rocker-girl-things · 5 years
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rocker-girl-things · 5 years
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SIKE, YOU THOUGHT! You thought I wasn’t gonna upload anymore My mind tought it could be cool to draw without any lineart, but I didn’t expected it to be this difficult. Like, jeez, how can people do this? Specially the hair. I tried my best with the hair but damn. Anyway, enjoy this (ex) Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia. One of my first fictional waifus/crushes in life and a character I have in my heart since Pokemon Platinum was the very first Pokemon game I ever had back at 2009 <3  I’m very sorry for the inactivity, anxiety it’s not good when is stronger than you lol
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rocker-girl-things · 5 years
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rocker-girl-things · 5 years
Kale: I’m sorry to hear about Cabba.
Caulifla: [ confused]
Kale: He’s not hurt or anything. I’m just sorry I have to hear about him.
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rocker-girl-things · 5 years
Of course the shitty sexism with Caulifla and Kale crops up again when their episodes air on Toonami.
The issue with the whole “feminist sjw bait, thot, Mary Sue” thing is that it comes from this shitty sexist place. Those words themselves are mostly used with sexist connotations by this specific group of hateful dudes.
Coming from this specific perspective, the comments are not actually sincere commentary or criticism on wanting better-written female characters or a better-written story, they’re dudes letting their victim complex out because they have some underlying/internalized issues with women.
People who actually offer criticism and want the story to be better usually don’t abundantly use these gendered insults - from the usual insults to straight-up wanting the characters to be tortured or raped.
It’s all about wording and the underlying intention the comment has. If it’s worded like that, it’s really clear it’s not really about criticizing the story and just about a dude’s issues with women.
Another case in point: Kale, Caulifla and Ribrianne are the first actually powerful and somewhat relevant female fighters in the series in forever. The series has massive amounts of dude characters with the same writing quirks (such as being naturally powerful and making huge steps in a short time), yet people are still outraged about them the most.
If you really disliked Kale and Caulifla because “they grow strong too fast” or “they’re not wriiten well”, why do you need to add something of the effect of “they’re bitches that need to be tortured by Freeza” on there? and yes, I’ve seen this shit.
This actually goes all across any reaction towards series aimed towards women or introducing more female characters in a series. They’re all apparently some sort of sjw conspiracy to destroy all men and strip them of their humanity somehow. She-Ra, the Crunchyroll series thing? How the hell do you “force” representation “for the Tumblr types”?
I don’t know, maybe there are just more series aiming to cater to girls/women now, not some wierd conspiracy going on here? How can be advertising a series for having lots of strong girl characters in any way spun as negative? Stuff like this always has to some extent a positive aim, even if it might not turn out right.
In Caulifla’s and Kale’s case, they were born out of wanting to appeal to Broly fans. I think both of them are far better characters than the original Broly, but especially Kale had that purpose and Toriyama created Caulifla as an addition to give her a companion character.
So yeah, why say all those sexist and shitty things when criticizing these characters?
Freeza, Trunks and Goten and the new Broly don’t get this kind of massive blow-back for being so naturally powerful or growing so fast in quick succession. Add to that, despite the girls being so powerful, they are all side characters that lose and get their asses kicked by much more powerful and skilled fighters. So, no, they are not complete Mary Sues that are the most powerful characters in the story and can do no wrong. The story still pegs them pretty low compared to the actually strong fighters. It goes out of it’s way to constantly say that they’re just really powerful, but not actually very skilled and limit them by saying they’re fighting tired opponents. The story actually fully acknowledges and shows they have flaws and if seeing actual consequences is the problem, then why single out these characters? I feel like that’s a general problem with the series and most of the cast for a long time now.
What’s the *real* issue here?
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
Cabba helping Caulifla set up a dating account: Let’s put up some likes and dislikes. How about your favorite food, what would that be?
Caulifla: Loose meat sandwich
Cabba: …What
Caulifla: Loose meat sandwich
Cabba: I’m not putting loose meat sandwich. I’m putting sandwich. Regular sandwich.
Caulifla: Don’t put sandwich put loose meat sandwich they’ll know what that is
Cabba: No! They won’t know what that is! Nobody knows what that is!
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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I swear Kale is just too pure
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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This cute super saiyan is gonna wreck your face
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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i accidentally deleted the ask that had this pic but. lesbians
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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The first thing Caulifla did was run to Kale and hug her while everyone else was wondering what was happening! 
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
Otp= Caulifla x Kale.
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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Happy Valentine's day. Credits to the artist
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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From the looks of it, The Sadala King doesn’t care much about all his people. At the beginning of the chapter Cabba is coming from a better-built, richer-looking land than the one that Caulifla claims as her territory. The Sadala Army doesn’t seem to care much for them which could be the reason why Caulifla became their Robin Hood. 
Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor could be seen as an admirable thing to Kale which could explain her reason to wanting to protect her and stay by her side. 
The Tournament is probably going to change their relationship and make Caulifla notice things she didn’t before about Kale. They’re going to be getting closer than their henchman and leader relationship if the anime is any indication. Not to the degree of fighting while hand-holding but the phrase “follow me to the end,” could be repeated. 
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
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Is this official?
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rocker-girl-things · 6 years
Kale: We’re engaged.
Caulifla: IN COMBAT.
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