salmshahzad · 3 years
Gemma Genovese
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Name: Ms. Gemma Genovese
Race: Human (Krytan)
Birth-date: 73 Zephyr 1314 After the Exodus
Residence: A manor house called Palmiro Park in the Harvest Cascades near Lake Doric, various other properties
Gemma is a lover of but her family and of the finer things, as it were—the latter to be seen in her attire, her accessories, and her overall arrangement. Gentle, chocolate-colored curls outline her clever, youthful features, and she is rare to be without some glittering bauble or other obvious abundance.
Mr. Bonaccorso Genovese, father
Mrs. Bianca Genovese, born Adesso, mother
Mr. Olindo Adesso, paternal uncle
Mrs. Camilla Adesso, born Genovese, paternal aunt 
Ms. Allegra Adesso, paternal cousin
Gemma studies matters of finance at Queen Salma College, if in thanks to its Ronan Commission.
She was kidnapped prior to her latest bout of schooling, but she escaped her captors before any ransom could be paid.
Her father owns an oft-extolled shoe salon in the kingdom’s lone city, styled most classically as Bonaccorso Genovese.
Her father and her father’s sister are clandestine counterfeiters of startling efficacy, dealing both in false coinage and in forged bank-notes.
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salmshahzad · 3 years
Kalina Sobol
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Basics ––– –
Age: 21
Birthday: 52 Colossus (December 21)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Midnight brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5′6″
Build: Willowy
Tattoos: hidden
Piercings: ears
Distinguishing Marks: thin, angled brows and angular jawline
Common Accessories: a thin silver chain that descends below her neckline
Personal ––– –
Profession: Student at Queen Salma College
Hobbies: Gardening, foraging
Languages: New Krytan
Residence: Queen Salma College campus
Birthplace: Kessex
Religion: The Five
Patron Deity: Grenth
Fears: Poverty, inability to help her loved ones, lack of agency in her own life
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Mr. Veselin Drago Sobol (deceased), Ms. Svetlana Mila Sobol (deceased)
Siblings: None
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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T A S S A   S O L O M O N A R I
NAME: Tassa Solomonari
AGE: ???
RACE: Ascalonian
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral/Good
HAIR: The color of cornsilk, her hair is mildly wavy, lending it a slightly mussed appearance. Often worn loose, it is kept on the longer side.
EYES: Heterochroma; left eye: blue, right eye: green. This genetic anomaly is hard to discern as both irises are crystalline in nature and there is only a minuscule hue difference. 
SKIN: Ivory with cool pink undertones, like the pale inside of a seashell.
HEIGHT/BUILD: Svelte at 5′8′’, Tassa stands just a pinch above average.
NOTABLE(S): No visible scars, piercings, or body art. However, Tassa is rarely seen without a flower, usually dark in color, on her person. 
FACE CLAIM: If I had to use one, Dove Cameron.
FAMILY: Desmond Solomonari (brother)
PROFESSION(S): (Necromancer/Reaper): Traveling ‘undertaker’ and apothecary, Tassa and her brother, Desmond, tend to wounded and/or deceased soldiers, and visit towns plagued with illnesses. Tassa is also a budding florist with a knack for creating hybrids with magical attributes, also studying the affects the properties plants/flowers may have, especially mood altering.
SCENE/LOCALE: Soldier camps, posts, settlements, and at times, within Divinity’s Reach.
RUMORS: The Solomonaris were once an opulent family, though their numbers had drastically dwindled. It is rumored they are plagued with an incurable illness that eventually claims them in their young adulthood.
PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE:  There is not much known about the Solomonaris and who they are today. The majority seem to be reclusive  vagabonds who are reluctant to share their name.
AURA: Noticeably, death, likely due to her ‘work’. Though, if one is incredibly attuned to the afterlife, they may be able to discern that she is a magnet for spirits.
CONTACT: Aglow#4494 on Discord 
TIMEZONE: Eastern.
AVAILABILITY: Usually after 6pm.
I don’t mind rp via tumblr or discord, though I prefer in-game happenstances. 
CASH ME OUTSIDE HOW BOW DAH’?: I love open-world RP. 
I’m open to building connections or having them be pre-established.
Anything else? Just ask. 
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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79 Zephyr, 1333AE Chokhin Hall Pillars of Shahrnaz, Vabbi
Various shades of purple adorn the towering walls and magnificent furnishings of Chokhin Hall, all in celebration of the Shahzad twins’ twenty-fourth birthday. It was slated to be an evening of decadence and debauchery to tantalize the senses with their favourite foods and traditional musical entertainers and scantily clad acrobats who twisted and twirled about the silks from high above. Vabbian nobles had been invited to join in the festivities, as well as, those who had attended the wedding.
Dressed in revealing attire of her own, Manizeh hovered about to ensure her husband’s special day proceeded flawlessly. Yet, she found herself tiring quite easily and rather early into the revelry. She certainly tried to hide any wayward yawns least she take away from the moment but ultimately she found herself retiring prematurely. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, my love?” She whispers her query in his ear over the loud atmosphere. “Do not stay too late, I have a special surprise for you – in private.” With a quick peck to his cheek, Manizeh departed the Pillars to return to their home in Leifah Township. 
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salmshahzad · 4 years
Camellia Keir
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General Information
Name: Camellia Keir
Age: Twenty-one
Race: Human of Krytan and Elonian heritage
Residence: Dancing Dove Inn, the Queen’s Forest, Queensdale, Kryta
Occupation: Apothecary-in-training
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slim
Hair: Mahogany
Eyes: Aquamarine
Her aquamarine-hued eyes are a family trait.
Born and raised in the Queen’s Forest of Queensdale.
Currently training to be an apothecary under Vlad Sobol.
tumblr: @camelliakeir​
enjin: https://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/profile/12719510
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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Ho ho HO! It’s that time again folks! This is the….*drum roll*                                        150 FOLLOWER ART GIVEAWAY!!! This is a bit delayed but after getting things sorted out IRL, I finally have the time to put this together! I want to thank all the followers I’ve gained over the past few months! I’m so happy that people enjoy my doodles of asuras. I hope in the future I can continue to bring some form of joy to those that view my art.  ——————— So here are the rules for the giveaway. Rules: -Like this Post or -Reblog this Post You can enter the giveaway twice by doing both!  ———————- The Giveaway will end on:        APRIL 5TH AT 12:00 AM!! I wish you all the best of luck! If you wish to support me on other websites, here are the links: https://twitter.com/Alexand17562940  <— Twitter https://www.instagram.com/akkee_artist/   <—- Instagram https://www.patreon.com/AkkeeArtist    <—– Patreon
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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The Village of Shaemoor and the surrounding territories.
Resources Discord: https://discord.gg/dHJsNfg tumblr: https://shaemoor-official.tumblr.com/
Contact Display Name: AMD.1583 Discord Username: Atlas#3600
I invite everybody to join our Discord channel, and to follow our tumblr blog! I play Minister Lady Abravanel-Solomon, and I’ll be happy to chat!
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salmshahzad · 4 years
Jasna Sobol - The Witch of Blackroot Cut: A Profile
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Jasna Sobol - The Witch of Blackroot Cut: A Profile Villainess or Victim of Circumstance by Ms. Ava Nolan
Thirty-two years ago, on a bone-chillingly cold Colossus night in the year 1301AE, the residence of Eastern Kessex gathered in a display of vigilante justice. Shouts rang out through the trees, calls for blistering flesh and boiling blood. Acquaintances would be her executioners, the very ones who months to years previous had, in their darkest moments, sought the aid and wisdom of Jasna Sobol. Desperate they may have been, they had nevertheless appealed to Sobol to conduct medical procedures too costly for the common-man. Yet now here they stood before her with jeers and scorn on their venomous tongues. ‘Baby-killer’ and ‘Murderer’ they spat in their anger. Defiance and an eerie sort of neutrality warred at her traditional Kurzick features, illuminated in the night as she was by torch-light that soon set ablaze her body bound to a wooden stake. Who was Jasna Sobol? Born into absolute poverty and a life of squalor, Jasna Mira Sobol was the oldest of the three Sobol children, which included a brother, Veselin Darko (1279AE - 1332AE), and a sister, Malina Iva who was immediately, post-birth, placed in an orphanage. Jasna Sobol possessed a dominant personality. Her brother, Veselin, however, was passive and known to be enamored by her. The pair were said to be inseparable. A number of individuals interviewed insinuated they were “unnaturally” close, and yet, Veselin Sobol survived his sister, and her crimes, by thirty-one years to pass only recently, last year, at the age of fifty-three. The informal and poorly conducted “investigation” into Jasma Sobol’s charges failed to identify Veselin as a person-of-interest. No interviews were conducted, and his person and premises were never searched. In 1301AE, Jasna Sobol was charged with the following crimes: (1) Offered slapdash abortions to women in need—later declared a ‘baby killer’, (2) Offered paid ‘mercy killings’ by means of poison—later condemned for murder, (3) Corrupted near water sources, but was paid to purify them—later charged with murder, (4) Hiding of and occult use of human remains—later charged with desecration. Cultist or Scapegoat? Locals claim she was a disciple of Verata the Necromancer, a rogue Ascalonian who, after the cataclysmic event known as The Searing, relocated to the Kessex Peaks region of Kryta.
His insatiable desire for knowledge caused him to use forbidden practices to increase the speed of his research on undead minions by kidnapping and experimenting on citizens and wayward travelers. He was thenceforth cast out of The Order, an organization formed to prevent the misuse of necromancy – a branch of magic that, to this day, is poorly understood by the masses. It is both shrouded in mystery and misconceptions.
The Dark Arts Necromancers draw their power from the sacrifice of blood (often their own) and by communing with the dead. Although they possess the skills to raise our dead relatives, this practice is widely discouraged across Tyria. Instead, necromancers who do summon the dead, and not all can or will, do so by utilizing a variable mixture of flesh, body parts and bones, often of animals, to form undead servants known as minions. Other such skills employed by the necromancer are curses, marks, spectral energy and life-force.
Holding the very power over life and death is a privilege not to be taken lightly, and it is understandable why so many remain wary of necromancy. Due to the sacrificial nature of their methods, Necromancers must practice patience and self-discipline not only to survive but to prevent the abuse and misuse of their power. Rules and guidelines for the practice of necromancy, such as those of The Order, must be strictly adhered and upheld by the current generation of necromancers to prevent individuals, such as Verata, who forge their own dangerous path paved with pain and suffering.
If Jasna Sobol was a follower of the Cult of Verata, where are her fellow cultists? There have been no recent reports, within the Kessex region nor from the Lionguard who patrol the roadways, of any occultist activity in the area. Today Blackroot Cut remains a dangerous swampland and one where the barriers between Tyria and the Underworld have weakened. From open portals, nightmarish creatures such as Aatxe, Shades, fleshreavers and imps pour forth to wreck havoc on the area.
Into the Unknown We may never know the truth behind the case of Jasna Sobol: who she was, what happened and all who may have been involved but such controversial individuals are rarely born. They are made – by us. They are made by ignorance, and a lack of opportunities. They turn away from the norm to create their own. With the recent discovery of the revenant (made known by the famed charr Rytlock Brimstone) which involves channeling and unleashing the powers of the Mists, and the arrival of Dragonfall, it is imperative that Tyrians not give into the fear of the unknown. We must embrace the magical potential that have been bestowed upon this world and beyond. To quote the Priests of Grenth, “Death is simply another journey.“
About the Author: Ms. Ava Nolan ( @torunwiththewolf​ ) A freelance journalist based out of Lion’s Arch, Ava Nolan has reported on stories from the front-lines and refugee camps during the Battle for Lion’s Arch, as well as, the Tower of Nightmare. She is currently on assignment in the Shiverpeak Mountains covering the Vigil’s war against the Elder Dragon Jormag.
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salmshahzad · 4 years
Written by @torunwiththewolf! Give it a read!
Jasna Sobol - The Witch of Blackroot Cut: A Profile Villainess or Victim of Circumstance by Ms. Ava Nolan
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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T H E • O F F I C E • O F • G R E Y S T O N E
The District of Greystone invites all of Her Majesty’s subjects of the Harathi Hinterlands to its Ministerial Office, located in Seraph’s Landing. The District of Greystone is represented by Minister Milanza Varze, who has served her constituents since Colossus, 1332 AE. All appointments with the Minister can be scheduled via correspondence, or by visiting the Ministerial Office during its open hours.
Information regarding the district’s affairs is available to all denizens of Greystone Rise, along with any other citizen of Kryta. The district of Greystone strives towards providing all of its constituents any assistance necessary, whether that be of an executive, judicial, or legislative nature.
On Behalf of Minister Milanza Varze, Doctor Jacqueline Thoreau Secretary to the Office of Greystone Ministry of Kryta
Greystone-rise.tumblr.com is a blog dedicated to providing members of the Guild Wars 2 role-playing community with information regarding Tarnished Coast’s Krytan Ministry’s activities within Greystone, along with all of its other events. This blog is run both by Milanza and Vulnaret, who play Minister Varze and Secretary Thoreau. Lastly, our inbox is always open, so feel free to submit any queries or suggestions you may have!
You can learn more about Tarnished Coast’s Krytan Ministry Guild on this recruitment page as well as their Enjin.
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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The Ministry Office of Salma District and the charitable Salma Saffrons are hosting a gardening festival! All are invited to help plant a community garden in the district to be tended and used by residents, particularly our vulnerable populations of the Queen’s Heart Orphanage and the Charitable People’s Union Shelter. Stalls will be set up for locals to buy and sell their seeds, plants, flowers, produce, and other gardening-related goods. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors for a day of planting and enjoying the blessings of nature before Zephyr comes to an end! ((Sunday, March 22 at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST))
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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The Village of Shaemoor and the surrounding territories.
Resources Discord: https://discord.gg/dHJsNfg tumblr: https://shaemoor-official.tumblr.com/
Contact Display Name: AMD.1583 Discord Username: Atlas#3600
I invite everybody to join our Discord channel, and to follow our tumblr blog! I play Minister Lady Abravanel-Solomon, and I’ll be happy to chat!
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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The Unity Cup. Don’t be late. https://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/home/m/2737230/viewthread/33089743-na-unity-cup-race-1-april-2nd/page/1
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salmshahzad · 4 years
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The Ministry Office of Salma District and the charitable Salma Saffrons are hosting a gardening festival! All are invited to help plant a community garden in the district to be tended and used by residents, particularly our vulnerable populations of the Queen’s Heart Orphanage and the Charitable People’s Union Shelter. Stalls will be set up for locals to buy and sell their seeds, plants, flowers, produce, and other gardening-related goods. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors for a day of planting and enjoying the blessings of nature before Zephyr comes to an end! ((Sunday, March 22 at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST))
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salmshahzad · 4 years
Idalia Graf
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Name: Idalia Rosalind Graf
Birth-date: 176 Phoenix 1300 AE
Race: Human (Kurzick)
Residence: A cottage in Garenhoff
Occupation: Medical practitioner
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Blue-green
Rumor has it that Idalia has come to expand upon her work as a private practitioner, the fourth address at the Lyssa High Road of Divinity’s Reach serving hence as Saint Ehren’s Clinic.
She was to disclaim peerage some years ago, losing all titles, rights, and privileges associated with such—her father being the lord Graf.
Whilst still of the appropriate hereditary designation, she attended Queen Salma College.
Idalia spent her earlier career tending to the fragile psyches of sundry traumatized soldiers—and those of the purportedly deranged, too.
She was at her most intellectually insatiable beneath the wing of one Gloriana Graves.
tumblr: @idaliagraf​
Discord: Atlas#3600
In-game: AMD.1583
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salmshahzad · 4 years
😍 Diana Farnese
I first went the gif route for Diana, so I’ve cheated, but I think this first one is what she looks like when she’s badgering somebody (Vlad or Arny) about something.
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This picture made me think of the Almuten Estates, so I posted it too!
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Third because Monica and you don’t post pictures of her frequently enough.
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