radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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Hi, Shesh, why are the things that are really worth doing so difficult to do? For example, take the four steps you have described in your CEO Chronicles articles on Promotion . IT IS THE DIFFICULT THINGS THAT ARE WORTH DOING Hi, Irina, that is an interesting question! I hope you can follow my reasoning below: 1. The things worth doing are those that few people can do and most people aspire to do. Things like climbing a tall mountain, writing a great book, winning a football championship, or becoming a senior manager. 2. When something can be achieved only by a few people, it becomes valuable (scarcity value). 3. The reason that only some people can do these is because they are hard to do. Writing a book takes months of work and knowledge and editing and reviews. If they were easy (like spending time on Facebook or WhatsApp), everyone would be able to do them, and thus they would not have any ‘worth’. 4. So, the question is actually to be turned around to give you the answer - it is the hard things in life that are really worth doing. Why? Because they give us pride, joy and a sense of achievement. They also differentiate us from the others who don’t or can’t do the same things we can. They make us feel special and valued. Would you agree?
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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This is a query that resonates across ages, geographies and cultures. Whether you were a foot soldier in the Pharaoh's army, or a clerk in East India Company, the desire was and is the same! You want to grow and contribute more. You want status and recognition. Being promoted is as much about how you are perceived, as about what you achieve. It is about planning and setting goals and learning and collaborating. Learn the Six Steps to achieving growth and success in your career.
If you want to know more, please visit us. Radical Advice offers business transformation services and career guidance.
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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Shesh, you must have had some bad experiences, too. Could you share one?
I don’t like to share unpleasant experiences. However, since you asked…
'John' and 'Sarah' were colleagues in the HR department. During a review of the Company Employee Handbook, they found that some policies were unfair to the employees.
Together, they updated the Handbook, and submitted it to the CEO for approval. Unknown to them, the original Handbook had been drafted by the CEO himself (with the help of a consultant). So, the CEO, feeling upstaged, flew into a rage.
He called both into his room and took them to task. Who, he asked, was responsible for this? Sadly, John took the easy and dishonest way out. He placed the responsibility on Sarah’s shoulders. The CEO yelled at Sarah till she broke down crying.
While John’s behaviour was unforgivable, things actually ended well.
A little later, the CEO re-read the revised Handbook. He realized that it was an improvement on his version. He swallowed his pride, called in Sarah, apologized to her, and thanked her for her initiative. He then promoted her to HR Manager.
John’s betrayal cost him his friend and his reputation. He left the company soon thereafter.
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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Being good in your job lets you keep your job. That’s all.
Punctuality, diligence, timely delivery are great qualities. They are just not promotable ones.
Being sincere and being naïve are two entirely different things.
Being promoted is as much about how you are seen, as about what you do.
"Six Steps To Your Promotion" shows you the path to growth and success in your career.
Read More: http://www.radicaladvice.net/custom_post/ceo-chronicles-12-six-steps-to-your-promotion/
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
Hey Shesh, I have a question my colleagues and I discuss often – can we ever achieve work-life balance?
The phrase, ‘work-life balance’ is badly coined. This phrase implies that work is something we are forced to do, so that we may earn the resources to have a happy life outside of work.
This is wrong. Work is an integral and important part of life. Incorrect phrases like these condition us to see work as a burden rather than as a path to self-worth. We see it as an obligation rather than an opportunity. Such phrases also cause us to ignore all non-employed workers – mothers, spouses, caregivers, and somehow rank these vocations as less.
This leads us to certain behaviours – to resent the time and effort that work consumes; to feel that work prevents us from leading notionally wonderful lives; to treat non-employed people differently.
What you want is, ‘work-leisure balance’?
Work-leisure balance is absolutely critical for our minds and bodies. We need to balance the hours we spend at work, with the hours we spend with our family, or hiking or chilling. We need to nourish all parts of our spirit, and explore the full range of joys the world has to offer.
And, yes, we CAN achieve work-leisure balance. How?
Watch this space!
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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Hey Shesh, thank you for helping with my draft vision and strategy. I have one question – what makes some executives more successful than others?
You're welcome, Dennis, and all the best with your new journey!
Great question – one I regularly coach professionals on. While there are myriad components of success, some loom larger than others :
Planning – every successful journey starts with planning. What is my goal, where do I want to go, what is the most optimal route, what milestones do I have to cross?
Preparation – this follows planning closely. Once the plan is clear, collate everything required to implement and achieve the plan. Knowledge, networks, expertise, money, tools, technology.
Persistence – any ambitious journey is going to be tough. There are going to be rickety bridges and hairpin bends. Even with the right plan and resources, giving up can sometimes seem the only option. Don’t. Ever.
Performance – success, finally, is about delivering expectations. No one is rewarded for ‘doing their best’. In the final count, we need to deliver sustainable results.
These are some habits that successful professionals embrace.
There are many more.
Could you share one?
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
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Hey Shesh, such a profound and inspiring article! You have been really lucky with your bosses! A quick question – what resulted from the offsite where you learnt the Power of Many?
Hi, guys. Yes, I have been more than lucky – my bosses took a clod of clay and shaped a professional!
To answer your question – unlike in movies, the situation did not change overnight. What happened next was gradual and organic.
First, the senior managers started trusting one another. This led to less conflict, better communication and closer collaboration. We became more effective.
Second, the trust led to transparency. Everyone was comfortable sharing their departmental issues openly and honestly. This led to hidden problems being exposed, reviewed and resolved. We became more efficient.
Third, because the senior managers built a good rapport, our teams broke away from the silos that had walled them in. Cross-team collaboration steadily rose; interdependence was accepted and embraced; the company’s goals took primacy over team goals. We became far more productive.
What do you think was the outcome of these three evolutions?
(#RadicalAdvice offers personal and business growth advisory services)
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radicaladvicesg · 5 years
CEO Chronicles # 11 : The Three Bosses Who Changed My Life
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This is the story of three amazing bosses who taught me the most important lessons of my life.
The first taught me about the Power of One.
Then, the second taught me about the Power of Many.
Finally, when I was ready, the third taught me about Power.
Power of One - The power to believe in myself, to commit myself to whatever I do, and to give it everything I have.
Power of Many - No matter how talented each of us is, we will always lose if we play one against our competitor’s many.
Power - Power, in its essence, is the Power of One engaging and inspiring the Power of Many.
Every one of us, in one or another situation, will face the test of Power. It is up to us to choose and use wisely.
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