royal-descent · 42 minutes
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Logan Lerman taken by Ana Corrigan.
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royal-descent · 49 minutes
Gareth was well known to be rebellious, wild, and a bit lawless on the ocean, and he wasn't suited to being cooped up in the palace with his brothers when there was no reason for him to be on his ship, and so he was often seen sneaking out of the castle as night, walking the shores of the kingdom in the silvery moonlight.
Of course he was curious when he came up on a body bathed in the moon, wet from a swim. "Wallace. What are you doing out here? I haven't seen you out here before. Perhaps we simply miss each other in passing. You know I really would like you to stand." The prince teased and he knew it but he couldn't help himself.
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@royal-descent. Gareth & Wallace.
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Wallace's life was mostly spent on the ocean, his father was in the king's navy, and without a mother, he was always brought along with his father and then when he came of age, he stopped going on the ocean as much, but always found himself there and tonight he was sitting by the ocean, the moonlight hitting it just right and showing off his nude, wet body from his dip earlier. Everyone should be asleep now, so when he heard footsteps behind him, he quickly turned and blushes. "Oh shit, your highness." said Wallace covering his lap with his shirt and bowing slightly. "excuse me for I cannot stand currently."
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royal-descent · 53 minutes
"Who isn't scared right now? This is war. I'm scared." Julius said evenly as he let go of the man's face, fishing in his bag for a pouch that contained water handing it to Marcus before sitting back a bit. "Magic scholar? Interesting. Now that's a wonder, well enough. One can never do with enough educated people in their lands. You'll make yourself useful and teach my other servants to read and write. When this war ends and they leave my lands they will be better off for it." Julius smiled at Marcus and reached up to ruffle his hair. "Relax. You're pretty. That will take you far in these lands."
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Marcus didn’t bother responding, he felt like he’d be at a loss if he did. This man certainly seemed unusual for someone accepting a war prisoner. “ I’m not scared if that’s what you’re asking.” Regardless of how amicable the other seemed, he still intended to be cautious in his words and deeds. He raised his brow as his face was grabbed and Julius was just staring into his eyes. “Marcus. My name is Marcus. He bit his lip, trying not to look offended. It was safe to assume he didn’t know he was an ex prince. I’m an arcane scholar. My talents mostly lie in magic, though I’m reasonably educated in other fields as well.”
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royal-descent · 57 minutes
Julius watched the other, like the cogs of his brain were working, he almost felt bad for this poor shell shocked thing, the trauma of war and being transported to where they were now, all of it was taxing on the mind and body he was sure. Though the lord's demeanor changed when the boy smiled at him like that. It gave off the same sort of feeling he was sure his beasts felt when he used his own unique talents to charm them and bring them under his sway. He dropped the boy's hand, staring at the way he changed. Was it alluring? Perhaps but that wasn't something at the forefront of his mind.
"Well I suppose I don't have an answer for you. I don't know what it is I want from you. I didn't pick you- you were plopped in my lap like a lost pup. What am I to do with you? As for you wanting to not be owned- I couldn't care less. I'll give you back and your captors can do what they like with you. I'm not claiming I am some magical savior here. Perhaps I'll end up being the lesser of two evils. Perhaps I won't."
Julius shrugged and smiled back at the other before he reached out to pet his head, gently stroking the boy's dark hair like he would one of his beasts.
"We all belong to someone in this world though don't we? I unfortunately belong to my brother in law. You may end up belonging to me. How tragic for us both. You're pretty though I am sure you'll find something amenable if you don't want to come with me. I'm not going to tie and gag you."
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… Santa Carla. California.
The memory triggered a sensation and Caim seemed, for a second, to have felt the warm wind flickering his hair and the smell of fresh apples only a hand of distance.
Sapphire hues flickered open and out of his brief daydream. The warmth didn’t come from the Sun, but of the bigger hand warming his own, he observed. While he contemplated silently the lines of the man’s fingers, he lost briefly in thought. He didn’t trust the man with the location of “home” yet, he didn’t know of what side of the war he was, their intentions. Grueling days of travel, violence and gratuitous debauchery stripped him of his fragile armor. His survival mechanism, perhaps, wouldn’t save him of more hurt, however he saw it working before, how with the right intonation an expression someone could convince people to reveal information and save themselves of menacing situations. He tried in minor scale before when at Santa Carla.
Caim was pacing if he should try that technique or not - since, by lack of expertise, he already had shown how vulnerable he really was first hand, would his attempt lose effect? - when he got a name. This was good, this was a start. But was that the man’s true name? Should he give his true name?
Caim’s lips opened, but no sound left them. He trepidated when “Julius” paused: what he indeed wanted?! The breath was stuck in his throat. He didn’t knew what would come next and he felt fear start to crawl against his spine, ramifying to each nerve, filling his veins with adrenaline and his mind with paralyzing terror.
Does all libraries were that equal to so easily be identified by a simple description like his? He couldn’t know, Jenny’s library was the only one Caim had been. Or does the other knew more about him than what he let show?
Fear started to rise even quicker and by Caim’s will or not, his survival instinct kicked in and he… smiled.
Not a simple smile, no. A mesmerizing, brain-melting thing, wrapped and drenched in second intentions, dripping nonchalance, and an amusing devil-may-care magnetism. A thing that morphed his expression completely, in a blink of an eye, edging indecent debauchery and impishness. Yet no one of those expression filled his eyes genuinely. They remained unchanged, in his fiery bright and fright. The playful and almost cruel smile contrasting oddly with it, like a cut and glue work done by a child’s uncertain hand that, unexpectedly, matched too well.
A sharp arch of his brow was his first answer, a lopsided take on his smile the second.
“ You hadn’t answered my question.” He affirmed with new confidence and a certain playfulness, as if he was a parent catching their child in a lie. And, just like that, the vulnerable youth seemed to dissipate in thin air.
“ … and if I tell you I don’t want to belong to anyone, uh? What would you say about that?”
That was a truth as it was too the fact that Caim didn’t know what he wanted to be. Possibility was something never presented to him before.
In two months of memory, one of the certainties that he got was that malice, charm and sensuality seemed to operate miracles in an evil world like this.
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royal-descent · 14 hours
Duke sighed and slumped into a seating position, raking his hands back through his dark hair as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath out. " Well that's our loss isn't it? The world is all the poorer for the loss of it's magic." he said with a tired little sigh, rubbing his eyes.
The slight young man smiled at the king though, it wasn't Arthur's fault any of this had transpired. "Um so I guess now I have to ask- what do you want. Sir. My lord? King." he said scratching his head, was Arthur a king if his kingdom didn't exist anymore? Well not in the way it was before. "I would help you try and find Merlin if you like. He's quite a legend as well and I am sure I'd have lots of questions I would love to ask him."
Arthur narrowed his eyes at Duke when he explained that it really had happened. The battle, him falling and apparently being brought here so that he could eventually heal. For the first time he also noticed that the young man was dressed strangely. What had happened while he slept?
Arthur accepted the water and carefully took a sip. He felt parched but knew better than to gobble everything down. He sipped a few more times while Duke told him that he didn't want anythign from him. "You'll not find the sword anyway. Knowing Merlin he will have made sure that it was either destoryed or given back to the gods." He answered before he held out the pouch again.
He shrugged at Duke's words. "Merlin was the one who took me here, I'm sure, him or Morgaine. So I have no idea where he would have hidden his objects. He was too clever to let another find them."
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royal-descent · 14 hours
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Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo... 🤍
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royal-descent · 14 hours
"Yeah but you put up with me don't you?" Tybalt laughed as he continued to stretch his lover out putting another finger in him, scissoring Remus and switching directions. "I love that I drive you crazy, the way you get all needy and horny is so hot." Tybalt kissed Remus tenderly, "You know I don't like hurting you, I try to be gentle." he said softly as he pushed the head of cock to replace his fingers, slowly pushing into Remus as he pulled the other down on him.
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"Seems a little unfair if you ask me." Remus blinked as the sound of ripping fabric echoed through the room, though he'd come to accept tattered clothes as a hazard of their hookups. "Always. You drive me so damn crazy." He kissed Tybalt passionately, eagerly bouncing on the fingers that were stretching him. "Not too rough." He whispered against Tybalt's lips, "Can't be caught limping around again."
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royal-descent · 14 hours
"Most definitely the physical sense. Location wise."
Julius understood what the other meant though, home meant a lot of different things to a lot of people. Many servants in his care thought of home in terms of the land they lost, of their families across the sea, or beyond far off mountains. His home was a hodge podge of lost souls who had some how or another come under his care.
His head almost broke for the other man a bit as he heard him talk about what he had lost, it painted a lovely picture. He held onto Caim's hand in both of his, Julius gave them a soft little squeeze of reassurance. The young man was certainly pretty, he could see they picked him up from the rubble of a building to bring him back.
"You are right. You don't know me. My name is Julius. Lord Julius Delgrande, as for what I want."
Julius paused, what did he want? He normally just turned over the new servants to his head butler, they simply worked until they left for whatever they were looking for- and he didn't give it much thought.
"You said you lived in a library? Would you like to be my librarian?"
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Lips parted slightly and no sound left them besides a light exhale of astonishiment. Perhaps part of him was expecting some type of debauchery coming from the man’s lips, and when that hadn’t happened, it filled his being with unforeseen relief. Unforeseen was too the question it was presented.
What was home?
“In philosophical or a more superficial sense?”
It wouldn’t really matter, he struggled to understand both concepts in its depth. Technically speaking, “ home” could be a house were you lived and did all routine tasks, or a place where one was loved and welcomed, where one was comprehended. Caim hadn’t thought much in what he meant, so many times he already had repeated it to the men of there. But he never really had a home. Yes, he lived in a room on Jenny’s library, the city were full of wild vampires, and Jenny wasn’t the most warm person-
“… is the rustle of pages’ sound when reading, lulled by Jenny's acidic jokes while the sound of hot water pouring into the kettle and the perfume of chamomile and lavender fills every corner and hallway. The Sun hitting the celling’s high windows, warming the open and forgotten books on the floor in bright and sparse beams mixed with small flying particles of dust.”
The blue eyed youth spoke without realizing it was aloud.
He had never expected that his first meaningful conversation with someone besides Jenny would be about losses. Or that the first time his skin collided with other would be a punch. He hadn’t expected a lot of things, but when you don’t have a parameter to guide you, anything is unexpected, or enough.
Now, the outsider touch hadn’t come to hurt him, apparently, but some part of his mind questioned if he wasn’t being attracted to a false sense of security. Jenny told him: the worst monsters didn’t had visible traits which denounced them.
His first instinct was to shrink, even though he knew such thing wouldn’t effectively protect him.
The man’s touch was warm, a heat different from the Sun when it touched the skin. Different of when he touched his own skin. Different from the heat of blankets in a cold night. Now it didn’t brought pain, Caim could observe the sensation better: it was a warmth arising from inside their body. It wasn’t a radiation like he had thought. From where it comes someone’s warmth? It was an alien sensation, he wanted to grasp the warmth in a bottle. He thought he could comprehend now why people searched so much to have contact with others. Why he aches for it. It was comforting, when it didn’t ache.
Caim’s body was covered in bruises of a myriad of shades, cuts of all sizes and depths, but all of them seemed to be healing. Unnaturally, even the ones done no more than half an hour before.
Round eyes observed the man unashamedly while the other perused his body. Caim thought nothing of it, he hadn’t learnt to feel shame or pudency of himself or of another’s body proximity yet. By Jenny’s plans, that wasn’t a essential thing to someone like Caim, and far of her priorities. While he contemplated the other’s actions, wincing here and there when a tender spot was touched, he heard what the other was saying attentively.
A contagiously beautiful smile opened in his lips then: he could go back to the library and Jenny and…
“… but I don’t know you.”
He flinched lightly, utterly amazed. Round eyes once again expressively unveiling the fears of his mind. People don’t just let other live with them if they aren’t from their family. People weren’t good, they always wanted something in exchange.
Is this a trap?…
“What do you want from me?”
His bass voice echoed softly, cautious, with it’s characteristic metallic, lightly honeyed timbre. Unsettling eyes fixed on the man’s every move, unflinching, preparing for a possible attack.
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royal-descent · 1 day
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"Yeah your eyes were a bit watery there. Must be from all the dust huh?"
Julius laughed, at least this one didn't just simper and whine. A servant was a servant after all.
"You aren't in danger. I won't hurt you. That's just- I mean I don't hurt animals why would I hurt people." Julius looked the other up and down reaching up to cup his face and stare into his eyes, making sure they were clear and not discolored. Some poisons deployed were so subtle the victim didn't even know till it was too late.
"Do you have a name? Mine is Julius. You'll join my house. What talents do you possess, you seem sharp, and clean so I am going to assume you can read and write?"
Marcus scoffed. “I’m not crying.” He’d never been more thankful at how much the Queen hated him. Thanks to that, he’d sold off nearly all his royal titles and abdicated the position as prince before the invasion. He was never going to inherit the throne and he’s been more interested in studying magic than politics anyway. The next step was figuring out what to expect from here on out. Marcus nodded as he stood up straight.”
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royal-descent · 1 day
"I don't know where you are from. What is home?"
Julius was confused but not abhorred by his brother in law's idea of what a 'gift' would be he checked the other for injuries, lifting his arms, examining closely to make sure there were not even small cuts or wounds that could get infected. His priority had been to make sure nature in the area hadn't been harmed by the war efforts, and that somehow translated into his compliance with this.
"You'll join my household. We can figure out where your home is from there and you can go back. At best you are a refugee and at worst your home is gone and you can stay in mine."
Julius being of noble stock had a household, and could harbor as many people as he felt he needed to. Luckily food and water never much of a problem for him and his menagerie of pets.
Caim was only able to look down.
Just a few months ago he had woken up with no memory or understanding of that world. He had found Jenny who gave him a place to stay, a job in a library and the means to acquire the knowledge he lacked. Jenny taught him to fear death, humans and non-humans, who could harm him. He was taught that he was a defective being and therefore prone to suffering the evils of others more easily. He was afraid of everything and everyone, even those who rarely appeared at the library looking for books. Concomitantly with the panic, he struggled with an intense curiosity to know more about what he should fear. Everything was so fascinating! But neither terror, curiosity nor fight scenarios in books could prepare him for war.
War came and Caim did not see it. He only felt the ceiling of the library collapse beneath his head. His sanctuary had been destroyed, Jenny was not by his side when he woke this time, he had been taken to an unknown place. He cried because he had nothing left to do. He feared death and pain so much for months without ever knowing what actually they meant, he suffered in vain..as vain as his empty life.
Now, he stood in front of a man he hadn’t dared to look. He stopped trying to beg to his captors to release him some hours ago. The other men just laughed, ignored him completely, or gave him looks and smiles so full of malice he preferred to silence himself and shrink into himself. He tried to fight his way out a myriad of ways. And he discovered what was violence and pain in the same moment he discovered the sensation of another’s person touch. He dreamed of warmth like he read human’s touch was in books, but he only felt cold.
The first words of the man caught him off guard. Round sapphire hues raised up with expressive hope. He was completely surprised and stunned. He wasn’t expecting kindness anymore. Even Jenny ignored when he cried, she said he had to get used to tears. Her hard lesson was a right one. But those kind words were new.
He done as he was told too, but his glowing wide eyes didn’t let go of the other’s man.
“… please, I just want to go home.”
He pleaded once more, hope once more burning in his core with almost puerile naivety. Perhaps this time he would be heard.
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royal-descent · 2 days
Plot: Julius got you muse as a gift from his brother in law after the last skirmish in a war.
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"Aw pretty boy. Don't cry." Julius hated war, but he wasn't so moral that he wasn't one who didn't enjoy the spoils of it. He was gifted the prisoners from the last skirmish and he was able to keep the ones he liked the most, make them servants in his household, and this man really had caught his attention.
"Sit up straight. Let me look you over."
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royal-descent · 2 days
"Because that's the privilege of being me. That and getting to fuck you." Tybalt smirked as he moved his hands to the waist of Remus pants pulling them down roughly, careful not to damage his lover but not caring if the fabric beneath is grip tore. "Yeah you do sweet boy. You wanna ride." Tybalt growled as he took one hand and reached for lube, slicking up his fingers and inserting them into Remus to get him nice and slick.
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"If it tastes so good, why don't you try some?" Remus delighted in Tybalt's display of strength. He groaned, fingers desperately trying to remove his own belt. "Do it. Please." He whimpered, "Wanna bounce on your lap so bad."
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royal-descent · 2 days
"You...own the building." Of course he did, he shouldn't have expected his father to set him up with anything less. All of this was about power and the consolidation of wealth. It was not about what Duke might like. Or this suave handsome gentle man before him. Duke raked a hand back through is dark hair, pushing it back from his face, a soft smile on his lips. "Thank you. I'm not bothered by this. It's something I am used to." he said with a little shrug, at least this man was nice to look at.
"Um wow. This place is for people like...me? Like uh." All of Duke's family held little secrets like him. His father had chosen his brides just for the purpose of spawning powerful children. "I'm a necromancer. Most people are not so welcoming to my kind." Most people were creeped out despite Duke's lovely features. "My aura unsettles most people. Are you um...like me?" Duke asked as he nervously sipped his coffee, it was hard being vulnerable with a stranger like this.
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Thorne nodded, and pointed up. "As it happens, I own the building. I have a condo on the top floor." He glanced up as the barista appeared with his drink, a tea drink with steamed milk, known as a London Fog. "Thank you, Dante," he said, taking the drink. He could see the pale purple-red color of the drink, and knew the barista had added a touch of blackberry syrup. "A thirty-five percent tip added to my bill, if you please?"
He turned back to Duke. "The shop itself is owned by a dear friend, and his staff is quite talented. Holy Grounds is a safe location for those of us with... Unusual lifestyles," he said, using air quotes, and chuckling. "Like yourself," he added. There was something about the boy, more than just his gorgeous looks. An energy, or an aura. It was very alluring. Thorne wasn't a mage himself, but some strong magical talents were recognizable, and Thorne was familiar with the feeling. "First, I would like to apologize for the scene we've found ourselves in. Family choosing one's romantic engagements is a bit awkward. But I hope we can at least take the opportunity to learn of one another, and see whether there is an attraction?
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royal-descent · 2 days
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"I promise he is harmless. Right now. He wouldn't hurt a fly." Julius petted the snake could around his forearm with one finger, the glittering scales shifted in a rainbow iridescence. A snake from distant lands, it was normally found arboreal but Julius had picked it up as a pet awhile back now. He milked it venom to make antitoxin and it normally just napped in his bag. "His name is Dirge. You can pet him if you like just be gentle."
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royal-descent · 2 days
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Alright, well, wherever we are, it’s very beautiful here.         Yeah… it is.
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royal-descent · 2 days
I'll be around for a bit
I really want to use my newest boy Julius
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royal-descent · 3 days
Castien wrinkled his brown with confusion as he listened to Rusty. There was something comforting about the hand on the back of his head cradling him like he was something precious. Logistically it was easy, at least in Castien's mind it would be. They'd wait till nightfall, he'd make sure the patrol at night was very well lubricated with alcohol, and a few stealth boys later and they would be out of there. Reaching up from where his hands had been resting on Rusty's sides he cupped the other's handsome face in his hands, thumbs caressing his cheeks. "You'd come with me. What a silly thing to say. We have so many possibilities. I could build you custom power armor and we could take over a raider hide out. Or there are plenty of abandoned buildings we could use. Or....or if you wanted you could come home with me. Like not just to visit. Forever. You and me in the vault..."
He finally had Rusty, the Knight knew how he felt now. The idea of losing him so easily after they both went out on this limb to meet each other's desires, well it would be more tragic than anything he could think of. "It's not so hard to restart your life, honest. I have practice you know"
Rusty exhaled slowly, his brow furrowed in conflict. While he and Castein weren't strangers to one another by any means -- his tendency toward injury in the field had assured that they had reason to meet fairly reguarly -- he didn't know much about the former Vault dweller, and he didn't understand some of the more vital differences in the ways they were raised. It bothered him how easily Castien spoke of simply abandoning the only life he'd known, but he supposed it made sense. When the doors opened his Vault had come out to a world that was entirely different than the one they knew, and they'd managed to embrace it and even thrive in it. Russell, though...
"You make it sound so easy," he replied, his own voice still low, conspiratorial. He wasn't insulted in the least by the way Castien spoke of the Brotherhood. He knew how the other wastelanders talked about them, and a lot of the rumors were based in fact. They'd reabsorbed the Outcasts recently, but that hadn't come without its own troubles. The fact that soldiers in black power armor had been doing what amounted to raiding for about a decade, along with older rumors of whole settlements razed for the sake of recovering prewar technological artifacts... Their reputation wasn't good, and almost certainly earned. He shifted a little, hand on the back of Castien's head as he got the other to look him in the eye. "If I left... I'd have nowhere to go. You understand, don't you?"
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