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underrated moment from the Shout Out to My Ex music video
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AESTHETIC -  The Curious
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perrieedwards: We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose!
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favorite Perrie Edwards looks
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me // the 1975
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Perrie Edwards for 1883 Magazine
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🍰 alice in wonderland yandere mood board for anon ☕️
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Alana was fine. Really, she was fine. Totally fine. That’s just what she was. Fine. Amazingly, super duper fine. Alana Triton was fine. Massively fine, thank you very much. Completely and totally fine. There wasn’t a bit in her that wasn’t fine. Right fine she was, yeah? Definitely and utterly fine.
She’d written some variation of the same thing in an old notebook she’d fished out from underneath her bed and each time she’d gotten to about the third sentence before groaning and scribbling it all out and ripping the page out. Her rubbish bin was totally full of these crumpled up papers. She needed a new notebook.
So off to the store she went, probably looking mildly pissed off because she didn’t want to stop and make small talk with anyone she knew. She was leafing through the aisles, trying to find something that she didn’t mind ripping the pages out of, and brushed past some blonde girl without a second glance.
It was only when the other girl spoke that Alana turned around.
She did feel a little flicker of pride, because, yeah, even when she was totally (not) fine, she made sure she looked her best. And that little flicker was washed out by a little deluge of guilt, but then came back with a vengeance. If she was going to be absolutely vain about her looks, might as well own it, yeah?
“Oh my gosh,” she said and there wasn’t a hint in her voice that betrayed how not fine she was. “Thank you so much. I like your highlighter – that little subtle glow, it’s very nice.”
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Alice smiled wide at the girl’s compliment, heart fluttering a little bit as she bat those pretty blue eyes at her. A beautiful girl complimenting her makeup? When it wasn’t that amazing to begin with? She wondered idly if she was blushing or if she was simply about to faint from heat stroke in the midst of February.
“Oh, thank you,” she replied sweetly. “It really is quite boring, though. I wasn’t putting in much of an effort today. You should see me when I’ve really gotten going with my brushes - then I become a true artist.” Alice rose a brow and giggled a bit. “It’s just fun, you know?”
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And Alice needed a bit more fun nowadays. She wasn’t getting enough of it, and that was so very awfully sad. “What brands do you use? Your shades- they look so high quality. And they’re blended so well.”
At Least We Look Good / Alanice
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When the music gets so loud, and the girls are all around, do you think about us?
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Name: Alice Liddel Class: Second Class Marital Status: Engaged Partner (if applicable): Thomas O’Malley Occupation: N/A Biography:
Alice Liddel was born into a wealthy family that owned it’s own Trading Company, and wanted for nothing. On the outside, the Liddel family seemed perfectly normal. And for the most part, they were.
Except that from a young age, little miss Alice was always causing trouble.
She told impossible stories and caused trouble left and right, and got on the bad side of her mother’s temper quite often. Luckily, her father had always been there for her, always believed her crazy tales-
Until he died.
Left alone with her mother, Alice and Mrs. Liddel were soon in a predicament: A company with no one to run it and money dwindling fast. The solution, according to Alice’s mother? Sell the company for a very large profit, and marry her daughter off to keep their status.
Alice of course is less than thrilled with the entire idea. Engaged to a stranger (not that it was his fault, of course,) and shipped off was just not how she’d planned on things going for her. She’d wanted to see the world like her father, and go on adventures, and never be tied down like all her friends around her.
Unfortunately, she hasn’t much of a choice. Their parents decided a little trip was what they needed in order to get to know each other better before the wedding. Little did they know, Alice didn’t have any plans on getting cozy with Mr. O’Malley, as charming as he may appear to be.
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RAVENCLAW: “All forms of madness, bizarre habits, awkwardness in society, general clumsiness, are justified in the person who creates good art.” –Roman Payne (Rooftop Soliloquy)
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It was growing late and while Eva had accounted for most of her staff around the house, Alice still had not returned home. Now normally this would not disturb Eva, but with Akela not keeping a proper leash on his pups, she was on high alert. This wasn’t a vampire versus werewolf thing; she would be on high alert if a rival coven had messed up and let a fledgling loose.
She waited in the parlor, too on edge to even read the book in her lap, the grandfather clock ticking away, till finally she heard a door open somewhere in the house. She closed the book and in the bat of an eye had glided across the house.
“Miss Liddel,” said Eva, crossly folding her arms over her chest. “You’re home quite late.”
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Alice had discovered quite a many things recently:
1. She really sort of missed her pain meds. (Oh dear, yes, Alice was getting high much more often these days as a result.) 
2. The tear in the Mansion had secrets.
3. Her powers were growing. Shifting. Something was happening, and she hadn’t talked to Eva about it yet, because-
4. The tear in the Mansion wasn’t leading where she expected it to. 
and 5. Kiara and Callie and Alice were all friends and nothing was awkward and everything was Just Fine. 
Everything was so fine, as a matter of fact, that she had gone out to get properly sloshed in the name of figuring out what the hell was happening anymore. Marie had actually gotten some liquor, the naughty little minx, and they’d gotten drunk and snuck out. (And had maybe made out in the bathroom before Marie ‘”suddenly had to go” and Alice stayed and danced and danced and danced until there was nothing but color.) 
Now Alice was here. In front of Eva, in the manor, and Ms. Grimhelde was angry. “I’m... sorry?” Was she in trouble? What time was it? She was still a bit sweaty under all of the layers of clothing to block out the cold. Dancing all night would do that to you. And yet, she still had energy. She smiled just a bit wider, hoping to change the mood lightly and subtly enough that nothing more than a scowl passed Eva’s lips. “It won’t happen again.”
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Okay, so that was sort of the opening line to a porno, wasn’t it? That was number 1 on Alice’s aforementioned List of Discoveries kicking in, no doubt about it. Alice laughed, just lightly. Bubbly. She felt light.
curfew || evalice
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At Least We Look Good / Alanice
Alice liked to notice things about people. She liked to know their stories. She had a poem about it, actually- a whole thing written down that she could go to should anyone be curious enough to ask: Why? 
Why? People were interesting. As the poem said, “People are the longest ongoing series at any given moment, and I’d love to catch up to their current chapter.” That was very much how Alice felt.
Alice looked for reasons to know people. She also looked for reasons not to, sometimes, if she was able to admit it to herself. Kept things interesting. Some stories you don’t get to know. However-
“Oh, wow,” Alice blinked a bit, looking at the girl who’d just turned the corner of the aisle she’d been about to pass. Her eyes had basically scorched right through Alice’s own, and the blonde’s smile grew as she inspected the work. She must have had a lot of time to put into her makeup today, she thought. Alice wished she could say the same, today’s look was very, hmm... natural. Not that it was a bad thing.
“Love your shadow,” she gushed, pulling at a braid. 
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