robbydelosangeles · 1 year
A Subtle College Life in SPUP
Hey there! It's me again😁 the most handsome gentleman in the Psychology Department😉. It's been a long time since I posted here, I have been busy living my life lately. Today, in this sacred 21st century thingy called blog, I am going to be talking about what it is like to be a Paulinian college student🤩. This will take a long time, so if you are interested, get yourself a cup of hot coffee - or tea, whatever you prefer- sit back, relax, and join me as we go on a journey of a Paulinian student's life.
Are you ready? All righty then, let's go!
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St. Paul University Philippines, a school known for their magnificent infrastructures, Christ-centeredness, aesthetic gardens, and of course, slippery tiles😂. Too bad my college journey did not start there. Nope. It was pandemic back then so my college journey started in an app. A lot of grown-ups would think, "Oh that's great, your college life would be easy since it will all be done online for a while. You'll be at home, you don't have to go outside, you won't be spending money, you kids should get through this with ease!"
Yeah, right😐.
I guess when it comes to learning and academics, some things will just not escape you. And those are hardships, struggles...and math. Seriously, I thought this course won't have any math subjects LOL. But anyway, now that we are growing up, life won't get easier from there. Even though it was flexible learning, we still get to deal with too many house chores, too many requirements, deadlines, quizzes, and who said we won't be spending any money?🙄
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Nevertheless, all of this hardships and conflicts have shaped me into the best of who I am. Truth is, I was a slacker at the beginning, but because of the pressure, I got up my feet and started working harder than before. And I am soooo thankful for choosing to be a better student.
During my first year, I was very shy about making new friends. But I'm glad that my friends are wise, hard-workers, logical thinkers, and full of good influence. Well, kind of🙊. LOL Now that face-to- face class is finally back, I became closer to them than online.
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Speaking of face-to-face, during the first days of third year, one of my classmates told me "You know, you look so much thinner online. You're actually chubbier in person." And here is how I reacted:
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Well, it's true, I will admit it. I actually got too carried away with my laziness and eating too much that I gained so much fat. I got my interest back on weightlifting at the beginning of year of 2022. My progress was actually better than before. I can lift heavier weights now, my physique is getting toned, and even though my body weight was actually getting heavy (it's because of the muscles😎) my clothes are starting to fit better.
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The issue was, because my top priority was my academics, I barely even have time to do a set of push ups. And with that, I adjusted my priorities. At first, I must finish all of my academic related requirements that must be done. And when I finally have a free time, only then will I go back to lifting heavy weights. And since then, with my diet on track of course, the balance between my favorite hobby and my academics are doing very well.
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That's one of the life changing lesson that I have learned and will forever apply it till my last breath. Know what you want and what you need, set your priorities straight, and just flipping do it. You are probably thinking, "Oh wow, Robby, you prioritize your study and you go to the gym? That is s alpha of you😍". I don't really like that term to be labelled at me😂. An alpha is more of dominant type of person, the one who has the ability to lead and influence people.
Throughout my college life, I have become a leader of a group more than once. And the first time I ever became a leader, I was a hot head. Like if one of my groupmates won't do their work on time I would rant the heck out of them in our own group chat. 😂
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But hey, that was back then, now I actually learn to become better with leading and influence people. When it comes to being a leader, logical thinking comes first, empathy comes second, emotions come last in silence. In other words, be stoic.
A lot of unexpected conflicts will come, especially when a lot of responsibilities are passed on to you. And no matter what, we must learn to endure and cope our emotions in silence, and never let them affect the way you think and the way you act. So always be logical with the way you think. Speaking of that, the best thing about college life is that my mindset have been shifted. Almost as if my brain was callused. The thing is, whenever I feel anxious or afraid of something, I face it. One of my oldest enemies is my anxiety. Whenever I feel like butterflies are going crazy in my stomach, I took a deep breath and just go. That is why I joined and volunteer whenever I get a chance to do so, such as performing along with the mob dancers, singing in a chorale, and speaking in front of a class.
These are some of the lessons that I have learned living as a college student in St. Paul University Philippines. If I could go back in time to meet my younger self who said "I can't wait to be a college student, it must be exciting", I'd go back and slap him on the face. LOL
All jokes aside, I hope that my sharing have entertained you, and I also hope that you learn something valuable because every thought that I have said, every lessons, are all based on my experience as a college student.
With that, thank you so much for your time and have a great weekend💖
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robbydelosangeles · 2 years
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My name is Robby Delos Angeles, I am 20 years old and I live in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. In my spare time, I lift heavy weights and do very intense training. I am already born fat and I am not going to die with love handles and a double chin. Kidding aside, I work out a lot because I want myself to be in the be healthy, active and at the best shape that I can be. I actually consider gym as my therapy because I got really bad anger issue 🤣, BUT I'm learning to control it. Besides of that, I actually sketch a little, read books, play guitar and listen to rock songs, hang out with my friends, visit churches during Sunday, and I am addictive to coffee. Seriously, if I don't start my day without coffee I'll be pissed(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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So, where do I see myself in the next five years? Probably in the streets begging for spare change. Just kidding. I actually see myself as a practicing attorney. I took the bachelor of science in Psychology because I am actually curious about how the human mind works, how human behaviors work, how to correctly and professionally handle depression, and how to read people's minds. Spoiler alert, mind reading isn't real (T_T). They also say that psychology is very helpful for a lawyer, other pre-law courses, in my opinion, are actually overrated and I wanted to try something that is outside the so-called basic norms. As I continue learning in this course, I begin to understand why it is very helpful for an attorney to learn psychology. A lawyer should know how people work in order to defend his client.
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Everything that I have learned in school is very much helpful when I am finally an adult. Socialization, how I cope up with problems, how I solve it, how I pick the right people to surround myself, and many more. I have actually learned many things in this course that can be very helpful for my daily life. So, was psychology the best choice after all? ABSOLUTELY!❤ It made me realize more of myself and the people around me. If you are like me, who wants to understand human behavior and society, then this is the course that is absolutely for you༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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