sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
French vocabulary
Dans la salle de bain - In the bathroom
1. L’éponge - The sponge 2. L’ampoule - The light bulb 3. La baignoire - The bathtub 4. La douche - The shower 5. La brosse Ă  cheveux - The hairbrush 6. La serviette - The napkin 7. La toilette - The toilet 8. La chasse d'eau - The flush 9. La carpette - The rug 10. Le peigne - The comb 11. Le savon - The soap 12. Le robinet - The tap 13. Le dentifrice - The toothpaste 14. Le tabouret - The stool 15. Le papier toilette - The toilet paper 16. Le carreau de faĂŻence - The earthenware tile 17. Le rideau de douche - The shower curtain 18. Les bulles - The bubbles
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
Can you explain the difference between city and country? Like “J’habite Ă  la paris” And “J’habite en la France” ? MerciđŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸŒč
Salut!!! So it’s really simple:
1- For a city, you have to put “à” before the name of the city.
Example: J’habite Ă  Paris, je travaille Ă  Bordeaux, j’étudie Ă  Nantes
2- For a country, you usually put “en” before the name of the country.
Example: J’habite en France, je travaille en Pologne, j’étudie en Suisse
PS: if the name of the country is plural, for example “Etats Unis” or “Pays Bas”, then you use “aux” before the name of the country.
Example: j’habite aux États Unis
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
Ah, comme j’ai hĂątĂ© de voir ce concours.
Je me rappelle mon billet de 2018, mais il semble que je n’ai pas parlĂ© de l’édition en 2019. En bref, voici mon top 3:
Arcade - Duncan Laurence (Pays-Bas)
Scream - Sergey Lazarev (Russie)
Roi - Bilal Hassani (France)
Oui, ma chanson favorite avait gagnĂ©! Et Sergey avait obtenu la troisiĂšme place de nouveau, haha, j’adorait aussi sa performance en 2016 (You Are The Only One). Je viens de regarder la performance de Bilal et ça me fait pleurer! 
Il n’y avait pas de vrai concours en 2020, mais Ă©videmment j’ai une chanson favorite. C’est du mĂȘme pays/chanteur qui est mon prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© de 2021 donc je ne vais pas encore rĂ©vĂ©ler laquelle :). Je vais raconter mon opinion de quelques chansons ici et puis de mon top 5 (ou 6) dans des billets sĂ©parĂ©s.
FĂ©licitations Ă  l’Italie! Ce n’était pas vraiment une surprise car les bookmakers avaient prĂ©dit la victoire, mais mĂȘme pendant les derniers moments j’ai espĂ©rĂ© qu’un autre pays gagnerait
 Alors maintenant mes compliments ne semblent pas sincĂšre, hahaha. Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis sincĂšre quand je dis que c’est une bonne chanson et je l’écoute encore de temps en temps :). Zitti e buoni n’était pas dans mon top 5 mais je comprends pourquoi MĂ„neskin a gagnĂ©. Je reconnais leur Ă©nergie et leur charisme, et le chanteur a une voix trĂšs forte. Ma partie favorite, c’est (comme pour bien d’autres personnes) depuis “parla, la gente purtroppo parla”. 
La Finlande Ă©tait bien accueilliĂ©e par le public aussi. Le dernier refrain de Dark Side est fantastique. L’Islande Ă©tait drĂŽle de nouveau. Je pense qu’ils avaient une grande chance de gagner en 2020. Et cette annĂ©e ils ont obtenu la quatriĂšme place avec 10 Years sans jouer en live! Discoteque de la Lituanie Ă©tait trĂšs drĂŽle aussi, j’adore les dances et les expressions faciales du chanteur. Cette chanson me rend toujours heureuse :). J’ai prĂšsque oubliĂ© la Belgique! La voix de la chanteuse est vraiment juste et pure, et j’aime l’atmosphĂšre de The Wrong Place, mais les paroles ne me disent rien, malheuresement.
Ensuite, j’aime quelques chansons des pays non qualifiĂ©s: Amnesia de la Roumanie est une trĂšs, trĂšs belle chanson et c’est dommage que c’était difficile pour la chanteuse parce qu’elle devait chanter en courant et en sautant :(.
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C’était aussi dommage pour l’Australie, dont la dĂ©lĂ©gation ne pouvait pas aller Ă  Rotterdam. Technicolour est une chanson vivante avec une mise-en-scĂšne spĂ©ciale et je ne comprends pas comment la chanteuse fait toutes les choses avec sa voix, c’est phĂ©nomĂ©nal! Je n’avais pas pensĂ© que l'Australie ne se qualifierait pas pour la finale cette annĂ©e.
Tout ce que je dis est mon opinion personnelle, pas professionnelle :).
A suivre!
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
♄French vocabulary : mystery ♄
Le mystĂšre = mystery
mystérieux = mysterious
un secret, une arcane = a secret
cacher, dissimuler = to hide
murmurer, chuchoter = to whisper
un masque = a mask
une mascarade = a masquerade
les ténÚbres, l'obscurité = darkness (both nouns are feminine)
un voile = a veil
la poussiĂšre = dust
l'éternité = eternity (feminine)
Ă©ternel = eternal
un mensonge = a lie
mentir = to lie
le temps = time
une Ă©pine = a thorn
un fil = a thread
la magie = magic
un spectre, un fantĂŽme = a ghost
expliquer = to explain
découvrir = to discover
un trésor = a treasure
un conte = a tale
la fumée = smoke
croire = to believe
douter = to doubt
un miroir = a mirror
la vérité = truth
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Gucci Campaign (with Ignasi Monreal)
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
tawh is up thwi ingfuck verlan 
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
I think it’s important to have fun with language learning. You don’t only have to learn words that you’re going to use right away. Lists of the “100 most common words” are good, but sometimes it’s also okay to just find a random Wikipedia page and translate it. Sometimes it’s okay to go on Google Maps street view and translate whatever you find there. Learning should be fun.
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
Can you give your routine on how you practice and learn and new language. Like what more do you do?
So typically I have a vocabulary book (my preference is always thematic) and a grammar book. I will first learn from the vocab book, having a set amount to do daily. I make a course on memrise, which is my favorite flashcard app bc it is spaced repetition and looks nice. I pay for premium version of most things I use and enjoy so if I ever mention apps or anything, just assume I have the paid version. For vocab books I try to find ones that are beginner to advanced and no less than 5,000 words. The more the merrier. My current book has over 8,000 which is advanced vocab. I do this bc I like having the least amount of resources as possible.
Everyday I review the vocab until I have no misses. Once I complete my vocabulary book, I move on to grammar, once again having a set amount for the day. The reason I like doing vocab first is because I can plug it into my grammar lessons right away rather than being limited by only having a few words under my belt even though I want to make a certain sentence. With grammar books, I still prefer to have beginner to advanced all in one book but yeah.
I take notes either on my iPad (I use notability) or in a notebook. First I read the section plainly, then restart it and take notes. I always use bullet points. I don’t like mind maps or anything else besides bullet points. I always do practice questions and if there are translated sentences presented, I’ll cover the English with my hand and do it myself then check to see if I was right. If I was wrong, I try to figure out why I was wrong and correct myself. When I’m done taking notes, I read them over once and I’m done for the day.
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The next day before I move on to a new lesson, I just reread my previous notes as a refresher. By the time I’ve read notes every day for like a week straight I probably have memorized it properly and rereading it feels really boring, so I won’t reread those notes again for a while unless I need to remind myself of something. So like on day 2, I read day 1. On day 3, I read 1 and 2. Day 4 I read 1, 2, and 3. Eventually day 1 and 2 are fully soaked in and I can stop and just start with 3 or 4. Does that make sense? If there’s something I am having a hard time remembering correctly I’ll spend time focused on that part.
So yeah for vocab I use memrise flashcards and for grammar I just read my notes and translate things without the English part.
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I also have regular books that are in my target language and I just read them out loud to get pronunciation practice and to see how much I understand. It’s easy to find things like Harry Potter in many languages. Reading is great bc you can get better examples of how people talk and can keep seeing sentence structures over and over again. Your brain will remember it and you’ll be able to see when you write something that isn’t “right”. Like hmm this looks weird maybe? Watching shows or movies is good too (especially if your target language has differences in speech styles vs written styles) but I’m not a huge tv girl so that’s just an occasional thing for me.
I also will get a language exchange partner and ask them to be brutal with corrections. Don’t let anything slide. This gives me real time practice and gets me more comfortable with long form conversations.
What I’m currently doing is different from normal bc I’m just following along to a website for the time being, but this is the only time I’ve ever really strayed from the aforementioned routine.
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
Les dĂ©partements dans une entreprise et du vocabulaire y liĂ© đŸŒƒđŸ“łđŸ’°đŸ“„đŸ“
le service commercial - Commercial Services Department
le départament marketing - Marketing Department
le service industriel -  Quality Control Department
le département des ressources humaines - Human Resources Department
la direction des achats - Purchasing Management Department
le departement juridique - Legal Department
le parcours professionnel - career path
le département = le service - department, team in a company
les service proposés = les prestations - offered services
créer des besoins - to create demand
analyser le marché - to analyse the market
le public cible = les clients visés - target audience
la cible - target
le concurrent - competitor
l’offre - supply
la marchandise - shipment, commodity, cargo
avoir pour responsabilité de faire qch - to be responsible for sth
garantir la qualité de qch - to secure the quality of sth
la pénalisation sur qch - penalties on sth
la diffusion - distribution
entraüner des pertes pour l’entreprise - to cause losses for the company
la mission principale - primary function, main task
la firme = l’entreprise = la sociĂ©tĂ© - company
optimiser l’efficacitĂ© - to maximize the efficiency
l’épanouissement - growth
le recrutement - recruitement
le licenciement - lay-off
l’équipe - team
le dialogue avec les syndicats - dialogue with trade unions
le délai de la livraison - delivery period
le fournisseur - supplier
les fournitures = les livraisons - deliveries, shipments
fournir = livrer - to supply, to deliver
ĂȘtre susceptible de qch - to be liable to sth
rédiger un contrat - to draw up a contract
les rĂšglements en vigeur - regulations in force
le litige - legal dispute
le travail en Ă©quipe - teamwork
la tenue confortable - comfortable clothing
les tĂąches Ă  accomplir - duties to perform
➡ des ressources lexiques assez gĂ©nĂ©rales:
en terme de qch - in terms of sth
en rapport avec qch - in connection with sth
au point de faire qch - to the extent of being able to do sth
en conformité avec qch - in compliance with sth
pendant le moment propice - at the appropriate time, in the right moment
figurer - to appear, to figure
attrayant - appealing
Ă©troitement - closely, tightly
Follow me for more! Especially if you’re interested in learning business-related French vocabulary. I’ve only been getting into it in my previous French vocabulary lists, but I have numerous things to learn in that area I will be wanting to share with y’all.
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
French vocabulary pt. 1
ranger - put away, arrange, tidy up
laisser - to leave sth somewhere
débrancher - unplug, disconnect
mélanger - mix, blend
fondre - melt, dissolve
ajouter (Ă ) - add (to)
améliorer - improve
suivre - follow
Masculine nouns:
Ă©cran - screen
colis - parcel
paquet - parcel, package
livreur, livreuse - delivery man, woman
Feminine nouns:
armoire - cupboard, closet
casserole - saucepan
facile - easy
urgent(e) - urgent
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ bilɑ̃ / noun (masculine)
1. (figurative) outcome 2. (of victims) toll 3. (business) balance sheet; end of year statement
faire le bilan // to assess the situation le bilan d'une catastrophe // the toll of a disaster déposer son bilan // to file a bankruptcy statements
see also: conclusion, résultat
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
boules QuiĂšs
/ demaʀe / noun (feminine plural)
elle emmÚne toujours ses boules QuiÚs // she always brings her earplugs j'ai acheté une paire de boules QuiÚs pour m'aider à dormir // i bought a pair of earplugs to help me sleep
note: “quiùs” is actually a brand name but the term is often used in France to mean earplugs in general, not unlike “kleenex” for tissue.
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ kuʀɑ̃ / adjective
common; standard
c'est une erreur courante // it’s a common error une pratique courante // a common practice c'est un modùle courant // it’s a standard model c'est assez courant de voir // it’s quite common to see
see also: commun, banal, ordinaire
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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Patreon | Ko-fi    
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ ʃyt / interjection
hush, or shh!
chut, le film commence // shh, the movie is starting chut, j'entends rien de ce qu'il dit // hush, i can’t hear a thing he’s saying ce n'est qu'une rumeur, donc chut // this is just a rumor, so hush chut, taisez-vous // shh, be quiet
see also: silence, faire taire, se taire
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ mɔʀtɛl / adjective
1. deadly; lethal; fatal 2. mortal 3. (figurative) deadly boring
une dose mortel de poison // a lethal dose of poison une chute mortelle // a fatal fall nous sommes tous mortels // we’re all mortal ces rĂ©unions de famille sont mortelles // these family gatherings are deadly boring
see also: fatal, ennuyeux
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ ob / noun (feminine)
dawn; daybreak
Ă  l'aube // at dawn Ă  l'aube du siĂšcle // at the dawn of the century se lever Ă  l'aube // to get up at daybreak les premiĂšres lueurs de l'aube // the first light of dawn
see also: aurore, commencement
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sanafrenchlangblr · 3 years
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MOT DU JOUR (Click photo to enlarge.)
/ mɑ̃tiʀ / verb
to lie
tu mens! // you’re lying! arrĂȘtons de nous mentir les uns aux autres // let’s stop lying to each other ce serait mentir de dire ça // it would be a lie to say that elle ment sans cesse // she lies constantly
see also: inventer, tromper, feindre
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