i don’t love you anymore
it’s stopped happening
like a weight off my shoulders
i am no longer bound to you
i am no longer bound to anyone
because if i rule my life that way
it is never in my control
and i want to be back in control
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i get my heart broken every day
every day i pick the pieces up
i know the jigsaw
by heart
it all fits into place again
even for a second
ready to fall to pieces
the next day
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brain typo:
i have a friend called brian
he won’t stop texting me
he sends me messages filled with anger
and hate
he reminds me of all my mistakes
and how if i had done something differently
things might be better
it’s constant
at night time especially
i want to reply to him
telling him to shut up
but he doesn’t listen
he never does
maybe if i treat brian with kindness
he might be kind back
but he never gives me the chance
a one sided conversation
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