart was right ( as always )
enemies: throw orbs pat: Is that allowed??
Still hasn’t seen the bone ball. Boneball watch 2k19
“Perfect for us whomst love to hate wear pants”
Spitballing this part because he hasn’t played it.
( picks up a reinforced club ) “I’ve joined the reinforced club. The club is me. I am the club.”
“goin’ on a quick loin cloth quest”
“I’m not sure what burning an undead bone shard does, but 420 was yesterday.” - I am not sure what this means but he isn’t wrong, I guess?
We’re gonna go burn an undead bone shard in a loincloth
“Loincloth is a bit more modest than previous ones but we got the legs exposed which is important” - good fashion advice from pat
“I do like the swing of the cloth it makes you think you might have a little peek if you get lucky”
“I’m touching a lady hold the fucking phone dude. Did I fail the touch?”
Young Man Charles was in the background for like 5 seconds and chat went absolutely nuts. As they should.
“I just wish we could get the ass out more in this game. I guess they cut down on the ass.”
Pat yeeted the sword master.
We’re gonna fuck up a tree. He’s the first or second big boss in Dark Souls 3
Content Warning: Nasty Boss. Pat’s gonna smack this tree’s groin area.
Faith is somehow not fond of this boss. I wonder why
Charlie showed up but Pat is busy busting these veggie’s nuts
Pat’s still adamant about not using the whip: “I’m not gonna whip this tree dude’s nards”
“Watchin’ Highlander on 4/20!”
Does not want to be hollow, would rather be ‘plump and svelte’
“I love when my elaborate attack doesn’t hit.” - A relatable gamer feel by Pat
Pat is having a sweaty one today
“We should clay-less…. We should mackle-less ( old man groaning noises )”
“I think the gentleman doth mackle too much.”
Oh, it’s drag JK Rowling o’clock! sipping_that_tea.jpg
According to Pat you psychologically cannot poop standing up
“Why did she say that? why did she do this?”
Chat says that babies poop standing up. Pat responds with, “Babies aren’t like us.”
“I’ve had enough poopoo peepee talk for today. Fuck JK Rowling.”
Chat is going full trans rights for seemingly no reason, it’s beautiful.
Was that little man always there? We may never know. Pat definitely does not remember the lil dude though, but seems to appreciate his presence nonetheless.
Here goes the french champagne
c h u n k y  r o l l i n ‘
admin duderave put that he spilled cottage cheese on himself in chat, “duderave… how much cottage cheese was spilled…”
admin duderave was laughed at for spilling cottage cheese on himself. it be like that sometimes.
Aerospoon back at it again gifting about 10 subs today. Nice goin’, buddy, doing God’s work on this fine Easter
He was talking about his next stream and got distracted by Charlie, as you do ( the next stream is tuesday at 8pm est )
He’s got the whole day off on Tuesday bc he worked pretty much all week due to traveling
After clicking around for a minute, decided to raid thatguyTagg, and said goodbye
End of stream!
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
4/20 (nice) - Pat + Faith stream Donk Souls!
Pat plays Dark Souls III set to the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack with a character designed to resemble a Kong. Faith draws her interpretations of Dark Souls characters. A bullet point summary of what you missed:
The stream starts with Faith drawing a nice little crystal lizard!
Pat welcomes chat to the stream and reads off the names of people who have just subbed/resubbed.
Pat decides not to turn on CC for the stream because it would not pick up on Faith.
Pat and Faith briefly talk about Warped Tour. Faith mentions that her brother attended the 2007 Warped Tour and Pat asks her if she can ask her brother who was on the line-up. She says she can try but we never hear back. We will never know if the bands were bad.
Pat tries to plug Badvertising, the podcast he guested on recently, but he misspeaks and calls it Sadvertising. He explains that this is the name of his spinoff of Badvertising.
Faith can’t hear the music on-stream so Pat tells her where to find the playlist, and mentions that it was posted by someone with the username familyguy10. Chat thanks Family Guy.
Someone plays “Ahhh the French!” from the soundboard and Pat recites it word-for-word.
“There is a California champagne by Magnum Kong.” -Pat
Pat mentions visiting California recently and talks about the food he enjoyed there.
Pat and Faith start creating the new Kong in the Dark Souls character creator.
Pat decides to set the characters class to “commoner” and Faith calls him a “Kongmoner”. It’s a good joke.
The Kong looks like a Waluigi at first. Pat and Faith remark that Waluigi is the base form from which all characters are crafted. 
Pat and Faith consider giving the Kong chest hair, but chat determines that all Kongs shave their chests.
Pat struggles with the Kongs nose, as he cannot make the tip look flat enough in profile.
“Is there a way to just turn the nose off?” -Faith
Pat finally manages to set nose to “no”, but it still looks bad.
They decide to accept the nose and move on to the mouth.
“Oh man, I’ve just like not been drawing for two minutes because I’ve just been looking on in horror” -Faith
Pat protrudes the mouth to balance the absence of a nose.
Our character finally starts to look like a Kong.
“He wants revenge on whoever took away his good nose.” -Faith
“How come ‘feminine’ turns the face green?!” -Pat
“Oh, well that’s like- you know how all girls wear a lot of foundation and stuff- it’s because we’re all green under there.” -Faith
Faith suggests that maybe this Kong’s mission is to find his son. Pat chooses a face option that makes the Kong look friendly, and Faith clarifies that the Kong is only on his way to pick his son up from soccer practice.
His backstory is later updated from dad-finding-son to son-finding-dad. This new Kong is Magnum Kong Jr., son of the Magnum Kong from Pat’s playthrough of Dark Souls I.
It is established that Jr.’s mother is the senator’s wife that Magnum Kong fucked in Dark Souls I.  
“He looks just like his mother” -Pat
“He’s got her powdered lips” -Faith
Pat and Faith give Jr. a small tattoo of a horse on his cheekbone.
It is established that Jr. is a soundcloud rapper who goes by the name of “Lil’ Nano”, short for banana.
Pat and Faith move into the hair options.
“This is not your daddy’s Kong” -Pat
They settle on a swept back mullet dyed bleach blond.
They play with facial hair but decide against it, as they prefer a youthful look.
Art update: Faith has drawn a very cool Dancer of the Boreal Valley!
Pat and Faith play with the brows and forehead before finally feeling satisfied with the new Kong.
Stream loses Faith for a couple minutes. Pat focuses on bringing her back.
They finally move into gameplay.
Pat realizes that Dark Souls III will not allow him to remove Jr.’s pants. He is distressed by this and starts looking for armor that will override this.
Pat and Faith talk about 4/20 plans while Pat fights a crystal lizard. Neither have plans.
Binchofthewilds – one of our admin – gets a shoutout for a good username!!!!
Pat and Faith talk about hanging out while Pat was in California. They talk about food again.
Faith mentions that LA weather forecast currently has a high of 69 fahrenheit, so it’s a double nice day.
Pat moves on to the first boss fight after failing to kill the crystal lizard. The boss kills him.
Art update: Faith has drawn a bone wheel chasing a little dude this time. Very cool!
Faith convinces Pat to lower the price on the sound titled “Faith’s Cowboy Button”, which plays the sound of the cowboy yell from the song “Big Enough”.
Pat relents and chat immediately spams the button, resulting in the sound of multiple cowboy yells overlayed on top of each other. Pat raises the price again.
Pat talks about his upcoming projects at Polygon, including more videos like the recent one with Marcus Scribner, as well as Unraveled season 2!
Faith mentions that she just recently watched the Unraveled Pokerap presentation. Pat says it was great to watch live and remarks that it was very cool that Polygon allowed Brian to take a month off of everything else to focus primarily on the Pokerap.
Faith talks about designing a teenage girl’s bedroom at an old job and says that she filled it with katanas, because she believed the girl would collect them. She says that she ultimately had to remove the katanas but was glad to have worked in a place where she felt comfortable being creative.
Pat mentions having a katana saved in his amazon wishlist, but he has been unable to buy it as it has not been available for months.
Faith talks about her rock and mineral collection. She remarks that it is a conveniently aesthetically pleasing hobby.
“All of my hobbies involve piles of cables” -Pat
Pat mentions trying raw beef (steak tartare) at a tapas place during a work dinner.
Faith talks about being vegetarian. She says she only started in high school, but giving up beef wasn’t hard as she rarely ate it due to the mad cow disease scare.
Art update: Faith has drawn a really cool jailer. She remarks that the character fits her personal aesthetic perfectly.
Pat asks Faith which part of the human body is her least favorite to draw. She says that she always gets frustrated while trying to draw foreheads going into noses. Pat says he always has trouble drawing feet.
“I would never draw a toe.” -Pat
Faith talks about the graphic novel she is working on. She is writing it as well as drawing it. It is about a girl who turns into a ball of lightning and it sounds very cool. Pat is excited about it.
Someone in chat dropped ice cream on the FLOOR. Pat starts talking about vegan ice cream. Faith mentions not knowing about liquid nitrogen ice cream until she ordered it in a restaurant and they started pouring “fog” on the counter.
Pat and Faith start talking about Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. All of the characters are apparently named after bands, including a character just named “Cars”? There is a self-insert character in Jojo’s with way too big of a role. Someone in chat says that Jojo’s sounds like Riverdale, somehow. The admins did not understand this part of the stream.
Final art update: Faith has drawn a very good Winged Knight. He is a Big Boy and we love him.
Pat talks briefly about trying to get back into art. He says that Faith’s art is encouraging because it shows that you can draw anything.
End of stream!
Link to all of Faith’s good Dark Souls art: [x]
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polygon-streams ¡ 5 years
Another update: The account is here and it is up and running! We will be posting our first summary tomorrow (4/20) on Pat’s stream. You can follow us on this blog if you want to see those updates and we will see you then!
- Maddie
Hey y’all so I thought of an idea to make a polygon blog dedicated to filling people in on what happened in twitch livestreams from polygon people!! I’m not very good with watching streams in free time (though I will have more free time now), but I would need other people to be admins on the blog in case other admins miss the stream.
If you’re interested in being an admin, dm me! If not, you can just spread the word about it!!
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