riverennn · 2 days
...guess i should answer all the questions in my inbox huh..?
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riverennn · 7 days
how good are each of your ocs at voice impressions?
they're probably all kinda bad, but i'll give it a try anyway lmao
Fear - actually really good at replicating voices, but it can sound pretty distorted at times
Myth - not bad at it, but she doesn't have any ability for it like Fear does. she's just used to doing voices for campaigns.
Jesse - pretty used to subtly changing their voice so he don't arouse suspicion wherever he's trying to sneak around
Oaken/River - not much talent for it besides maybe doing silly voices.
Kayla - she thinks she's great at impressions. she is not. every impression just sounds like her regular voice with a slight haughtier tone to it
Psychic/Sheila - probably wouldn't be awful at an impressions if they tried, but they are so dead inside they can't be willed to do it
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riverennn · 10 days
i like when tumblr suggests beautiful river photography and ads for psychic readings
it's trying its best.
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riverennn · 14 days
does myth enjoy attending loud parties and clubs?
if she gets to be the center of attention, then sure!
most psychomancers don't prefer crowded spaces though. they like thoroughly keeping track of whoever is in the room with them.
however, some enjoy these kinds of spaces. there's certainly a lot of information to absorb and process all at once.
...maybe not the most useful information though.
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riverennn · 17 days
first ever drawing of psychic btw (april 29th, 2021)
Tumblr media
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riverennn · 18 days
which of your characters do you think has been the hardest to develop? in terms of lore, backstory etc
definitely river & oaken!
moreso river since she's very personal to me, it's hard to come up with a story that's satisfying. every time i think i have something concrete, i end up questioning whether it's what i want to do in the end...
i plan to do yet another rewrite of the nitty gritty stuff, i want to make it something that impresses myself too <3
not sure what form river's story will take in the end, so we'll just see what happens!
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riverennn · 18 days
Could you rank your OCs in order of how good they would be in a stealth mission?
Myth - Using clairvoyance she can sneak around easily
Psychic - Can easily hide in dark areas & move quickly
Sheila - As a bounty hunter, she's used to being pretty stealthy
Jesse - Surprisingly high charisma, still gets caught tho
Kayla - She tries her best.
Oaken - Doesn't care about stealth, she just wants to kill.
River - Horribly clumsy, and has sorta slow wits.
Fear - Has no concept of subtlety or consequence, does not try to hide at all.
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riverennn · 25 days
Wait so does that mean in mind games Psychic only had the microphone for kicks?? Lol
actually, i just remembered that's been canon since a long ass time ago😭
my friend koi pointed it out to me, and i was like "yeah that's funny" and made it canon
it honestly fits psychic, because even though he acts all high and mighty, he's actually really awkward. he kinda grabbed the mic without thinking and was too embarrassed to put it down once he did, poor guy :(
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riverennn · 25 days
I'm curious; why'd you choose to make river/your sona an undead?
it's a very personal reason, i don't mind sharing it though
i have inattentive adhd and depression, so feeling like a zombie is pretty much my everyday life. it feels like things don't hit as mentally hard as they should, and i have trouble reacting properly sometimes.
i decided to make undead river my main sona after i drew my wip (human) river as a zombie for halloween.. i was already trying to make myself a new sona that truly represented how i felt, but nothing was really working out
in a weird way, having my sona as an undead is kind of comforting.. it feels a bit less like i'm trying to hide that aspect of myself by drawing myself overly expressive & excited. it's nice to draw myself dead outside, just as i'm dead inside lmao
i'm not sure exactly when the recognition hit me, but after the halloween drawing i immediately tried to polish that version of river as a zombie with a new design, resulting in the very first draft of undead river!
and the rest is history :)
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riverennn · 25 days
if psychomancers only really speak through telepathy, can their voices be picked up by microphones or recorded?
y'know.. i've never actually thought about this before lmao
i mean, i havent thought about a lot of the previous asks before they were, well, asked but..
...yeah i'm stumped by this one
i guess not, since the telepathy signal is less of an actual voice, and moreso a brain signal of what their voice would sound like
so yeah! that's canon now ig xP
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riverennn · 28 days
noticed there r some other characters in ur blog header, who r they if u don't mind me asking?
half of them are other people's ocs i've drawn before, i wanted to have a nice rainbowy palette.. i forgot who the 2nd oc is, but
it features DeepfriedBones, and my friend Camiseta (LittleCewwy)
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riverennn · 28 days
Followup to that thigh-crushing ask. What's the strongest material that she could do it to? This IS for science reasons.
hmmm it probably caps out at a large watermelon, if we're being realistic n all
still pretty difficult, i think if she was fueled by rage she might be able to achieve a bit more...
for no reason in particular, she probably couldn't completely crush a skull but she could definitely completely fracture one
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riverennn · 28 days
Important question, no bias whatsoever.
Can Oaken crush things with her thighs?
ah yes, i presume this question is for science-related reasons? :)
indeed, she could crush a lot of things with her thighs. she has a lot of muscle strength and very little mental restraint when it comes to obliterating things...
she bandages up her legs cuz it's the only thing that can restrain their pure raw destructive power /j
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riverennn · 29 days
Can you draw me please?
sorry, i don't draw random ppl's ocs...
i struggle to draw my OWN ocs😭
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riverennn · 1 month
what was the inspiration for Fear?
well, i had already made myth at that point and i felt like creating yet another psychomancer to compliment the others
fear being genderless was the first thing i decided, and it ended up shaping its lore quite a bit in the end
also, i made it a cyclops since one-eyed ocs are cool and i didnt have one yet lmao
since myth and psychic are very composed & MOSTLY mature (aka not myth) i wanted to create a character that is the exact opposite, taken to the extreme... basically what'd happen if a psychomancer went wrong, and the horrific consequences of creating an all-powerful monster with no remorse for human beings.
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riverennn · 1 month
What's something that river absolutely hates (that doesn't have to do with oaken)?
i wouldn't even say river hates oaken, she's moreso just afraid of her
river is a very laidback person, so she's not really one to hate things. though, if she truly hated anything, it'd be her unlucky ass life xP
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riverennn · 1 month
can psychomancers feel external temperature changes? i always kinda assumed they couldn't bc...no nervous system lol but what's the canon answer?
also can psychomancers cry,?
while psychomancers don't have typical sensory organs like humans, they do have a sort of mental sense of their environment.
they can't feel temperature, but they can sense if it's hotter/colder in a room. they can even sense changes in air pressure, etc.
most of these things don't actually affect them though, so most of the time they don't really pay attention to it
and to answer your other question, probably not!
but then again, psychomancers can do a lot of weird things with their eyes sooo... who knows!! psychomancers are usually pretty stoic so good luck making them want to cry to begin with lol
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